Looking for some ttc buddies...

Any news from you girls? I'm charting my temps now and and back to :sex: ah, "trying". :haha: How are you girls today?
Hey newfielady, are you sure what you had was af then?
And im getting really fustrated, af still hasnt turned up. i guess it must be a long cycle cause im getting bfns every morning and earlier i tried an opk just for the sake of it and there was the faintest of lines, only could just see it :wacko: So don't know what that means! xxxx
hi girls,

here is an uppdate i went this morning to the er and sure enought i was 5weeks preggo but with very low pregnency hormone on top of that i started bleeding very tiny at the most the size of a nickle. the doctor thinks that it will go to become a mc unfortunatly. also they did ultrasound and had not that great news. i have intermural fibroids that is 11cm big, which is probably the reason for the mc. so since i moved to the us just 6month ago and don't have an ob gyn he told me to call one on monday (he gave me the number) and make an appointment immidietly. i am so scared after reading a bunch of stories online that i will never be able to go through a whole pregnency and just always mc. i will keep you guys updated. i am so bummed out about the intermural fibroids news. i have cried my eyes out. monday feels so far away. please keep me in your prayers ladies. x
i am so sorry i don't mean to be selfcentered. how are you guys? how did it go for you belle?
Aww bellaswedus im sorry about your news :cry::hugs: I bet you will still be able to carry a baby to full term, though i dont know much about what youve got. Good luck with the ob gyn xxxxxxxx
I'm with Belle, I don't know much about your condition but I'm sure it'll work out for you. Let us know how it turns out.:hugs:
And Belle, I'm not sure about :af:. I just figure I wait a couple of weeks and see what happens. My temps are on the low side and that indicates I'm pre-ovulation. :dohh:
Thanks newfielady! Its just so fustrating waking up and af hasnt turned up AGAIN. I suppose i only came off the pill in December so its possible that my cycles are a bit irregular. Sooooooo annoying when you just want to get on with it!
Do you have a rough idea of when youre going to ovulate? Do you think this is going to be your month?! xxxxxx
That's true. The pill keeps you regular so you don't really know what to expect after you come off them.
And according to my charts, (I use mymonthlycycles.com so useful :D) :af: was expected on March the 1st usually lasts 5-6 days and I would have ov on the 15th. So I would have been fertile from the 12th to the 16th. But if what I just had was :af: then I should be fertile from the 4th to the 8th, with ov on the 7.:wacko:
Intramural Fibroids and Infertility

Normally, intramural fibroids have no effect on fertility and pregnancy. However, in about 3% of women, these uterine fibroids are linked with infertility. Women who have multiple intramural fibroids or very large fibroids may find conceiving troublesome.

Intramural fibroids can prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity, particularly when the fibroids are located at the cervix. These fibroids can also enlarge the uterine cavity, thereby increasing the distance that sperm need to travel to reach the fallopian tubes. Additionally, intramural fibroids may affect the uterus’ ability to contract, which has a direct impact upon sperm migration and ovum transport.

Implantation of the embryo can also be inhibited by intramural fibroids as they distort the uterine cavity, impairing the blood supply to the endometrium and disturbing the endometrium structure. Even if implantation has occurred successfully, intramural fibroids may interfere with the development of the foetus.

Uterine fibroids usually enlarge as the pregnancy proceeds. Due to this, there is a tussle for space between the growing baby and the intramural fibroids. This struggle may either induce developmental defects in the unborn child or may cause a miscarriage.

Now that doesn't sound entirely positive but it does say only %3 of women have their fertility affected.
awww newfielady thank you so much. well i know but i read so many forums and i am just scared. also because mine is quite big as the doctor expressed it and he said that is why i mc :(. i am looking forward to go to the ob gyn so i can learn about my specific situation. some of the people that i have read about has not had a great experience. i don't think i have a problem with getting pregnent since we did get pregnent so quick after i got of bcp but i am afraid that i will mc if we don't do anything about it or that it will take a long time after doing something about the fibroid to start conviving since there is recovery time. i will let you know what the doc says.

how are you guys doing?

beckahead are you ovulating yet? belle have you done any tests yet? impetientmum how is it going with you? newfielady i don't get it i thought you were not due to get your period for another week? how long did you bleed for? are you using ovulation sticks?

oh yes by the way i started temping a few days before i got the positiv and my temp went up by 0.20 f everyday and then dropped dramatically on saturday the day i mc. so temping is probably good. i am going to continue with it.
I don't get it either Bella. I bled from Monday the 21st to Friday the 25th. No I'm not using Ovulation Sticks. Maybe I should consider getting some. Hopefully everything goes good for you at the Dr. :hugs:
Yeah let us know how the ob gyn appointment goes bellaswedus! It sounds positive if only 3% of women's fertility levels are affected.
Well girls, the :witch: made a surprise arrival last night after me and OH dtd :blush: Wasn't sure it was af but confirmed it this morning. Must have had a longer cycle than i thought! But i'm back in the game, so to speak, hurrah!
And that sounds slightly confusing newfielady, its hard enough trying to work out my cycles let alone everyone elses :wacko:
Beckahdee and impatientmumm how're you getting on? xxxxxxxx
Good morning ladies - Hope you are all well today!

