looking for ttc buddy?

i wouldnt be surprised if you go before they induce you hun i hope all goes well, update us when you can :happydance:
Good luck Melissa let us know how you are getting on that's if you can xxxxx
how r u feeling claire? how is your bump coming along?

my pains are back today :( and im starting to feel a little depressed tbh, our house needs so much fixing before baby is here but our landlord is being a royal prick!
the pains come and go one day im fine and i can get jobs done, other days i cant even sit up! my oh had to help me up this morning and even ran me a bath, and was late for college as he wouldnt leave til i was out and tucked up back in bed. so thats prob where ill be spending most of today...
a friend is coming either tonight or 2mor to stay with us so it will be nice to have some company as i feel so lonely in the day without my oh :(
I'm good Katie, I'm keeping myself busy knitting.
Can't you go back to your dr and see if they can help you xxx
they told me they did everything they can and thats when they sent me to the hospital and they did bugger all so im just gonna have to stick it out

i wish i could knit it would take up my time at least :)
Try and find somebody to learn you, it's the best thing I have done because time flies
claire- yay for knitting!!! i used to do it but havent in so long i wouldnt even know where to begin. would be a lovely hobby to re-learn i think :flower:

katie- im so sorry your feeling like crap and they cant help. i hope its not like this the rest of the pregnancy :hugs:

sinead- how are you hun???

i had cramps all last night but it seems to have settled today so far. i told DH im gonna waddle my big butt around this house today and try to get some contractions started. im feeling sick to my stomach though so not too sure how much i can do that. i already loaded the dishwasher and have 3 loads of laundry to do and 1 to fold from yesterday that i already folded. im tired of not sleeping and being in pain all day, its time to work on getting this kid out :wacko:
melissa it sounds like your getting closer and closer im so happy for you. it wil be such joy and love to your family. the wxcitement of labour and delivery and a new baby is just the best feeling id do it everyday.

melissa you knit? how lovely u knitting some cardigans and blankets for baby?

katie i wouldnt be too worried about washing the clothes and things yet if baby decides to come now she will be in neonatal for a good few weeks and in there they use their own clothes and do their own washing. so dont be stressing.
also (if it happens) providing you are ok after delivery youl be out of hospitsl within 2-3days and in that time and baby coming home a few weeks later will give you a few weeks to get bits done around the house. so dont be stressing..stress isnt good. take it easy. xx

ladies i so despertly want my babies back. i feel so lost and empty without them. i think about them every min of every day. i want to get pregnant again but im afraid people will judge me so soon and im afraid i wont hav the same feelings as it wont be alanna and corey. i dont know wat i want im so confused. but everyone around me is having babies and im so desperate. xx
sinead if you feel you want to get preg and its what YOU and your oh want then feck anyone else, getting preg wont replace your babies but it certainly might bring some hope and love to your heart which is what you want, and if having another baby is what will help i say do it :hugs: please please dont worry about what others think, im sure after knowing what you have been through they will be only too please to hear your pregnant again..
its normal to want to get preg after a loss alot of women to try right away.. so dont feel bad or guilty for wanting it.. its natural and i think a good sign :hugs:
i had my little guy march 6!!!!! i was very crampy all day monday and spotting a little. tuesday i had contractions but thought they were just BH since they didnt form a pattern, but was bleeding a little heavier and losing a lot of plug. DH and i walked around a store for an hour and got home around 6:00pm. we were hoping to get contractions in a pattern, never happened. ate dinner and i got in the shower about 8:00pm. while in the shower i started having bad contractions about 2-3 minutes apart. by the time i got out of the shower i couldnt walk through my contractions and was bleeding heavy. my DH helped me get dressed and we got to the hospital at 8:30pm. they helped me get on the table to check me and my water broke when i stood up. dr checked me and i was 9cm!!!!! they immediately got me in a room and i had no time to get the epidural. he was born within about 15 mins

Mason Elijah was born at 9:09pm weighing 7 lbs and 19 3/4 inches long. he is just perfect :cloud9:

my blood pressure went very high after he was born (160's over 90's) and they had a hard time stopping the bleeding. but all is well now and we will be going home in the morning.

wow melissa!! thats so great! congratulations hun!! well done you, he is just perfect hun, and what a lovely weight! he looks so alert as well :hugs:

i bet your over the moon with him :cloud9:
Aww Melissa congrats! he is so adorable! Welcome to the world Mason!
melissa congratulations to you and your dh. little mason is beautiful and looks very alert. wow i cant believe another baby on this thread. amazing :cloud9: congrats again hun xx ur labour and delivery sounded a bit like mine with the twins. very fast and not even time for gas and air.

xxxxx :hugs: xxxxx to everyone.
Omg look what I have missed some how I lost this thread.
Melissa congrats on your beautiful little boy mason I bet you are so happy xxxxxx
thanks ladies. we are so in love with him. still working out a new family routine right now so not on here much. how is everyone??

cla- 20 weeks!!!

katie- almost finished, wow!!!

sinead- you are still in my thoughts and prayers :hugs:

shey- how are you??
Melissa Im doin great, just in 2wk wait. how are you and baby mason doing?
how is everyone doing? xxx :hugs: to all you ladies, bumps and babies
hi ladies! how is everyone??

mason is getting bigger already, but still so little. all the older ones are sick with colds, boo. breastfeeding is gong well, and getting a lot less painful :flower:
Sinead how are you getting on. Xxx
Melissa How did you lose all that weight in such a short time

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