Looking for some ttc buddies...

Hey impatientmumm! i agree it has been fairly quiet. still no af here, don't know whether to me happy or worried. if i ovulated when i thought i did af should arrive in the next few days. hurry up :witch: !!
fingers crossed your symptoms amount to that long awaited bfp!
hows everyone else doing? positive about this cycle? xxxxxxxxxxx
Helllooo girls!
Not been on for a few days due to sky cancelling our internet (without telling us) never been so frustrated in my life trying to get an answer out of those call centre people. DONT USE SKY! haha

So can only get on it at my mums... hope veryone is enjoying the brilliant weather its sooo warm here in manchester supposed to be 20 degrees mmmmm

Oh and by the way! I got the new job! So starting in a few weeks. It only 30 hours but its much more than my sixteen at the minute so very happy that everythings falling into place. All I need is the baby now!!

Spent last night with the best friend and her little one, hes six months old now and a little treasure. Makes me sooo broody!

Looking forward to this cycle actually, going to use my conceive plus more religiously rather than 'whenever i feel like it' so hoping that ups my chances!

How is everyone then? We need a bfp asap to boost our spirits!!!

xx Em
Brilliant news ER - Well done!!!
Hopefully everything will fall into place and this next cycle will be the bfp month for you!

Belle it is so strange how in synch with each other we are - late ovulation and now we are due af around the same time!

I am particularly crampy today and so I would expect af anytime within the next few days
Thank you ER - If it's ok with all of you I would like to do the same thing?

Awww thats a good idea :hugs: Fingers crossed we get our bfps around the same time too!
Congrats about the job em! more money = more baby stuff in the not so distant future! xxxxxxxx
Hi ladies how is everyone?

Fingers crossed for you impatientmum can only be a good sign.

Belle hope AF has stayed away.

Well I'm out before this month has even started. OH has pulled his back and working nights. Would have been hard enought DTD while he's on nights but we can sometimes get the mornings or afternoon's if I'm not working but now he's injured:nope:. We haven't DTD since sat and I know that I am defo ov today have the worse pains in my left side ever. Feels like I'm being stabbed. :cry: At least I can relax and enjoy the sun, while I'm waiting for next cycle !!!!

Hope everyone else has a more productive month

Aw jemj you may not be out yet! it only takes one :sperm: !
Me and impatientmumm both ovulated late this month. I had pains and all the signs for ovulationg e.g. + opk, and then it didn't happen for another 5 days.
You never know! xxxxxxx
Ahhh the :witch: arrived this morning girls. Just before lunchtime, so I was a bit confused cause she usually comes first thing! Never mind, i knew it wouldn't happen this month so onwards and upwards to next month! :)

Impatientmumm have you had any signs of af yet? I hope you don't, and end up getting a bfp. Someone must get one soon! xxxxxxxx
I agree someone must get one soon the wait is killing me.

However I must admit I had a nice time not being pregnant and having a few too many wine and sodas at a bbq today! haha

Jemj sorry about your ohs back! hope he recovers soon xx
Belle, looks like we are due to ovulate on exactly the same day this month! xx
Hi Girls. Sorry I've been gone. My mom is here for a while and she doesn't know we are ttc. The :witch: stayed around longer this cycle than usual so I don't know if that's a sign my body's changing or what? lol. Anyways, hope everyone is DTD and feeling well.
Hiya again newfielady! My af feels different this time as well. Definitely slightly heavier, and much more painful. i've never had to take pain relief for menstrual cramps before, but this time i have.
Could it be to do with the fact that during the previous cycle i was drinking raspberry tea constantly? I hope not, cause its yummy!
And thats good em! however, if last month was anything to go by, my cycle might screw up again :wacko:
Hows everyone gettings on?
Im getting on fine, lots of stress trying to organize hours with work but its sunny so thats good!

Had a lovely day with a couple of friends and my best friends LO went for a walk in the sun and she got me to push the buggy (she knows what Im like!) haha felt very very good and looking forward to doing that myself soon! :)
Aw Em i bet you'll be a great mum :) i can't wait til thats all of us one day, with our babies and prams and so on.
I've decided that this cycle i'm really going to pull my finger out (so to speak!) and start harrassing OH to dtd often, but the week before, during and after ovulation. i'm getting impatient now! :wacko: xxxxxx
hey ladies well af caught up with me this morning and she has come with a vegence lol!!

Oh well I'm just glad my body is "normal" and even though I ovulated later I still had a decent LP. I'm so pleased according to FF I am due to ovulate whilst we are in Egypt so hopefully lots of chilling and relaxing will help make things happen for us!

Hope you are all well and have had a lovely easter break in the lovely weather!

Hi ladies sorry I've been away for a few days enjoying the easter break and the sunshine while we have it. Spending time with our friends and family.

I'm really not sure if I've ov or not this month apart from the pain my temps have had one dip and are staying pretty much the same. Oh well just enjoying DTD with OH it's so much better when your not stressing over whether it will result in a baby.

We need a BFP this month girls and a new year baby !!!

Loads and loads of baby dust !!!!!
Hi jemj! the weather is amazing at the mo! and i'm sorry impatientmumm, maybe next month will be your month. I think af is gradually leaving, and this weather is making me feel very positive :happydance:
Em are you going to be trying anything new this month? xxxxxx
No I dont think so just lots of sex I think!
My OH has been really down recently, he doesnt like seeing baby adverts on tv or seeing girls on his facebook pregnant. I think he feels like hes letting me down because we didnt conceive last month.. I thought it would be be who was chewed up about it but its him!
Ive tried telling him that its normal for it to take a good few months but I think its just hit him that its not going to happen straight away :( poor thing. He even went on a baby name website yesterday! HAHA

At least I know this is what we BOTH want, so I suppose the only thing we can do is keep on enjoying bding and time will tell...

All I can think about is :baby::baby::baby::baby::baby::baby::baby::baby:

P.s did anyone watch that programme on bbc3 last night about pregnant women who were still smoking and drinking etc? It made me really upset... one girl said that smoking fags was HELPING her babys heart to work faster so she was doing him good. :shrug:

Some people.... xx


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