Low dropping levels but HB found?

Well, my ultrasound went okay from an outsider's perspective. There was a heartbeat, and we later found out from my dr's report that the baby was measuring exactly 9 weeks 5 days (which matches my dates exactly). However, the u/s didn't really go well personally. I found myself extremely emotionally disconnected. Dh and I were both very surprised when we were informed there was a heartbeat. I felt relieved, but wasn't able to feel happy at all. She only showed me the baby for about 30 seconds (which made me mad) but I honestly didn't feel any emotions or anything from it. I cleaned up and went to use the washroom and ended up discovering a tiny bit of pink spotting. That was it for any sense of relief I felt. From the moment we got in the car, I started bawling. I cried and panicked all morning, then stayed home from work in the afternoon and slept. It was an absolutely devastating day for me. The positive news is that I haven't had any more spotting since, and the fact that there's a strong heartbeat and baby is measuring perfectly is a good sign. I've since also reassured myself that there is only about a 2% chance of something going wrong after seeing the heartbeat this far along. But I'm still absolutely terrified, and I feel completely robbed of any joy this pregnancy.

My mom is nagging at me to tell my dad and sister this weekend. We were going to tell if I had a good scan...which I suppose I did, but after the spotting all I feel is dread. I'm not sure if we'll tell them or not, but if we do I probably won't be happy about it.

Well, I'm actually hating being back at work. I wish I could take another holiday. Right now I'm dreaming of my next long weekend, which is in February. I am glad work hasn't been too terrible for you so far. I hope you find that it improves somewhat.

I think your cycles sound pretty normal to me. My cycles are never consistently the same number of days, and yours are within the normal range for a cycle. I wouldn't worry about it! :)
I am sorry things did not go how you hoped :( I have to say the first scan I had at 5 weeks, I felt like that. It wasn't til about the 10+5 week scan I had that I felt something. It might be an idea to opt for the 12 week scan after all? It will save you from waiting another 9-10 weeks for the morphology scan. I think the 12 week one is so much more exciting than early scans. You can definitely see baby's little arms and legs, bouncing around, it is amazing how much they grow in such a small amount of time. It will also give you some relief to see that things are still healthy and progressing well. Otherwise you will probably spend the next 2 months stressing over every symptom or lack of, if you know what I mean?

I had spotting at 5 weeks and 10 weeks, so don't stress too much lovely. Unless it gets heavy or you get bad pains, then head straight to the hospital!! Take it easy on yourself, you would be surprised how many women spot during pregnancy :hugs: It's still a horrible sight every way, because you just worry things are wrong.

I hope you start to feel a little better about telling your sister. It's such beautiful and exciting news and you deserve to tell them when you are ready and feeling happy to!

I know what you mean, I still wish I were on holidays. I hope you start to feel better soon though :hugs: We have a long weekend coming up in 2 weeks, as Hunters birthday is on Australia Day and that is a public holiday here. Australia Day lands on the 26th so we get the 27th off also, it works out perfectly for his first birthday!

Oh thank goodness. I was beginning to worry!
Thanks. I think hear the heartbeat at my next appointment (the 27th) will reassure me a lot that things are going well. Maybe now that I've fully processed the results of the ultrasound, I'll actually be able to feel excited about the heartbeat. I've actually been a lot less stressed about lack of symptoms this week despite the scare, because I know that the baby was doing well even when symptoms went away for a while. So I guess in the end the u/s was overall reassuring...it was just so traumatizing seeing that spotting. :( I haven't had any spotting since, but I still have a feeling of dread every time I go to the washroom and check for it.

I hope we can feel ready to tell my sister as well. I'll let you know if we end up telling my family tomorrow at dinner, but now I'm not sure if we'll even make it because DH has been terribly sick with the stomach flu for the past few days.

That is sooo nice that you have a public holiday coming up, and that it falls on Hunter's Birthday! It will definitely be nice to have a long weekend to celebrate. Do you have any plans for it? Will you have a party?

