LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Metformin is a drug for diabetes, but also given to those with PCOS to prevent miscarriage. I asked the nurse if its okay that I have still been taking it and she said "it should be" but it wasn't a very reassuring answer :(

I'll stop everything today, just worried now :(
Dis - you should be fine, when I used to take metformin they said I would have stayed on it through first tri. I'm sure it just varies from clinic to clinic like everything else.
Dis3tnd try not to worry, I know its not easy but 2 weeks should be fine and Im sure theres others who took it to 12 weeks.
when I had my finger injury I had to have freezing on the finger, antibiotics, tetnus shot, plus Im on the anti nausea med. all they say is ok but how do I know really. all we can do is hope for the best.
Dis, I don't think you need to worry either. I have been talking progesterone and estrace, my re told me to stop at 10 weeks, but my ob told me if I have enough to last until 12 weeks to just continue. I was on progesterone for 12 weeks with DD, so I never doubted it was ok. I plan to stop it tomorrow after my scan!
8 week scan tomorrow. DH is going with me. Nervous about it, as ususal. Hope everything goes smoothly and the progesterone numbers are going up!!!

How did it go Klein? am crossing all crossables for you here xx

how is everyone? I actually went to a maternity shop today and purchased some tops. I could wear them not pregnant but theres room to grow. saw some nice comfy pants so will go back in the next month to look at those. I have no bump but im starting to feel like I want to undo my pants when sitting down!
I have been given/lent a load of maternity clothes, so I just needed a few things to go with them. Mostly I wanted some pretty tops so I am not living in plain jersey all summer. I went into town on Saturday on a mission, but could only find one top :(
I've spotted a few I like in JoJo Mamon catalogue so I will probs have a wee splurge there :D

I don't really believe in jinxing, so I may as well be comfy :thumbup:

Sarah you are lucky. I bloated so much during ivf and after I couldn't fit into my jeans and most of my pants anymore. I didn't have OHSS, but my ovaries went crazy and I put 5 inches on my waist. I work from home to and don't go far with this MS, so I mostly live in my track pants and bra tanks lol.
The drugs made me put on quite a lot of weight (fat as well as bloat) I'm really not liking the size I am just now, but will have to wait until after Eenie is born to do something about it :(

Hi ladies,

I feel like a bit of a voyeur, as I've read through this entire thread. I'd love to join your group!

My TTC journey began in November 2010, and after 5 rounds of IVF, I've had one MMC, and am now 7+2 and hopeful!

I'm doing this on my own, with the help of a donor, and can't wait to be a mum.

Had my 6 week scan a week ago and saw the HB, which really put my mind at ease, but as you all say, the anxiety quickly returns. I have a follow-up scan on Wednesday, before my IVF doctor turns me over to the Ob/gyn.

I'm tossing up whether to invite my mum along to this scan - partly because I haven't really involved her in the process much, other than having her pick me up from the hospital after the egg retrieval, and partly because I'm still petrified. Then another part of my brain is saying that I should go alone......

Like many of us, I don't really have strong symptoms, but have a sneaking suspicion that MS is sneaking up. I'm feeling dizzy and slightly sick, but not to the point of wanting to throw up.

Anyway, hope this didn't sound like a rant. It's just nice to find a thread where people are getting to know each other and talking. Hope I can join!


Hello Kiseki :kiss:
Of course you can join and very nice it is to have you too!
5 IVFs is very daunting - that's a lot of times to get your hopes up :hugs:
fingers crossed for a sticky one for you xxx

I just spoke to my clinic and a little concerned

I wanted to find out when I stop progesterone suppositories, oral prometrium, oral estrace, metformin and baby aspirin. I assumed it was all at 12 weeks, but thought maybe I continue aspirin and metformin.

Hey chikkie - I took progesterone up to 12 weeks, and progynova (estradiol valerate ) to 12 weeks too.
My clinic said that if I ran out in week 11 not to worry, but otherwise carry on to 12
Not sure about metformin as I wasn't taking that one

AFM - today I am a peach! :happydance:
Urchin-Yay for peach!!!

