LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Care-I can't believe your able to work like you are. I am totally in awe of you :) I'm sure it helps pass the time as I feel I am sitting around twiddling my thumbs!

Sarah-That's good, sounds like things are moving in a positive direction! That is crazy she can feel the head. Almost makes you think the baby could just fall out or something!

Teta-I was induced both times with my other children...the only 'real' contractions I felt were the medicine ones and there is no mistaking that those are real lol. I really really really hope that my body gets the memo and decides to kick the baby out before I give up and do another induction. Apparently I could probably stay pregnant for-ev-er if it was left up to my body! Ugh, so upsetting!
Yes, I am having a hard time trying to order pics as well!

I go for my next dr visit on Monday...It's my Strep B and an internal. It's early but I'm excited to know if anything is going on in there lol.
Yay for being dilated Sarah!! I get checked tomorrow and really hoping something is happening!!
I *think* I may have just lost my mucous plug??!! so after yesterdays little sweep I had a little brown blood on the pad which she said I would have. I put in a new pad before bed and when woke up nothing on there. I threw it out this morning, when downstairs to check emails, when I went to the loo there was a big glob of stuff in my panties. Of course I inspected it :haha: it was about 2cm, snot like, very stretchy and brown. Im assuming thats what it was. Not tooooo exciting as people can lose their plug and still go weeks, but hopefully its a move in the right direction.

not feeling any contractions yet, but I do feel a weird dull ache on my bump that makes me feel 'funny', kinda nauseous. perhaps thats a pre labour warm up while Im slowly dilating.

it would be great if I go into labour on friday as then none of hubbies family would have to take time off as its the weekend. do you hear that bub!!
Sarah, that is exciting! It sounds like things might progress quickly with your other feelings. Maybe you will have a Thanksgiving weekend baby!!!

Klein, I work from home and I now have two jobs. My husband has been helping me a lot with my business, so for it I mostly make labels and put them on packaging. My husband weighs and packages the dry things and I do the liquids. Then I have to pack up and invoice orders and my husband delivers or ships them. It is not hard but because my hip/leg/back hurts so much, it can be painful. My other job I thought would only be a few hours a week, but it has really started booming so I spend 4-8 hrs a day, 6 days a week with it. It is all email and phone work, so also not hard, just hard on my baby brain lol. I don't get maternity leave so I am trying to get a head of things so when Declan comes I have more time with him. So I might as well work like mad now when I have the time.

AFM, my midwives don't do internals unless you are 40 weeks or more. They said they will do a sweep if you want them to but they made it sound like they do it much later.

Sarah, did the sweep hurt? I have such a hard time thinking of anything in there as I am so swollen like down there. I keep wondering how a baby is going to come out!
care me and hubby are also self employed so if we dont work we dont get paid. so I am also still working trying to get everything done. my SIL keeps saying how lucky I am to be able to be at home, meanwhile she gets a year of money from the government and I get nothing. And I wont be able to work that much with a baby, people seem to think working from home is so easy. hubby is going to take 2 weeks off as thats all we can afford.

my MW's dont usually do checks until you go overdue. but being 40 they seem to be ok with doing things at 39 weeks as they dont want me going too overdue (guidelines from canadian society of obs). my one MW had mentioned a stretch and sweep this weekend as its my due date, so I wanted to see where I was at as I wasnt sure if I wanted to have it done. also if I was clamped shut I would know I have to be patient (although MW did say you can be completely closed and go into labour the next day, or be dilating and have to wait 1-2 weeks).

yesterdays apt was with my back up MW and when I asked her to check cervix she said she could do the s&s then too if my cervix was open. I am a complete wuss with things 'up there', hated the IUIs, cried through the egg collection etc. So I was nervous, it was ok, not painful just uncomfortable. her fingers going in the cervix was ok, it was the sweeping part that felt the most uncomfortable, but I did my hypnobreathing then said Id had enough. I think she would have gone longer and said it wasnt a full sweep. i would be fine doing it again next week so its not that bad :thumbup:
Sarah-I don't want to get your hopes up...but...they do say that the sweeps that lose the mucus plug are the most successful. ( I got that bit of info on a midwife website) Something like 95% successful in inducing labor in the next 3 days. Of course if your like me in everything I'd be that stubborn 5% lol. Eitherway I would consider it a success and yes that sounds like your plug to me!!!

Care-Sounds like your busy and booming then! Like you said with the pregnancy brain I commend you for being able to keep up. I was in the car last week driving down a road I go down twice a day and I was talking to my son and I RAN A STOP SIGN. That stop sign has been there longer than I've been on this Earth I'm sure! Luckily there was noone on the roads but me. I started flipping out and telling the kids 'DON'T TALK TO ME WHEN I'M DRIVING...CAN'T YOU SEE I'M LOSING MY MIND!!!'. Ugh it gets so bad sometimes lol.
Ok we'll ill eat my words about not being checked. My dr today wanted to check me since I am having BH so frequently... And I'm 2cm and 80% effaced. She said my cervix is very soft and it won't be long. Buuuut, i still don't believe it and know i can walk around for weeks like this!