I still have 5 more weeks to wait for mine. Now I especially can't wait for the long weekend because I had to give my dr's note to work the other day because I could smell a chemical being used and needed to leave work. I never said that I was pregnant, but I'm sure my supervisor could figure that out. Anyway, since I gave that note, I've been overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. I feel hated at work. They aren't understanding at all and I am worried they are trying to avoid complying because they told me to start using the front bathroom so I just won't ever be in the lab. I'm hoping that they are just saying this as an extra precaution, but I immediately felt like they were just trying to find a loophole so they don't have to accommodate me...but my doctor's note clearly states I have to be absent from the BUILDING, not just the lab, when these chemicals are used. So I spent Friday morning crying at my desk and just feeling so stressed about it. But I'm trying to just block it out now. If they really are going to refuse to tell me when these chemicals are being used, as soon as I smell them next time I will just leave. I have my dr's note so they really can't argue with it even if they want to. But anyway, it's caused a horrible amount of stress and now I just can't even WAIT for mat leave. I want to get out of this place as soon as possible. I hate feeling endangered and also hated for wanting to protect my baby. When my supervisor came in yesterday, she didn't even say hi to me. I mostly just hid in my office all day. I feel like I will probably be passed up for a raise when my annual review comes up because of this. Ugh. At least I know all this hard work keeping my baby safe will be worth it when s/he arrives.

Yes, you are definitely normal! It's hard not to worry about cycles and such. Did you ever book an appointment to get some things checked out? I can't wait til you're TTC again and I can be there with you every step of the way!

Any fun plans for the weekend? As I said, dh has a terrible stomach flu, so we'll probably do absolutely nothing. I don't mind staying in, but our house is a mess and now I feel like it's a germ cesspool, but pregnancy is making me way too tired and lazy to do anything about it...so every second that I spend in this house drives me a bit crazier! Oh well.
Hello, I'm not sure you ladies will want anyone joining you to chat now your thread has been going so long. I've just read through a lot (I'm going through a loss and finding the various threads comforting) and wanted to say sorry for your losses.

Literati big congrats on being pregnant again. Sorry you werent really able to enjoy your scan, I think will feel the same if and when I am pregnant again. It's a scary enough time before you experience a loss.

Anyway I'm looking for a really chatty thread where I can get to know some friends and keep up to date but totally understand if you don't want any new comers!

Just in case.... I'm 33, married and have an 18 months old daughter. I got my bfp on 13th nov and was 12 weeks when I started bleeding (before my scan). I had an emergency scan last Tuesday and found a 7.5 week old baby with no hb. I had medical miscarriage and passed everything wed/thurs. now I just feel numb, shocked, up and down, heart broken. I'm going to ttc straight away and want to focus on that and keep busy so am up for chats.

Mrs W - Thanks for reading up on our losses, and I am so very sorry for your recent loss. How devastating that must have been, especially when you were so far along. Feeling numb, shocked, up and down, and heartbroken are the only things you could really expect to be feeling right now. It truly is an awful thing to happen to anyone and it is not something you can just get over.

I hope that you are able to feel excited about your next pregnancy. That is exciting that you will be TTC right away. I know as soon as my bleeding was giving way, I felt eager to try again, although we chose to wait until my first AF.
Thanks literati. I do feel excited, I just desperately want to be pregnant again, but I know anyone whose has a miscarriage feels this way. I know when I do get pregnant I will be a nervous wreck until at least the 12 weeks scan and again I know it's all normal.

Hope you are feeling a bit better since your scan. When is your next appointment?

So sorry I have been MIA!! I hope everything has been going okay and you haven't had any more spotting in the mean time! How is everything going? Did you tell your sister?! I hope DH has recovered from his stomach flu, how awful. That has been making the rounds around here as well!

It's not long now! We have planned to have close family and friends meet up with us at the beach at a table and have cupcakes, a cake, and a few other things. Nothing too over the top. As he is too young to even be aware of anything. We will probably make more effort for his 2nd birthday :)

Sorry to hear you are still so stressed about work. I hope that this feeling eases soon, especially once you are able to tell them the news. You should not have to feel that way because you are protecting your baby! :hugs: Maternity leave will be here before you know it!!

