Looking for some ttc buddies...

Good luck ladies.

Belle don't worry to much my OH was the same this cycle and we still DTD enough just to cover O day before and day after. I was worried and stressed with it. They always cave in the end.

So my temp is still up had a hissy fit yesterday and binned all my opk's and hpt after seeing a BFN. So just waiting now for my temp to drop. If it doesn't will have to go buy a HPT. At least now I can't POAS everytime I go to the loo. When I got a BFN I did an OPK just to use it up and it had a line not a full positive but almost. Not reading to much into this as I know that you can have an LH surge just before AF. Hopefully it's the start of a BFP and I implanted later but I'm sure the witch will show in the next day or 2.

You never know jemj! we're all crossing our fingers, toes and everything else for you.
And LOL em, this is the only place where someone says 'i hope your OH gets horny agains soon' :rofl:
Made my day! xxxxxxx
haha! As soon as I read over it I thought GAWD I did not say that! haha xx
Lol well it cheered me up so thankyou. Have been using opks for last few days and it's nearly a dark positive so i estimate that i should ovulate either tomorrow or day after. Or somewhere in between :)
I should take tips from you Em, you said you'd managed to persuade your OH! Tbh the problems only because i've never had to try before lol, he's so full of hormones that he used to jump at any chance to dtd :haha:
Never mind! xxxxxx
Well I didnt give him a chance really just carried on until he *ahem* stood to attention. haha!! He had said he was too tired but oh well, he initiated sex this morning so alls back to normal.
Maybe tmi but this morning i was just pleasuring him (gawd *blush*) and I said 'we dont have to have sex you know' and he goes.. no no I need to get the babyjuice in there!! haha what are they like!

He'll get back to normal soon, did you tell him you were in your fertile period? I dont tell my OH because it freaks him out and he finds it hard to perform. Im calling it stage fright! xxx haha
Hello ladies!

Well weekend away was good but I'm feeling really down as I think I'm not ovulating this month - I have been doing opk's since CD7 and it started to go darker on cd10 and didn't get darker and then CD12 there was nothing. I have very little CM this month which isn't normal for me and also I'm still getting used to temping and so they are all over the place because of lack of sleep and sheer exhaustion.

We have literally BD every day exept for yesterday since af went away and I just feel like although I've enjoyed all the bd'ing I know we are out this month.

I'm finding it harder and harder to keep positive - I think next month I'm going to use conceive plus - how have you found it JemJ??

I bought some conceive plus this month, i ov'd yesterday i think? I got pos opk on saturday eve and a bit of ewm , and it was paler yesterday and my temp has gone up today so waiting for it to continue going up, i have been trying 3 months with nothing so i thought id give conceive plus a go, used it last night so we will see if it works?? Its supposed to make the sperm live longer and assist conception according to the packet?? we will see..........Hope you are ok impatient mum, i know how you feel, im so fed up now, its starting to get on my nerves all this testing, temps etc if i dont get pregnant this month i think im just going to dump everything next month, no more temp taking etc im all charted out! x
Oh no come on girls stay positive!! I was feeling really down yesterday thinking that OH just doesn't want to dtd (and no Em, after last month's stage fright i'm not telling him when i'm in my fertile period! lol) so we're already out this month before we've began, but then i realised that i don't know why i'm stressing so much because one day, whether it be in 9 months or longer, we ARE going to have our little babies in our arms, it IS going to happen, just not as quickly as we think.
This extra time is giving me the chance to save up more cash amongst other things. I know its reallyyyy fustrating but we will get there!
Don't give up mummymurray, your time will come!
I think someone may have slipped me drugs in to my raspberry tea- i'm v overly positive this morning :rofl:
ha ha belle - I wish someone could slip me some of those pills today!! I know you're right and when it happens it will be amazing and it will be the right time for all of us, but sometimes it just really gets me down.

I almost bought some Conceive Plus just now and then thought now hold off until af appears and then buy just in case, so I'm trying my hardest to stay somewhat positive.

The good thing is at least I wont be sympton spotting this month and drive myself crazy like I do every other month lol!!

Got a lot of comments yesterday about how next year I will be celebrating Mothers day as well! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Makes me feel warm inside :flower:
Afternoon ladies. We all need to stay positive we will get that :baby: we so deserve soon.

impatientmum - i use preseed which I suppose is the same as concieve plus. I only use a tiny bit otherwise it gets too slippery:blush:

I got it cause i have never had any EWCM only watery cm. I still have hope for this month my temp is still high and I am officailly 2 days late today:happydance:

Resisted buying a hpt today. Tomorrow is my b'day so hoping that :witch: doesn't show then.

Please don't lose hope ladies:dust:
This might sounds really weird but its easier to stay positive when the weathers nice :) when its cloudy or rainy it just puts a dampener on everything.
Roll on our december 2011 babies! xxxx
Very true Belle. The sunshine makes you feel much better. I had a laugh back at the "hope your OH get's horny again soon" comment. lol.
We were away for the weekend at our cousin cabin with him and his gf. We had a good time and lots of laughs. Stayed up until 2 am playing monopoly (I can't spell it lol. But I think that's right) I still had EWCM up to yesterday. So when did I OV? :shrug:
Got some pain on my left side running over my abdomen and hip, sort of an achy, dull pain. Dont know whether this is ovulation pain or just wind (lol) xx
newfielady have you been temping or opk.

Hope it's O pain ER and not wind:haha:

Looking forward to hearing your symptoms as you enter your 2ww now.

My 2ww is never ending :cry:
I've been temping. I had opk's ordered but there never came in time. My Ovulation Chart
I'm trying not to symptom spot this time.
newfielady - looks like you ov on friday from your temps. Good luck for this cycle.

Well no :af: have my doctors appointment today. How can I go and moan about not getting preganant when I'm late. I know that she's gonna make me test I'm really scared and excited I've never been this late before.
Good luck jemj! I really hope its a bfp.
Atleast your chart looks somewhat normal newfielady, im getting so confused at the mo. last month i used opks and it seemed simple. this month, according to my chart i ovulated up to 4 days ago (?!?!). my opks were steadily darker the day before yesterday until yesterday. was kind of dark at 12pm but then i tested again at 6 (albeit with a different brand of ic opk) and it had gone really light again. so according to those, i should have ovulated yesterday or today?
Please shed some light on this please girls! Its confusing me! Coupled with a dream i had last night of OH getting assasinated and having his teeth pulled out- its not been a fantastic start to the week :( xxxxx
Good luck jemj. :)
I'm not very "up" on the opks Belle. But I guess it it reached it's darkest that means your about to ovulate? I don't know if this website would help you or not Belle but you could check it out. https://www.peeonastick.com/opkfaq.html.
Other than not being able to sleep and this damn flu I feel pretty good. No (other) symptoms.
Good luck JemJ hope this is it for you!

I'm sorry Belle I have no idea on what to say, they do say that some brand of IC's don't work well with certain people so maybe that brand wasn't working so well for you.

Well I'm now on CD16 with no ovulation, it's worrying me slightly as I'm nervous I haven't been ovulating all these past months and also I'm scared to have a very long cycle this time round

How are you Newfie, it's still early days for symptons but do you haev anything?


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