Dis-I'm not familiar with that but I agree w/ everyone else, looks like it could vary on when to stop it so I wouldn't worry.

AFM- Scan went well! So elated. I'm 8w1d and measured 8w5d so little bean had a growth spurt. HB 165 per minute. Waiting on blood work results now. Curious to see if the progesterone shots are doing the trick. Nervous about that. I have 3 more appts with RE and then if everything is well I will be released to OB. Can't wait.
Welcome Kiseki! So glad you joined us. :)

Dis, as others said it seems to vary for when to stop meds. I am almost finished my progesterone. But I wasn't told when to stop baby aspirin. I read a lot of women stop after second tri.

I also have a bump under my boobs but above my belly button. Never was there before. But I have a bigger bump way down low just above my hair line. I have pictures on one of my phone apps. It keeps track of every week.

Klein, woohoo! How amazing. Glad everything went well.

Urch, wow a peach! Congrats! I can't wait to get there.
welcome! wow 5 ivfs, you have been through a lot. may I ask how old you are? and good for you for doing this on your own.
I see you are in australia, whereabouts? I went there Feb 2010, loved it! in fact thats where hubby and I first :sex: with no protection. Didnt realize it would take 2 years to get a bfp :dohh:[/QUOTE]

Yes - the journey didn't really pan out as it did in my head! I'm already 41, but healthy, so I thought I'd get a few embies out of one cycle, and get pregnant within one or two......Ahem!! Ah well. I don't think I was ever meant to be wealthy!:nope:

I live in Melbourne, but lived in Japan for 14 years. Came back in 2008. Did you come to Melbourne?!
Yes - the journey didn't really pan out as it did in my head! I'm already 41, but healthy, so I thought I'd get a few embies out of one cycle, and get pregnant within one or two......Ahem!! Ah well. I don't think I was ever meant to be wealthy!:nope:

I live in Melbourne, but lived in Japan for 14 years. Came back in 2008. Did you come to Melbourne?!

YES! didnt spend too much time in the city apart from one day as we did a tour to see the penguins and then a tour to 12 apostles. but would love to see more of melbourne next time. we also went to sydney, cairns and uluru in the 3 weeks. absolutely loved it there!

I asked your age just because I know at our age it can take longer. Im 39 and failed my first but luckily got a bunch of frozen, and a defrost and transfer worked. oh well I bet you forget it all now you are pregnant!
that's fantastic news Klein :hugs: bet you are over the moon xxx

I just beat you kiseki - I'm 42 ... hey, am I the old lady round here, or is anyone even more ancient than me?????????
42 isn't old Urch!

Are any of you having bad cravings? I usually don't want anything to eat. Everything usually makes me sick or I just am not feeling like eating anything I normally would. I have been dying for pizza hut pan pizza. I don't usually like pizza hut. My friend ordered it last time she was here and it tasted so frakking good. And it didn't make me sick, which it normally would pre pregnancy. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I want it so bad.

Anybody have any tips on staying away from the bad foods we crave?
i was craving coca cola the other day, Ive been really thirsty and drinking tons of water but sometimes want something else (orange juice gives me heartburn). but I know coke is not good for you let alone a bub, so then I was dreaming about a cold glass of sprite as its caffeine free. but then I thought about all the sugar and went back to water!!! I have been eating some junk food and chips, chocolate and have been feeling bad about not giving bub more nutrition. its so hard!

I dont think that pizza is that bad for fast food. i try to have veggie if Im having pizza so im getting some nutrition!!
Yes - the journey didn't really pan out as it did in my head! I'm already 41, but healthy, so I thought I'd get a few embies out of one cycle, and get pregnant within one or two......Ahem!! Ah well. I don't think I was ever meant to be wealthy!:nope:

I live in Melbourne, but lived in Japan for 14 years. Came back in 2008. Did you come to Melbourne?!

