Looking for some ttc buddies...

Beautiful Newfie - I'm so pleased everything is good with your little beanie - did they date you?

af cramps in full force today just waiting for her to show her face now, temps have dropped consistently the past few days so definitely out

Awww, lots of :dust: in your next cycle. :)
My EDD is March 25th :D My nan's and father-in-laws birthdays are the 21st so they hope I have the baby then lol.
I bet March feels like ages away Newfie lol!! Have you had much morning sickness?

af her today - pleased to say however not painful at all, had somebad cramps yesterday afternoon and now no pain at all, which if af has to come I dont mind it like this!

Had my first lot of bloods taken this morning, next lot to be taken 7 days before expected af, hopefully some good news will come from that.

Belle hope your still around and doing ok hunny - living and enjoying life I hope xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The ways times flies March will be here before I know it. When I think about how different next summer will be I almost get overwhelmed. :D It's so exciting. I have a prescription for morning sickness :D. I take one before I got o bed and one in the evening. And I can take up to 2 more during the day when I feel any nausea. So all in all, not to bad :D
hi girls, newfie im glad everythings going well for you, that pic is beautiful! dont worry impatientmumm, our time will come :)
its my 21st birthday today, so am enjoying life and taking every day as it comes. trying not to be too pessimistic, but if we dont catch this month it will be 8 months ttc so im going to visit the doctor :(
Happy Birthday Belle. I'm only 1 year older than you :). I think you're worrying early. We were about 9 months before we got our 1st :bfp:. Once I gave up worrying about ttc, opks and when I ovulated I got pregnant. Funny how that works. :) Try to stay positive.
Happy Birthday Belle!! Hope you have a lovely day!

I am on a weight loss mission now ladies - started my Zumba last night and have been monitoring what I eat since Tuesday. It's brilliant I am so motivated and focused on that, that for the first time in ages I am not always thinking abut babies!!

I don't mind when it happens for us now but I am looking forward to losing a bit weight xxxx
hello again ladies. so i shall start joining you guys more often but have been so busy with school work as well as trying to get pregnent. urg it is not an easy task. well i am in the 2 ww and have another 10 days and i will either get a bfp (hopfully) or af with show here face. we did the deed every day 3days prior to ovulation and the day of ovulation and the day after ovulation. so i am hoping this will be our month also. we live in the states due to my bf job but will be going home to sweden and norway for a visit. we were hoping to be preggo so we can tell our families in person. :)

newfie and Erconnel did you guys have any symptoms during the 2ww that you could share? i am looking for every posible sign. :) did you guys temp? if so what was the "trend" you saw the cycle you got pregnent? congrats by the way.
belle and immpetientmum what are your gameplans on getting pregnent. any tips? :)
my bf and i are soooooo longing for our own baby. we know we are going to be the best parents we can be. have you girls noticed among your friends that as soon as they have a baby the women tend to forget about the man? we have and we don't want it to be that way. a lot of our friends have babies and only one couple out of many have the woman saying she wants to prioritis once a week to have alone time with her hubby. while the other kind of have forgotten about their relationship. what do you guys think?
Bella my symptoms were sorry if disgusting but very gassy, bloated, nauseous, back ache in lower back, stomach cramping (like af pains) crying really easily over nothing and hard sore boobs. I honestly felt like AF on was on its way.

Went to the midwife today (for the third time) and after all the mix ups with my referral (they all though EACHOTHER had sent off my referral to the hospital for my scan so it didnt get done :() I now cant have my scan until the 9th of september when I will be 15 WEEKS PREGNANT when i see my baby for the first time. Im gutted. Just want to know my baby is okay.

Bella my symptoms were sorry if disgusting but very gassy, bloated, nauseous, back ache in lower back, stomach cramping (like af pains) crying really easily over nothing and hard sore boobs. I honestly felt like AF on was on its way.

Went to the midwife today (for the third time) and after all the mix ups with my referral (they all though EACHOTHER had sent off my referral to the hospital for my scan so it didnt get done :() I now cant have my scan until the 9th of september when I will be 15 WEEKS PREGNANT when i see my baby for the first time. Im gutted. Just want to know my baby is okay.

Hey again Bella. My earliest symptoms were sore boobs and fatigue. I started noticing them around the 6th of July! Just think positive. By the sounds of the bding you've been doing you stand a good chance. Me and my hubby know a new baby will take a lot of time but it's very important no to forget about each other. It happens so often and I've seen people split up because of it. I always think, remember, without your partner you would have never of had this baby. :)
newfielady, exactly that's what i don't understand. without the other half the baby wouldn't exist so even though one is busy once a baby is born it is important to take care of eachother as well.

yes i really hope all the bedding will have created a wonderful baby. :)

thank you ladies for the response but what cd did you start noticing the various symptoms? or rather how many days past ovulation did you notice them?
very happy for your responses. how many weeks pregnent are you girls?
I started noticing my symptoms about 5/6dpo which is quite early... and Im 10 weeks pregnant today! :) Hope all goes well will keep checking up in here to see how you all get on! xxx
I'm 7 weeks 1 day. :) I was about 10 dpo when I noticed symptoms,as I conceived between the 25th of June and the 1st of July.
thank you ladies. i guess i just have to wait and see once again. :)
i am sure it was nice to finally see the bfp for you both. what an exciting time you have ahead of you. i really hate the 2ww. it sucks, because it is such a time waster. alla i do is check up online after symptoms. but the truth is one never knows until the missed period and the bfp on the hpt. but it is a nice way to make the days go by. :)
Yeah, the 2ww is the worst! lol. Both times I got strong positives on the day of my period.
Just thought I'd say hi to you ladies. No one seems to come on anymore. :(
hola ladies, just checking in to say hi as well and give you guys an update. please let me know what you think. i have no clue if these are symptoms of pregnency or if i am just imagining things. :) my bbt increased the day after ovulation from 97.4 to 97.78 then 4days later it increased again up to 97.91 the 98.12 and today it was at 98.09. has anyone done bbt chart? anyway i read that bbt can increase first after ovulation then again at implantation. but now that i think of it implantation doesn't occure until 6-10 after ovulation right? which means that my bbt increase means nothing as i am just at 7dpo and the increase occured at 3dpo. hmm

other than that i have been a little gassy specially in the mornings ahhahaha sorry about tmi. bf hates it. :) but i can't keep running to the bathroom everytime. besides this i have also felt on and off some minor twinges on both sides of my belly.

how are you girls doing? does it feel wonderful to be preggo? i can't wait to just have that feeling. so a few more days to go.

belle and immpetiontmum how is it going for you girls?

oh also my bf and i are hosting a birthday dinner for one of our friends tomorrow at our place.....but i can't decide if it is ok to drink a couple of glasses or not. what did you guys do during you ttc time. did you drink during the two week wait, if so how many glasses? please advise. :)
Sounds like you could be well on your way bella. :D.
I don't think they're is much glory in the first trimester. Bloated, m/s, vivid dreams, sleeping all the time, mood swings, breast hurt, bra doesn't fit. :rofl: I told DH I was the most contrary pregnant woman in the world. :haha:

In between my miscarriage and this pregnancy (Which was only 3-4 weeeks I may add :dohh:) I drank (but only 2 glasses of slush which is a mixed drink we make here) I got on fair rides and got in a hot tub. I just did what would do normally until I started to "feel" pregnant.

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