Looking for some ttc buddies...

Aw Em its a good thing your OH is so excited about being a dad!
And we're glad you're back jemj :happydance:
Was talking to a woman i work with yesterday about children. she's 32 and has never had any inclination to have children and doesn't think she will. I know there are some people out there who do not have children, but it took me the best part of a day to come to terms with the fact that she doesn't feel the ache like we do! I couldn't imagine not feeling this maternal side. Anyone know what i mean?
Yup. I have two friends who don't have children both are 32. One said to me, I'm not ready to have children yet. I was like, well, when the hell are you going to be ready? lol. It's not likes she's some big career lady, who is working her way up the ladder before she starts her family. (That doesn't sound nice but you know what I mean)
The other once told me she wouldn't know what to do if she got pregnant. She would rather die than have an infant! I looked at her and said I'd rather have a baby than die. lol.
Sometimes I try not to think about it, say it's baby mania but then I see a baby and your brain just goes awww and your heart goes all funny. I always look at dh then and wonder, what would our baby look like?
It seems like everyone is pregnant too now-a-days. 3 of my cousins are. We are getting "family" photos done tomorrow (me, dh and our doggie :)) Our photographer just told me yesterday that she is pregnant! I was like AUGH! I'm not feeling positive at all this month :cry:
Aw come on newfie, this might be your month! going by your ticker it looks as though you're ovulating soon. i agree that it seems like everyone but us is pregnant, i swear that every day a new celeb announces that they're pregnant! :hissy:
Keep up the pma ladies! I know the feeling of not wanting kids before I had dd I didn't want any I was the least maternal person you could meet. Now I can't wait for another my life would be so empty without her. When she goes to stay with her dad I wonder what I did with all my spare time. A baby is the scariest, hardest and most wonderful thing to be blessed with. I'm sure we'll all have our little beans soon.
Aw thankyou for the cheering up jemj! Sometimes we all need a little boost like that. weathers gone miserable over here, had thunderstorms yesterday/last night! anyone else had them? I would have liked to stay in, but ending up babysitting for 4 kids, aged 6, 8, 12 and 13. Thought it would be hell but i really enjoyed it! xxxxxx :flower:
I start my job today looking after the little fellow. He's 7. Should keep me busy for a while. Not much else new here ladies. Still dtd as much as possible. Weathers getting a bit better though.
Ive been away this weekend to porthmadog in wales, the weather was beautiful beaches were beautiful and had a lovely (yet hectic) time with the family (All 10 of us) :wacko:

Back to the daily grind it is then! Going to start bding everyday now from tonight so will be covered until after ov.. looking forward to it!

There were soooo many babies at the site, some looked barely two weeks old and made my heart melt :dohh:.. went into the gift shop and right there in front of me are these kids bowls with names on them and guess what... all in a row were mine and ohs names we have picked.. hope this is a good sign!!

Hope everyone is okay at the minute! Belle, are you doing anything different this month? xx
Good luck looking after the new lad newfielady :) And sounds like you had a lovely time Em- thats supposed to be a lovely part of wales! My nan lives on the border and my other nan lives in Prestatyn (sp?) so i'm a regular wales visitor too! Glad the weather was so nice.
And erm, not really Em just carrying on with the raspberry tea (seems to make everything slightly more painful i.e. the twinges, period pain etc.), using opks, temping and bding as much as possible over the fertile perid. We BD 4 days ago and again last night, just got to keep it up now- so to speak :rofl:
Though this month i've started going running in my spare time with my mum (she's on a fitness kick) so i can add exersize to the list! xxx
My, where is everyone these days? Em i think im ovulating soon as ive started to get small cramps and more CM, and I practically jumped OH's bones last night- shocked him a little but i don't think he was complaining ;)

What are you up to ladies? xxx
Well this certainly isn't going to be my month. I've been in pain with my teeth for almost a week now. I went to the dentist yesterday and now I have to go back tomorrow to either get a root canal or get it pulled. Plus I'm on really strong medication so that's no good for being pregnant. Plus I have no idea when I OV this month where I've been so out of it with pain. But I'm waiting for the next cycle to start again sensible. :)
Belle - "just got to keep it up now- so to speak "
Hello girlies

sorry I've been a bit quiet over the past week or so I've had some time off my full time job and ended up working twice as hard in my own little bookkeeping business so my mind has not been on ttc at all the past week or so.
Back in work this week and feel so drained - but got my hols to look forward to next week and hopefully being fertile and ov'ing this weekend into next week to give me the best chance of being relaxed and chilled!

