LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Teta, presenting the nub theory...

very interesting, so if you look at my scan is that the nub at the end...I thought it was a leg :haha: if its a nub would it indicate a boy?

No offence to your husband :blush: but isn't there another little nub just at the top of the leg??? Above that looks to be sections of the umbilical cord???

ok so here is a better nub picture. I still can't tell though.....
(funny how I'm not finding out the sex, but still love to hear all of the theories and try to guess) :haha:

Teta, think you need to ask baby to roll over at your next scan!!

Awh Kiseki thanks a huge bunch!
and you're one of us now - so that means you're lovely too :awww:

Keep us updated with your scan news - we will be crossing it all for you xxx

Thanks Urchin. Very sweet. I feel as though I've found what I was looking for in my online group of friends. Yay to us!!!

Butterflies have now made way for elephants in my stomach. Despite this, I'm sure it will be ok. Will keep you posted!
IF you two want to give me your due dates, I'll add you to the front page (same goes for anyone else I've not put on the roll of honour)

Almost forgot! I'm due November 17.
No offence to your husband :blush: but isn't there another little nub just at the top of the leg??? Above that looks to be sections of the umbilical cord???

maybe! its such a bad photo. I hope the 20 week is better, but if you say you dont want to know gender I wonder what they give you. The ultrasound place my MW sent me too wasnt that great, tech was very matter of fact and kinda made me feel my questions were silly :nope:
By the time of the 20 week scan the baby is too big for a full body shot like in these pictures, so it's usually just the head/ upper body and no lower body parts!
ahhh I thought so, seen many of just the upper half.

Im going to try and convince hubby to find out :haha:

anyone going for extra scans? Ive only had the 7 week with my FS and then the 11 week with nasty tech. Next is 20 week, seems so long away.
Sadly my MS is made worse by food not better :(
If I am feeling nauseous then eat something, I am then highly likely to actually be sick.

Kiseki - this site is definitely a lot better when you have found a nice comfy thread. I guess in first tri most of the talking is around 'this is happening, what shall I do?' So not a lot to carry on talking about once the question has been answered.

That stinks, on the plus side for you though you'll prob never gain as much weight as I do :dohh:

Sadly my MS is made worse by food not better :(
If I am feeling nauseous then eat something, I am then highly likely to actually be sick.

Kiseki - this site is definitely a lot better when you have found a nice comfy thread. I guess in first tri most of the talking is around 'this is happening, what shall I do?' So not a lot to carry on talking about once the question has been answered.

True! I guess I'm looking for more of a group of people I can get to know a bit, ask questions of and vice versa. You guys are ace!!! :thumbup:

So, I have a follow-up scan with my IVF doc tomorrow morning before she hands me over to the OB/Gyn. Keep your fingers crossed that all is well. I have butterflies!!
YAY good luck!!!!

:hi: Hi everyone! I heard there was a thread for those of us LTTTC who just got our BFPs and have had quite a journey to get here. We've been trying over 2-1/2 years with 3 failed IUIs and were so lucky to get pg with the first IVF. I just found out last week so it is super early and I'm still having trouble believing it is really happening. I know there is a 25% chance of mc this early on and it decreases a lot once the baby's hb is detected so I am hoping and praying I can make it through this 1st trimester. DH is convinced it is twins as he really doesn't understand IVF. He thinks if they put 2 embryos in you, you are automatically having 2. I've explained the implanting thing to him but he either doesn't get it or has serious PMA. We are so overjoyed to be in the pregnancy category. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. :flower:
Congrats Marie!!!! So glad to have you join! So funny your DH is convinced it's twins. My man is so the same way. They just don't get it sometimes :shrug:
Welcome Kiseki and Marie :wave:

Marie - it is amazing how much the guys don't 'get' even when you try to explain it to them :dohh:

Klein - glad everything went well :thumbup:

Care - I haven't really had any cravings that much, mainly just eating because I need to. Not much appetite for anything. The nausea is mostly gone but still no appetite. The main thing I guess I have been wanting is ice cream - it is driving me nuts that we can't have soft serve :grr:

Sarah - I've been in maternity for a few weeks now, now that I'm back to work after the ohss. I don't think I'll get small enough for normal clothes before the 'real' bump shows up so I've resigned myself. Mostly I'm using my sisters stuff but she wears pants a couple sizes bigger so I look huge. The only thing I have bought so far is some t-shirts from Target.

