LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Sadly my MS is made worse by food not better :(
If I am feeling nauseous then eat something, I am then highly likely to actually be sick.

Kiseki - this site is definitely a lot better when you have found a nice comfy thread. I guess in first tri most of the talking is around 'this is happening, what shall I do?' So not a lot to carry on talking about once the question has been answered.

True! I guess I'm looking for more of a group of people I can get to know a bit, ask questions of and vice versa. You guys are ace!!! :thumbup:

So, I have a follow-up scan with my IVF doc tomorrow morning before she hands me over to the OB/Gyn. Keep your fingers crossed that all is well. I have butterflies!!
:hi: Hi everyone! I heard there was a thread for those of us LTTTC who just got our BFPs and have had quite a journey to get here. We've been trying over 2-1/2 years with 3 failed IUIs and were so lucky to get pg with the first IVF. I just found out last week so it is super early and I'm still having trouble believing it is really happening. I know there is a 25% chance of mc this early on and it decreases a lot once the baby's hb is detected so I am hoping and praying I can make it through this 1st trimester. DH is convinced it is twins as he really doesn't understand IVF. He thinks if they put 2 embryos in you, you are automatically having 2. I've explained the implanting thing to him but he either doesn't get it or has serious PMA. We are so overjoyed to be in the pregnancy category. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. :flower:
Welcome Kiseki and Marie :wave:

Marie - it is amazing how much the guys don't 'get' even when you try to explain it to them :dohh:

Klein - glad everything went well :thumbup:

Care - I haven't really had any cravings that much, mainly just eating because I need to. Not much appetite for anything. The nausea is mostly gone but still no appetite. The main thing I guess I have been wanting is ice cream - it is driving me nuts that we can't have soft serve :grr:

Sarah - I've been in maternity for a few weeks now, now that I'm back to work after the ohss. I don't think I'll get small enough for normal clothes before the 'real' bump shows up so I've resigned myself. Mostly I'm using my sisters stuff but she wears pants a couple sizes bigger so I look huge. The only thing I have bought so far is some t-shirts from Target.

Urchin - I'm a peach too! My phone app says they are shrimp but the peach is cuter than a shrimp for sure...

AFM - Anyone else having an increase in body hair with pregnancy? I'm pale with dark hair and I'm starting to feel like a sasquatch with all the new dark body hair these days. Also got an itchy rash on my arms, though I hear that is common too. Fun times...
marie44 glad you found us! we have all been through so much I feel our pregnancies are so special. I also have a hard time believing its true, and im over 13 weeks! I havent told that many people or done any shopping as its all so surreal. We have looked at a few baby stores for fun and just got some maternity tops. When I was trying on the tops I was thinking 'wow this might actually be happening!'. The wait till my 7 week scan was hard, but it was wonderful. the tech put the heartbeat on speaker and I burst into tears.

mrs bear Im pale but with blond hair on body so havent noticed much? LOL @ sasquatch!! we are supposed to 'glow' in our 2nd trimester!!

hey so who is going to find out the gender? thats a fun topic we can chat about. Im in 2 minds but hubby definitely doesnt want to, so we wont. For me I think the surprise is a wonderful thing, but on the other hand Id like to know and start calling her/him by their name. Its got nothing to do with planning as I dont care about that or blue/pink stuff. I keep going back and forth, hubby said I should find out, but I think we should do it together. I told him if we dont for this one then we are for #2! I suppose it will be even more interesting for #2 as then you will know if you are having the same or different.
Hello to all of the new additions!:hi:

I am glad we have had so much good news on this thread! Its definitely fun to compare stages and all be around the same mark!

I had my 12 week scan today... the ultrasound tech said everything looks good and no news is good news, so hopefully no news until I go back for more bloodwork at 16 weeks. The nuchal fold measured 1mm, and she said anything under 3 is normal. She also said my bub is "unusually active" :haha: Wouldn't even sit still long enough for a photo op! Did get a few pics,in one he/she is upside down and the next he/she flipped! The tech asked if we were finding out the sex, which we aren't, but we said she thinks she could tell already. Which I assume means its a boy?? What is this nub theory everyone talks about?? Could she tell from that?? Well here is a pic! :cloud9:


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Great scan pic Teta! How adorable! Congrats! So happy for you!!!

Welcome Kiseki and Marie!

In terms of cravings, nothing really. Its more I don't want to eat anything. My appetite is really poor and my ms seems to be the worst at night. I feel like I'm going to be sick everynight and I go to bed to avoid it, but once every 3 or 4 days it gets so strong that I'll wake from my sleep to be sick.

Gender wise, I'm halfway on. I feel like its a surprise either way, when you givebirth or at the scan, and if I wait till delivery I'll already be so emotional, that will just add another thing to wonder about - not just is it healthy, but what is it? DH would rather not, but is fine with whatever I want. Also, I'd like to stop refering to baby as it, so finding the gender will help with that. All my nursery decor and things I want are very gender neutral, so planning won't be impacted either way.
I have definitely had all kinds of aversions and cravings. I haven't eaten meat in weeks, it makes me so sick. So does italian food. My options are very limited and I have been eating lots of junk since i just pick all of the time since nothing seems appetizing. I felt the same way with dd, my symptoms improved at 14 weeks so that's what I'm counting on!

As far as clothes, this in between stage is killer. I was well into maternity clothes by this point in my last preg, so it's weird. I definitely notice a pretty impressive bulge the last few days so I'm guessing maternity clothes r coming soon. Luckily I have a ton and have to control myself from buying even one thing!

We are not finding out the sex, we didn't with dd and it was the best surprise and the best moment of my life! It just seemed so much more fun for us and everyone else that we didn't know. But I think we are definitely in the minority.

