Looking for some ttc buddies...

Still no :af:. I'm thinking about testing tomorrow if she doesn't show up today. *Fingers Crossed*
Anyone testing soon?
Good luck newfie! :happydance: :dust:

And i was supposed to ovulate yesterday or day before and according to my temps, i didn't. again. This means its going to mess around this month again. doctors trip for me if it happens next cycle as well :(

Hows everyone else fairing? xx
OMG I got a :bfp:!
Going to the doctor next week to confirm but I am 2 days late. I'm not telling anyone else until I know from the doctor. :D
congrats newfie! :hugs: H&H 9 months to you, keep us updated, we want to hear all about the doctors and stuff :) xx
Oh my goddd newfie!!!!!! Congratualtions! Have u got any pics? It would be nice to see those two lines!!!! xxx h&h 9 months, you deserve it xxx

p.s. pleeeeease keep in touch? :) x
How is everyone by the way? Good weekend?

Went to a wedding yesterday and had a brilliant time, lots of little babies around all dressed up and toddlers in suits and puffy dresses (Did nothing for the broodiness!) Didnt drink at all because I was in work at 5 this morning so I got all the 'why are u not drinking? Are you pregnant? Oooooh!' comments... which I would have loved if I actually WAS. But not so.... haha

Oh... and you know my BIL and SIL who I spoke about earlier? We kind of worked out that they ARE trying! So as I quote my OH ''The race is on!' It would be nice to have someone to go through it all with I suppose, but I didnt tell them we are trying as well because I dont want the awkward 'any news?' thing. Oh well, we shall see what happens...

Im currently around cycle day 14, so on my usual cycle I would be due to ovulate about a week today.. but going off the mess of last cycle I dont know what to believe! Hope it doesnt happen again... im too impatient for forty odd day cycles!!!

Will catch up with you all when I can! Will probably be Monday!!!

I will keep everyone updated. I wish I had a buddy now :( I know you girls so well know I don't want to leave haha. I put my test for my pic so you ladies can see. I took an ic a few minutes ago and it was + too! (That pic isn't even fmu by the way :))
Hopefully everyone else gets a :bfp: soon :D I can't believe I'm the first.
Aw newfie i was beginning to wonder when one of us would get that much awaited bfp! i wonder whos next :happydance:

And Em im in the same situation, ovulation is messed up again so i have no idea when or if it will happen this month :( booooooo
Hi ladies. I can not wait to go see the doctor. (That's about the first time I've ever said that in my life haha). This my be tmi here so sorry in advance. I've had a very small amount of spotting after sex but according the internet spotting after sex during early pregnancy is common. Seeing blood has got me so worried though. I poas again this morning with an ic and got a positive. That's 3 ic +'s and one First Response +. If I don't get to see the doctor today I may buy a digital hpt to see. How's everyone else fairing? Hope your cycles straighten out Belle & ER.
Ive heard about the spotting as well so it doesnt seem like much to worry about... although knowing me I would put OH on a sex ban for a few weeks just in case! haha

Has everyone heard lily allens news? very pleased for her she deserves it!

xxxx keep us updated newfie
CONGRATULATIONS Newfie!!!! I am so pleased for you!!

I hope we all follow you very soon.

I am on cycle day 22 and still have not ovulated - I really dont think I'm going to either this month so that would be 2 months in a row which I suspect I didn't ovulate?? I have a doctors appointment with the fertility specialist in our local surgery on 6th July and I'm hoping she will get me started with some tests straight away as it has been 6 months ttc now.

I had a brilliant weekend though with my friends and family and feel really optimistic about the whole process.

Scarily my OH had a terrible accident in a tractor yesterday and was very lucky to come out alive let alone with the minor cuts and bruises he has, unfortunately he is so stiff and will be for the rest of the week all BDing has gone out of the window!!

