Looking for some ttc buddies...

Thats exactly how i feel em! getting so fustrated now :growlmad:
and its kind of impossible impatientmumm, i thought i ovulated at the normal time e.g. cd12-15, but then according to my temps and cm i actually ovulated later, about 11 days ago. we haven't BD for literally weeks and weeks, so im not holding out much hope at all!
Testing every day just for something to do, and all bfns.
Come on af! Roll on!

Em that sounds like a really good sign!

Plus a sister of a friend had her baby girl today, born 6 lbs 13.5 oz by c-section- cant help thinking that its not fair! :(

:witch: arrived this morning girls :( boooo but not entirely unexpected xx
Awww Belle chin up and fingers crossed for next cycle, will be in your boat sometime in the next day or two xxxx :(
Thanks em :) its especially heavy this month, not good :( im going to try and keep a positive outlook this month, i know we'll all get there eventually! let us know if youre going to test anytime em!! xxxx
Where is everyone these days?! It feels very lonely in here without you all :nope:
Af has left so i'm on my way, getting excited now! xxxx
Im just coming off AF now, its been a very heavy and painful one!!! Wishing so hard that it happens for us next month. God its all I want its almost consuming me! Been working absolutley loads thats why I haven't been on here as much as I would like :(

Keeping my fingers crossed for next month.. just hoping I ovulate on time this cycle, I really think it was stress that affected it last month so going to try and stay as calm as possible over the next couple of weeks xxx

will get back on here when I can girls xx
Sorry I havent been around in such a long time - I should be gearing up to ov start of next week and hopefully it happens.
We are now in our 6 month and when I look back to when we first started out I genuinely thought I would have a lovely bump by now and getting excited to have our first little gummi bear - I never in a million years thought it would take this long and be so frustrating and hard!!

On the upside I feel so much less stressed about the whole journey, as time has gone on its become less and less the first thing on my mind, and I have decided now and I'm sure you girls may think this reckless but I cannot put my life on hold because of the 'just incase's' so I am still going to go out and drink and go to theme parks and when it happens it will happen.

How are you all - I think it's great how all of our cycles have almost synched so we are going the same stages of each cycle almost together now

Yep you're right impatientmumm our cycles do seem to have synced! crazy stuff :thumbup:
And that doesn't sound reckless, that sounds like you needed to relax and enjoy yourself whilst ttc! I've been out drinking since i started ttc, and i regularly drink coffee still, albeit decaf :)

I never thought it would take this long either, sometimes it feels really depressing but at other times i can't help but think, this is giving me extra time to save up so i can buy lots of lovely things for the future bubba!
We are now in our 6 month and when I look back to when we first started out I genuinely thought I would have a lovely bump by now and getting excited to have our first little gummi bear

I feel just like this :( I almost thought I would conceive first time first month without protection how naiive was I? :cry:

I really wonder how people who have one night stands and get pregnant actually do it? It seems impossible.

Have any of you had a psyhic reading? A local one that I got told me I would have no problems conceiving, that my fertility would be up from March, and that I will pregnant when moving house and to very careful lifting heavy things. Well.... we are moving house at the beginning of August.. so hopefully... That gives me one or two cycles to concieve if her reading is going to come true... :shrug:

Hope everyone is well xxx
That sounds very positive Em! I've never had one, but it sounds interesting.
I'm suffering from a heavy summer cod at the mo, so lots of sleep and :coffee: for me.

I've decided that if me and OH haven't managed to concieve by the end of september (would be 9 months by then) I'm going to approach my doctor. We're young, fit and healthy so i'm not sure whats going wrong :cry:

Its so fustrating isn't it! We long for a baby more than anything and although its what we're designed to do, it still eludes us. xxxxxxxx
Had a dream last night where I was walking down a street with my newborn daughter in a carryseat, she was so dainty and beautiful and smiley and everyone was stopping to see her and coo over her. Never felt so proud!

Shame it isnt true :( xx
Thanks belle lovie, best friends coming round today with six month old, cant help but feel a bit low :( Although I do love giving him a good cuddle!

SIL been talking to me about having kids and she said that at this rate they will be having a baby before us (she doesnt know we are trying so she didnt know how much it hurt me!) They are a year younger than me and dont even live together... I would be so so so upset if she did get pregnant! Cant even bear to think about it.. xxx
Aw it is horrible isn't it :( So many women having babies that are unexpected or unwanted and there's us who are wishing so hard for our own bubba.

But it will happen! We've got to keep optimistic! It may take longer than we think but it will be worth the wait when we get there. :hugs: xxxx
Hi Girls! I'm sorry I've been missing for so long. I was afraid to come back, I figured someone had their :bfp: and I would be left out. My mom is living with us and she usually gets up when I do so it's difficult to get on here lol.
We've been dtd every second day this cycle. And I had a good ov, (lot's of ewcm). Fingers crossed, I just think that this could be the one. Also, our best friends, (a couple) is afraid she's pregnant! I hope she isn't if I'm not! Is that a horrible thing to say? Nah, not really I guess, since she isn't really ready for a baby. Still would suck if she was pregnant (not trying) and we've been trying 9 months with nothing! I expected to be having a baby this month, not still be trying. :(
Aww newfie we all feel the same! I hope it is your month :) You got any symptoms yet?
And i used to work with children so i know how tiring they are, but today me and OH looked after his 16 month old neice, and boy are we shattered now :coffee: xxxxxxx
Hi ladies how is everyone? I really thought that I'd be coming on here to celebrate a bfp. I know how frustrating ttc can be that's why I've taken a break. Feel refreshed and ready for action. We've been trying now for 18 months putting our lives on hold, it's time to get our lives back and relax. No poas I'm not even sure when af is due and it's so chilled. We've just been dtd whenever we feel like which has been great and also better ;-) I know that it will happen eventually and I've now realised there is no way to plan when to have a baby. I too though that I would stop the pill and get pregnant. It's make you wonder why we ever bothered with the pill or anything else if it's this hard to get pregnant !

Hope you all get lucky soon x x x
I agree with you jemj. All that time trying not to get pregnant and now we've been 9 months now trying. I've been much more relaxed about it too to tell the truth. I haven't poas in a couple of months. And I think :af: is due today or tomorrow, not sure.
I think I have a couple of symptoms belle but I'm trying not to symptom spot. Like, I seem to be more tried recently and my boobs feel tight and heavy. And they're a bit tender, especially when I stick 'em in a bra for a couple of hours. Trying to think positive but don't want to build myself up on it.
Hello Ladies

Its so nice to hear from you newfie and Jemj - I'm glad that you are both feeling more relaxed.

Me and OH made a silly little pact this month that we would try something different and BD every day until Ov, which in theory sounds great - we are now on cd16 no sign of ov and dont get me wrong I have really enjoyed all the BDing but I am so sore now!! Sorry if TMI

I have been temping this month properly and just the past couple of days I have POAS but, I was getting lines at the start of the week which I thought were on their way to positive but now they are negative so not sure if I geared up and didn't ov??

We are going away this weekend to the place I moved from to Wales, so all my school friends are there and my brother - really looking forward to a long weekend catch up.

Has anyone else got any plans for the weekend??

Ooo impatientmumm that sounds great, i have family in wales too its gorgeous up there! Hope you have a great time.
And we're doing the same - kind of trying to BD much more this month. Think i'm close to ovulating, see as i've had lots of watery cm these last few days and had pains starting last night!
this part is always the most exciting for me :happydance:
& I've got nothing planned; just relaxing when im not working lol xxxxxxxx

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