Ltttc graduates!

Sus, that dress is gorgeous :thumbup: DD had a traditional baptism gown but only because my father bought it before I had a chance to go looking :wacko: I think what you've chosen is beautiful and perfect for May :hugs:

Peace, I was induced with DD at 36 weeks, the doctor wasn't sure why he was inducing me except dd was not tolerating things great and she was a little on the small side. So I had the gel put in and went straight into labour :wacko: She started out head down and when her head couldn't engage she tried to turn again and got caught in the cord:shrug: her heart rate kept dropping so I was sent to a bigger hospital. When I got there my contractions were 1 min apart, and they started prepping me for birth and the doctor checked me and I hadn't dialated even a fingertip:nope: AT that point her heart rate had dropped to 35 during a contraction so I had an emergency section:thumbup: I recovered quite easily and after about 5 days I was moving around normally :)

With DS I was told they would let me try naturally but when I got to 35 ish weeks he started showing signs of wanting to come out but he had a problem with his heart, and he was on the smaller side as well. WHen his head wouldn't engage I was told that a section was my only option and vbac was not being offered:growlmad: so he was a scheduled section and I recovered with him at about the same as DD if not a little quicker because I had DD as well and I couldn't sit as much. I was told that I wouldn't be able to have a natural birth at any point because my pelvis was twisted just enough that the baby's head couldn't engage.

My pelvis is twisted because I have scoliosis(sp) its not severe but enough that it caused issues with my pelvis during pregnancy and back pain in pregnancy :shrug: not severe though, some ladies really suffer with their pelvis' and backs during pregnancy. My babies were both on the small side because my placenta for both kids started to fail which I now know was was the immunity problems. The OB I saw when I was pregnant last year said they would be keeping an eye on its function and would treat it this time:shrug:

With Brooke and JD we lived in a really small town and they just didn't know what to do, but I've learned alot since then:thumbup: JD was 6 pounds at 35 weeks and was literally skeletal..the OB that day said judging from his rib size etc had he gone full term he would have been about 10 pounds.

I know this is long but if you've read this far:haha::haha: I can tell you that I always asked what was best for baby and our decision was based solely on that:shrug: I do feel like sometimes I missed out on a natural birth but that isn't the way its meant to be for me. I rarely think back about it because from that moment on so many things happen and how they got here is just a small part of it:thumbup: Prepare for a section because you may be headed that way with your pelvis and if its natural:thumbup: that will be a bonus

After feeling labour with DD I am in awe of any woman that can handle that pain for a natural birth.:hugs::hugs:
Sus, I love that dress!!! I think Lia would look like a princess in it. I think the dress you like is the one she should wear. This one could totally be a baptism dress, why not. I say go for it specially if you don't find a traditional dress that blows your mind.

LL, yes, I have tons of scan pictures. I was getting them every 2 weeks so I got very spoiled ;) I just haven't uploaded any, I know, I am bad!

Yesterday's scan went very good. Cervix is nice and closed (above 4 cm) and babies are growing... baby A is 2 lb 5 oz and baby B is 2 lb 2 oz. I have graduated to the next level lol :haha: and I don't have to go back to see the perinatal doctor until February 5th.

Question: I have to travel to California for work the week of January 27th. The doctor said it was ok for me to go, the airplane is safe and I would "only" be 29 weeks... but I don't know since my mom and my brother keep telling me it's better if I just stay... I really have to go because I am part of the board of directors for the association that represents our business in the industry, and this is the annual board meeting.... I feel fine and I would take it extremely easy during the whole thing, but it scares me because I would be so far away and there is always the "if" something happens.... you know? what do you girls think?
Peace,my dad wont be here, he is only staying acouple of days.

Unfortunately I have to keep the baptism secret from my parents, as the are divorced if I invite mum, dad ,bothor none there is going to be trouble!!:wacko::cry: not what Iwant to do but the lastthing we want isarguments on the day.

Thanks girls, I saw the dress inZulili and fell in love with it. need to buy the accesories for Lia's dress shoes,cardigan andsomething to put on her head,dont know what yet. A headband? Bow?

Lia is having a photoshoot on Tuesday, one of the photos is going to be on the invites.