Urchin - I'm a peach too! My phone app says they are shrimp but the peach is cuter than a shrimp for sure...

AFM - Anyone else having an increase in body hair with pregnancy? I'm pale with dark hair and I'm starting to feel like a sasquatch with all the new dark body hair these days. Also got an itchy rash on my arms, though I hear that is common too. Fun times...
LOL with the body hair. I haven't noticed any increases yet but I'll keep a look out for it and keep you posted!!! I did horomone pellets a few years back (apparently I couldn't keep up with DH's sex drive so they gave me testosterone pellets)...that made my hair increase for sure lol

marie44 glad you found us! we have all been through so much I feel our pregnancies are so special. I also have a hard time believing its true, and im over 13 weeks! I havent told that many people or done any shopping as its all so surreal. We have looked at a few baby stores for fun and just got some maternity tops. When I was trying on the tops I was thinking 'wow this might actually be happening!'. The wait till my 7 week scan was hard, but it was wonderful. the tech put the heartbeat on speaker and I burst into tears.

mrs bear Im pale but with blond hair on body so havent noticed much? LOL @ sasquatch!! we are supposed to 'glow' in our 2nd trimester!!

hey so who is going to find out the gender? thats a fun topic we can chat about. Im in 2 minds but hubby definitely doesnt want to, so we wont. For me I think the surprise is a wonderful thing, but on the other hand Id like to know and start calling her/him by their name. Its got nothing to do with planning as I dont care about that or blue/pink stuff. I keep going back and forth, hubby said I should find out, but I think we should do it together. I told him if we dont for this one then we are for #2! I suppose it will be even more interesting for #2 as then you will know if you are having the same or different.
For me it was such an almost unachievable goal of getting pregnant and then when I did, even though I have 2 other children, I was like now what?!?! :shrug: It's amazing and I think it is actually setting in...I will very likely have a BABY at the end of my pregnancy. A baby!!! WOW. I think I got so wrapped up with the getting preggo I forgot about getting a baby lol. :cloud9:

I don't want to find out what the sex. I am blessed to have one of each already so I don't have any hidden underlying urges for the sex of this child. DH would probably like to find out, it's his first child. We've talked it over and he says he stands behind not finding out. I would of never had the patience to wait to find out with either of my other 2. This time feels different though. I think I will love the surprise to be at the end :winkwink:
We have agreed on a themed Under the Sea nursery so that will not be gender specific and we are picking out a name for each sex in the mean time. We did agree at the beginning IF we happened to get pregnant with twins we would have to find out with 2. It'd just be to hard not to know.
Hello to all of the new additions!:hi:

I am glad we have had so much good news on this thread! Its definitely fun to compare stages and all be around the same mark!

I had my 12 week scan today... the ultrasound tech said everything looks good and no news is good news, so hopefully no news until I go back for more bloodwork at 16 weeks. The nuchal fold measured 1mm, and she said anything under 3 is normal. She also said my bub is "unusually active" :haha: Wouldn't even sit still long enough for a photo op! Did get a few pics,in one he/she is upside down and the next he/she flipped! The tech asked if we were finding out the sex, which we aren't, but we said she thinks she could tell already. Which I assume means its a boy?? What is this nub theory everyone talks about?? Could she tell from that?? Well here is a pic! :cloud9:
Yay for great scan and dr appointment.
Great scan pic Teta! How adorable! Congrats! So happy for you!!!

Welcome Kiseki and Marie!

In terms of cravings, nothing really. Its more I don't want to eat anything. My appetite is really poor and my ms seems to be the worst at night. I feel like I'm going to be sick everynight and I go to bed to avoid it, but once every 3 or 4 days it gets so strong that I'll wake from my sleep to be sick.

