Looking for some ttc buddies...

Aww Belle I know exactly how you feel - obviously I'm over the moon for the both ER and Newfie but I cant shake that little feeling of being left behind.

I've been temping an all sorts these past few months - for some reason over the weekend I decided 'Stuff this' I'm not doing any of it anymore I'm sure it just isnt helping me, its making me far more obssesive so I've just stopped it all and my new game plan is just to enjoy the making part of it all and it will happen when it is supposed to happen.

I do still like coming on here though to hear the success stories it gives me hope and excitement for when it is our turn.

I hope you and your oh sort out your issues soon and you can get back on track hunny - always here to be a sound board lovely xxxxxx
Good Morning ladies. I'm heading down the drug store in a bit to get a digital test. I want to see how far along it says :). In the meantime, being a poas-aholic, I peed on one of my ic opk. The positive came up instantly! And look how dark it went. This was taken just a few minutes after I took the test. https://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z470/newfielady/001.jpg
Well ladies, riddle me this. If I had a miscarriage on the 17th of June how am 5+ weeks pregnant now? The result came up within 30 seconds. :D
I know you said you felt the bleeding last time was too much to keepthe baby but are you absolutely sure you had a full miscarriage newfie?

I think I remember you saying your dr wasn't sure or wasn't worried by the bleeding? Do you think it would be worth getting an appointment ASAP and pushing for a scan????
If by chance you didn't infact miscarry last month how far along would you be now?

I just popped to the loo before as I've been having some strongish dull pains down there today and I thought my IBS was playing up - anyway this is TMI - my knickers were quite wet (not normal for me) and I hadnt felt it at all.
When I wiped - I was shocked at how much EWCM there was - I had to wipe 3 times before I felt relatively dry again!!

I hope this is the Soy kicking in and this is going to be my BFP month!! xxxxx
Well impatient I was wondering the same thing. The dr did blood work on the 23rd and he said my levels we almost at not pregnant. Is it possible that I wasn't as far a long as we though and my levels were in fact normal? But I tested negative on a Clear Blue digital on the 24th. :( And yes, he wasn't worried by the bleeding until I got the results of my blood work. I would have been about 9 weeks now. I have an appointment for the 21st and I am going to push for a scan then. I was going to go down today but DH wanted to go down with me. :)
Sounds good impatient, hopefully you'll get your :bfp: too :D
Oh I should add. If I am a week ahead, then I'm 5 weeks 3 days, that's when I lost it last time :(. We *ahem* had sex last night.:blush: I had a little pink spotting. This morning I've had a little brown spotting but it doesn't look like old blood. It just looks like brown discharge. :wacko: Spotting after sex is completely normal as long as it only last a day or two. And it's not there every time I wipe. SO I'm not worried about it as long as it doesn't get worse. I'm keeping my legs up and just relaxing. :)
Well just to confirm got two blaring positives on IC OPK's and a smiley on my CB - so looks like I was right - I suppose with all the cm I either ov'ing today or within the next few days - I am determined for this to be my BFP month, my OH wont know whats him tonight in the sack lol!!!

Newfie you should def push for a scan!! Even just for piece of mind if nothing else and to work dates out - I seriously cannot wait for when its my turn for a first scan - look out on here then I will bore you silly with excitement lol!!

Just an update on the spotting. I think it was just discharge. It's now colorless, like regular cm. I going to push for a scan. I really want one for peace of mind like you said, plus the baby's heat will beat for the first time Friday so if I get a scan they should be able to see a heartbeat. :D (I hope)
arghhh so exciting - I bet you cant wait to hear the heartbeat!! I woudl put money that you are farther along than you think and to be honest that is only a good thing - all the sooner to be telling everyone!!

so what's it like over in first tri??