Sarah any more progress??? L
Checking in - not able to keep up like I would like so sorry for being MIA. All are well, just busy busy busy...

Congrats to Urch and Eenie! Sarah - not long now!
Sarah-I don't want to get your hopes up...but...they do say that the sweeps that lose the mucus plug are the most successful.
ooooooh really, and yes I will probably be in the 5% too! but its ok, Im not that desperate to have him out, its exciting actually and I know the end is near. and lol @ your driving, please be careful!!

teta how exciting its nice to have someone to dilate with! how frequent are your BH's? I just dont feel much at all and no changes :wacko: care come on you gotta be checked now!!

mrs bear dont worry, I dont expect people to be on here much once they have given birth! hope you are doing fantastic :hugs:
Mrs bear glad to hear from you! Hope life is staying as calm as possible for you, and you are getting some sleep! I know I will be on here even more after the baby comes bc I will be looking for company while I nurse all night!!

Sarah, I get a few BH an hour. Nothing regular though. They are def getting more intense but not painful just uncomfortable. The dr said once I start for real there will be no mistaking it this time bc of how soft my cervix is and how low the baby is. She said several times don't wait around like i did with DD, bc it will be fast. And bc I am GBS+ I will need antibiotics ASAP. Did I mention that after 8 hrs of labor at home with DD I was only 1.5 cm, and with no labor I'm already 2!? So I guess it will be faster (hopefully!)
teta sooo many people tell me #2 is so much faster, and being that you are 2cm already thats a good sign! I know for #1 I could be waiting a week or more at 1cm :dohh:

I just havent been feeling much so surprised I was even 1cm, do you think me not feeling much now indicates it might be a long dilation, I dont even really notice any BH just a couple times of day my bump feels odd. I was hoping it will continue like this up till 10 cm :rofl: the head is low (engaged) and even today I felt my bump had dropped even lower than yesterday. my cervix long but soft. I am so curious what will come first for me, contractions, water breaking?? I guess more people start the contractions.
Thanks for the update MrsB!!! Glad you are all doing well.

So exciting Sarah and Teta!!!

Sarah, I am behind you a bit, so I don't think they will check me. I guess at my next appointment I can ask, I will be almost 39 weeks then. Wow, that is the first time I have said that out loud, it is kind of scary and exciting at the same time!

My sister in law was 3cm dilated and fully engaged and had tons of cramping for 3 weeks! It was her third and knowing what labour feels like she still went into the hospital a few times thinking it was the real deal. She was in early labour for so long. So I know that even if they check me it might not mean much. Especially for my first.

AFM, for some reason today I have no energy. I actually took a nap and didn't do much work at all. I had all these ambitions and didn't do any of them except the work with patients that I had to do. I am really uncomfortable and just feeling odd and off.
Mrs B-So glad things are going well, I'm sure you have been very busy these days!

Teta-My first labor was so 22 hrs long. (induction) With my second I went into the hospital to be induced at 2cm and it still took 17 hrs. I hear induction takes forever and also that second labors are faster than first. Mine was faster but not what I was thinking lol. Hopefully you'll be in and done in no time :) I just hope this go round my body will figure out...hmm maybe I'd like to kick this kid out verses being induced...AGAIN!

Did anyone have increase in fetal movement around 34/35 weeks??? Baby Klein had a party all day yesterday and I was the host...literally. The movements are so STRONG too. Last night finally I said outloud 'look here LO, I'm stretched to the max and if your running out of room you need to find the light at the end of the tunnel' It really does feel like it's trying to stretch or something. I feel its little hands scraping my cervix and its feet in and up under my ribs and it pushes off of my ribs and its butt is pushing on the other side of the rib cage. Such precise movements and oh so strong too lol.
Klein, this guy moves like mad and he has for quite a while. It is like he is so huge!

Sarah, more plug is good. I guess it grows back so at least its not getting the chance to. Can you have sex after you loose your plug?

AFM I woke up and threw up. I had tummy pains then was nauseous all day. I have had some pains too but nothing regular. I was just told to take it easy because I might be doing too much.
care yes you can have sex after losing plug, but not after waters break from what I understand. im the same with the waves of nausea, sometimes I wonder if its a BH that im mistaking for nausea. I hope you can start to reduce your work load!