Not yet, I think I will book for my pap smear next Tuesday and discuss it all then. AF was a short visit this cycle. I was pretty surprised, seemed to end after about 3 days. Not sure if thats a good or bad thing! :shrug:

My weekend was fairly quiet. OH has been on a lot of night shifts, he will be on 4 days off as of Friday, so that will be nice! Not that we have much planned. I actually am going to buy a gym membership now Hunter is old enough, so that will be good for me. Take my mind off TTC and work and get me ready for my BFFs wedding in June!

What have you got planned?

Welcome Mrs W, sorry to hear you have come to this thread on sad terms :( Very sorry for your loss :hugs: MC is never easy but I can't imagine having lost a baby around that point, it must have been so hard for you. Are you tracking your cycles via temping, OPKs etc?
Mrs W - Thanks. My next appointment is the 27th so very anxiously waiting to hear the heartbeat. How are things going for you?

Any plans for your weekend?

Dette -

Well, if I had just replied before today I would have happily been able to say I'd had no more spotting. I did go 9 full days without spotting, but today we BDed for the first time since I got pregnant, and I had some bright red spotting. :cry: Of course I'm stressed again, but not freaking out as much as last time since I know it most likely was just from the BDing. I'll try to stay calm if the spotting subsides again. We did tell my dad, sister and her husband last weekend. It wasn't that fun telling them, and they didn't seem as excited as they could have been, but they were happy for us. And, yes, I am happy to say DH has fully recovered from his stomach flu. Thankfully, I managed to avoid it.

That sounds like a nice birthday party to me! How nice that you get to go to the beach whenever! I've been a bit jealous of all my co-workers going on hot vacations this winter. I definitely miss the beach! Oh well. It will be worth it to save up for all the baby things we're going to need.

Thanks, I cannot WAIT until maternity leave. That's what's keeping me going at this point.

That's sort of nice that AF was so short. I think AF ending early is never a bad thing!

That's nice you are going to get a gym membership! I'm sure you'll enjoy getting back in the groove of things. I have not exercised at all since I got pregnant! Buahaha. Soo tired and lazy.

Is your BFF's wedding going to be outdoors or indoors? You're a bridesmaid, right? Have you gotten your dress yet?

Nothing much planned for this weekend. We are going skating with a couple friends in a few hours, and then going to watch a couple episodes of the Sherlock that we need to catch up on. Should be a pretty quiet one. I hope you enjoy having your DH around for 4 days this weekend!
Hi ladies!

We did have a lovely wkend and dtd for the first time since my mc so I'm pleased about that! Yes I'll track ov via opks but I normally ov around cd21 so another week to go yet. I'm doing ok though, thanks for asking. Had a meltdown mid week when I found out a close friend is pregnant. Happy for her but it was so soon after my loss it took me by surprise.

Literati I'm so sorry to hear about the spotting but it definitely sounds like its from the bding. You must have a sensitive cervix, but I understand how stressful this must be and how worried you will feel. :hugs: I love Sherlock, I'm s glad it's been back!!

Dette when is your Los birthday? Sounds like a lovely day you've got planned! Do you track your cycles?

How were our weekends? We went away to Bournemouth (are you both uk? I live in West Sussex) and had a lovely time but panic..... When we got home we'd left dds rabbit there and she takes him everywhere!! Argghhhhhh, we've ordered another one but it won't come until Wednesday!! Xx
I'm sorry to hear that! :( But like Mrs W said, your cervix can be super sensitive through pregnancy. I had mild spotting once after BDing. Have you had anymore since? I hope you are okay :hugs: Not long til your next check up!!

I am sad that you didn't get much joy out of telling your family. It is such amazing news and I wish you had gotten the excited reaction you were hoping for, but none the less, that baby will be SOOOO loved and cherished regardless! I hope you start to feel more positive about this pregnancy soon, you have every right to be able to enjoy it!

Yeah, only 4 days away now! Then 5 days til he is actually one! :wacko: Where did the last year go?! Yeah, it's still super hot at the moment! I am racking up our electricity bill having the air con on all the time!

I am actually going to have to try to remember to book in for my pap smear for Thursday, I keep putting it off! I am terrible when it comes to making appointments! I will let you know how it goes regarding getting tested for my luteal phase/progesterone etc.

Ohhh I have missed gym so much! I have been every day since I signed up and feel SO good after I finish a session! I was a bit lazy the first trimester too, but when I started to gain a bit of weight, I got worried about getting fat and started walking every day and doing Pilates! It's hard to stay motivated when you are so tired though.