Still nervous about telling people, we can't decide whether to tell my in laws on Easter or wait until mothers day, which will be almost 18 weeks. I'd rather wait but I feel bad for DH who hasn't told a soul! (I've told about 8-10 ppl). We'll see.....
Gender wise, I'm halfway on. I feel like its a surprise either way, when you givebirth or at the scan, and if I wait till delivery I'll already be so emotional, that will just add another thing to wonder about - not just is it healthy, but what is it? DH would rather not, but is fine with whatever I want. Also, I'd like to stop refering to baby as it, so finding the gender will help with that. All my nursery decor and things I want are very gender neutral, so planning won't be impacted either way.

so you do think you will find out but not tell hubby or he would be ok knowing? its sounds like you are in the exact situation as me, I dont care as nursery will be gender neutral. Im so torn personally, but hubby is adamant and I feel we should do it as a couple not me knowing and him not!
DH is convinced it is twins as he really doesn't understand IVF.

marie just noticed your betas, could be twins! I know a lot of people say it doesnt make a difference, but those are quite high.
Sarah - apparently my 'glow' will be coming through a 'planet of the apes' look with a some beard action going on... :rofl:

Teta - glad the scan went well. I would think you would be safe to tell at Easter since you will be about 12 weeks by then. It is really a personal decision though. If there are people there that will make it public knowledge and you aren't ready for that yet then you might wait. Maybe play it by ear and see how you feel that day?

As far as gender, I plan to find out. I have always wanted a girl so if we end up with two boys I would rather find out early and adjust to the idea than find out the day of. I will of course be happy with whatever we have so long as they are healthy, but I would rather not have even a flicker of disappointment the day of. I also want to know so I can plan better, both for nursery and to know what we might be able to borrow from friends/relatives. We have way more girl stuff in the family so if I need boy I want to start stocking up. DH said before we got pregnant that he wanted to be surprised but I think he has changed his mind since then.
mrs bear if I were having twins I would definitely find out too, for the reasons you give.

arghghhhhh Im a typical libran, always weighing up the options and hard to make a decision. I would love to find out and talk to the baby using his/her name. in fact my baby book says from this week bub will be able to hear our voices....isnt that amazing!
Sarah - I will definitely burst into tears when I hear the hb as it will make this all feel real. I was at work when they called with my BFP & I burst into tears then. I had to lie to coworkers and tell them I missed dh bc he was going to work out of town. Not sure they bought it though...
Yes, the nurse told me my #'s were on the high side which could mean early implatation or twins. DH thinks its 2 girls. I don't know where he comes up with his "theories." Mrs. Bear, what were your beta #'s?

Teta - I can't tell from the pic if it is boy or girl. Maybe you have a very "gifted/psychic" tech.

As for finding out the sex, I definitely want to know but dh definitely does not. I am finding out anyway though :cool:. He was surprised with his dd when he was with his ex-wife and I like to do everything the opposite. It sounds mean but this is his new life and I don't want him drawing any parallels to the past.
Teta, presenting the nub theory...


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Awh Kiseki thanks a huge bunch!
and you're one of us now - so that means you're lovely too :awww:

Keep us updated with your scan news - we will be crossing it all for you xxx

Hey Marie :hi:
Welcome to the lovely thread for lovely people :D
Yups - we are all LTTTCers and IVFers, and tbh it seems to be much easier to chat with other women who have struggled to get their BFPs, than those who are lucky enough to get pregnant easily .... well, that's how it is for me anyways :thumbup:
We had IVF too - but with DE as mine are all hard boiled ...and got our BFP first attempt - but after 4 long years of trying with heartbreak along the way

IF you two want to give me your due dates, I'll add you to the front page (same goes for anyone else I've not put on the roll of honour)

Yaaay for peaches Mrs Bear - I'd much rather be a peach than a prawn - but blummin eck - it would have to be a big prawn to be approaching peach size!

I haven't noticed any increase in hairiness - I'm not very furry at all though, so maybe I've got a bit fuzzier and not noticed???

Ay up Sarah :hugs:
We will definitely be finding out the gender (if Eenie obliges)
I don't do the pink/blue thing either, so it isn't about gettingclothes/nursery ready - but I do think it will help to prepare me emotionally.
Both Mr Urch and I think Eenie will be a boy (based on nothing in particular) so if if Eenie is a Sheenie, we need to stop saying he!

Teta - that all sounds very positive - and I think you might be right; they can usually give a definite boy diagnosis a lot earlier than definite girl ... could be wrong but it's pointing that way :D

Dis - I wake up to be sick sometimes too - the worst is there is a couple of times I've woken choking because I've breathed a bit in - :sick:

AFM I'm starting to get a bit of energy back now which is helpful - and I am sleeping much better...for 5 nights in a row I have slept til at least 6 o'clock :D
ok so here is a better nub picture. I still can't tell though.....
(funny how I'm not finding out the sex, but still love to hear all of the theories and try to guess) :haha:


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I'm lol Sarah, I do think that "nub" is a leg... otherwise it looks like a very big nub!! :wink wink: :haha:
:rofl: I think both your 'nubs' look like legs but I'm terrible at telling stuff in ultrasound pics :dohh:

Marie - I had a 5dt of 3 and my betas were: 13dp retrieval, 99.6; 15dpr, 166; 19dpr, 808; 23dpr, 2994. Based on my betas they guessed singleton but they were wrong. We actually had all 3 implant but lost the 3rd before the confirmation ultrasound at 27dpr. With your betas I would say twins is a definite possibility :oneofeach:

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