Looking for some ttc buddies...

Aw Em i don't know the situation but maybe they've had a blip in their relationship and need some space before they get back together? me and my OH are always arguing about petty things, we split up for 3 days only last week :rofl: but thats just how we work i guess. i can see where you're coming from.
How does conceive plus work?
Good luck with the 9 hour shift :thumbup: xxxx
I know how you feel ER. There is dozens of teenage girls here either pregnant or have infant babies. A lot of them are single. I can't figure out how so many girls get pregnant by accident when us here are trying and trying but nothing.. It's starting to get me kinda down. :(
I think I'll skip on the cranberry juice then, since it can cause heartburn and there's no real proof it works.
Since I'm entering my fertile period now I might :sex: when hubby get's home for lunch. :haha:
Hi ladies, well I'm very tired today after being up at 4.45am for work. Not good on a saturday morning. Then had to keep two 5 year olds entertained out of the house while OH got his sleep for the night shift. Think I may be going bed with the kids tonight.

Go to your FF home page and click on show chart and there is a sharing tab at the top and it gives you the code to post on BnB.

Wow 9 hr shift on a saturday, what do you do?

i wish it was easy to get pregnant me and my OH joke sometimes that we should just not think about TTC and get drunk and then it will happen. (Just like last time):haha:
Lol i wish it were that simple jemj! Hope you get a good nights sleep! Got my bbt in the post today so will be temping as of tomorrow :D xxx
So do I no opk, no bbt, no dpo just your favourite drink some :sex: without worrying if the :spermy: fell out, then :dohh: where is the :witch: oh I better do a :test:and there it is a :bfp:

Good luck with the temping x
Okay so this should be it. My Ovulation Chart It's my chart from my last complete cycle.
Oh, and jemj, :rofl: I cracked up when I read that post. :)
Jemj, if only it could be that easy!! How do all these women get pregnant by accident? It cant be a huge coincidence that they ALL have sex that one time right when they ovulate and BAM they are pregnant, surely?
What is their secret?! hmmm

Im in my fertile period now but we were too tired to dtd last night (which doesnt happen often!) so will have to wait till later :(

I just work in a Deli at the minute, hoping to get into midwifery when Ive had my kids and they are at school. Its long hours and hard work but I love my job and colleagues and the days zooom by :)
Quick question... do you think it would be safe for me to work around/ touch pate, cheeses and deli meats whilst pregnant? I heard it can harm your baby if you eat them but not sure about just touching them?
:rofl: lol jemj! if only. And Em i don't think it matters, its only if you eat them. But i reckon you'll have to ask your doctor or something when the time comes :)
I've just started temping and its really interesting! took it at 8.45 this morning and was 35.85 celcius. Thats quite cold for me! I didn't feel cold though, i turned to my OH and made him wake up to check if i felt frozen :rofl: xxxxxx

P.S. Anyone know the patterns that occur when you do conceive? I know your temp is supposed to stay elevated if ovulation has occured, but how do you know you you've conceived? are there any markers to look out for? xxxx
I know ER, they must have a secret. Maybe getting drunk is the key? :haha: I think it has something to do with the fact they don't want to get pregnant so they're no stressing out about it. :doh:
I've never heard of this not eating pate, cheeses and deli meats while pregnant. Really? I love cheese. And deli cut turkey breast. :D
I've read two different statements on the internet. One said if your temps stay elevated for more than 10 days you are most likely pregnant. The other said if your temps stay elevated for 18 days you are most likely pregnant. So, I'm not sure which is true :shrug:
Hi ladies I'm no expert on temps as i feel cold all the time. I didn't think temping would work but I had a little dip yesterday and it's gone back up today. Still a lot higher than before ov.