It is outdoors, we are going over to a little island for it, it will be really lovely. She has hired out a resort for it! I havent got my dress yet but I was measured up for it a few weeks ago :) Even if I fall pregnant, it is a flowy sort of dress that would accommodate a bump if it were to happen!

I hope you had a nice weekend though :hugs:

Hi Mrs W!!

I have found that I am around CD17, I was surprised when I found how late I O, I assumed I O'd around CD14 as I normally had a 27-28 day cycle, they have been a bit all over the place lately though!

Sorry the news of your friend has upset you, I am sure you will have some beautiful news to share with us soon :hugs: It's never easy hearing it after a loss though. So I feel for you!!

My LOs actual birthday is on the 26th, however having our little party on the 25th with family and friends. I hope it all goes to plan and the rain stays away as we are in the wet season until March so it can be sunny one day and pouring rain the next!!

I was tracking my cycles post M/C, however the last 2 cycles I have been pretty lazy :haha: Havent bothered temping at all, I have been checking CM though and noticing when it changes from non-fertile to fertile. I found myself stressing about ovulating late and having a short LP so I have decided to give things a rest until I go and see a doctor about it.

Sounds like you had a nice weekend! I am actually from Australia, so nope, no where near the UK :haha: Oh no!! Isnt it funny how attached they get to their loveys? My LO flips if I put him to bed without his lovey! I am glad you were able to order a new one though. Hope it has arrived so your LO is happy again!
This might be a short update because I am almost falling asleep at my chair (it's only 6 pm).

Mrs W - I am so sorry that the news of your friend made you upset. That happened to me back in October, and I very nearly burst out crying as soon as she told me. I had to excuse myself to the washroom to get some tears out. :hugs: It is so hard right now, but I know you'll have your rainbow baby soon.

I'm so glad Sherlock is back too. Have you gotten up to date on the epis yet? Sorry to hear you lost your dd's rabbit. Was she very upset? My weekend was good but way too fast as always. Can't wait for the next.

Dette - Yeah, I think it was just the cervix being irritated as it actually was stinging afterwards. I haven't had a single bit of spotting since RIGHT after BDing so I'm sure it was just that. Still, I'll feel a lot better when I hear the heartbeat in 5 days.

I do have my positive days still and I am hoping to have more once I hit the 2nd tri.

Sorry you're having to use so much A/C lately! I am sure it is very necessary. I wouldn't mind some boiling hot heat right now, though!

Well, I can't say you ever had anything to worry about in regards to getting fat while pregnant. You are probably the skinniest and most model-perfect person I have ever seen! When I saw your instagram it looked more like it was of a celebrity! I am probably going to buy a pre-natal pilates dvd soon for when I get more energy, but working full-time it's almost impossible to fit anything in. And no walking until it's nicer out, so probably not til April. I'm already having trouble with my SI joint, so I fear it will get bad enough I won't be able to go for walks at all.

Wow, that sounds like a beautiful wedding! I can't wait to maybe see some pictures. ;) Good it's a flowy dress.
Hello Dette!

I was surprised when I first started tracking my cycle that I don’t ov until CD 21 ish! I though I would be a typical CD 14 but they are quite a bit longer than average. Its harder when TTC as we have longer to wait but at least AF is less often when not TTC!

I hope your LO has a lovely lovely party on Saturday and a nice day on Sunday! I am sure it will be lots of fun and I will keep my fingers crossed that the rain stays away! I came to Australia on my honeymoon and went to Sydney and a few places near there and then had the most blissful time at Hamilton Island and the Great Barrier Reef – it was amazing! The one place in the world I have to go to again one day!!

I think being relaxed about your cycle and TTC is the most healthy attitude to have if you can. Its so easy for it to become all consuming and you can almost out your life on hold which is not good at all. I am def guilty of stressing too much about it so I need to take a leaf out of your book!! To be honest looking for EWCM seems a perfect indicator anyway so I am relying on that this month since my opks are all askew!!

I have ordered a new teddy for my daughter but it hasn’t come yet! She has actually been really brave and talks about him but has been ok with him! She will be over joyed when she sees the replacement him though!! Once she didn’t have him over night while I washed him and she was beside herself when she saw ghim the next day!! Cute.

