Awh Kiseki thanks a huge bunch!
and you're one of us now - so that means you're lovely too
Keep us updated with your scan news - we will be crossing it all for you xxx
Hey Marie
Welcome to the lovely thread for lovely people
Yups - we are all LTTTCers and IVFers, and tbh it seems to be much easier to chat with other women who have struggled to get their BFPs, than those who are lucky enough to get pregnant easily .... well, that's how it is for me anyways
We had IVF too - but with DE as mine are all hard boiled ...and got our BFP first attempt - but after 4 long years of trying with heartbreak along the way
IF you two want to give me your due dates, I'll add you to the front page (same goes for anyone else I've not put on the roll of honour)
Yaaay for peaches Mrs Bear - I'd much rather be a peach than a prawn - but blummin eck - it would have to be a big prawn to be approaching peach size!
I haven't noticed any increase in hairiness - I'm not very furry at all though, so maybe I've got a bit fuzzier and not noticed???
Ay up Sarah
We will definitely be finding out the gender (if Eenie obliges)
I don't do the pink/blue thing either, so it isn't about gettingclothes/nursery ready - but I do think it will help to prepare me emotionally.
Both Mr Urch and I think Eenie will be a boy (based on nothing in particular) so if if Eenie is a Sheenie, we need to stop saying he!
Teta - that all sounds very positive - and I think you might be right; they can usually give a definite boy diagnosis a lot earlier than definite girl ... could be wrong but it's pointing that way
Dis - I wake up to be sick sometimes too - the worst is there is a couple of times I've woken choking because I've breathed a bit in -
AFM I'm starting to get a bit of energy back now which is helpful - and I am sleeping much better...for 5 nights in a row I have slept til at least 6 o'clock