Wow Crystal your labour stories :wacko: No labour seems to be easy! Mine after 5 long days of prodromal labour I ended up having natural and no pain relief labour, not by choice, after stage 1 being so slow, stage 2 took only less than 3 hours!! Too late for pain relief! And if I had listened to the midwife to wait at hone I would have had a home birth it was so fast! :haha:
As peace says NHS for you!!:wacko:
Labour is not pleasant but the reward is amazing!! Once they put your lo on you you forget all about labour. :thum:cloud9:bup:

Wana b yeah scan pics please!!

How is Jen?
well up to you, but if (God Forbid) there was an IF there are also a ton of great doctors in California ;-)

If it would make you more at ease to stay that's what I would do
Crystal thanks :thumbup: I'm in awe of all of you!
I asked the midwife about the pelvis issue,I also wondered because I'm quite small boned and have a narrow pelvis. What if shes a big baby? She didn't really answer my question that's why I'm speaking to another one privately.

Sus, ah mum & dad story - just like me:hugs: Zulily has got me hooked!

Wana B great news about the scan:happydance: See how you feel about going. If you do go, drink lots of water during the flight and walk up & down the aisle every so often. Even while sitting move your ankles around in circles both ways and do leg lifts gently to keep blood flow going. This prevents any blood clotting issues. And if you drink a lot you'll go to the loo so that gets you moving too. Oh and as long as your trade association isn't breaking the antitrust rules, it's all good & legal :haha:
Sus hope the Gaviscon is helping Lia.

Wana B & Jen (if you're reading) did you girls have itchy skin at my stage? I'm itchy all over but i don't know if its just normal or something to worry to about:wacko: GP says its soon to tell if its a problem.

I've been watching lots of labour & birth videos both c-sections & natural and everytime the baby comes out its so emotional:cry: Its actually de-mystified the whole process and it kind of gives me an idea of what to expect.

:hugs::hugs: everyone, have a good Friday.
Peace, can you phone the midwife and the obstetrics assessment unit at hospital about the itching? I know its one of the things they like to check. I itched for a while and they had me in to check me. Its probably nothing but it always reasure when checked. I still itch now, must be hormones!

Gaviscon is working but made Lia constipated. So I had to stop it. So if its not one thing is another but my poor baby seems to be always in pain. I am feeling so miserable about it. I keep focusing in positive things and moment, but seeing her scream and cry every day is getting to me. I know it will pass but I am having a shitty week.
Peace have you changed laundry detergent? Also from skin stretching it is normal to itch but try to use bio oil or something to avoid scratching. Also loads of water to stay hydrated. Remember our skin is the biggest organ of our bodies (we tend to forget hehehe) so maybe the coconut oil on it will help too
Sus, how's Lia doing? I hope she's feeling better :hugs:

Peace, I didn't get any itching but I've heard ladies who do get it (at different stages of pregnancy) and it is due to eczema
I think the best thing to do is to keep hydrated (inside and outside) and ask your doctor about it, as you may need medication for it not to become worse.

I m doing good, just getting bigger and bigger ;) this weekend I experienced my first cramps (toes and calf) while I was up and about clearing boxes, but they weren't too bad. We started putting the nursery together (finally!) cribs are up and tonight we are getting a rocker chair. Next I want to get is the diaper changing station (I'm going to get something simple since I don't have much room for it) and a little shelf unit for books and some toys. Oh! and I have to get lamps, curtains and put down the rug... As you can see, I still have lots to do but I'm getting there. Hopefully I'll finish before the babies are here :haha:

Happy Monday everyone!! :hugs:

Sus :hugs::hugs: that must be so heartbreaking. I read in a herbal book that if you drink fennel tea and camomile tea the active ingredients will pass to L via the milk and calm down the reflux and colic. Its worth a try :shrug: Garnet also mentioned somewhere that a friend of hers used slippery elm but i'm not sure in what form & how much.

Wana B :happydance: for growing and getting started with the nursery. Sounds like you're well on track...when do you stop work?

Afm, Sus i called the midwife team re the itchy skin and they say to see how it goes and let the dr know if it gets worse. LL, the itchy skin is everywhere but i've noticed its not all the time, it was really unbearable for a day then it calms down. So its on/off. I hope that means it isn't anything serious. I think you're right Wana B it must be related to hydration, sometimes I just don't get enough water down. Must also try the coconut oil, keep forgetting:dohh:

She is moving around a lot now. Just looked at my ticker...can't believe it she's a cantaloupe today :happydance:
def talk to your doctor if the itching gets worse. You may have eczerma and may need some sort of meds for it.