Hi Literati

I watched the Sherlock last night with Johns wedding! I love it and of course I cried when they realised his new wife was pregnant! I think we have one more recorded to watch. I am also obsessed with Eastenders, especially since Danny Dyer is in it so I have to watch that most nights he he!

I am glad you haven’t had anymore spotting. Even if you know its your cervix its still really scary and such a relief when it goes away! Can’t wait for you to hear the hb. Let us know how your appointment goes. I think once I am pregnant again I wont really at all relax second tri either so I totally understand you saying that. How many weeks are you now?

Hope you both have a lovely weekend. I am meeting my 2 best friends tomorrow. My best friend is pregnant and was 3 weeks behind me, she hasn’t handled my MC that well and some of her comments have been really insensitive, even though I realize she hasn’t meant to upset me. I figure if I see her with our other friend, who doesn’t know she is pregnant yet then it wont come up in conversation at all and then I can hide away for a few months to lick my wounds once her news is out. I feel awful about it but its just so hard.

I am hoping to ovulate next week. Fingers crossed!!
Mrs W - That was a good episode! I enjoyed it. And, yes, super cute news when they find out she's pregnant! I haven't heard of Eastenders but sounds like it's probably good too. Let me know when you've watched the 3rd epi of Sherlock. :)

I will be 12 weeks tomorrow already! In a way it's gone so slowly, but in a way I am shocked to be so far along already! I actually discovered today that I am showing a tiny bit already! Up until now I've been so bloated that I wasn't able to tell at all, but today I had a less bloated day and I was feeling around and noticed a hard curve on my tummy. I looked in the mirror, and lo and behold -- there it was! So that's exciting. :) Still very much anxious to hear the heartbeat. I'll definitely tell you how it goes!

I'm sorry to hear your best friend hasn't been all that supportive since your mc. I know how that is. I think it's really impossible for someone who's never gone through it to put herself in our shoes. Even so, I do wish your bff had been more sensitive! I think your idea that pregnancy won't come up at all since your other friend doesn't know sounds good. It will be nice to just avoid the topic for a while.

I hope you ovulate next week like you're hoping!
I am glad to hear you haven't had any more spotting! Sounds like a bit of old rough and tumble just caused some irritation is all! But I bet you are hanging out to hear your little beans HB. It's not long now! :hugs:

I think once you are in the second tri, it is a very reassuring feeling! And it's nice when the fatigue and M/S starts to clear up a little. Then you might be able to enjoy things a little more, especially now that you are starting to pop! Eep, I can't wait to see photos of your growing belly once you officially announce it!

Oh nooo, it is getting up to 37 degrees here at the moment and it's HUMID heat. So it's disgustingly sweaty. You get out of the shower and you are already sweating. Walking outside is like walking into an oven or someones turned on a hair dryer! Cant wait til Summer is over.

Oh gosh! You really know how to make a girl blush :blush: That is so lovely of you. Pilates is really good! I enjoyed doing Pilates while I was pregnant. It is hard though with working fulltime, I worked 40 hour weeks til I popped, but I just set my alarm for 5-5:30am and did it all then. I hope you don't have any issues with your SI joint that it to the point it makes everything too painful :nope: I had mild SPD during my pregnancy and it's really uncomfortable!!

Hi Mrs W!

It is really crazy when you find out you O later than you originally thought! I believe I am ovulating today, had serious ov pain 2 days again and +OPKs yesterday that slowly turned -ve. So bang on CD17 again!

Well, the party was nice. LO was in a rotten mood though. I think he was overwhelmed by the amount of people. And everyone was in his face. So he screamed and cried for the first hour of the party. But from them on he was pretty content. Enjoyed some cake too! :haha:

I think I have just gotten lazy with it because we aren't trying at the moment. Not until a bit later on in the year! By then I will probably be back into the swing of things and stressing over Ov and the 2WW :haha:

Awww, how sweet!! I hope it arrives soon for her then, she will be over the moon when she sees him!
Yes, definitely just waiting to hear the hb but I guess there is no reason to think things are going badly...and only 2 more days.

