Looking for some ttc buddies...

goodmorning girls. belle sorry to hear about your bfn but it is still to early to be out, plus your af is not due until 1-2more days. :)

i am sorry to hear about your pain impietientmum, i hope it was nothing serious. but have you gotten your af yet? because could the cramping also be a sign of pregnency? did you do a test at the doctors? i know what you mean when findig out about others pregnency, you are happy but wish it could come your way as well. as i am 32yrs of age i have seen this so man times. but one day it will be our turn as well.

newfielady i can almost bet you that you are pregnent. bleeding this early could be nothing but that implantation bleeding. yeah that is awsome. can't wait until you test.

well girls also i did the test and got a freaking bfn grrr pissed me off but still no af, i am today 13dpo and it is 30cd. i normally have 28cd. i will test again on thursday if af doesn't show. what do you guys think?

belle are you testing again or waiting it out? let us know.
Thanks bellaswedus. I can't wait to test either now. :D I did my symptoms again this morning and I'm up to 22. Yesterday was 21 and 1dpo was 18. We've been npnt/ttc since Sept/Oct so this could be our month. I would test again on Thursday if af doesn't show for sure bellaswedus. Hopefully someone has a :bfp: to report to us. :haha:
Fingers crossed someone getsa :bfp: :D And yep i'm going to test again every day now until af arrives, i've waited this long and am now letting go of my insane urges to pee on sticks every second! :rofl: Keep us updated bellaswedus and impatientmumm, and bet you're excited now newfielady! getting closer!!
just took my little brother swimming and couldn't help but think "this would be lovely when pregnant..." lol INSANE xxxx
good luck belle i am crossing my fingers for you. i will wait until thursday to see if the witch shows before i test again. let us know how it goes tomorrow. x
Good luck ladies, fx for you I've been hoping all day that there will be some BFP on here. I know about the urge to POAS I can't wait to start testing I think i by a test everytime I go out shopping so have a good stock for when I am closer to af being due.
lol Jem i think IC's and other tests are my biggest buy on ebay so far! :dohh: Had some twinges today and bad back, but went swimming with my little bro and feel a lot better now! maybe all my aches and pains are due to lack of exercise :rofl: but also broke out in spots today, i hope thats not a sign of af :( xxx
impatientmum- i hope everything works out for you and it was nothing serious.

andd girls dont count yourself out till af shows her ugly facee!!! im fingers are still crossed for all of you!!! :):)
Well ladies, I thought the bleeding had stopped but it's still there a little. It's such a small amount, not even close to a light day in my period. I've been reading up on it and this is normal. It can last up to 3 days apparently :( But I'm having cramps to, off and on all day. Hard, pinching cramps. Hope this lets off soon. It's still to early to be af.
i really bet its implantation newfielady! we'll be wishing hard for you the next few weeks!! :hugs: no af this morning, so it must be due tomorrow. actually forgot to test this morning *gasp*! so will test later on today.
Bellaswedus you still waiting until thursday? Good on you for waiting so long! xxx
Bad news girls. I'm almost positive this is a chemical pregnancy. The blood has picked up and now I am passing big dark clots. (tmi sorry).:cry:
hi girls i couldn't wait until tomorrow so tested again and again the answer is BFN :(. but i don't get it, because today i am 14dpo. i got of bcp in nov. my first period took some time to come but after it has been a perfect 28days, which is how it used to be before i got on bcp and during. i guess this waiting game is going to be past 2weeks, darn. i have no symptoms exept litle twinges a few times, but not as major as a few days ago. also the one poor soar nipple hehe

belle i am so curios as how it is going to turn out for you :) let us know. good luck girley.

newfielady, what is a chemical pregnency? is that an early mc? are you sure, maybe a good idea to go to the doctor......if this is bad news i am sorry to hear. :( let us know how you are and feel.

becka are you getting exited, soon you get to try it again. wish i could get af or a positiv. this waiting is killing me.

if i am not pregnet now then we will continue in march but then we have decided to take a break in april to get back on track again in may because we don't want to give birth on x-mas or new years eve :) is that weird? we just figured that when the baby gets older he/she would want friends around to celebrate her/his birthday and around that time most people are gone or busy. so i am hoping to be pregnent NOW :)
Hey girlies

Well I am feeling slightly better today - I have to wait for the results of the swabs to come back but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed it is just painful periods.