I am beginning to wonder I see so many babies at the moment even my OH said to me on the weekend "is it just me or is there loads of babies around at the moment?" - I would love to know of the ones who were actually trying how long did it take them to conceive because I genuinely thought we would be pregnant by now after 5 months of ttc!

Sorry back to PMA - I'm sure this month this thread will see a BFP!

Yep, i know we said it last month- but someones gotta get a bfp this time! :happydance:
Yep i got paid recently and have a night out with my bestie on saturday (not drinking though!) so i'm trying hard to keep my mind off ttc if at all possible.
Bet you're looking forward to your holiday impatientmumm! You've probs said before but are you going somewhere hot?
And aww newfielady i hope the pain doesn't last long :hugs: xxx
Yep I'm off to Eygpt on a Nile Cruise for a week with my OH and my parents - I can't wait!!
Belle you can have a couple of drinks let your hair down and enjoy yourself, the one thing I have realised I cannot put my life on hold waiting for our bundle of joy, otherwise it will just consume me.

I have so many friends who ended up conceiving on a drunken night - hope you have a brilliant night out with the girlies!

Aw thanks impatientmumm :hugs: i don't usually drink anyway, it makes my skin go funny and i hate feeling out of control :blush:
OH is really pissing me off right now! He's had exams all week and last week which he's stressing out about because he's basically been a lazy sod and not revised at all. So last night I pulled all my moves on him cause i assumed i was ovulating (lots of pains, cm, almost + opk the day before) and he flat out refused! he never refuses! and i tried hard not to get shitty with him, and asked him if he wanted me to go back on the pill again. He said no, he definitely wants a baby, i just have crap timing. i had to fight not to shout at him that its not us that make up the times! its our bodies! How ever many times i explain it he just cannot understand that there's only a small window where women can conceive, he thinks i make it up.
:growlmad: Sorry about the rant, i'm just stressed out today because of it all! Anyone else having any problems so i don't feel like i'm the only one? :) xx
Feel better soon Belle. And maybe he should read up about women's bodies. Might help him understand how short the fertile time really is. Then again, the pressure might get to him too lol. I'm just chilling on the ttc for the summer and then hitting it hard again in September. I got a (another) new job now ladies. haha. I've never had so many jobs offered to me before that I could pick and choose. Now I'm working part time in a restaurant. The pay is better, the hours more reliable and tips. ;)
Aww newfie thats good! More money is always a good thing :) I work in a pub/resteraunt (sp?) at the moment and i got over £100 in tips this month alone ;)
And its hard to be relaxed about it, i know everyone says to try, but its hard. you girls know this better than anyone! xxxxxx
Im finding it hard waiting on this now, so many bloody gorgeous babies around!
Im sorry your feeling crappy Belle, chin up!

Been feeling so nauseous, bad back, hot sweats... wish these were pregnancy symptoms but no luck yet! Ive almost convinced myself Im one of those who still has periods even thought they are pregnant haha how ridiculous... xx
Don't worry em, there's always a part of me that hopes- when af rears its ugly head- that its just a late implantation bleed :rofl:
I think most of us are guilty in that respect.
As for OH, had another argument with him last night about everything. Had pains quite bad yesterday so am sure i ovulated then, temps seem about right too. He flat out refused, but when i asked even he wanted this as much as i did he said yes?! I officially hate men. Sometimes i wish that if we could do this on our own i would! :( xxxxxx
Ah Belle. Maybe he wants to want a baby? Is it possible he says he wants a baby (Because he knows you want one) but he is afraid?
Hi ladies sorry not been on much been really busy at home and doing overtime at work. Plus OH has been off work and not been on the laptop much.

Where has the PMA gone???

newfielady - hope your feeling better soon and return to ttc feeling refreshed and ready for action :winkwink:

impatient mum I hope that you have a wonderful holiday I'm so jel sound like you'll have a great time with loads of time to relax and make babies.

ER - I know that feeling about still thinking that it might be possible after AF. I know for a fact that it does happen my cousin was 6 months preg before she found out and ended up having her baby before me I was gutted. If in any doubt POAS

Belle - I know the feeling over our TTC journey my other half has sometime not been up for giving up his goods. I found that by not telling him that it was my fertile period helped loads he just thinks that I now get horny for one week of the month. I know that he knows I'm prob ov but it's been better since I stopped telling him. I hope things work out soon. You have a good time going out with your friends and enjoy a few drinks.


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