Liver Pate and soft cheeses should be avoided in pregnancy pate becasue it had too much vit A and I can't remember the reason for the soft cheese. You can also only have shop bought mayo and hard boiled eggs.
Hmmm i think more research into temping is in order. And girls i've decided i'm going to be drinking raspberry tea every day this cycle instead of grapefruit juice- its really nice! especially with a bit of honey to sweeten it up.
ive read that apparently loads of women drink it whilst trying to become pregnant, as it helps to tone the uterus or something. which means its also good when you go into labour, cause apparently it makes contractions more effective :) xxxxx
Oooh I might have to invest in some raspberry tea!

Have any of you ladies ever had a prediction/psychic reading?
A few months ago (before we even knew we were going to ttc) I consulted a local psychic who told me that my fertility was going to increase rapidly in March 2011.... So here we are... I hope shes right... :/

Also, on stranger events.. Me, my DF and my SIL were at my MILS for tea today, and we got onto the conversation of babies (my MIL now knows we are TTC) So out of the blue we were laughing saying that my OH wanted three boys and they could be triplets! So my MIL starts freaking saying that just last night she had a really vivid dream about three newborn baby boys, triplets!

How strange!
Dont think Id be able to handle triplets though! Gosh!

How is everyone this fine evening? :D xxx
Hi I'm doing ok this evening. Really tired the kids have been a real handful today. It's been making me think twice about how I could cope with another :baby:

Also my lack of symtoms in this 2ww. I wasn't going to symptom spot but can't help it and I have nothing.

Triplets would be hard work but maybe it does mean that you will get 3 boys but really close together.

I've never had a proper reading. I had one when pregnant with my DD and asked if she could tell the sex and she said a boy when I already had it confirmed twice that it was a girl. Also my mum went in after me and she said are you with your friend surley if she was any good she would have known that it was my mum.

I did however get bored one day and had one done online and it gave me my luckiest day of the year as the 3rd april which is when af is due and when I will test if I can hold out that long.
Lol i could just about cope with twins (my grandads a twin) but not triplets! :wacko: and some women don't get any symptoms- remember that jemj! maybe its your month :happydance: xxxxxxx
I hope so belle. I've just been reading in 2ww that cold symptoms could be a sign. That's the only thing that I have and some cramps. Before I started with my cold I'd not really been around people apart from DD and OH as I was off work for the week and cold started day before I went back. Not looking too much into it though. Off to bed as these kids have killed me today.
Not much to post from me ladies. Me and DH are coming down with something. Stuffy noses, sneezing, coughing and sore throats! Doesn't stop us from dtd though haha. Just thought I'd leave a line letting you know I'm, still here.
I had a dream about triplets last cycle! I really wouldn't be able to handle it I think but if it happened I guess you'd find a way.
I guess with triplets or more it would be more about surviving than anything else :) ever so slightly scary!
And oh no, first jemj, and now you newfielady! if this wasn't all over the internet i'd be worried that we're passing some virus around :rofl:
I'm really tired today- my SIL's 1 year old stayed over last night and woke up several times in the night. That was understandable- but then she woke up at 6ish happy as larry :wacko: crazy child! xxxxxxx
Hello Ladies

Good morning all hope you are all well? I have had a manic weekend working and this morning am absolutely shattered this hour loss has really messed me up and my temps have shot up I presume this is due to tiredness??

Worst of all I've just got over the last cold and I feel like I'm getting another one :-(

I've had a few readings and so far 2 were wrong, I was told I would have got my bfp last cycle - another one said July this year I'm just hoping she is a few months late and it will happen much sooner!

My friends and I are going to see a psychic in our local town in a couple of weeks and I'm excited to see what she might say!!

wow what's going on with us. We're all ill and tired. Hope we're all feeling better soon. I'm gonna take a nap this afternoon as just to finish off the wknd the kids were both up at 4am this morning until OH came in from work at 6.15am then we all managed to get another hour in. I even let them get in bed with me which I never do.

The kids were up and happy dancing about and i could bearly open my eyes.

Gonna try and take my mind of this 2ww and look for a course to start this september. It's about time that I got myself a career. I'm more clueless now than when I left school about what I want to be when I grow up :dohh:

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