Looking for some ttc buddies...

ER -just to add further doubt have you ever watched I didn't know I was pregnant on discovery. It's about women who go for a poo and have a baby or go hospital thinking they have food poisioning and have a baby like 15 mins later.
Newfie that sounds exactly right! You've put it in to words i think, lol. I think the best i can do is stop trying so hard and putting pressure on both of us. :)
got a new phone today and have a night out tomorrow, surely these will both cheer me up!

Nice to have you back jemj! Hope more work isn't stressing you out. xxx
Thanks for the welcome back :flower:

I'm so relaxed this month it's great. Not been thinking too much about ttc and not worrying about I can't do this and I can't do that. I poas once just to confirm Ov at the right time. AF has decided to take a holiday again and I haven't even once wanted to take a test. I've decided that my temps will tell if I'm preg or not. I know she's not coming anytime soon cause my temps are still high :happydance:

Here's my latest chart
My Ovulation Chart

Have a great weekend
That chart looks really good jemj! i don't know much about temping but they seem to make sense- fingers crossed!! We need a bfp!
I had a great night out on saturday with my best friend- drank too much for the first time since before christmas and got chatted up far too much by lots of marines, but it was all fun :) made me realize that i should be enjoying this whole trying process and being young.
The only downside at the moment is that i'm ill- have a cold and sore throat!
Hows everyone doing? xxxxxx
Hi everyone! Had a mad few days! Went on a crazy stint and dyed my hair chocolate brown (its been blonde ALLL my life) and went to watch Insidious (I hate scary films!) dont know whats got into me haha
Date night tonight with the OH :)

Oh god, IMAGINE just going for a poo and a baby popping out! It must be terrifying! :haha:

Awww Belle, I agree with what the others have said, maybe he wants to want a baby for you, to make you happy, which is very sweet :blush: I also agree with not telling him when you are fertile, even though my OH asks me to tell him, I dont, just in case he gets stage fright or something or cant deal with the pressure or 'having' to have sex rather than just wanting it :wacko:

How is everyone? We need a bfp soon this is killing me

p.s sorry Ive not been on here much recently! bloody internet! xx
Forgot to mention... dont really know if Ive ovulated or not :(

I usually ovulate on day 22 on the dot, I usually have LOADSS of very stretchy EWCM and KNOW that Ive ovulated... but this month I havent had any signs of ovulation.. I had a tiny bit of stretchy cm a week ago and then a little bit yesterday wich cant be connected. What do you think?

Is it possible to ovulate without the signs? xx
I'm not sure em, i'm the same. last month was screwed up and this month i thought i ovulated due to the pain and ewcm but today ive had some pain in my ovaries too :(

jemj have you tested yet? xxxxxx
Hi, not tested yet I'm too scared. Sounds stupid but I've wanted this for so long. I'm now on CD36 and 20dpo my usual LP is between 13-15 days so I am late.

I did go to buy a test yesterday in Tesco and they we're sold out! What is that all about?

ER - Sometimes my Ov goes undetected unless I'm using opk's, that was the reason I started temp so that it would be confirmed.

Good luck ladies, hopefully will pluck up the courage to test today or tomorrow. Only symptom is peeing all the time.
Oooo jemj i really hope you are!! :hugs: we all need a bfp to give us some hope. well i don't know about the other girls but i definitely do!
Have been looking at my temps for this month and really have no idea when i ovulated, so i'm just going to go by my ticker or if af turns up, whichever is first!

I can understand you being scared, let us know when you find out jemj :) xx
Hi ladies :hi:

Well tested yesterday and got :bfn: I was so sure that it would be my bfp. Gonna leave it another couple of days and test again. I'm offically a week late today.

How's everyone else doing ?
Aww jemj maybe youre just one of those ladies who takes a while to test positive? sending you lots and lots of :babydust: :) :hugs: xxxxxxx
I think being stressed this month has really affected my ovulation, had ewcm for over a week on and off and been so so busy not even had time to think about having timed sex or wonder what my body was doing. Even had some this morning and my ticker says I would usually be four days from testing :/ so confused....