Thanks guys. I'm just nervous. :) I'm afraid when I go down to the Dr. today he'll say I'm not pregnant but I don't see how. I've took 5 tests and they were all positive. I have a coffee date made with my friends for tomorrow and I want to tell them the exciting news.
I don't feel much different though. Boobs are very tight and uncomfortable. I am getting tired more though. And yesterday I started to notice a little nausea. Hopefully I don't get morning sickness. My mom said she never had it with the 3 of us so fingers crossed.:D

:dust: to all
Ooo this is exciting newfie! :happydance: at least the rest of us know what we're possibly going to have to go through lol. What did you do when you saw the positive test?
I thought that impatientmumm, but i tested last night on a whim after getting more ewcm than ive ever seen before, and the opk was a dark +.
So BD last night and am now feeling rather nervous and excited for the 2ww!
Well Belle, I couldn't believe my eyes. I shook the test and everything. Then I ran out to show mom. I asked her "What do you think, 2 line?". lol. Then my poor old mother, who's half blind, asked me "What kind of toothbrush is that dear?" lol. Then she got her glasses and we both got excited. lol.
Still really nervous about the little spotting here and there. But everywhere I read says it's normal. And I don't have any cramps so I guess I shouldn't worry. It's only there the first time I wipe and it's not running out of me or anything. (Sorry if it's tmi)
Well the Doctor confirmed what I already knew. Positive. :bfp: So my estimated due date is Feb 17 2012. :D I took 7 test and they were all + so I was pretty sure but it's good the hear the Doctor say it too. :) I have to go for a follow up appointment on July 4th. I'm thinking I'm going get my *woo who* poked at then. (lol) Not exciting but I'll deal.
Congrats again newfie :) glad the doc confirmed it. What do you think is the first thing you're going to buy??!

My ovaries are hurting at the mo, woke up this morning and they've been achy ever since. According to my temps and cm i ovulated 2 days ago so it cant be ovulation. and me and OH BD the day before and the day before that so im feeling positive :)

Anyone else excited about this month? xx
Thanks girls, we're really excited. My dh been telling everyone he sees at work lol. I think we conceived just before his Birthday. :) I knew I was OVing at the time so that had to be when. I don't know what I'm going to buy first. There's so much to choose from lol. I would like to start stocking up on some pampers but everyone says you shouldn't because you don't know which brand you're going to find better. Plus, (I hate to say it) but this early anything could still happen. (God forbid). But I'm going to think positive. We're going out of town next weekend to go visit my sister so I say we'll end up shopping for something baby. :crib: :D Hope you girls are right behind me.
We will be newfie hopefully!
Ive had ewcm for four days now so either Ive just ovulated or Im about to, we have bd'd every day for the past week or so and will continue to for another few days-a week so weve got all bases covered. I dont know why... but I have a good feeling about this cycle, but maybe Im just setting myself up for a fall. :/

OH has been very involved for the past few weeks, wanting to know when we should bd and telling me off when I say I dont feel like it!!! So very happy about that, also had MIL on my back telling me to go for it (we've not told her we are trying) :) overall good mood I would say... just hoping for that bfp in a couple of weeks time.

Im sure we will all get our bfps within the next few months so lets look forward to chit chatting over in the pregnancy forum!!! :) xx
I hope so em! i feel good about this month too, but i feel wary about it seeing as the last 5 cycles have been bfns. i try not to get too excitied, it makes it feel worse when we see only 1 line :(

i apparently ovulated 2/3 days ago and have had twinges/strange pulling/soreness in my ovaries/around that area since. plus i had to get up twice to pee last night :( boooo. surely must be too early for any signs/symptoms though? what do you girls think? xxxxxx
Think positive girls. :D. I knew I was ovulating last time due to the ewcm and lots of it! I still can't believe it really. I told a few friends and they're super excited. Started talking about baby showers and all. lol. Told my MIL & FIL. Total downer. She doesn't like me anyways but they could of at least pretended to be excited. It's they're first Grandchild from they're only son. :( But, whatever.
I don't have any symptoms. Actually, if I wasn't waiting for my period to show so I could test I would probably have mistaken the light spotting/bleeding I had for 2 days as a light period (even though I don't normally have light periods). I notice I am ready for a nap by 5 and I seem to be making more trips to the bathroom. The biggest symptom I have is my boobs being tight and uncomfortable. Other than that. nothing. I'm hoping morning sickness stays away. My pants are starting to get a bit tight already :p It won't be long until I start to show. I guess where I'm not very big. haha.

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