It will definitely be nice when the fatigue lets up a bit. It actually got worse this week again, which was disappointing. But hopefully I start feeling a lot better soon. Thankfully the m/s isn't too bad anymore but I'm still looking forward to it going away and maybe being able to stomach coffee again! :haha: I'm looking forward to posting baby bump pics soon as well. :)

Eek, that does sound like a quite unpleasant heat. Do people suffer from heat exhaustion/stroke very often there? It sounds like you'd be at risk of it!

SPD doesn't sound fun! I'm glad it was only mild. We'll have to see how my SI joint holds up I guess. That was very dedicated of you to get up so early to work out every morning. I am the kind of girl who can NEVER get up in the morning, no matter how hard I try. I actually only get up 10 minutes before I leave for work. I have my clothes set out the night before. I put them on, pee, brush my teeth, and rush out the door! Sometimes I even have to put my mascara on at work! :haha: And I always eat breakfast at work as well.

Sounds like Hunter's birthday party was lots of fun, despite his bad mood. The cake you had for him looked amazing! I was drooling over it this morning and showed it to my dh. :) Hopefully now that he is one, he will start to sleep a bit better for you. One can dream, right?

Hope you both have a good weekend. We're having a quick visit with dh's parents today to tell them the news, and then we have plans with friends (the one who is pregnant and due in June) later.
It sounds like everything is travelling well this time around :flower: I am so happy for you. I can't wait to hear your update after your appointment. Speaking of appointments, I saw one of my doctors at work on Friday as I suffered serious ovulation pain to the point I was doubled over and curling into a ball. It seems like it's getting worse each month. So she is sending me for an ultrasound and bloods (fertility hormones and day 21 progesterone). She offered to do my Pap smear as well, which I politely declined :haha: She understood why and said that if I don't want to find a new doctor, I can always just have it done at sexual health clinic for free, which incompletely forgot about, so I think I will book that this week!

Aww, I remember experiencing that, just when you think it's getting better! Then bam!!! Haha, I truly hope by about 14 weeks it starts to get better. I think it was about then I noticed a difference. Oh goodness, yes, I can't imagine how you would be going without coffee. My friend was so put off by coffee when she was pregnant!

Haha you sound like my OH!!!! I am the kind of person who gets up 2 hours before work, even before I had Hunter! I like to be able to take my time eating breakfast, catching up on FB and then get ready. :haha:

Oh yes, the cake was amazing!! It was chocolate mudcake on top then marble mudcake on the bottom. It's in my fridge taunting me.. I have had 2 pieces of it already today :wacko: So it's definitely back to gym tomorrow!!

His sleep has improved slightly. He sleeps all the way through majority of the nights, he might wake once and then goes back to sleep pretty much straight after I go in and pat him. But he is still getting up at 5am :coffee:

Oh my goodness!! I hope you are a bit more excited telling your Dhs parents then you were with your sister. All the best. Can't wait to hear how it went. Does your pregnant friend know the news yet? So exciting! :hugs:
Thanks! I had my dr's appointment today and I got to hear the heartbeat! It was a healthy 165 bpm, and the baby also kicked a few times which made little blip noises on the doppler. My dr said, "he's a lively one!" and I felt so proud! :) I was extremely relieved and on my way back to my car I cried. I am definitely feeling a lot more positive now. Hopefully I don't have any more spotting and can just enjoy this pregnancy.

I am glad to hear your dr will be running some tests! That's definitely not good that your ovulation pain is making you double over! Sounds like could be a cyst or something. It will be good to get it checked out. And great idea just to go to the free clinic to get your pap!

Haha, yep, the symptoms seem to come and go so it can be confusing. Speaking of which, I threw up again yesterday and seem to be feeling sicker again. Hopefully it lets up soon! And yep, I think the aversion to coffee is common in pregnancy, but I hope mine doesn't last all the way through!

Haha yeah, well your method in the morning sounds very relaxing and leisurely. But I'm glad I have your OH on my side. :winkwink:

I am glad his sleep has improved a bit. I do hope he's broken of his habit of getting up so early soon, though! Yikes! I hope my baby likes sleep as much as I do!

