Hi ladies,
I feel like a bit of a voyeur, as I've read through this entire thread. I'd love to join your group!
My TTC journey began in November 2010, and after 5 rounds of IVF, I've had one MMC, and am now 7+2 and hopeful!
I'm doing this on my own, with the help of a donor, and can't wait to be a mum.
Had my 6 week scan a week ago and saw the HB, which really put my mind at ease, but as you all say, the anxiety quickly returns. I have a follow-up scan on Wednesday, before my IVF doctor turns me over to the Ob/gyn.
I'm tossing up whether to invite my mum along to this scan - partly because I haven't really involved her in the process much, other than having her pick me up from the hospital after the egg retrieval, and partly because I'm still petrified. Then another part of my brain is saying that I should go alone......
Like many of us, I don't really have strong symptoms, but have a sneaking suspicion that MS is sneaking up. I'm feeling dizzy and slightly sick, but not to the point of wanting to throw up.
Anyway, hope this didn't sound like a rant. It's just nice to find a thread where people are getting to know each other and talking. Hope I can join!