LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Yesterday I left the house at 10am for appointments and didn't get back until after 10pm. Long day. So we started induction. Had cervidil inserted to cervix last night and was monitored for hours. Had my usual contractions at night. 4-5 mins apart lasting a minute or more, but like they always do they stalled out in the early am. I was hoping they would get more intense but they were usual for me. So we go back soon (if this storm doesn't fill all the beds at hospital) to either break my water or start pitocin. Because my contractions were lke they always are and slowed I assume my cervix isn't favourable. We will see. Hopefully Declan will be here today!

I hope those of you effected by the storm stay safe!
oh care! I hope the hurricane doesn't interfere with your birthing plans :growlmad: Blummin weather :growlmad:
Thanks Urch! It wasn't bad actually. A lot less busy compared to yesterday.

I'm back home! They think the cervidil might do it's job. I am only 1cm but my contractions are 3 mins apart and over a minute. Sometimes they are almost back to back so it kind of sucks. But I don't want pitocin unless I have to and I want to labour at home as much as I can. So we came home to try to rest since I couldn't sleep last night. I just had some chamomile tea so hopefully that will be enough to sleep through the contractions.
Good luck care! Halloween baby! We got hit bad here by the hurricane. In the darka dn Under water, hoping everyone is making it through, especially those who are due soon!!
Care, crossing my fingers for you that you'll have your baby today or tomorrow!!!!

Teta, that must be rough, hope you get electricity soon.

Klein, how are you doing? Marie, are you hanging in there?

I have my 36w appt today, and as of now the baby is head down and butt up in my ribs. I think he was sideways for the longest time, so happy to hear he's in a better position. The only health thing they're going to follow through delivery is one figure in the blood count, my platelets. They have been dropping since May, and it doesn't mean much except might need a platelet transfusion during labor/delivery. Next appt is in two weeks, when she'll do a size estimate (I thought she was going to do one today but she didn't).
positioning's sounding good sienna, here's hoping the platelets dont cause you too many problems :thumbup:
hi everyone

sorry Im MIA, Ive been in and out of the hospital all week, I have gallstones and had 4 attacks, they feel like a heart attack and I cant breath well as it feels like Im being crushed from the front and back :cry: Im having my gallbladder removed but have to wait till Jan 2 as its too inflamed right now. Leaving my lil man to go to the hospital has been horrible and I cried whenever someone said congratulations (nurse say I was 2-3 weeks PP on the chart). They said next attack I might stay in a few days, or they might bring surgery forward but its not ideal and more risky.

thinking of you all, care good luck and praying for a safe arrival for declan, you will LOVE being a mom :flower:
oh sarah that sounds horrid :( and January is such a long time to wait ... is there anything they can do for you in the meantime?
Sarah - sounds so painful :( Not fair

Care - sounds so uncomfortable but at least lo is doing well

Sienna - i also have low platelets. They've been telling me that for the last 5 months. They are not dropping too quickly so they never mentioned a transfusion to me. Hope it doesn't come to that.

Hope everyone else is well.
Sarah-That sounds horrible. So sorry your having to go thru all of that. It's awful timing too. Hang in there. I hope you get relief soon!!!:flower:

Sierra-Great baby is head down. :thumbup:I wish they'd do a size estimate for me. Just so I'd have a better idea. Guess it's too late for that now.

Teta-Hope you get everything straightened up soon. Hate you have damage. :flower:

Care-Hope your doing well. Can't wait for an update. Hope you have a speedy recovery :)

