LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

I went to dr last night, she thinks its bv which I had back in June and I'm on antibiotics now. I'm 3-4cm and she said the head is "going to fall out"... Greaaattt!!! So she stripped my membranes to try and get things going before I can't walk anymore. Nothing yet, I hear it only works half the time. I'm still not in a huge rush as I'm not uncomfortable yet so it's a real waiting game now!
But Sarah you have me extra excited!!
Sarah I just knew you were becoming a mommy!!! He is so gorgeous!!!! Rest up and take care of yourself and your little man. Let us know how things went when you can!

Wow Teta, 3-4 cm. I wonder what I am if anything. Maybe I will ask my midwife again. I know they usually don't check until later though.

I have a midwife appointment today. So far I am thinking this guy doesn't want out. Even though I have lots of cramping and back pain, nothing is regular.

Thanks for the picture comments ladies! :flower:
Sarah, he is just scrummy ... welcome to the mummy club xxx

Urchin - are you breastfeeding? I'm hoping to be able to, and keep hearing the first couple of weeks are rough but then it gets better.

i'm doing a mixture of bf and expressing, and yes it is bloody tough - but i'm a stubborn bint so will keep on at it :thumbup:
Urch & sarah - the babies are absolutely gorgeous!!!

Care - love the pics!

Teta - feel better, hope the antibiotics do their magic!

AFM - been mia here lately. I had a breakdown the other day bc i'm getting winded all the time with the simplest activities and i have to depend on everyone to do things for me. They didn't put me on bedrest yet but i'm supposed to "take it easy." With a million things to do, it is going to be a challenge. You ladies are so strong. I need to think more positive & realize it could be a lot worse.
Care- I luv your pictures... you def didn't need to spend your time and money on a professional, the pics couldn't be any more perfect!!!
Sarah, how amazingly great that he's here! Hope your recovery goes well. Congratulations!!!

Marie, do you have a c-section date or is that going to be figured out later? Hang in there, a few more weeks to go.

It's pretty unbelievable that some of the babies are here. It's getting exciting on this thread!
Thanks ladies! I have to say I love the picture of just my belly.

How are you feeling Urch?

Marie, I understand. I have so much pain with SPD and I can;t do anything for myself. It is so frustrating. I am so jealous of the pregnant women walking and doing things like normal. But it is all for the best gift ever. I just have to think of it that way.

I went to midwife today. I am barely dilated and cervix is still almost 3cm long (but it is soft and has shortened and started to open, so I guess that is good). she estimates the baby at 8 lbs!
Care-That's good that its soft and shortening. Sounds like your on the right track! Hang in there your so stinking close now :)

Marie-Oh, bless your heart. I can't imagine carrying two. IMO your way stronger than any of us!!! Don't get discouraged. You are housing two LO's... take help when needed and do try to take it easy. Maybe try to tackle a few simple tasks a day and make sure you rest. So glad they haven't put you on bed rest yet. Don't be hard on yourself! Keep on keeping on, your in the home stretch :)

Teta-I'm amazed that your dilated so much :) YAY! Heck you'll be in active labor and should hopefully go pretty quick! Did you dilate before labor with DD?
Care-That's good that its soft and shortening. Sounds like your on the right track! Hang in there your so stinking close now :)

Marie-Oh, bless your heart. I can't imagine carrying two. IMO your way stronger than any of us!!! Don't get discouraged. You are housing two LO's... take help when needed and do try to take it easy. Maybe try to tackle a few simple tasks a day and make sure you rest. So glad they haven't put you on bed rest yet. Don't be hard on yourself! Keep on keeping on, your in the home stretch :)

Teta-I'm amazed that your dilated so much :) YAY! Heck you'll be in active labor and should hopefully go pretty quick! Did you dilate before labor with DD?

After 8 hours of labor with DD I was only dilated 1.5 cm, then went quickly once they started pitocin. So 3cm with no active labor is way different!! I don't know how I am not in real labor, I have BH non stop. As soon as I start to time them they slow down, but its at least 5-10 an hour all day long! They don't hurt and aren't regular. But are definitely getting more intense, especially at night. At this rate I will be 10cm and never be in active labor!!! :haha: They said it will be very quick and not to wait it home, as soon as its the real thing to come in! Im starting to get impatient. The not knowing is a similar mental game as the tww... Reading way too much into every single twinge!
Teta - you're getting so close!

