Looking for some ttc buddies...

Newfie I'm so pleased for you, everything seems to be going really well - it looks like that break really paid off!!

Belle dont worry perhaps its just the egg moving down, or hopefully starting to implant, you may be getting early implantation pain.

ER sounds like you've done everything possible this month so I would say this is bound to be your bfp month!

I am semi confident but on CD24 now and still no sign of ov according to OPK's - I've been trying with two different brands this month and on one brand the past two tests I have taken look like I'm gearing up to ov, i def have the watery cm and ov pains to think I might be but the other brand are a stark negative.

My temps are so erratic this month so not really sure I will ov - I'm due af next wed so its looking like a very very long cycle this time.
We are still bd'ing in the hope I will ov and we still could catch I guess

Newfie I really hope I'm following you soon and that you are still around in first tri before you move over to 2nd tri xxxxxx
sorry girls last post sounded really selfish :wacko: - I meant to say I hope we are all following newfie soon :blush:

Hope you werent offended - really sorry xxxxx
Aww impatientmumm dont worry :)
newfie im pleased for you too, it must be so exciting! keep updating us so we know whats coming!
i dont know what this pain in- i havent had it before but it feels like ive pulled 1 or 2 muscles on my uterus so whenever i stretch or when i pee and lean over ( was experimenting!) it aches. so strange! hmmm hope you're not working too hard girlies! xx
Don't worry impatientmumm, I'm sure everyone knows what you mean. I hope you all get bfp's soon.
This is a bit nerve wrecking though. I've been having some dark brown spotting for a couple of days. Today it was a bit red :( I'm so nervous. Everywhere I read on the internet says unless you have lots of clots, bad cramps, and you "soak" more than 1 pad a day, you should be fine. And we don't have the kind of hospital here where I can just walk in and say I'm having spotting and would like blood work. If it gets worse I'm going to go in a try to see the Doctor on call. I don't have any cramps and I tested a positive still this morning. Ahhh, I don't know. I guess I'll have to wait a little while and see.
Told my best friend that we are trying for a baby today... well, I kind of HAD to.. she has a six month old son and told me and OH yesterday that she was going to put all her old stuff on ebay tomorrow along with her quinny buzz pram (which we wanted!)

So, in the end I had to tell her that we would like the things. Its the only way we are going to get lots of good quality things like the pram, mama and papas clothes and loads of other nearly new stuff for hardly anything.

So, what does everyone think about buying the things, putting them in boxes and then storing them at OHs nans? They would be out of the way and when I DO get pregnant we would be pretty much sorted. The timings not great and I wouldnt want to put a bad omen on the whole thing but Its our only chance to get it all. What do you lot think???

Needless to say, my bezzie was more than excited for us!!! xxx
That sounds like a great chance to get good stuff at a better price. I'd go for it. Actually, one of my husbands co-workers told us to pop up to her house to see all the baby things she has before she decides to sell. It's a bit early but same thing, it's a great chance to get it for a good price.
I was to the Doctor today. Turns out I have a moderate water infection. He felt my tummy and said everything seems fine. He gave me some antibiotics and I should be all good again in a week. :D I was so relieved when he told me it was nothing to worry about. Well, it could have been something to worry about. Sever water infections can lead to miscarriages. :( But, it's under control now.
Newfie im glad its not anything too severe!
Em i'd do the same- its a great way to save money in a time when we need as much as we can get :wacko:
My mums been keeping some of my brothers toys, clothes and extras (he's now 6) in the loft since he was born so that i can pass them on to my children. Everyone else in the family thinks shes mad but they dont know were ttc! :haha:

p.s. still having slight pain in ovaries/uterus. seeing as ovulation was 4/5 days ago im booking a dr appointment for next week, just incase it could be something more serious!
Im going to go and have a look and them and pick some things out next week. Going to have to get the neutral clothes just in case. Im excited!!!
Pretty sure I only ended up ovulating yesterday morning but at least I did on time this month! First time Ive actually been excited about the 2ww! I think its because now my best friend knows I can talk to someone else about it other than boring my OH to death :) xx
Good to see youre in the 2ww now too Em :)
Hopefully another one of us will get a bfp this month!!

Some bad/not so bad news: in addition to the period pains and sharp pains ive been having since about 1dpo, earlier today i came home from work and got a really dull ache in the center of my uterus (around that area). I thought nothing of it and went back upstairs but by the time i got there it was excruciating! :cry:
I took some paracetamol and called the parents who think i need to go to the doctor to rule out an ectopic pregnancy (they don't even know we're ttc!)
Its calmed down now but every movement i make that affects my ab muscles hurts slighty.
Wish me luck :( xxx
Hopefully it's nothing Belle. Thinking of you.
The 2ww will fly by I'm sure ER.
Still bleeding a small bit. Hopefully it is just a water infection. Makes me nervous. I'm waiting until the bleeding stops to test again, with a good test.
Sorry to hear about your pain Belle - Wishing you lots of luck with your docs appointment.

I have still not ov'ed and doubt I will now I am getting slight af pains and just waiting for her to come now, so it looks like another cycle with no ov.

