Looking for some ttc buddies...

I took another 2 tests yesterday. The hpt was a true - but the OV test was a slight +. So now I'm wondering if my body is gearing up to Ovulate again? We've started dtd again now that the bleeding has stopped and we know there is no little embryo to hurt. :(. Still going to see the Dr tomorrow just to hear him say negative. I must have gotten off easy though. I didn't have any cramps or back aches! And it was actually much lighter than any period I've ever had and only lasted about 3 days which is the shortest period too! I've told my mother and sister about it but it doesn't sound like a miscarriage to them.
Don't work too hard jemj. But I'd use that discount while I got it :D
Sounds like you got a great deal ER. Hopefully you'll soon have a LO to use it on :D Hopefully all of us will have a LO soon. :D
I still truly believe there is hope for you newfie! Good luck tommorrow and please keep us updated I am so hopeful for you.

Well it appears I definitely ovulated on cycle 28/29 I'm getting some ovulation pain and I seem to be ovulating on the left side which is rare and I think that may be why it was delayed, just thinking.

My temps have risen the past 2 days so hoping for anther raised temp tomorrow to confirm it but its looking like a 42/43 day cycle this month.

Thankfully we have DTD at all the right times and will take a break tonight and one last push tomorrow.

What a bargain ER that is all brilliant! I am very lucky my parents have already bought the pram for me and are storing it at their house - I just cant wait to have a LO to pop in it!

After not being on here for ages and having a day off now to look through bnb and have a stalk I dont know why but Im really upset.

Just rung OH and had a good cry, at the minute I just feel like its never going to happen and its all just crashed down on me...

Just looking through facebook and seeing all these scan pictures, new babys and statuses I honestly feel like Ive got no hope...
Im also really worried about these symptoms Im getting every month with my boobs, Im crying from the pain of them and the frustration :( One lady mentioned that I could have a hormone imbalance because although these symptoms can be normal, they arent really to the extent of mine... so now Im worrying about that.

Thinking of going to the MILS to have a chat about it but not sure if other people will be in so might pass. xx
Oh ER don't worry it will happen and I bet it will happen soon - have you spoken to a dr about your concerns on you (.) (.)?

I have days like that when you think why is it taking so long for me and others fall without bloody trying - but you have to remember the longer it takes the more yourbody will be ready for the Lo, especially if your like me and filling yourself with vitamins and folic acid.

You will get there but in the meantime we're all here for you whenever xxxxxx
Aw em we all have off days, it will happen! this cycle is the 6th, i definitely thought we'd be pregnant by now but am trying to think positively.
i'l be 9/10dpo tomorrow so am going to test, im not holding out much hope though. that way i wont be so disappointed if its a bfn! :)

any of you see any prams you like? i absolutely adore the baby jogger city mini; ive used it before and its soooo light and flexible, but sturdy enough for a young baby at the same time. pull a lever and it folds down in one, so small when folded too! cant wait to get one.

are any of you testing soon?! xxxxxxxxx
We have our pram in storage at my parents house after they bought it - it's a Mothercare Trenton Deluxe Travel System.

It is very bulky when folded and heavy but one of the sturdiest prams I have ever felt - I just cant wait to take it our of its box!!

I have made a little promise to myself I am not going to test until af is late but I know I wont wait - we are off to Blackpool next weekend with 2 other couples for a drinking weekend so I will probably test on the friday when I will be 10/11dpo
Big hugs :hugs: to you newfielady. Please let us know how things go at the doctors.

Good luck with the testing Belle and Impatientmum. I'm never testing again until I'm at least two weeks late have one digi left and I'm determined not buy anymore.

ER try not to worry, some cycles my BB's are more sensitive than othersI do think it's hormonal but nothing to worry about.

We've been looking into IUI, it's no where near as expenise as IVF and as the Dr's haven't found anything 'wrong' it's just a case of the sperm not meeting the egg so they make sure that the sperm is there at the right time. Plus I'd have to take fertility drugs. I'm still hoping that it won't come to that and we will get preggers the old fashioned way.