Care - 8lbs is a great weight, hopefully things start happening.

Sienna - i actually schedule my tentative c-section today. I feel a lot of movement lately & i wonder if baby 2 is hoing head-down too. Then natural may be an option. I think they're about 4lbs each but i will find out for sure next week.

I'm trying to be more positive and i'll just have to accept all the help i can get. I decided to work 3 more weeks and stop when i am 35 weeks. It is a desk job so i should be able to manage & have a few weeks at home before their arrival.
Sarah - he is absolutely gorgeous! So happy for you!!!

Teta - wow, so jealous you're so well dilated! Hoping the delivery is nice and quick for you!!

AFM - waiting waiting and waiting. Dr hasn't done a check, and said there's no need to. Sigh. Also have been feeling pretty low on energy and found out why at my apptmt today. Iron is still low and lost 3 pounds this week. Means from IVF retrieval point, I'm only up 10 pounds. Baby is draining all my energy!
Dis-dang...hang in there. So sorry your energy level is low. If you feel a sudden burst, it should mean something is going to happen soon :) It's such a waiting game. I'm not very good at waiting so I'd be going crazy by now.

I started my EPO and bouncing on my ball and attempting to walk a bit on my treadmill. I just want to encourage my LO to 'move down' and get into a ready and waiting position lol. Also, I've been induced with my other 2 kids. I have a cervix of steel! I'm hoping that the EPO will help soften and ripen my cervix so maybe I won't have to induce. Also got some Clargy Sage Oil to use during labor and a few weeks before in my bath. Don't know how well that will work but I guess I'll see lol. I'm getting close to 'term' yay!
sounds like we've got some more Octoberites close ... hang on in there ladies, it will be babies all round soon xxx

things are good at Urchin Towers - we went and registered Aoife today so she is now an official person :D
Woohoo Urch! Lots of paperwork, eh?

Dis, I am sorry about your iron. :( Mine actually went up finally, and my hemoglobin and B12. Hopefully yours will too.

Klein, my midwife told me yesterday not to take EPO when I asked. She said they used to recommend it, but now recent studies show it can do the opposite, so now they just recommend sperm for softening the cervix. So it is a risk. You may be one where it helps or you may be one where it actually makes you wait longer. She said raspberry leaf, sperm at cervix , and orgasms are the best things to help, but no matter what your body has to be at least starting to get ready. If it's not time, it's not time.
Dis- I'm so jealous of your 10 lbs! I'm up 30... But I lost the last 2 visits so that helps. I hope you start to feel better. I'm so tired but I'm sleeping horribly bc of the bathroom trips. Try not to get to frustrated with the lack of labor symptoms. I didn't have a single symptom with DD and woke up in labor. This time I have every sign and symptom in the book for a week and nothing! Did DH check you??

Urch so glad to hear things are going well. I'm sure you are settling in nicely by now. My boobies took a week to get used to their new role, I hope yours are improving too

Can't wait to hear from u Sarah!! I see she had a c/s, I want to hear the story!!!!

Afm- more bleeding today. I've been spotting on and off since Tuesday, with lots of gross strings of mucous coming out. And pretty frequent but irregular BH. Idk what's going on, but none of it is causing real labor so it's a whole lot of nothing until proven otherwise!
bobbies are feeling a bit better teta - i'm expressing about half of her feeds which helps give the girls a break, and had my latch checked yesterday.
bloody pump has broken now so need to find a replacement asap!
Our baby BOY, Evan, arrived last night!!! My water broke at home and I had him a few hours later. We are all doing great! :cloud9: Dis, Care, you're up!!


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Yay Teta! Hope the recovery continues to go well. He's so cute!! Congratulations to you, your husband, and the big sister.:happydance:
Teta he is amazing! Wow, fast eh? Big sis must be happy to have a brother. Congrats on baby Evan!!!! Take care of yourself and get lots of rest.

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