my ex was abused by his father and his mother never knew due to the excuse of his father having a shower with him. i would have no problem bathing with my children when i have them but i know that if something would mention the same to my ex he would have a bad reaction. i wouldnt have been ashamed of him if he said it was disgusting, it cuts close to the bone for some people and people who weren't or don't know people in that situation will never understand
I understand what your saying and what an awful situation for your ex to be in. I can understand why in your ex's situation he would have a bad reaction.
Here's a couple of stories on the flip side:
My mum and step dad had Evie one night and took a picture of her having a bubble bath, you couldn't see anything. It was a lovely pic and my step dad put it on his screen saver, some friends came round one night and my step dad put his computer on and one of them told him he was sick and should be ashamed of himself for having such a pic on his computer. My step dad was heartbroken at such a reaction and infront of all of his other friends too, he rang me to see if he had been out of order as he started to believe that what he had done was wrong, I told him he had done nothing wrong and this guy was in the wrong for suggesting he had.
Another time I was on holiday and a guy was taking a picture of his son coming down the waterslide. A woman got up off her deckchair and started having a go at him in full hearing range of everyone else there, calling him a peadophile and saying he was out of order taking such pictures, this guy told her it was his son but she didn't care she still thought it was out of order.
I know this thread has gone a bit off topic but I just wanted to balance the argument a bit as there are innocent people who get things said to them and its not nice to see.