AFM-Well, I'm still here and pregnant.:dohh: I got really discouraged last week and got down and depressed. :cry:In a recap-I'm ready to be done being pregnant and to have my LO here. I expected an induction date of Monday and since my cervix wasn't favorable I didn't get it. I gained 3 lbs last week and was really discouraged about that. I'm feeling a little better now. We are going out of town tonight for DD's gymnastics meet tomorrow morning. That will help pass the time til my next appointment on Monday. I really hope that something has changed or that I get an induction date or something. I don't want to go overdue. I know that sounds horribly selfish of me. I've just had my head wrapped around...just got to make it to 39 weeks...just got to make it to 39 weeks this whole pregnancy (my ob said we would induce then) WELL I'M HERE...AND NOW NOTHING. I FEEL SORTA CRUSHED. UGH...vent over:cry:
Klein - Hang in there. At least lo is still growing & well. We get super emotional toward the end with stress & hormones so its understandable to be upset with the delays. Not much longer now.
oh klein :hugs: so sorry you're still hanging around waiting ... hope wee kleinlet puts in an appearance soon xxx
Sorry it took me so long to update. Things have been so crazy.

Baby Declan is here and healthy! He was born halloween night at 10:24pm. He was a big baby at 9lb 9oz and 22 inches long! The whole ordeal was so hard after not sleeping for days before because of all the early labour. After 36 hours of trying to induce via cervidil they broke my water wednesday at 8am and then started pitocin at 11. By 11:20am the contractions were so strong I only had less than a minute before the next one hit and they were lasting around 1.5mins. They just got worse. But I was only 2cm dilated. Around 3pm I had an epidural to try to relax my body so I could (hopefully) dilate. By then I only had 30 seconds between contractions so they had to give me something else too so they could insert the epidural. I felt great for about an hour or so. Within 2 hours I was 5-6 cm. By then I could feel the contractions and it felt like the epidural wasn't working. 5 hours later the pain was intensely horrible and it felt like my back was breaking. Turns out baby had turned and I had back labour. The anesthesiologist told me that the epidural won't work for back labour, which sounds weird since it goes into your back. They checked me and I hadn't progressed and in 5 hours I should have been there or close or at least dilated an inch. Then they told us then I probably needed a c section. I couldn't really focus at that point and it was all a blur. Next thing I know I guess I agreed because they took me right away to the OR. They even let DH in to see me while they were prepping me because he was demanding to see me, so that was nice that I had him with me the whole time. Right before he was out the doctor said"come look dad, baby will be here in 8 seconds" and I was surprised my DH stood up because he is not good with blood or pain or even needles. But he did and he then said "OMG Carrie, he is perfect!" and started to cry. It was so amazing. I wish I could have seen him right then, but they took him first to check him because of the cord. My husband got lots of pics though.

In the end the doctor said the baby never would have come through my pelvis. The cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times, so he couldn't descend far enough without loosing oxygen. The doctor also said something about my pelvis being tilted, but I was too out of it to understand what he was talking about. I was also told after that most babies heads measure 33-34cm and his was 37.5 so that also could have been a problem as well. I know even though it wasn't anything like what my birth plan was, it was the only way for him to arrive safe and healthy so I am ok with it. I think most of the nurses, doctors, and even my midwife was thinking early on a CS would be needed, but I know they were trying to give me the opportunity to deliver naturally.

So we are home now and trying to rest, but that isn't happening with all the company. My dad and step mom were here, which was great, but everybody keeps coming over and at all hours so it is hard. I not once have had an opportunity to nap during the day because somebody is always here. Even in the hospital I had no chance. It is frustrating. But I have to say it is all surreal. We can't believe he is ours and how much we love him. He is just so perfect and so amazing.

He is so big all the newborn clothes we have don't fit him. Most of his hats are way too small and none of the mits fit. He doesn't look that big, but somehow he is. This is his first car ride when we left the hospital to bring him home. he was about 38 hours old. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:


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Care-:flower:Aww he looks amazing! :happydance:I really can't tell that he's 9lbs from the pic. He almost looks small. Sounds like the visitors are overwhelming. Hopefully they will slow down a bit so you can find some time to rest. I know they always mean well but dang, a girl needs to sleep and rest and heal! I hate you didn't have the birth you thought you would but now that he's here and safe and sound that's all that matters! So glad your DH got to see him and thought he was perfect! So heart touching :) So stinking happy for you both! You deserve him so much!!! YAY! Hope you get to post some more pics soon. Take it easy and focus on recovery :)

