LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

I have a friend that did hypnobirthing. She said she wasn't sure how well it worked. Her labour was kind of crazy and fast. She said if she laboured longer she wasn't sure if it would help or if it helped at all. I am interested in trying it anyway. And Acupressure.

Nice bags Dis! I am not a huge Coach fan but those are nice. I always seem to ruin my diaper bags, could be because I had older siblings around that seem to be obsessed with bags.
sarah - the sickness is a bugger but tbh I don't really care that much...I mean, I would quite like NOT to be being sick - but after waiting so long for this I'm kinda philosophical about it

Dis - I felt my first definite kicks at 20+6 ... hopefully it won't be much longer for you xxx

Urch - now I am picturing you like the dancing hippos from Fantasia :rofl:; the app on my phone says that this week they are carrots. A 'man' version says they are beer bottles :haha:

:rofl: Mrs B that's exactly what I look like! none of us can stop giggling as we hoof it round the pool :D

well, I had a little doppler this morning ... just felt like listening in before work. I don't think she likes it though as she kept wiggling away :flower:
Sarah - I'm pretty well resigned that I will be having a c-section so I haven't looked into anything like that at all. :shrug:
DH is a doctor and has delivered many babies - he's convinced me that its just better to take the epidural and I plan on it!

On cloud 9 right now, DH had a bouquet of blue roses delivered to me at work to celebrate being 20 weeks today with our baby boy. They're beautiful :)
oh I will probably have an epidural, but thought the hypnobirthing might make me cope a little better in general as I hate medical stuff!!
Awww Dis how sweet!

The thought of an epidural creeps me right out, but I am keeping an open mind. It really depends on how long the labour is I think.

My midwife called today and freaked me out. I have to go back in in two weeks for another U/S. She said something about the blood flow from the ventricles and my brain went numb. Then I asked again and she said it was just that they didn't get a good measurement of the heart so they want to check again. I feel a bit better now, but still praying everything will be ok for Aria and that her heart measures healthy. I guess we will get another shot to see if she is in fact a :pink: as well. She did say that everything else was normal, but didn't go into details as they will at my next appointment (same day as U/S June 14). Also, my cysts on the right ovary have gone and all but one on my left! I pretty much knew that, but it is nice to have the confirmation.
oh care I would be the same when hearing that, but Im sure they just didnt get a good look. its nice for you to get another scan, Im seriously considering getting a private one.

dis I missed the part about the flowers before, thats soooooo sweet! my hubby is pretty good with occasions, soppy cards etc, but I never get unexpected flowers.
Dis - how sweet of dh! I'm a little jealous. Hopefully my dh will do something like that. He has been doing the dishes & my laundry lately & that is pretty romantic :shrug:

Care - hope everything goes well, i'm sure it's just a follow-up
Dis, congrats on your baby boy! So exciting!! Thank god she got a closer look and didn't make a mistake. I have heard of that happening before! That's so cute of DH, mine didn't even know today was the half way point until I told him at 9pm!

Care, I agree that it sounds like double checking, especially bc they are willing to give it another two weeks. If they were very concerned they would have you right back in there I'm sure!

I have an ob appt tomorrow, hopefully it's uneventful!
Marie-That is interesting about the morning sickness. A bit comforting lol! Thanks for sharing.

Urchin-That is an idea I was thinking on...having some sky and wake showing. Ah, I may want to stay in the nursery lol! I did up DD's nursery with a garden scene from Paris (her name is Parris) then fairies everywhere, it is beautiful. So many compliments we have got on that room. After I was done, I was huge pregnant and I laid in the middle of the floor and just took it all in. AH, major sense of accomplishment lol!

Janers-Hi, welcome and congrats on your BFP. I agree, it can be hard to relate to someone who got pregnant so easily. I swore when I got pregnant I would embrace it and not complain at all. Well, the sickness and other issues has got to me and while I may be guilty of complaining, I'm not taking it for granted at all. I'm sure you feel the same way :) Welcome to our group! I hope you can relate to and feel welcomed here!

Sarah-sounds like everything is coming along for your nursery! It's so exciting!

Marie-I remember having hb for the first time with DS, I thought I was dying. Like for real lol. My mom told me in a sort of cold way lol I was fine and it was just hb. I insisted I thought I needed to go to the ER and I thought, man how do people do this on a day to day basis. It was late in pregnancy and it only happened a few more times but it was rough. Hope it gets better for you :)

Dis-Beautiful choices in bags! Your DH is so considerate! I'm a big fan of an epidural. I went in the first pregnancy thinking no drugs and tried the natural approach. I took birthing classes and they passed around the epi needle and I was terrified of needles at the time. Yea after being induced, I was begging for that huge needle. I know I have a high pain tolerence but it's called labour for a reason. I don't dialate easily so it's long hard labour's for me. DS took 22 hrs to make his arrival and DD took 17! I'm one who LOVES the experiece with the proper meds lol!

Mrs. B- Omg beer bottles! Too funny, DH needs that app!

teta- Good luck on your appt tomorrow!

Care-Bless your heart for the phone call. I'm sure it's just to clear things up and nothing to be worried about. Try to relax and have fun seeing your baby and maybe confirming the sex again!