Gender wise, I'm halfway on. I feel like its a surprise either way, when you givebirth or at the scan, and if I wait till delivery I'll already be so emotional, that will just add another thing to wonder about - not just is it healthy, but what is it? DH would rather not, but is fine with whatever I want. Also, I'd like to stop refering to baby as it, so finding the gender will help with that. All my nursery decor and things I want are very gender neutral, so planning won't be impacted either way.

I have definitely had all kinds of aversions and cravings. I haven't eaten meat in weeks, it makes me so sick. So does italian food. My options are very limited and I have been eating lots of junk since i just pick all of the time since nothing seems appetizing. I felt the same way with dd, my symptoms improved at 14 weeks so that's what I'm counting on!

As far as clothes, this in between stage is killer. I was well into maternity clothes by this point in my last preg, so it's weird. I definitely notice a pretty impressive bulge the last few days so I'm guessing maternity clothes r coming soon. Luckily I have a ton and have to control myself from buying even one thing!

We are not finding out the sex, we didn't with dd and it was the best surprise and the best moment of my life! It just seemed so much more fun for us and everyone else that we didn't know. But I think we are definitely in the minority.

Still nervous about telling people, we can't decide whether to tell my in laws on Easter or wait until mothers day, which will be almost 18 weeks. I'd rather wait but I feel bad for DH who hasn't told a soul! (I've told about 8-10 ppl). We'll see.....
Poor DH, I think Easter would be safe but if you need more time to decide on when to tell then Mothers Day would work also!

I read storied online about people finding out the sex and not finding out the sex. All of the one's that I read were consistant, if they had more than one and for some reason they found out with one and didn't with the other, the not knowing was far more special. Most of the people would have went back and did it that way with all of their children in hindsight. Can't wait til D'day to find out myself!!! I think it's special for the DH's involved as well. They get to announce it to the family. I will be in tears for sure!
Gender wise, I'm halfway on. I feel like its a surprise either way, when you givebirth or at the scan, and if I wait till delivery I'll already be so emotional, that will just add another thing to wonder about - not just is it healthy, but what is it? DH would rather not, but is fine with whatever I want. Also, I'd like to stop refering to baby as it, so finding the gender will help with that. All my nursery decor and things I want are very gender neutral, so planning won't be impacted either way.

so you do think you will find out but not tell hubby or he would be ok knowing? its sounds like you are in the exact situation as me, I dont care as nursery will be gender neutral. Im so torn personally, but hubby is adamant and I feel we should do it as a couple not me knowing and him not!

Sarah - apparently my 'glow' will be coming through a 'planet of the apes' look with a some beard action going on... :rofl:

Teta - glad the scan went well. I would think you would be safe to tell at Easter since you will be about 12 weeks by then. It is really a personal decision though. If there are people there that will make it public knowledge and you aren't ready for that yet then you might wait. Maybe play it by ear and see how you feel that day?

As far as gender, I plan to find out. I have always wanted a girl so if we end up with two boys I would rather find out early and adjust to the idea than find out the day of. I will of course be happy with whatever we have so long as they are healthy, but I would rather not have even a flicker of disappointment the day of. I also want to know so I can plan better, both for nursery and to know what we might be able to borrow from friends/relatives. We have way more girl stuff in the family so if I need boy I want to start stocking up. DH said before we got pregnant that he wanted to be surprised but I think he has changed his mind since then.
Totally understand about the gender. I wanted DD to be a girl so bad, I felt so guilty about it and tried to convience myself it was a boy just so I wouldn't be disappointed on u/s day. Luckily, she is ALL girl and that spells D-R-A-M-A :haha:

:rofl: about your glow! Last pregnancy I had stress induced HUGE almost like fever blisters all around my mouth. I had to see a dermatologist about it! It took forever to go away! Def not the 'glow' I had in mind :haha: Sometimes I wonder how there are these beautiful pregnant people. I often photograph the prettiest pregnant clients. I am constantly having to make them poke their almost non existant bump out and never have to retouch them at all. They all seem to have the ((glow)) about them! I am thinking seriousally no stretch marks, acne, nothing?!?!
Oh well it'll all be worth it in the long run!

