Looking for some ttc buddies...

People do say to test after 2pm because the LH will have built up enough to show by then.

It is very likely you could have oved Sunday night or Monday and it would be neg by Tuesday.


That's what I was wondering to tell the truth. Hopefully we'll get lucky again and soon. I just seen another young woman is pregnant on facebook. She just uploaded the pics of her pee stick! I was thinking to myself it's a bit early to tell people yet. I think about myself, I only got to about 5 weeks. :(

Fingers crossed for Friday for you girls. :D
Fingers crossed for friday girls.

Newfielady you sound so positive I really hope everything works out. You may just have tested at the wrong time of day. After all this time I'm sure we know our bodies so I wouldn't trust an opk.

Belle we used preseed, I used it internally but only a tiny bit otherwise things get too slippery lol

I'm out for this cycle I'm sure of it I was due to Ov anytime from sat I think but I now have thrush so no idea whats going on. The only weird thing is I had a funny dream last night a bit rude :blush: only ever had that once before when I was pregnant and I think the last time I had thrush I was pregnant but I was about 30 weeks. Wishful thinking.

Can't wait to see the test results tomorrow :happydance:
Well I got a bfn this morning and I'm sure af is def on her way the cramping has got a lot worse. Jemj it still sounds really positive don't give up hope.
Any news er? Xxxx
I dont know. I dont know whether its a bfn or bfp. Theres some colour there but its so faint. I dont know!!! HELP!
Did you use a ic test or a good test? If you're not sure I'd buy a digital one. Good luck :D
:hugs: impatientmum your not out until the dreaded witch shows. ER have you tested again ? Do you have any news for us??
Well after four more positive tests it looks like Im expecting!!

I was in shock at first and sat a bit numb and wandered around the house then about half an hour later it hit me and I have cried all day!

Excited, nervous and scared! xx
Congratulations er that is brilliant news! I'm so pleased for you! Still no af but she isn't really due till mon/tues so we'll see. I'm still away on hols so no more testing has taken place how is everyone else this weekend xxx
thats amazing em well done! :hugs: H&H 9 months xxxxxxxxx
Dont worry Ill be popping into here from time to time so see how you are all getting on. Hopefully you'll be in with me as of next month!!! XX
So ladies, I need some opinions here. I've read that you can ovulate 2 weeks after a miscarriage. If I say my "period" started on the 17th (which was when the heaviest bleeding was) then I most likely ovulated on July 1st. Even though I felt as though I was gearing up to ovulate around the 24th/25th. I had ewcm and ovulation pains in my sides. I took an opk this evening and it was a light positive. Easy to see but not as dark as the control line. Could that mean I already ovulated? Would you still test faintly positive?
Also, my breast and nipples are very tender and sensitive. Am I crazy for hoping o get pregnant again right away. :(
Yeah congratulations er that's great news h&h 9 months to you.

Let's hope we're all not too far behind you.

Newfielady not to sure about ov after a mc. I would just keep bd and not put too much pressure on yourselves.

We've had a lovely family weekend start my new job tomorrow and suffering really badly with pmt oh has gone to stay at his house to be out of the way and yesterday I kept bursting into tears over the smallest things. Like oh slipped down the stairs he did't hurt himself but it really upset me and also that there e
was no toilet roll left lol. I can laugh now!
Hey ladies

Sorry taken so long to reply Newfie but I've had the worst tummy bug ever and to top it off af came too :-(

I have no idea about ov after miscarriage, but I would go by your body and what it is telling you - In my experience with opk's i quite often get faint lines all through my cycle - it is only classed as positive if it is as dark or darker than the control line.
You are not crazy at all - you want the same as we all want and I wish you all the luck in the world for this to be your cycle and everyone elses on this thread.

I've got my appointment at the docs in a hour - so I'll let you all know the outcome tomorrow xxx
Well ladies. this trad seems to be slowly dying out. :(. Anyone got anything to report? I am expecting :af: some time this coming week. I guess I'll see soon.
I thought the same newife where is everyone??

Ive decided to try soy isoflavones this cycle as my cycles seem slightly messed up and it is not 100% confirmed that I actually ovulated. So took my first dose yesterday on CD3 and af left the building very quickly after - quite strange??

Following on from my doctors appointment on Wednesday - I have to go for lots of blood tests over the next 2 months but as we did a home fertility test for my OH the doctor is happy with this and doesnt see the need to send him for SA until we have exhausted all avenues with me first.

So newfie do you think there is a chance you have caught again this month and hope not to see af?? I really hope so for you!!

Belle, JemJ where are you - we miss you - hope you are both well

I think there is a very good chance we caught the little eggy again. Even though we lost our baby last month we feel a bit better knowing that we can get pregnant. We were starting to wonder if we were the problem.
Hi all,
I've come to accept the fact that this isn't going to happen quickly for us so ive been out enjoying life for the last few weeks and trying to put babymaking to the back of my mind. Still BD every other day though :thumbup:
I'm pretty sure im ovulating either today or tomorrow cause ive got watery cm (sorry tmi!) and my temps havent gone up yet. looks to be a 30day cycle again.
Im trying conceive plus this month too, which is interesting!
Let me know how you all get on :) xxxxxxx
I know exactly how you feel Newfie! I'm hoping we can catch this month before the blood tests over the next few month as I think that is going to raise my anxiety levels and start me thinking more about if the problem is with me!

Keep us updated on af's (non) appearance

Belle I think you are doing the right thing - I have been trying to plan more exciting things for me and OH so that we dont just sit and talk about the lack of getting pregnant all the time. Good luck xxxx
Everyone tells you not to think about it to much. And we know that stressing out over it isn't good for us but we still do. But it's true, as soon as I said to my DH lets not focus on it so much, we went out and and had a few drinks and some good times and I got pregnant. Didn't stick that time but still.
Trying not to symptom spot but it's getting hard and I'm really hoping it's for the good. I have sore/tight boobs again, which I only ever had last month when I was pregnant. I have back pain, nausea, headaches and I find I got from happy to angry with no warning at all. I also had some not like af cramps. And I've been saying I need to go on a diet because I seem to have more of a belly then I used to. So, hopefully this is all good news. :D
Oh, I peed on a opk again last night and got a positive. Not sure what to make of it seems some ladies say they get some form of positive all throughout the month.

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