Bellaswedus I am so sorry for your news :hugs: I've got a good feeling you have the right attitude to be succesful in your ttc journey - Remember thats what we're here for on this site!

I am so not feeling like I have the past 2 months - I genuinely havent thought about ttc all weekend and when I'm thinking about it today I'm just like I'm not sure I have the energy to try lol!! Its like I've lost interest - Dont get me wrong if it happened Id be over the moon - I need to have a word with myself and put some effort in lol!!

Hows things newfie an belle?? sorry af got you belle onto the next month for all of us hopefully this month we move into a new thread called first tri buddies he he xxxxx
Hi Impatientmumm, I've been doing well with the ntnp mind set. Like I said, I'm charting my temps just to see if I actually am OV when I think I am. We're only a day apart now in our cycles lol. My :af: did a quick switch I think. :wacko:
I know Belle, it is confusing. It's not so bad to work it out normally but then when you don't know if this cycle will be 29 days or 20 and then "is this :af:" or what? :wacko:
I let it slip around my sister that I was ntnp. :blush: She talked it out of me. :haha:She thought I was pregnant because I wasn't feeling well a while back and I haven't been drinking at all. (just in case I do get pregnant). She asks me "when you going to have some babies?" And I (silly like) said "whenever it happens". And then she jumps up and pretty much screams at me "So you're not on the pill anymore!!!!!" I started to stutter like a fool and didn't know what to say so I was like, "no". lol. She wanted to know all the details. She's just as excited as we are. She can't have anymore babies so mine will be spoiled by Auntie. :D
Aww its good she reacted positively newfielady! My sister thinks i'm crazy :wacko: And chin up impatientmumm, everyone feels a bit down now and again, i'm sure you'll feel more positive nearing the end of this cycle!
I've decided that i'm going to try and drink grapefruit juice around o'day this cycle, just to see whether it has any effect :) I'm also going to try and use opks, though i'm not sure i'll be doing it right cause its my first time.
I'm really excited about this cycle!!!! Bring on the December 2011 babies :yipee: xx
I'm going to have a moment here but I'm sure you girls can appreciate it. :D

There is so many girls here with babies that don't even want them. There is a whole bunch of teenage moms that accidently (sp) got pregnant. And know There's a bunch of girls my age that are pregnant for assholes (excuse my french lol) that have half a dozen children and don't look after any of them. Yet, us woman here wanting a family can't get a look in!! Grrr, it just makes me mad and I had to say it to someone. :) I'm sure you understand.:blush:
Yeah we understand newfielady! Most of us probably feel the same way. But our times will come! I'm feeling positive about this month! I have a feeling one of us is going to get our :bfp: :happydance:
This months af is being especially painful, i hate being a woman sometimes :( xxx
hello ladies, thank you for all support and for letting me vent when i needed. i have now been to the ob gyn and he said i need a surgery before we can continue to ttc. after the surgery there should not be any problem. i will keep you guys updated, until that i wish you all the luck in the world i am sure you will all get a bfp soon. newfielady i know what you mean, sometimes life is just not fair. but we will all get our beloved babies and give them all the love in the world. i never thought that once i meet the right man and decided to try there would be any problems but hey things are hard so that we can appreciet them more. i have to belive it is only that :) thank you again and i will keep you guys in my prayers and i hope to join you guys soon again. x
Good luck with the surgery bellaswedus - it sounds very positive though and I'm sure you will be holding your baby before you know it. Please keep us updated with how you are, pop in and see us!!

I am so far having my most enjoyable month ttc as I am just so laidback about it all - I havent done any OPK and dont feel the need to, we are just :sex: when we want to and becasue we want to rather than like the last 2 months because we felt we had to!

I dont feel like this will be my bfp month but I'm enjoying the process so much more now.

How is everyone?

Good Luck with your surgery Bella. Will you have to wait long for it? And they told you you should have no problems afterwards so that's great! Please keep us updated!
I'm with you impatientmumm, I'm just relaxing and having fun. Trying my best not to think about babies and having one. It's a bit hard when I'm home all day by myself but I try to keep busy. :D
Funny thing happened. Me and DH were in the grocery store yesterday and all of a sudden I said to him I've got to get out of here or I'm going to throw up! So we got out of there quickly and he looks at me and said "are you sure you had your period?"
lol. I'm not sure but it certainly seemed like it. I figured that was too heavy to be implantation bleeding. But now it was shorter than a usual period and much lighter. :p I'm confused. We need to come with a handbook or something :haha:

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