You probably think I'm loopy but since seeing the positive opk I am beyond positive this is going to be our month - hoping the PMA stays and it brings me some luck. Im just hyper tonight

I hope I am further along than I think. That would be awesome. (and give me a reason for the weight I've put on lol)
Honestly i haven't been on to many other forums. I got a good chuckle out of one lady testing with breast milk to get a false positive to freak out her husband. Turned out she was pregnant haha.
A good ovulation is a good start. :D
Ohh impatient sounds very good. The month we concieved was the month were I had sooo much cm and it must have really made a difference. So keep bding over the next few days and lets hope for the best! Keep that bum propped up on a pillow for ten minutes afterwards as well! :) xx
belle, impatientmum, newfielady hello ladies! how are you? remeber me? i am back. it has been almost 5month since i was here. how is it going for you guys? seems from the last posts that you have hit your BFP newfielady....CONGRATULATIONS! please update me on how things have gone for you all, i am excited to know. i thought it was time for me to get on here and share my experience and get some support. :) i don't know if you guys remeber but in feb, i got pregnent but had a misscarige due to a fibroid. i went through an abdominal(open) myomectemy surgery. the doc gave us the green light to start the baby making factory beginning of june, he told us to try for 3-6mo and if not pregnent to come back as the reason could be adhesions. first cycle we didn't get prego, in july i ovulated on the 5th. so i am 15dpo. af was due on monday but no sign of her. i have done pregnency test but keep getting BFN. i really don't know what to think. i have a very steady menses cycle of 28-29days. my breasts have been sore the past few days but then yesterday the soreness almost disapeared and today it is even less sore. what do you guys think. could i be pregnent or am i having an early misscarige?
Same here ER. I noticed lots of cm and then, prego :D
Hi Bellas, good to have you back. I was thinking about you just the other day wondering how your surgery went. I hope you don't get adhesions. My step father got them with his herina (spelling lol) surgery and it's not fun :nope: All I can tell you is keep testing. Or maybe you should get a digital.:shrug: Maybe the line is faint and you don't see it. I know that "typically" with a chemical pregnancy you get no symptoms. It's only women like us that even though they're pregnant at all. :dohh:And I did notice my symptoms going away last month when I m/s but I started bleeding first. My breast have been tender now for 2 weeks. It's not much fun lol.
good luck :hugs:
Hi girlies

I've been a bit MIA the past few days - but we've been busy BD'ing lol!!

I got my smiley face on Monday and think I o'ved on Tuesday because of the ov cramping I was getting - I did get a small amount of EWCM yesterday but I didn't think much of it.

I've got a really good feeling on this month - I'm sure I've felt like this before but I am so positive!!

On another point my nipples are like rocks and so sore aswell as my boobs being very tender I'm hoping this is a really good sign of ov - did any of you get this?

Bellas - it is so good to have you back with us!! I'm glad everything seems to be going well and heres hoping we see our bfp this month

Well seen the dr. He sent me for a urine test and blood work to confirm and to get my hcg levels. He's going to send me for a dating scan around 8 weeks. :D He was glad to hear I had no spotting or and pain. He wants to see me next week to talk about the early pregnancy things. <3
I broke down and bought a couple of cute things. XD A lady I knew was selling some of her baby stuff so I got 14 bibs, a little green onesie and a winnie the pooh set for $9. :D It's soooo tiny.
Hi all :thumbup:
Sorry i havent been on here much recently. cant believe you're finally there newfie and em!! hopefully the rest of us follow suit shortly after you.

I am due af in 2 days, and didnt have much hope for this month until i noticed a little bit of brown blood when i wiped 2 days ago. kept an eye on it cause my period is hardly ever early, usually late just to wind me up! came and went (overall about a tea spoons amount) from 2 days ago to earlier today, bit of back ache too. dont know what to think :) i dont want to get my hopes up!

To top it off i also woke up with a cold 2 days ago and starting feeling sick late last night. booo :(
Gunna wait until sunday and if still no sign of af il test xxxxx
Sounds positive though Belle. I suffer from a back ache all the time. That and the tender bbs are my most common symptom. Though sudden mood swings and nausea would have to be a close second. :p
Hi! I'm new! I'm looking for gals to chat with. Im 33 mom of 3 girls ages 14 and twin 12s. I had my TL after I had my twins back in 1999. I just got married( both are 2nd) and we want to have our own little bundle. I just had my TR last Friday 7-15-11. My tubes are 4cm I think and dr zbella did a tubal implantation. I am currently having pain due to a pocket of fluid that is draining. I was relieved I really wasn't the wimp I was thinking I am. Lol. Anyone out there there just had TR done? I'm excited and scared and new to all the abbreviations too. I'd love to hear from anyone! Thanks, Angie.
Wow, hi PostalMom. I've never actually heard of anyone getting that done. Hope you feel better soon. :) P.s There is a lot of abbreviations to get used to lol. We all just catch on as time passes :haha:

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