Im going for more acupuncture today, its my 4th visit, hoping its moving things along even if its not actually putting me in labour. she did say if your body is not ready its not a miracle treatment to put you in labour, but its alligning everything to happen at the right time.

my due date with midwife is sunday, but my ticker says today from dates :shrug: I really would love to go into labour tonight and have him over the weekend, but I wouldnt be surprised if he is late! next MW apt is Tuesday so will see if Ive dilated more then. then have a biphysical profile scan on friday.

have a lovely weekend everyone and happy thanksgiving to my canadian friends :flower:
Can't believe you're already at your.due date Sarah, sooooo great to be seeing some plug!

My doctor didn't end up checking me yesterday... She said Babys head isn't low enough so its not worth it. I totally thought babys head was really low. So disappointed.
Sarah- It's such a waiting game now. I know your probably beyond ready at this point :( The plug still coming out is moving in the right direction. I lost mine both times right before my inductions. I did start minor contractions with DS and when I went into the hospital they decided since I was over due to 'help them out'. Gave me a drip and broke my water. I went on from there.

I hope the acu helps you out today and gets things rolling!!! I'd love to see your 'this is it' thread on here tonight!!! FX

Care-So sorry your sick. Could be that you need to slow it down a bit. I hope your able to find time to relax :)

Dis-That stinks you didn't get a check! I mean so what the head isn't low enough...humor you at least at this point! :)

I'm planning on going to an upscale consignment store when I take DD to gymnastics today. We still need a ton of things! Hopefully I'll be able to find some good buys there. I think I will start there and try to finish up the next few weeks at Babies R Us.

My boobs are feeling heavier and warmer to the touch. I suppose they are getting in full milking gear lol.

Getting excited to see if baby Klein is a girl or a boy :) Feels closer now!!!
thanks for all the good wishes - i was able to get on bnb from the hospital, but it was so awkward to post using the hospital system that I couldnt be arsed with updating more than one place! Sorry about that

Sooooo, the news from Urchin Towers:
Aoife Grace (you pronounce it Ee-fa) was born at 9:44 on 2nd Oct weighing 7lbs 4oz.
The c-section was fairly uneventful, apart from the anaesthatist having to do an awful lot of hoking around in my spine with his excessively long needles *shudder*

I was passed Aoife for skin to skin cuddles straight after she was born and all seemed ok, but she was very snuffly and after about half an hour they discovered she wasn't able to breath through her nose.
Pediatrics were called and they found that they couldn't pass a tube up her nose at all (and were worried that she might have a fused boney plate completely blocking her airways - I forget what they called it) So she was sent to intensive care and I went to recovery and then up to the ward .... where I waited for 7 hours

Mr Urch was able to go down to see her, but because I'd had a spinal block I couldn't get up off the bed. Normally they would have taken me, bed and all down to see her - but there was a 28 week preemie in the bay next to Aoife that they were operating on, so there was no room for me.

And ICU then just kept stalling, til in the end the midwife rang them up and said 'this mum hasn't seen her baby for 7 hours, I've booked a porter, she's on her way' Go midwifey!

So I finally got to see her about 5pm and she was in a heated cot all covered in wires and attached to monitors and things that go beep and bing and wahhhhh

She was down there until Thursday at about 4pm, when they moved her to just the normal special baby care ward. While she was there they'd managed to pass tubes up both nostrils, so ruled out bony obstructions and started her on decongestants to shift whatever was up there.

She was to stay in special care for another day, with me going down to feed her through the night - but they brought her up to me at 11.30 Thursday night on the ward
FINALLY I'd got my Aoife back.

So Friday I spent the day cuddling and feeding her and they decided we were ready to discharge in the afternoon (though the paperwork took til 7pm)

And I can't tell you how good it is to be home
The good thing about the ICU and SCBU is that partners can visit any time they like - so Mr Urch was able to be with us a lot more than he would be able to on the ward .... but what I hated with ICU was that Aoife felt like their patient, not my baby.
and it was so stressful there, with machines beeping and binging and wahhing - and it was hard not to sit and watch Aoife's monitor all the time.

SCBU was much better - we had a little corner and a screen, and a big comfy electric recliner chair ... and the objective was to get her feeding. So I just sat cuddling her and trying my best to get her to feed.

But it is all so much better now we are home - a proper little family unit. Mr Urch is absolutely smitten with her - he has turned into a big puddle of goo. I think it has blown him away just how much she has melted his heart

So here we are, all at home, Aoife 4 days old, our lives are upside down and we love it

And before I forget - here's some pictures
First one she is 1 day old on ICU
The other 3 she is 3 days old and back on the ward with her mummy


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Urch, I am so incredibly happy for you, I have tears in my eyes! She is a beautiful little Irish princess. I am happy to hear you are all well and home as a family. How wonderful is it that men can turn to goo with just one little miracle? So amazing. :hugs:

I keep checking and to see if anybody is going to have any turkey babies, lol. Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadians ans Happy Columbus Day to the Americans! Urch, I don't think you celebrate anything this weekend, but you have the best celebration of all, Happy Aoife Coming Home Day!

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