Looking for some ttc buddies...

I know Belle. I loved to read as a child and I still do. I can't wait to buy childrens books to read to my LO. I gave all my books I had when I was little to my nephew. :D. And I know what you mean about buying things. Someone here in town had a car seat for sale for only $30. Never used.
I think I may have ovulated yesterday if my chart is anything to go by. I had a dip yesterday and now it's starting to go back up. I guess I'll know for sure a little later on. I never got my kits yet so... My Ovulation Chart
Yeah looks like you could have newfie- and it looks at though you've been doing lots of babydancing so fx for you! Hows the cm looking? I can't believe i'm comfortable enough to talk to you girls about this kind of thing lol :haha: I'm going to start using opks from tomorrow so I don't miss my chance this month.
I've got some job interviews to go to this and next week, one of which is for a nanny to a 11 month old boy. It will do nothing to improve my broodiness!
Argggh xxxxxxx
I agree newfielady looks like you have ov and covered it well with all that BD.

Belle good luck with the interview.

So I caved today and tested after Oh said "are you pregnant" only said it because I ate loads of my tea and he said he'd never seen me eat so much, I was hunger. Well it was a BFN. I could sort of see a faint line but counting it as a BFN cause it was an IC.

Not gonna test now until sunday as that is when AF is due and apart from feeling really hunger got no sympton. Not even got any AF symptoms.

OH had operation today and they have ended up keeping him in overnight, which means no sexy time and I'm so close to ovulating :( :( :(

Maybe this means Im out for this month already :(

PLUS sleeping in an empty double bed tonight wont be fun... locked all the doors and windows and turned all the lights on or else I'm going to get scared tonight. God Im pathetic.

PLUS he doesn't have his phone on him so cant even speak to him until tomorrow morning when I pick him up. Hate this.
Belle. It does look like it, with that dip in temps. And I lol'd when I read "it looks at though you've been doing lots of babydancing". haha. I try to make sure I have my complete fertile time covered. If you look at my chart for last month it looks as though I ovulated later than I though. (Day 17). The cm is fertile looking. I'd call it EW cm.Hope the interviews go well. :D

jemj. Once again, I had a little chuckle. At the restaurant where I used to work the other waitresses used to call me a "nympho" lol. :blush: What do you mean an IC? I can't figure that one out. :dohh: It's still a bit early for you to test anyways. fx for you. :D

ER. You can't be out already. You don't know for sure when you OV do you? And if you've had "sexy time" within the last 4 days, you're still covered for now. I'd jump him tomorrow though. ;) Honestly, if I was you, I'd go sleep at the hospital with him. I'd be to afraid at home by myself.:-s
Ooo jemj you never know, its still early! very proud of you for not planning to test until sunday, i couldn't do it i'm too weak-willed :dohh:
Em I hope his operation goes alright, and as long as you babydanced recently and plan on doing it today or tomorrow i'm sure you've still got a good chance :)
And thankyou for the luck girls, i will need it seeing as i've been for about 50 interviews already! xxxxxx
He's back, he had to stay because he stopped breathing twice during op. But he has just slept all day, and hes in a lot of pain so dont want to bring babydancing up.

God Im in a bad mood... plus work tonight... maybe he will feel more energized later.

Hope everyone is okay!! xx
oh ER dont worry as long as you have been BD'ing lots before he went in for his op you might still be in with a chance - the little swimmers can live for up to 5 days and it only takes one!
Hope your OH is feeling better soon though

JemJ it is still very very early, most women dont get a positive until their af is late - so you've still got every chance - have you had many symtpons??

Belle good luck with your interviews - hope they go very well.

My OPK's are slowly getting darker but my temps are staying consistent - I'm going to Manchester this weekend for a friends birthday and there is no way I'll subtly be able to take my temp on sunday morning whilst sharing a room with all my friends there too which is so annoying because Sunday is supposed to be my ovulation day!! Oh well I'll just have to rely on my OPK's this month

Thanks ladies.

impatient don't worry about missing your temp I missed on near Ov this month but you can still see it with the temp rise the following 3 days.

Symptoms so far are just feeling hunger. No doing much for my diet. Woke up this morning and I have 4 boobs. My bra is tight so my boobs are spilling out the top of my bra, they are not sore like usual before af but are a little sensitive.

Hope you ladies catch the eggy this month :dust:

p.s ic is internet cheapy
I guess any changes, even to your appetite, are good changes jemj!
And talk about bad timing impatientmumm lol. im sure if you babydance before and after sunday you'll still have a good chance of catching the egg :)
I've never felt really really sad when my friends are pregnant and i'm not- one of my best friends is 20 weeks and i don't feel anything except excitement for her. But today a girl i used to work with announced that she's 12 weeks pregnant and feeling was horrible :( just this plummeting sadness.
I'm just being depressing- i know our times will come soon! xxxx
Ticker has been put back after a miscalculation :D I'm due to ovulate on Sunday, Mothers day, we are having a big family day/meal so going to have to fit in some babymaking somewhere!

Okay off to work, hoping this is ALL our months so we can go through the pregnancy forums together! xx
If I conceive this month my due date will be 25th December! x
Ah I know Em it's exciting but scary! I calculated that if I concieve this month my due date would be around 29th december! That's cutting it very close to new years day!
Jemj you excited or nervous about testing tomorrow? Have you caved in yet? :rofl:
I think i'm starting to enter my fertile period- cm is increasing :) the joys of womanhood! xxxx
Good luck to you all this month and tons of baby dust. Get some :sex:

Well I caved and tested this morning I decided to use my one and only FRER and it was a :bfn:. So guess I'm onto next month and the :witch:will show any day now.

At least I have my Dr's appointment on Tuesday so will ask her where we go now. I feel like throwing the towel in and to top it all off we have a day of babies tomorrow we're at a christening so will be babies all day and people asking when were having another. I sometimes wish when we get asked that question that I could just say "FFS we're trying it's not that easy you know"
Yup jemj. People ask us when are we going to have a baby and I just say "When it happens". It's not as easy as you'd think lol. If I concieved this month I would be due Dec. 23.
Well my cm is still EW so does that mean I am ovulating, have ovulated or am about to ovulate?
How is your hubby now ER? Hope things are well. ;)
P.S Sick as a dog. Sore throat, stuffy ears, runny nose and can't stop sneezing or coughing. :sick: DH is better, lol. Still DTD though :haha:
You're not out until af shows jemj! Sending you lots of :dust:
hope you feel better soon newfielady :) atleast you're still getting some babydancing in there even though you're ill. xxxxxx
When I wiped (on the loo) just now I have LOADS of very very stretchy EWCM like stretching more than four inches!

DF is asleep and dont want to wake him, can I still catch the egg if we dtd in the morning? xx
Yes i expect so Em, there's a 12-26 hour window so if you dtd within that you've still got a chance. And that ewcm news sounds good! At least it proves that you're fertile and in working order :)
I'm worrying a little bit about whether me and OH are going to concieve this month- we've only dtd once since af finished and I basically offered it to him on a plate last night and he turned me down! :growlmad: Has only ever happened a handful of times in the 5 years we've been together! Plus i'm due to ovulate soon and i'm worrying that we're not dtd enough.
Please reassure me that it only takes one sperm to do the job? :cry: xxxx
It only takes one spermy to do the job! If you time it right everything will be fine :)
Manged to wake DF up by kissing his chest and I got my wicked way haha Im such an evil woman! xx

Hope your OH gets horny again soon!

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