Afm-doc called back today and said I can stop my progesterone suppositories and just do my injections, yay!!! No more panty liners!!! Something about pads/liners and pregnancy just don't jive to me!
I don't want to find out what the sex. I am blessed to have one of each already so I don't have any hidden underlying urges for the sex of this child. DH would probably like to find out, it's his first child. We've talked it over and he says he stands behind not finding out. I would of never had the patience to wait to find out with either of my other 2. This time feels different though. I think I will love the surprise to be at the end :winkwink:
We have agreed on a themed Under the Sea nursery so that will not be gender specific and we are picking out a name for each sex in the mean time. We did agree at the beginning IF we happened to get pregnant with twins we would have to find out with 2. It'd just be to hard not to know.

I can totally understand going for the surprise thing once you have one of each! I think its interesting how you say you would never have had the patience to wait to find out with the other 2....thats how Im feeling! before my bfp I always thought I wouldnt find out (but I did think to myself it might drive me crazy not to know). Im going out for dinner tonight with hubby and will bring it up!
Welcome Marie!

I still don't get the nub theory. I couldn't read the info because when I open the attachment on my phone (computer is making me dizzy) and I go to move my screen to read it, the stupid window closes. Grrrrr.

We will be finding out. We did gender neutral when we decided to adopt. We did change the room after our boys were staying (we moved them together when the baby turned 1), but never repainted. Now it is green with brown accents, but I want to go drastically different. All the colours are the bright Disney paints and we have bright accent colours that we are going to use depending on gender. But more importantly, we were hoping for a girl. I don't want to feel like we are replacing our boys. We want everything to be a new separate experience. I think as time goes on with the pregnancy that we are less worried about the emotional triggers that may happen if it is a boy. Either way we will be overjoyed and love our blessing.

Well I caved and had pizza. Ate two small slices and was sick lol. At least I ate. Most days I can't get food down. I either just can't stand the thought of eating or nothing sounds appealing (even if I feel like I am starving). I was like how some of you are where if you eat something you feel better, but around 9 weeks it changed. Now I prefer not to eat most days. I do make myself eat at least once or twice though.

Mrs. Bear I haven't noticed extra hair yet. I am a bit behind you though. I do have very fine hair so I may not notice it.
I don't want to find out what the sex. I am blessed to have one of each already so I don't have any hidden underlying urges for the sex of this child. DH would probably like to find out, it's his first child. We've talked it over and he says he stands behind not finding out. I would of never had the patience to wait to find out with either of my other 2. This time feels different though. I think I will love the surprise to be at the end :winkwink:
We have agreed on a themed Under the Sea nursery so that will not be gender specific and we are picking out a name for each sex in the mean time. We did agree at the beginning IF we happened to get pregnant with twins we would have to find out with 2. It'd just be to hard not to know.

I can totally understand going for the surprise thing once you have one of each! I think its interesting how you say you would never have had the patience to wait to find out with the other 2....thats how Im feeling! before my bfp I always thought I wouldnt find out (but I did think to myself it might drive me crazy not to know). Im going out for dinner tonight with hubby and will bring it up!
I know I was a total control freak with the other two. I'm a control freak in general so that's nothing new. It was a no brainer with the other two. I knew I would find out as soon as I could and I even had a private scan done with the second just so I could find out 2 weeks earlier. So yea, not a patient person by nature at all!
Have a great dinner!
Welcome Marie!

I still don't get the nub theory. I couldn't read the info because when I open the attachment on my phone (computer is making me dizzy) and I go to move my screen to read it, the stupid window closes. Grrrrr.

We will be finding out. We did gender neutral when we decided to adopt. We did change the room after our boys were staying (we moved them together when the baby turned 1), but never repainted. Now it is green with brown accents, but I want to go drastically different. All the colours are the bright Disney paints and we have bright accent colours that we are going to use depending on gender. But more importantly, we were hoping for a girl. I don't want to feel like we are replacing our boys. We want everything to be a new separate experience. I think as time goes on with the pregnancy that we are less worried about the emotional triggers that may happen if it is a boy. Either way we will be overjoyed and love our blessing.