Thanks Urch & Marie! I do feel better today.
Dr update...1cm dilated, 50% effaced, -3 station but dr said he could feel the head so don't know what that means. Anyway...I told the dr I'd love to be D-O-N-E. He told me he was fine with inducing. :thumbup: I told him today was good for me, my bags were in the van literally lol.:winkwink: He laughed :shrug: and told me Wednesday would work for him...I said SOLD, SIGN ME UP FOR WEDNESDAY!!!:happydance:
I'm sure it will be a long hard induction labor but at this point I will take it. Baby Klein, your eviction notice has been served. :haha: Can't wait to meet you on Wednesday :cloud9:
oh care Ive been checking in for your news....Im so happy for you and sitting here in tears after reading the "OMG Carrie, he is perfect" part :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: You both deserve this so much after what you have been through (not only the infertility but the adoption) so enjoy every part, even the tough parts, as you did it!! he is gorgeous and cant wait to see more pics!

sounds like your story was similar to mine....cieran was larger....8lbs 15 and I think almost 22 inches too (Im having a brain fart right now cant remember) with a big head also, plus cord was wrapped around neck and part of it lower than his head which could have been dangerous. so all it matters was they got here safely.

have you been bfing?

I felt the same even though we didnt have loads of visitors my hubbies family were there a lot and not being my family it was tiring when all I want to do is sleep and cuddle with bub. even my mum who has been here for 5 weeks I find I have to fight her to share him, and its driving me crazy! she leaves in 2 weeks so I try and be patient as she needs her time with him, but I just want him all to myself.

the moments when cieran is fed and clean and he lies on the bed staring into my eyes with me leaning over him are the most amazing feelings I think Ive ever had in my life. and he has started to try and touch my face with his fingers, I see the concentration in his eyes and he just about manages to touch me for a moment and its just amazing.

hope everyone else is well, klein Im hoping you are near or perhaps have given birth already :hugs:
ha klein you posted at the same time as me, I was hoping today might have been the day. GOOD LUCK ON WEDNESDAY cant wait to hear about it and find out if its a mr or miss klein :flower:
Sarah, I hope you're feeling better and recovering as best you can until your surgery. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that now.

Care - Did you ever imagine having a Halloween baby with your due date earlier in the month? Huge congratulations to you and your husband, the baby is so cute!! I'm relieved for you that it all worked out and you are at home now.

Klein - Hurray for Wednesday! You're going to be a mother of 3 - that's very cool.

Marie - Do you know what's going on with you? How are the babies treating you?

AFM, tomorrow I'll be 37 weeks, I'll have a term baby on board! Feeling like a punching bag with all the kicking. Since Saturday I hear a clicking in my pelvis every time I take a step, imagine it's the body showing signs of preparing for delivery, which I hope is still 3 weeks away. Have too much work to do and hope to get it done and not worry about it after baby comes.
Sarah- Thanks! We did- posted at the same minute apparently lol. I wish it was today lol. The countdown has begun though...trying to wait patiently and tie up all loose ends!

Sienna-So glad your TERM! WhooHoo!!! That's awesome. I know a lot of people say that the movements are more like rolls at this point but I'm with LO is pretty strong. I feel some rolls but most of the time it is very hard kicks and jabs I feel!

New mommies...anyone have a 4d/3d u/s pic with a newborn pic to compare???
Klein I did this comparison the other day, I wish the after was the same angle, but you get the idea!! pics from July 28 ultrasound and Cieran Oct 16

the after pic doesnt look like how he looks everyday as he was pulling a face, but he looks like me in it.

heres his halloween shot too!

sienna happy term!!! it wont be long, how exciting

marie when is your due date I forget?

Dis I missed all your news as I havent been on much, CONGRATS he is gorgeous! dont have time to read your birth story but just loved the pics, what a perfect family you are now


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