Hello all -
Ladystardust: I have also heard of a lot of people with PCOS having successful pregnancies, etc. That's what keeps me a little more positive about things. And, yes my sweet girl is such a blessing! My focus immediately after the mc & D/C was on her. I realized that I don't want to look back on the last 6 months of her life and have no idea what happened, because I was so focused on ttc. Keeping focus on her has helped immensely!
Weebles: That gives me some hope that maybe we will catch this cycle! I spose you just never know!
2baby2: I was kind of in the same bout with ttc, every knew that we were going to be trying before summer, and we had multiple friends ttc at the same time. We told all immediate family when we m/c'd but we didn't share it with friends until a couple weeks ago. I hit a point where I just couldn't handle being asked anymore times when baby #2 would be coming. I actually made a public facebook post in support of infant loss and awareness, and acknowledged in there my 2 losses, and also made a note of emphasizing (nicely of course) that maybe people should take a moment before asking that question to someone as they never know the mountain they may be climbing... And after I made it public I felt an instant sense of relief. I felt like I didn't have to hide my hurt and now my friends and family understand if I am a little stand-offish about baby things. … Sorry this is a long soapbox moment, lol, but I guess my point is - sometimes (if/when you are ready) it can be nice to share, it may relieve the heart a little. Fingers crossed for AF arriving on time!
Thanks for all the positive thoughts. This time TTC is just so different then every other time - we caught so early each time, so I think that's where my rundown/tired feeling is coming from. Currently cycle 5 - and despite feeling rundown - I am probably the least stressed that I've been in the past 5 months. haha. I feel like I have a game plan going forward so we just have to get thru this cycle. I feel like that sounds terrible, but I'm ready to at least start doing something that might help. I am currently 5-6dpo. I feel about how I've felt every cycle (including our last pregnancy cycle) lol. So who knows! My LP is typically 11 days, so hopeful it arrives on time (or not at all!) - nothing in between. lol.
Fingers crossed for all you ladies!