I can see what your saying with the boys. I agree with what you said about time going on and being less worried about the emotional triggers. It will be a totally and wonderfully separate and different experience!
It will be a totally and wonderfully separate and different experience!

I agree. Care I hope that if you do end up carrying a boy that you will be able to separate the experiences, Im sure you will. He would be in no way replacing them and you will end up having your own unique time with him. Im just so thrilled this is happening for you!
It will be a totally and wonderfully separate and different experience!

I agree. Care I hope that if you do end up carrying a boy that you will be able to separate the experiences, Im sure you will. He would be in no way replacing them and you will end up having your own unique time with him. Im just so thrilled this is happening for you!

Here here! Care, you and your husband obviously so deserve your baby, and he or she will adore you. So happy for you!!

I'm in that seemingly endless vortex of not knowing whether things are ok. Had my follow-up scan today. The HB was great at 140, but the bean is very small! Doc says that it can catch up in size, and she gives it about 50:50 (I hate odds!!) I do believe that I implanted late, so I'm going to hold on to that and the strong HB I saw again today. ANOTHER scan Monday week, but on a high grade system so it'll be super duper clear. ](*,)

Please say a little prayer!!
Kiseki, I am sure your little bean will be right on track. I do know some people who were told their beans were behind (very behind actually), and they were just fine after a few weeks. :hugs:

So far today I feel nauseous, but not too bad. Maybe I will have a break today!

Have any of you done the baking soda test? I might try it, just for fun! But I wonder if progesterone will effect the outcome? So far for wives tales we are having a girl. Bad morning sickness and a higher heart rate (180 bpm) are both signs of a girl. Although my SIL had extreme morning sickness for her first two girls and none for her last girl, so obviously it is just for fun to guess.

Do any of you have names picked out? We have our girl name (have had the first name for about 6 years), but no boys names. We used our favourites for the adoptive names of our boys and even though they were never legally changed, we don't want to use them. So we are trying to come up with a boys name we love as much as the others.
The hair isn't really thicker, just darker. Mainly all over my abdomen from the bra line down and on the underside of my chin. Abdomen I can live with since no way will I be in a bikini this summer. Not happy about looking like the bearded lady though. Hoping the OB will say it is ok to bleach it. I tried waxing strips but there is just so much and it hurts so I don't know if I can keep that up long term. At least if I can bleach it it might not be as noticable. :shrug:

Kiseki - will keep FX all is ok. They all develop at different rates so odds are things are fine, but I know it is hard not to worry.

Care - I have tons of girl names I like but nothing on boys. The names DH suggests all seem to sound like they are out of a Starsky and Hutch episode in the 70s so he has been no help so far :haha:
Hi all!

I tried to do multiquote and it all disappeared, so now I don't remember what I was going to say to who!

I'll try to do my best!

Re: gender - DH says he will be fine with whatever I decide. If I wanna know, he'll know too. I can't stand surprises and always try to figure them out, while DH loves to be surprised. We always plan very extravagent birthdays for each other, and I always snoop and try to find out mine. He always tries to talk to me less and not know a single thing. Right now when I talk about bubs I say "he" instead of it, but when I think about bubs, I think "she". I want to refer to bubs by I love the names we have picked out. They're Arabic names: Girl will be "Dunyana" pronounced "Dhoon-yah-nah" meaning "Our World", Boy will be Zakariya, Arabic for "remembering God". For me the meanings were the most important.

Re: hair - YES! OMG - I've definitely noticed more body hair on my stomach, and fur on the sides of my face. Hate it. Have to pluck my eyebrows every few days as well.
Happy plum day dis! :happydance:

I would love to hear everyone's ideas for names.... We have none, Its my fault I don't like any. When DD was born we had one girl name and no boys names, so thank goodness she was a girl. Girls names I can like a few, but boys I don't like any! So give me your ideas! I won't steal them I promise :winkwink:
Dis, I love those names! so beautiful. Especially the girl name. I like different names.