Telling my dh's parents went really well and they were very happy for us! We also told my pregnant friend on Saturday and she was THRILLED! I was glad I told her because we talked about our pregnancies for the rest of the evening and she managed to make me feel a lot more excited. I just love that we're going through it together. It will be especially nice having mat leave off together!

How is your week going?

How are you, Mrs W?
Yay!! That is SOOOO exciting. I have a niggling feeling your little one may be a girl! Are you planning to find out the sex? If so, you can in a few weeks! I found out when I was 17 weeks :flower:

Well, I have my ultrasound next Thursday and my pap smear is booked for tomorrow. I will have my bloods done probably Saturday so then I would be 7DPO. I will let you know how it all goes when results come back. I am hoping all is ok!

Boooo to the continuing M/S, hopefully over the next few weeks it disappears. But it is SO exciting you are officially out of the cautious period! :happydance:

Yeah, some mornings he has been trying to start his day at 4-4:30am :wacko: I am fairly certain I got blessed with the baby that HATES sleep LOL! I sure do hope your little one is a good sleeper. Or at least better than mine, but please dont rub it in if he/she is :haha:

I am SOOOO glad that the news telling went well, it is so exciting once you get around to telling everyone. When do you think you will tell your work?

My week is fairly average, had 4 days off over the Australia Day weekend and now a cyclone is brewing! They think it's only going to be a Category 1 but even Category 1 can bring a lot of flash flooding and storm surges, so could be looking at loss of power etc. So the whole town has gone crazy and emptied the grocery shops of food and drink! We had a Cyclone 5 about 3 years ago which was REALLY scary!! I really hope it doesn't turn out to get that bad again. Pray for us!! We definitely don't want to lose power :(
Oh gosh dette that sounds scary! I hope all is ok. Update us when you can. The panic shopping happens here when snow is forecast, people go mad! It's a pain if you pop to get some milk in case you can't leave the house in the car for a day or two and people have emptied all the shops!

I hope your scan and tests go well next week and the results are positive. Will you find out straight away?

Oh gosh, I love my sleep so luckily my little girl has always been a good sleeper. I bet any future baby won't be haha! I definitely lucked out with her.

Literati - I'm glad you feel better after hearing the heartbeat, it's the most wonderful sound isn't it. I so looked forward to my appointments with I was pregnant with my dd and found hearing her heartbeat the best sound in the world!!

Where do you live? When you mentioned Sherlock I assumed England but Im guessing maybe not if you haven't heard of eastenders.

Aww I'm glad the news telling went well. Such a relief once you are over the first tri and can finally tell people your news. It's a lovely time, second tri was my favourite.

As for me, I'm ok. Having a down day today really. My beloved amazing wonderful pussy cat had to be put to sleep in December. I was totally devasted and had to pick his ashes up today. It bought it all back and felt very very final and sad. Plus I'm at the time in my cycle where I would usually ovulate or have just ovulated and I'm not really able to tell this time, which although I know is totally totally after a mc, it's still really frustrating and upsetting. Anyway that's enough of my moaning, we have a weekend away planned this weekend and we have tomorrow, Friday, the weekend and Monday off so lots to look forward to and pass the time.

Hope you both have lovely weekends. Do you have any plans? Xxx
Thanks Mrs W - it looks like overnight it has starred to track a little further southwest so if we are lucky we will just get the outskirts of it. Its very windy here though at 5.50am! OH was lucky to buy a slab of water bottles for clean water and some long life milk though just incase!

Well ultrasound results usually get to the doctor within 2 hours. And bloods can take up to 2 days or more to come back. Same with pap smears. So I shall be playing a bit of a waiting game.

Haha very lucky!! Hunter woke 2 hourly til he was about 3-4 months then went to 3 hours then slowly to 4 hours and stayed that way til he was 11 months and we implemented some sleep training. Now he mostly sleeps through but wakes up ridiculously early! He woke at 12 and 4 last night but went back to bed after a nappy change.

So sorry to hear your news, thats awful :( I hope some time away will take your mind off things. :hugs: Would it be worthwhile investing in a digital ovulation test or one of those microscope ones?? I think I will invest in one when we start to TTC as they look a bit more reliable then the normal pee sticks. Did you manage to BD around your normal ovulation time? Xx

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