looking for ttc buddy?

melissa i hope all goes ok with the new doctor. :hugs:

claire congrats your having a girl :) how lovely hun.

i done exactly the same, i keep apoligising to him to. the midwife from the nicu told us not to be afraid to ask for help if in a few weeks time we still arnt coping. my community midwife is out tomorrow so il see if she thinks its a good idea or not. also my gp told me not to be afraid to come back and ask for help too. xx
sinead- maybe you should get some help before it gets worse. it might help to have that already in place and talking to someone now? :hugs:
I wish I was offered some help, I was just left on my own no visits off anybody so I'm thankful they are looking after you.
If I was you I would talk to someone, it's better to let it out xxx
im sorry we cant be there more for you sinead :( :hugs: i just hope you are finding comfort by being around family and friends right now :hugs:
katie wat is going on?? dont you come out yet baby..STAY!!!

my midwife came out today and just told me to make my 6week check up with the gp in 4weeks time. she also told me that she hopes to see me in the near future and to give myself about 3months. which i wasnt expecting to hear. i though she would hav told me a year esp with having a cerserean. thats made me feel a bit better knowing that we can ttc a 'rainbow baby' sooner than i thought. although it will never take away from corey and alanna.
oh and i spoke some more about another baby and he said he wasnt sure if i wanted to get preg again in case it happened again, i told him that i did and we just hav to hope for the best and trust in god that he wont take another away.

hope all you ladies are keeping well and those bumps too. :hugs:
amen sinead! remain faithful, you are a strong and loving momma. :hugs:

katie- whats going on???? you ok???? on bedrest :(

had my specialist appt today. amniotic fluid is extremely low. :nope:

good thing was that baby was doing his practice breathing finally so hopefully he wont have lung probs! and..... he is already 6 lbs 5 oz, little fatty.

im scheduled to be induced for march 17 unless they have to induce earlier for complications or he decides he doesnt want to wait. now i have to see what my OB wants to do about his low fluid :wacko:
im so glad to hear your feeling hopeful for a rainbow baby in the future, i know it wont take away from your pains but i know it should ease u and abit :hugs: lots of :hugs:

so glad your bubba is nice and big melissa! he will be one strong baby. :hugs: omg hes gonna be a st patricks baby! lol

sorry ladies, thought i updated here as well, well basically i went for my 24 week check up and i just mentioned how i keep getting period like pains on and off and i expected the nurse to say this was normal but she kinda stopped and said she wanted me to do a urine sample and she felt my tummy asked was i in pain i wasnt so she said to be sure she wanted the doc to see me, so we waited maybe 10 mins for her, when she came in she asked a few questions and asked could she feel my tummy and for some reason just as i got onto the bed i had awful pains :( and she said my uterus was really tense and hard and she was worried i was contracting, so they did a swab test an bloods etc, told me to go home feet up til i get the results thurs, they think its prob an infection up by my cervix causing me to contract.. if its still there by thurs i have to be admitted and observed for a couple of days til the infection is gone..
they are worried about it starting off early labour or if my cervix shortens it could make my waters easy to break so im suppose to take it easy..

only positive is i can feel ava so i know shes ok
katie how did your app go today? hope all is ok. xx

claire and melissa how u both doing? xx
my OB called yesterday and let me know baby's fluid is so low if it goes down even by 1cm they will have to induce immediately. i only have two more appts before my scheduled induction anyways so gonna be trying to get things moving along in the next couple weeks
melissa are they worried about the babies development? is your waters leaking out as in you hav to wear pads all day?? does that make sence?

i dont want to alarm you and this could be completely different situations but they told me coreys lungs hadnt developed properly because of his low fluid. even with the steriods. where as alannas lungs wer perfect because she had all her fluid.

but im sure with you being 37weeks development is ALOT better than my twins.

:hugs: eveyone. xx xx xx
sinead- thank you, we are aware his lungs could be effected. its scary cuz on some of his scans he wasnt doing his practice breathing like he should be. its usually a good indicator that their lungs are developing nicely when they are doing it. we wont know til he is born if they will be ok. they checked his bladder and kidneys which could also be effected and they looked ok. he has 6 cm of fluid around him right now which isnt much. if it goes to 5cm i will be sent over to be induced. as far as i know im not leaking, they havent checked and i have had a few days where i had to wear a pantyliner, but no signs of infections or anything so hopefully its fine.
to be honest melissa your prob better off having him induced cuz if the fluid is so low his lungs wont be maturing as much as they would if he was out if you know what i mean so theys prob why they will induce you if it drops anymore, but 6lbs over is considered a very good weight i was born at 6lbs at 2 weeks over lol and totally fine :flower:
i just hope all goes well for you, tho i know it can be scary having him come that bit earlier than expected :hugs:
thanks katie- i know 6 lbs is a good weight. im getting ready to go to my appt so hopefully things will be ok. would be nice to have another week or two before he comes, but i know he will be ok either way. im not mentally prepared for labor, but i guess i should be getting there now since he really could come anytime. and look how far you are!!!!!! yay :happydance:

and you too claire!!!! :happydance:
thanks hun time is really flying, i keep getting pains and braxon hicks so im still on semi bed rest for now untill she is a bit bigger anywya, ive put all my baby clothes in the wash ready to pack my hospital bag.. which i was advised to do just incase.. so i bought new pj's for in there, just got a few bits left to pack.
i cant wait to see a pic of your little man x
I hope today goes ok melissa xxxx
time is just flying. it seems like yesterday i found out i was pregnant. his fluid is same so even though not better, at least im not being induced today. dr checked me and im 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. cant believe im almost done!!! im so tired today, slept about 4 hrs last night. boo.

how are you ladies doing today???
Omg Melissa you are so close now xxxx
Sinead I hope you are coping as well as you can xxxxx
i have been crampy all day and think i was spotting some earlier. i took some tylenol earlier and laid down for a while, the tylenol did nothing and im still cramping. the spotting has stopped though. i think i could really be close!!! it makes me nervous, but excited!

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