AFM-I'm feeling movements daily, any idea when DH will be able to feel anything? I can't remember from my other children lol. Maybe it's pregnancy brain!
Dis those flowers sound lovely - lucky girlie!
Mr Urch is another of the 'non-flower' types ... but he does so many other things that show how much he cares (generally practical things) so I can live without the blooms!

I'm also going to be having a c-section, so haven't looked into any other delivery things at all....I'd probably give it a go though (as long as I had an epidural on standby!)

Care - try not to worry hon, the sheet that they mark (I looked over the sonographer's shoulder while she was doing mine) simply asks if they have seen certain things. Depending on the baby's position, some things may not be visible

I was lucky in that the very first shot had a really good view of the heart ... I think this must have been a little unusual as the sonographer exclaimed about it and zoomed in to do her heart checking straight away.

If you think about it, the heart is the thing they do the most detailed check on - with arms and legs they are just looking to see if they see them. With the heart they need to get in close and detailed to check that the blood is flowing the right way around it.

All the phonecall is saying is that they couldn't get in close enough to see, not that they saw something wrong ... so the situation you are in (heartwise) is exactly the same one as you were in before your scan.

Try and keep thinking this, and not that they have found a problem - cuz they really haven't :hugs:
Thanks ladies! I know that everything will be OK, but it is still at the back of my mind. I know the tech saw a good deal of the heart because she pointed some things out to me. But I guess they need a better measurement of the blood flow from the ventricles. I just want her here in my arms and healthy. I can't wait until Oct!

Urch, is there a reason you are having a CS?

Klein, I have felt Aria move twice with my hand. It was really hard to tell though, but I am thinking that within a couple weeks DH will be able to feel her (by the time he gets there she always is finished moving). It is only over to the sides or up high that I can feel her and they still are very light but much more than flutters.
Definitely don't worry Care! My ultrasound tech told me right away I should book another scan in 2 weeks since she couldn't get a good picture of the heart....
I was lying watching tv yesterday and bub was quite active, and I could feel with my hand so I put hubbies hand on my tummy and he felt something too (I felt it from inside and said 'there' right after every movement) :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: it was so quick he was second guessing it after but he definitely felt something. but he didnt want to do it for long as he didnt want to hurt bub, I told him pressing on my tummy will not hurt him :dohh:

Ive not been feeling that much with my placenta being in the front cushioning things so I was really happy.
Sarah that's so exciting! I def feel more when I am laying flat on my back w my legs straight. At my ob appt today I asked about feeling movement and the anterior placenta. He said now it may make a difference but it the 3rd trimester it won't bc the baby is so big. So just a few more weeks til the major kicks are coming regularly! I have gained 10 lbs and I thought I was going to get yelled at, but he said they like to see between 8 and 12 lbs by 20 weeks so I'm right on track. After the long holiday weekend, I did gain 6 of those 10 lbs in the last 4 weeks :blush: I knew that was coming, I actually laughed on the scale :haha: I'm pretty much where I was with dd and I gained 23 lbs with her so I'm not worried. And lost it in a few weeks, thank you breastfeeding!!! :thumbup:

As the others have said, I am a HUGE fan of the epidural. I see babies being born for a living and can count on one hand the amount if times I have seen a women give birth without one by choice. And it's NOT pretty. I was so scared of the epidural, but I knew I couldn't get it fast enough. I must have told the anesthesiologist I love her 25 times :haha: I hope I'm at lucky this time!
I haven't been able to feel anything from the outside at all yet, though I have suspected it a few times. DH still seems a little creeped out by the idea though so I'm not pushing him to try to feel anything anyway :haha:

U/s went well today. Boy is 15 oz and Girl is 14 oz. They were both packed in the 'basement' again so didn't get great pics but oh well. Now I have to wait another 4 weeks for another scan... boo!
Care - I had a hyowj fibroid removed 2 years ago ... it was open surgery, so essentially a c-section but with more trauma to the uterus. The consultant told me at discharge that I would have to have a c-section if I was successful getting pregnant

All sounds like baby is fine chikkie - but none of us will stop worrying until baby is safely in our arms ... and then for the next 18 years and beyond! :rofl:

Mrs B - good weights there :thumbup:
Why are scans so far apart? We should get one a week at least *nods vigorously*

Well, nearly the weekend and I really feel like I need one ... just have to meet a blummin MP tomorrow morning (a work thing not a personal choice) then I can hang up heels til Monday :D
teta 10 lbs is good, Ive read quite a few people on here being nearer 20 lbs by 20 weeks. were you a normal weight to start with? Im baffled by myself, I lost 10 lbs in first tri, and Ive only gained 3 back so Im still minus 7 at 22 weeks. I think it will start to pile on now though, and i was 30 lbs overweight anyway so plenty of fat for him to feed off!!

mrs bear yesterday was the first Ive felt outside, and Id just had some chocolate so perhaps try that :haha: glad your u/s went well. I mentioned before I dont get anymore covered by healthcare so I just found a place to do one for $200 so I might go in a week or two. I figured Id get a private one before he gets too big and you cant see much. my 19 week one was wonderful but she was mainly measuring, the part she showed us his anatomy went so quick so I want another.
Mrs bear those weights sound great, especially for twins!! They r gonna have to move upstairs soon bc there can't be much room left!

Sarah I was normal weight when I started, I just always feel like no one gains wt the first half but me!! Oh well. I don't mind gaining 50 as long as the baby is healthy!

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