Anyway, OH and I talked last night and we both think for the sake of my sanity we will move to NTNP as I am getting so stressed about falling quickly and this month I was really down about it!

So I'll guess it will happens when it happens!

sorry to hear about your bfn bellaswedus but your still not out till af comes.

Belle hows it going??
Hey Girls.
Yes BellaS a chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage. I won't be going to the doctors here unless something Major happens. Mom was a nurse, I'm more likely to go to her first lol. The doctors here are useless. And besides that, there's no women Doctors here. So I have to go out of town for a Doctors appointment of "that nature". I understand what you mean about Christmas or New years. I would prefer not too as well. Plus think how expensive it would get with a Birthday right on top of the holidays.
We have also decided to move into ntnp. It's what we started out at but somehow moved into ttc. So now we are just going to not think about it to much and just go with the flow (so to speak).
oh newfielady :hugs::cry: i'm sure it will happen eventually!
well i think i'm well and truly out as i'm 13dpo today and tested :bfn: mid morning today. Af is due tomorrow and i think its definitely coming cause ive been crampy all day. Never mind girls! onwards and upwards! i guess if ntnp means you're doing it all naturally without clomid, pre-seed, medical intervention or charting, i guess im ntnp too :) my eagerness to be pregnant kind of changes it to ttc, but hey ho.
When shopping today which made me feel happier after the :bfn:
How're you all feeling at the mo? Impatientmumm and newfielady do you reckon you'll be able to take a stress-free\relaxed approach? Good luck to you! xxx
I'm actually feeling a lot better now. In my mind that is, my body is still aching lol. But I have set my mind to ntnp. We got eager to belle and that what bumped us up to ttc as well. haha. We all have something in common I think. My husband has been saying to me the past couple of months to just relax and when it happens it will happen. So I think he's right (don't tell him) We're doing renovations on our home now and we're planning a holiday for the summer so we're just going to take a more relaxed approach to it. and enjoy all the :sex: along the way :haha:
We're going "to the city" tomorrow so I'll get a therapy shop in then. lol. Shopping does make you feel better and my hubby promise me some new fish for my aquarium. :D
yeah I think this time round I will definitely be taking a much more relaxed approach - to be honest last month I didnt do any opks, charting or any of that - however I must have talked about ttc EVERY day ALL day so this time I am going to throw myself into work and having fun with friends and OH and try not to think about ttc too much and as you say newfielady enjoy all the:sex: :blush:

I'll relax even more when I get my swab results back!!

Belle I hope af stays away for you hun and this is your month!!
Aww well good on you both of you :) I dont think it helps that i quit my job last month without another one to go to so all i've got to do at the moment is job-hunting, which isn't exactly thrilling! I've had so much time on my hands i cant help but come on bnb and research which pram i'm going to buy... :blush:
Are you all at work at the mo or finished for the day? xxxxx
Hi ladies I hope things work out for you with being more relaxed. I wish I could be more like you but I say to my OH everytime I get a BFN that I'm giving up and not gonna try but I just can't. Hope you have better luck than me and whatever we're all doing leads to our BFP.
When I look at the next post and see the little bed going :sex: I have to laugh. :D You know you girls are the first people I could talk to about having lots of :sex: with out someone saying "OMG are you serious" or "Really, every day?" :haha:
impatient's post made me smile. It sounds funny but we have to remember to enjoy the sex for the pleasure part and not think "I hope this makes a baby" lol.
I got laid-off belle. The restaurant where I worked got sold and the new owner tried to treat me like crap because she didn't like me. So I called the labor board lol after I got laid off. But since business was slowing down this time of year she had a valid reason to lay me off. But I'm glad because I didn't like it there after the new owner moved in. And now I'm drawing my EI and in September I'm going to do some online courses. :D
like belle254 said up and onwards:)

im and getting so anxious lol. af left yesterday so in about 5 days ill be starting my opks. lol

me and my oh are in the middle of ttc and ntnp lol we still have sex just to have sex lol but when i know im gonna ovulate we just do it more lol

i look back to last year when we were using protection. and how many times i would freak if the condom broke and assume right away i was pregnant lol and now that were trying its like. i just wait not scared at all lol

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