I'm not really on track... I wish I had the nursery ready by now, but I'll just have to make it up from now on. It just gets harder and harder... everywhere I go people think I am ABOUT to give birth... when I tell them I still have 2+ months to go they get scared! lol :haha: it's definitely harder to stay up on my feet for too long now.
I want to work until the very end of my pregnancy. It's easier for me becasue I work from home so I can take breaks or rest my feet up. Not hard really. I think I'm going to take off about 3 months and see how it goes afterwards. My boss is ok with it, thank God! How about you?
Your work flexibility sounds perfect. I work for myself and its just a few hours a week at my discretion so i'll keep going until i feel i can't anymore, could also work from home using you i'd rather have the time off after and thankfully its summer so DH will have a month & a half off then too.

LOL at people getting scared! In the birthing videos i was shocked at how big the ladies got in the last 2-3 weeks. I'm amazed that our tummies dont just burst open :haha:
Hello :flower:

Lia is a bit better today, yesterday we took her to the doctor... again! and she is on propper reflux meds. She scared us Sunday night choking and gagging in her sleep and crying in pain. Now she is on these meds and they are checking her every 10 days. She seems a happier baby after 24 hours on them.
She also started her swimming lessons yesterday, look the photos, she loved the lesson!

Peace, how is the itching? hope that better.

I Have been watching lots of baby programmes, midwives, one born every minute, birth stories... I am addicted :blush: I´d love to change my career and be a midwife! anyway, as you say some ladies get really big at the end of pregnancy, I never did and yet I had a big baby! but yes, it is amazin how our bellies do not explode!

Wanab, how are those boys doing? moving loads I guess.

Big hugs ladies, we are off to a photoshoot for Lia and for a walk in the park since it is sunny here and snowing in the rest of the UK :haha:


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Aww Lia's first swim :cloud9: <3:cloud9:

Glad she's got proper meds now. She looks so grown up. I may be imagining but is her hair changing colour, looks like it in the first pic.

You would make a great midwife Sus! You have sunshine???? Totally jealous!

Itching comes & goes...its a wait & see game i guess. I'm hoping its just a normal hormonal reaction.

Wana B can't wait to see the boys.
Belem, bump pick please! :winkwink::haha:
Have you started the nursery? I bet its hard as you are sorting your new house as well. I cannot believe its only two months to go for you, wow time flies.

Peace, yes Lia is going blonde like her dad. Its funny how her hair is changing.

Ladies I am envious, working from home / for yourselves. I need to think of doing sonething like that. I am a teacher / trainer so a bit difficult... but I am thinking going freelance. Well I am looking to change my career altogether, something that is compatible with childcare.

Peace, keep an eye on the itching and tell your midwife. As Liz said bio oil is good, it worked for me!
Hi girls !

Sus hope the meds are still working their magic for Lia.

Childcare is a great idea Sus, that way you could have her with you and not have to leave her somewhere and worry all day. I spent 6 months in a nursery doing training and although it was supposedly elite and very expensive, i saw some disgusting things they do with changing nappies, feeding, cleaning etc especially with the babies & toddlers...and the unsuspecting parents never find out! You could get registered as a childminder - that allows you to look after your own & someone else's kid/s. I think its a great way to earn a living, offer a good service to another parent and still be with your kids. It also provides companion and socialising aspects for the kids.

I'm getting worried that i won't have everything done & ready:dohh:
I'm covered in Bio-oil, vit e, coconut oil and still itchy all over:nope:

Has anyone seen any nice breastfeeding covers online? And how many newborn nappies do you think is a good enough stash?
Peace you may be overdoing it lol...pick one of those things for your skin, not all 20 :rofl: Maybe try an oatmeal bath...only use the oil after

We never have everything ready for baby because you never know exactly what your specific child will want or don't beat yourself up over it.

About watching babies Sus, my cousin's wife did that for a while too and had her own little guy. Now she has two babies of her own so she thinks its too much
Can you tell how desperate i am :rofl:

Just spoke to my mom and now she remembers that she had it with my sister..last week she couldn't remember a thing:dohh:
Ah well there you go. Did she tell you how to make it go away?

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