I suppose Ill have to wait until af comes or I test...

Doing a seven day week at work this week so very tired :( I suppose it will keep my mind off all this though! xx
Its really weird that you should say that Em cause i've been having the same thing! Not sure when i ovulated either- temps say i have but i didnt use opks enough to get a distinct day. i'm 5-8 days away from af being due and for the last 3-4 days i've been having LOOAAADS of cm, very embarrassed about saying this :blush: but some is stretchy and white whilst some is very watery in large quantities! plus ovary pains on and off all the time. This sound like what youre having Em? V strange so close to af being due.
Glad i can tell you girls anything :rofl:

How are you doing jemj, newfielady and impatientmumm? xxxxxxxx
Hi ladies, well had another test ready for this morning and guess what the :witch: arrived.

I'm really at a loss as to what is going on with my cycles. I think that I've had enough. I need to take some time out from ttc and hope that my cycles got back to normal. Deleting all my tickers and Ovulation calanders and gonna try and get on with my life. I feel like my body is failing me and feel so under pressure as eveyone knows that we're trying and even the kids keep asking when we're gonna have a baby :-( So if anyone asks now I'm gonna tell them that I've gone back on the pill and we're gonna wait until we can offically live together. This month I'm gonna throw myself into getting fit again and losing some weight for summer.

I'll keep popping in to see how you ladies are getting on and really hope to see a :bfp: really soon.

Loads and loads of baby dust to all of you :dust::dust::dust:
Aww jemj i'm sad that you're going :( good luck, and i hope that one time soon youl pop in to see us and announce that you got a bfp! come back soon! we'll all be waiting for you xxxxx
Where is everybody these days?! Hows is everyone doing?
Em you must be testing soon?!
I'm due af soon, and the constant cm and pains are becoming a bit of a nuisance. Plus me and OH dtd last night and i had sharp ovary pains again, which is what i had a few months ago when we tried to dtd whilst i was ovulating. apparently its because of them being more 'irritable' and 'sensitive' during ovulation. but i cant be ovulating this late?! proved it by using opks yesterday and today and got a faint positive today, but nowhere near properly positive.
Help me girls, is it just me or is my body going crazy :( xxxxx
Hello Ladies

I am back from my not so restful holiday - a nile cruise which was wake up calls at 5.30am almost every morning but was worth it so see the amazing monuments and sites we saw!

JemJ I am so sorry af got you, and I'll really miss you being here so much - I hope a short break will make you feel better though.

I didnt do any temping, cm checking or sympton spotting the whole time I was away - I think I ovulated very early into the holiday as I had lots of EWCM on Saturday and Sunday (7th & 8th May) and I had a few uncomfortable ovulating pains on the Monday so hopefully it was then which makes me 8dpo today I think. There was hardly any BDing going on on hols because we were wither too tired or too burnt lol but we really went for it on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday so hopefully we caught it.

I have arrived back with no symptons though except being really dizzy and sicky but my mum (who came with us) also feels the same way so we think we might have caught a bug.

So Belle - when are ayou going to test?? they do say that lots of CM is a good sign of pregnancy I am getting excited for you!!!

ER have you tested yet??

Apart from the early wake up calls that holiday sounds great impatientmumm! And it only takes one sperm to do the job :winkwink:
As i'm not sure exactly when i ovulated i don't know how many dpo i am, although i am on cd27, and my longest cycle to date has been 30 days.
I tested 3 days ago and again yesterday morning and both were bfn, although i tried a few opks yesterday just to have something to pee on :)haha:) and they were faint positives. no sure what that means, but will test again with a hpt tomorrow morning.

Em you tested yet? xxxxx
It sounds positive Belle!!

I tried an opk yesterday to stop me from doing a hpt and I also had faint positives but I'm not holding out much hope to be honest I just don't feel it this month at all

Come on girlies it's all gone very quiet on this thread xxxx

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