I'm so glad that you ladies are all still here for me to share everything with. I don't think when any of us decided to 'try' for a baby that it would ever been as hard as we're finding it. I honestly thought that as soon as I stopped taking the pill that I would just get pregnant, I've sinced realised how hard it actually is!!!! I'm never using any sort of birth control ever again what's the point!
Yeah jemj i agree, i dont think im going to use any contraception again either! its ridiculous.
And i tested this morning, supposedly at 10dpo and it was a bfn, but im not surprised and will test again at 12dpo and every two days until the :witch: arrives!
Hi girls. I don't think I will be going back on the pill either. Then again, with my luck we'll get pregnant again right away. lol.
You girls are lucky to have a start on thing. I still may go to my DH co-workers house to check out her stuff. I have to ask, what are you girls calling a pram? Is it like a bassinet? I haven't heard the term pram here. :)
The doctor wasn't all that worried to tell you ladies the truth. He wasn't in the least bit alarmed and I descried the bleeding in detail to him. He said it it last more than 5 days then you worry. And mine only lasted 3 days and i never had any pain. He felt my tummy again and he sent me for another water test and some blood work to make me feel better. I hate needles. I have 7 tubes of blood taken. I almost fainted haha. The lab tech said I wouldn't be the first lol. The doctor wan't to see if my hcg levels were normal for 5 week 6 days and he said he may send me for an ultrasound depending on the results. Now I'm waiting again.
Good luck with the testing girls. fingers crossed!
Aw newfie i hope its good news!! :hugs:
ive refrained from testing today- gunna wait until tomorrow. temps have dropped again though so i think af is on its way :( xxxx
Hello girls

Oh I have no idea what is going on with my cycle this month - I thought I had ovulated on Monday, got the pos OPKs to suggest it and I started to get my thermal shift for 2 days anyway, then yesterday my temp dropped slightly but not below the coverline and then this morning it has shot right down!?!

I have no idea why except that yet I again for what looks like bthe third time this month I tried to ovulate and didn't??

Newfie - that is birlliant news I'm keeping my fingers crossed still for the bloodwork results xxxxx
Aw newfie i hope its good news!! :hugs:
ive refrained from testing today- gunna wait until tomorrow. temps have dropped again though so i think af is on its way :( xxxx

Have you had an implantatio dip yet in the TWW - because it could be this?

I tell you girls, our bodies are damn confusing. Impatientmumm, you've said you've been the the drs right? I know my cousin had to get fertility treatment because she didn't ovulate! Everything is okay with you right? I don't mean to make you panic or anything, it just seems weird 3 cycles in a row you didn't ovulate. I thought you were supposed to ovulate every cycle? Like I said, confusing. :(
Still waiting to here from the doctor. I'm going to phone them after lunch if I haven't heard from them. It's nerve wrecking waiting. We are leaving to go to my sisters this evening, after DH gets off work. I want to know if I am still pregnant or not. If I am, YEAH! If I'm not well I figured that and at least I can go on some fair rides with my nephew and have a few drinks with my DH and sister. It's difficult though. I mean, I had accepted that this was it, my baby was gone. But now. I explained everything to the dr. What came out, how fast, what size and color, everything! And he didn't seemed in the least bit concerned. Said it was normal. But I got that negative test result at home so I figured it was gone. I've been pretty much sleeping all day the past 2 days and that's not like me. Is it possible that my hcg dipped so low to cause a false negative? And then started to rise again? I've heard of the "vanishing twin" before but...
I've got my drs appointment on 6th July Newfie - I think last month was the only month I didnt see Ov but I have only been temping for 3 months and last month the temping was a write off because of hols. I'm not sure what is going on this month as I am now on CD 32 with no af and my longest cycle was 35 days, I average 29 days to be hinest. I was getting pos opks on cd 28 and saw a shift in temps to confirm but it skydived today not sure why.

I have bought some Soy Isoflavones for next month hoping they might kick start my ov and make it stronger.

Have you done a test again at all? I would go on the assumption you are to be on the safe side I think?

I did a clearblue digital today and it said "Not Pregnant". I know I'm not now. I figured it anyways. I just know my body. I'm just going to enjoy myself this weekend and the rest of the month and hopefully we'll get lucky again this cycle. My blood work won't be in until Monday.
booo im out girls :cry: af got me this morning xxx

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