YES! didnt spend too much time in the city apart from one day as we did a tour to see the penguins and then a tour to 12 apostles. but would love to see more of melbourne next time. we also went to sydney, cairns and uluru in the 3 weeks. absolutely loved it there!

I asked your age just because I know at our age it can take longer. Im 39 and failed my first but luckily got a bunch of frozen, and a defrost and transfer worked. oh well I bet you forget it all now you are pregnant!

Sarah, you packed a lot into your visit! Definitely come back again - there is a lot to see and do in and around Melbourne, in fact all up the Eastern Coast and over in WA!
Whereabouts in Canada are you? I've only been to Vancouver, and it was for work so I didn't really get to do much sightseeing. We did manage to squeeze in a few good restaurants though! It was strange going from LA to Vancouver - even though I was further away from home, it felt closer when I was offered milk with my tea rather than cream!!

Finally, you're right - as long as it works in the end, you forget about the detail!:wacko:

that's fantastic news Klein :hugs: bet you are over the moon xxx

I just beat you kiseki - I'm 42 ... hey, am I the old lady round here, or is anyone even more ancient than me?????????

Urchin, no fear. I will be 42 in July and I still feel as though I'm 25. Don't know where the time went!

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

Dis, sorry I can't contribute to the meds discussion. I was only given progesterone pessaries for the 2 weeks following transfer. I very much doubt that 2 weeks would cause a problem though. If that were the case your doctor would have made it super clear, I'm sure!

Welcome Kiseki! So glad you joined us. :)

Dis, as others said it seems to vary for when to stop meds. I am almost finished my progesterone. But I wasn't told when to stop baby aspirin. I read a lot of women stop after second tri.

I also have a bump under my boobs but above my belly button. Never was there before. But I have a bigger bump way down low just above my hair line. I have pictures on one of my phone apps. It keeps track of every week.

Klein, woohoo! How amazing. Glad everything went well.

Urch, wow a peach! Congrats! I can't wait to get there.

Thanks for the welcome, Care. I'm SO glad to find a group of people that are actually communicating! I was thinking about giving this site a miss based on my '1st trimester' experience. All the comments seem pretty random. No camaraderie that I could see!
Sarah, you packed a lot into your visit! Definitely come back again - there is a lot to see and do in and around Melbourne, in fact all up the Eastern Coast and over in WA!
Whereabouts in Canada are you? I've only been to Vancouver, and it was for work so I didn't really get to do much sightseeing. We did manage to squeeze in a few good restaurants though! It was strange going from LA to Vancouver - even though I was further away from home, it felt closer when I was offered milk with my tea rather than cream!!

Finally, you're right - as long as it works in the end, you forget about the detail!:wacko:

Im near Toronto, Im originally from the UK and moved here when I was 22. the UK has close ties to Oz.....I grew up on neighbours, home & away, kylie and jason :haha: Urghh tea with cream? :sick::rofl:
42 isn't old Urch!

Are any of you having bad cravings? I usually don't want anything to eat. Everything usually makes me sick or I just am not feeling like eating anything I normally would. I have been dying for pizza hut pan pizza. I don't usually like pizza hut. My friend ordered it last time she was here and it tasted so frakking good. And it didn't make me sick, which it normally would pre pregnancy. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I want it so bad.

Anybody have any tips on staying away from the bad foods we crave?

i was craving coca cola the other day, Ive been really thirsty and drinking tons of water but sometimes want something else (orange juice gives me heartburn). but I know coke is not good for you let alone a bub, so then I was dreaming about a cold glass of sprite as its caffeine free. but then I thought about all the sugar and went back to water!!! I have been eating some junk food and chips, chocolate and have been feeling bad about not giving bub more nutrition. its so hard!

I dont think that pizza is that bad for fast food. i try to have veggie if Im having pizza so im getting some nutrition!!