Good luck in your 2ww ER

Hi Girls. This is just an awful morning for me. The bleeding stopped last night. (yeah). I took a test this morning and it was a :bfn:. I took and ov test too (because I had clear results with them last week) and it was a clear - as well. SO I'm guessing it was one of those "natural losses". Now I have no idea where I am in my cycle. We're going to try again though, very soon.
Oh Newfie I'm so so sorry :cry: - are you absolutely sure there is no way you could still be pregnant?

I'm hoping it was a faulty couple of tests - if not I'm sending you huge huge :hugs:

I am on CD 28 just took an OPK and it was the biggest fattest positive I have ever seen, I just don't think I'm oving though i have quite strong af cramps and I have heard that just before af we have a bit of the chemical present like at Ov time so do you just think it is picking af up?
i dont know impatientmumm could it be that you're ovulating really late and just have a mahusive long cycle? :wacko:
And im so sorry too newfie! are you very sure thats happened?!

Turns out all the pain i was going through is a urine infection!! :shrug:
Doctor tested me for pregnancy to just in case and it was negative, although i am only 6/7 dpo so i doubt it would show up if i were!

thats me being optimistic anyways :) xxx
Oh this is going to sound really wierd but I'm kinda hoping it's af because I'm worried having really long cycles means there might be some kind of problem on the other hand not ovulating might be worse - oh this ttc malarky is so frustrating lol!!

Girls can you look over my cycle lengths and tell me do you think I am what is classed as regular?

Jan 2011 - 26 days
Feb 2011 - 26 days
Mar 2011 - 27 days
Apr 2011 - 35 day (late ovulation)
May 2011 - 29 days
Jun 2011 - who the hell knows!!

Newfie is there any news today?

Belle I'm so pleased it was something as innocent as a water infection xxxxx
Impatientmumm id say they're regular, cause although your cycles are different lengths, you do have an af every month which some girls dont! mine are similar to yours, the last 3 months ive had late ovulation. but my cycles are kind of being 26 and 37 days lol. :)

Newfie how you feeling today? xxxxxx
I'd say your cycles seem normal to me Impatientmumm.
Glad to hear it's only a water infection Belle. I never even knew I had the one I got now. The bleeding is still dragging on. Almost spotting now though. I don't see how a pregnancy could survive through the bleeding. It's not anything close to a period but still too much to be losing. I'm going to treat myself as though I'm still pregnant though and keep trying this month.
Should add. I made an appointment with my doctor for Thursday. Going to get another water test and maybe blood work to make sure about the baby situation before I leave to visit my sister. Hopefully it was a bum test or 2 but I don't have my hopes built up for it.
newfielady fingers crossed that everything is ok and sending you hugs.

Sorry been away for a while OH has a new addiction to football manager and I never get a look in on the laptop. Plus I have a new job and I'm working both until the end of the month when i have worked my notice.

Belle hope your feeling better soon. Glad it's nothing too serious.

Impatientmum, i wouldn't worry about your cycle lengths they seen normal. It's you LP that is the most important and that you are Ov. I've not Ov for 2 cycles in the 18 months we've been trying.

ER sounds like a great deal with your friend and you can never be too prepared for when that LO arrives. I've been thinking of doing the same myself. Once i finsh my job at the end of the month I will lose my 25% discount on clothes so was thinking of stocking up on netural baby stuff.

I've got one month of trying left before I have to go back to Dr's. Been looking at private fertility treatment just because I'm getting so impatient and we would be able to afford at least 2 cycles if it comes to it so not too scared to go back to Dr's now.

Good luck with this month ladies

tons of baby dust
Newfie, I really hope the doctor gives you some good news it must be really hard not knowing. What date are you going to the doctors? Keep us updated xxx

Belle! How awful are water infections?! I had cystitis last year and I have honestly never felt pain like it, it was agony! Hope it sorts itself out you need to drink lots of cranberry juice (even though it vile!)

Impatient mumm I would say your cycles are quite regular actually... mine have been between 40 and 32 days but mainly 32/33 days with the odd hiccup.

And jemj, what kind of fertility treatment are you thinking of? ivf? You must be so strong to go through 18 months of no luck and if you can afford it, why not?

Well.... my storage cupboard is now stuffed with baby things.. got a quinny buzz pram with parasol, footmuff and loads of extras, a huge bag full of nuetral babygros, hats, mitts and little outfits, some moses basket sheets, thermal bottle holder, changing mat and blankets all for £150! The pram alone is worth at least £400 from new!
Me and OH looked through everything and then decided we would only do that once and now we arent aloud to touch anything until Im actually pregnant (which I think is a good idea!)

I have a problem.... if you ladies could help me... every cycle, after ovulation I get the most intense pain in my nipples. Like this month for instance I cant even brush my hand over my boobs even with a padded bra on, and yesterday I kept thinking there was something sticking into me from my bra but then realised there was nothing there and it felt like needles pricking me from the inside of my boobs :/ Along with the acheyness and itching I dont know why it keeps happening but dont think Ive had it as bad as this before xxx

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