For many years I loved the name Tristan. At the time it was different, but now I hear it all the time. I am a big geek and I love Arthurian legend, so that is where I got it from. I also love Gaelic names for boys. It works because my husbands family is Irish. I like the name Kieran (could be boy or girl), Cadan (also gender neutral), and Declan is ok. See I seem to like boys names that end with an. But I wonder if Kieran is too close to our chosen name for our youngest, Keenan? And my cousin named their daughter Kayden, so Cadan is out.

Thankfully we have had our girl name for years. I love the name Aria. Most people know it to mean musical, but it originates from a term in opera meaning a single voice or solo. But in Hebrew it means lioness. I always thought Aria Grace, but my husbands Nanny passed away just after Christmas and her middle name was Rose (which I didn't know at the time). So when we were in Mexico my husband just said Aria Rose, and it stuck.

Gosh, but not sure on what we will pick for a boy.

ETA: I am not worried about anybody stealing our names. First off, most people don't have the same taste, and second none of you live in my town or city, lol. Now if it was a family member or good friend I would be pissed.
I'm in that seemingly endless vortex of not knowing whether things are ok. Had my follow-up scan today. The HB was great at 140, but the bean is very small! Doc says that it can catch up in size, and she gives it about 50:50 (I hate odds!!) I do believe that I implanted late, so I'm going to hold on to that and the strong HB I saw again today. ANOTHER scan Monday week, but on a high grade system so it'll be super duper clear. ](*,)

Please say a little prayer!!

oh Kiseki definitely saying a prayer for you [-o<[-o<[-o<
how much smaller was bub measuring? I hear in the first trimester its easy for measurements to be wrong. hearing a strong HB cuts your risks down to a low %, so lets keep the hope. on my scan that saw a small sc hematoma which is always worrying, but midwife wasnt worried and said most fix themselves. so all I can do is wait till next scan.

love everyones names! dis my cousin named her boy zachary so similar. when I was 16 a friend of mine had a bf called Kieran and I loved the name and said Id call my boy that. (I grew up in England and have Irish and Welsh ancenstors). Fast forward 20 years and the name is much more popular so its offputting, but I will change the spelling to Cieran. Ciaran is the main irish spelling but I think here in Canada too many people would call him CiAHran not Ceeran. Care we like the same names! I like a lot of Irish names ending in 'an' or 'am' to.

so my 1st and 2nd choices are:



I also like the following incase anyone wants ideas:
Charlotte, Caitlin, Olivia, Ciara
Liam, Lucas, Max, Callum, Evan
Kiseki - I've added you to the Hall of Fame :D

Please try not to worry about your baby measuring small. It always amazes me how much store the medics set by bean size; no one expects children to be the same height, or grow at the same rate - but for some reason they expect them to be uniform in the womb :shrug:
It is the HB that is the most important thing - size-wise most catch up by the time they are born :thumbup:
I love thinking about names!

For a boy, I like Otis and Zachary. For a girl, I like Alberta (weird one I know, but my grandfather's name was Albert), Eliza and Bethany.

They change a lot, but I've stuck with Otis, Alberta and Eliza for quite some time now....

Thanks for the well wishes. My comfort is that things will end up as they should. HB was great at 140, but bean was just 4mm. Could just be slow to get a move on - in that respect, bean would be taking after its mother!! :dohh::dohh:

Everyone who needs Easter eggs done their shopping yet? I have to do a rush shop today.
Kiseki - I've added you to the Hall of Fame :D

Please try not to worry about your baby measuring small. It always amazes me how much store the medics set by bean size; no one expects children to be the same height, or grow at the same rate - but for some reason they expect them to be uniform in the womb :shrug:
It is the HB that is the most important thing - size-wise most catch up by the time they are born :thumbup:

Thanks Urchin. My doctor was not gloom and doom for that reason. The HB is clearly stronger, so all good in that area. I think we'd like to see a bit of a growth spurt in the next 10 days though. More spinach for me!! :bodyb:

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