The thing I'm craving but def can't have is natural oysters! :brat::brat:
Other than the things that are obviously bad, surely it's ok to satisfy the cravings in moderation?!
I don't even drink tea or coffee, but even I know cream goes with coffee (with some exceptions, some like milk), but cream never goes in tea. My step father would shake his head if he heard that. He was from England and his tea had to be made very specifically.

Sarah, you are right. I guess pizza isn't the worst thing. But I don't think pizza hut uses wholesome ingredients. I only like cheese, so no veggies. But I made a veggie stir fry with green bean thread and ate it for 3 days when I could. And have been having a smoothie with mango most days and I read mangos are super pregnancy food!

Kiseki you are so right about the first tri section. I have the bump thread that I get updates from, but that is it in that section. I am so obsessed with checking out peoples bumps lol. I even started looking at the second tri bump thread dreaming of what my bump will look like someday.
Kiseki, welcome to this thread.:hi:

Klein, super glad everything's on track.

AFM had my first little MS episode at 2:30 am last night! I didn't think that was possible.
Kiseki, welcome to this thread.:hi:

Klein, super glad everything's on track.

AFM had my first little MS episode at 2:30 am last night! I didn't think that was possible.
I woke up at 5:00 am with MS. I had to eat something to make it go away! So apparently the name really needs to be changed to 24hr sickness!!!

i was craving coca cola the other day, Ive been really thirsty and drinking tons of water but sometimes want something else (orange juice gives me heartburn). but I know coke is not good for you let alone a bub, so then I was dreaming about a cold glass of sprite as its caffeine free. but then I thought about all the sugar and went back to water!!! I have been eating some junk food and chips, chocolate and have been feeling bad about not giving bub more nutrition. its so hard!

I dont think that pizza is that bad for fast food. i try to have veggie if Im having pizza so im getting some nutrition!!

I was only drinking coke, literally ONLY coke for years. :wacko: I stopped cold turkey in January. You would of thought I was stopping a REAL drug addiction. Withdrawels were awful. Made it thru though. I find myself looking at the coca cola signs and advertisements with longing eyes but I've managed to stay clean! :haha: I have had such awful bloating hubby suggested sipping on a sprite yesterday. I did and man I really sipped on a 16oz all day long and it kept enough bubbles in me to keep more bubbles out! I bought a 6pk of 12 oz and I may continue drinking one a day for some gas relief. :thumbup:
42 isn't old Urch!

Are any of you having bad cravings? I usually don't want anything to eat. Everything usually makes me sick or I just am not feeling like eating anything I normally would. I have been dying for pizza hut pan pizza. I don't usually like pizza hut. My friend ordered it last time she was here and it tasted so frakking good. And it didn't make me sick, which it normally would pre pregnancy. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I want it so bad.

Anybody have any tips on staying away from the bad foods we crave?

I haven't been in the mood for anything specific. For me the sickness/nausea ends or lets up when I manage to eat.

I was on the phone with my SIL this morning and a BIG spurt of MS hit all at once. I was in the fridge thinking I may be getting nauseated and then I was dry heaving...literally hung up on her and SHOUTED out loud "NO, I AM NOT GOING TO BE PUKE, I AM NOT!!!!" I grabbed the milk and quickly poured my usual bowl of cereal (peanut butter capt'n crunch :haha:) it worked instantly. Thank goodness. That was the CLOSEST call that I have had to actually throwing up with all of my pregnancies. I hope it doesn't become a constant thing :shrug:

:cloud9:Progesterone level went from 18 last week up to a 65.2 this week YAY!!! :happydance::headspin::dance::yipee::wohoo:=D>
Sadly my MS is made worse by food not better :(
If I am feeling nauseous then eat something, I am then highly likely to actually be sick.

Kiseki - this site is definitely a lot better when you have found a nice comfy thread. I guess in first tri most of the talking is around 'this is happening, what shall I do?' So not a lot to carry on talking about once the question has been answered.

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