Luck 'O the Irish! St. Paddy's Day BFPs!!!

Congrats Ashley - that's great!

CelticNiamh your chart looks great so could always hope that it stays up tomorrow and you get a BFP late - do you normally drop only on the day of AF? As for the recession, my husband has been without work for 20 months partly because of the recession and also other issues in this country. He went back to work yesterday for the first time so things do change and perhaps he'll be more keen soon. We only have one child and would like a reasonable age gap and also I have diabetes and need to get a move on to have a healthy pregnancy so with him back at work I may go and see about fertility treatment in 3-5 months time if I don't fall pregnant sooner.

Moondance, sorry AF got you.

Ashley congrats:happydance: great news for you.

Tanikit this is my first proper month temping, I'm not 100% my o date could be a day out! my cycle is normally 29 days and I'm not sure of my LP length

I normally test after AF is due never before well I did on my daughter the day before AF was due but it was the evening before I got a very faint positive, it was still very faint the day AF was due as well.

I tested using cheap ebay ones meant to be 10MUL so don't know how accurate they are or I may have implanted later and it wont show till after AF is due. :shrug: I'm afraid to have any hope as when AF arrives :cry:

I hope you don't have to go down the FS route and you get your BFP soon :flower:
:hugs: Moondance :hugs: I'm so sorry it didn't happen this cycle ~ how long have you been trying for? I really hope you get your BFP soon.

Nice job Ashley :thumbup:

Celtic - your temps are still stellar! My past two have been lower but I'm still a fair bit above my cloverline. This is my second month charting and my lp was 13 days last cycle....

Tanikit - I also hope it works for you without having to got the fertility specialist route!

:wave: Tryfor! How are you feeling?
Jaimie still holding out that you're going to get a BFP.
Moondance sorry it didn't work out this cycle. I hated when that witch would show up. I usually responded with a bottle of red wine.
CelticNiamh, your chart looks promising.
Did you feel that earthquake last night TTCinLA? Your two lower temps on CD 14 & 15 have got me holding on to hope - hopefully my temps will stay up and when I'm ready to test again it won't be another BFN ; P
Did you feel that earthquake last night TTCinLA? Your two lower temps on CD 14 & 15 have got me holding on to hope - hopefully my temps will stay up and when I'm ready to test again it won't be another BFN ; P

Here is some positive vibes for you :happydance::happydance::dust::dust::bfp:

TTCinLA thanks I think I may have jumped the gun testing so we shall see:shrug:

Wow an earthquake a lot of them lately! we had one in Ireland very weak a couple of moths ago !
Alright Celtic - we gotta turn our early tests into :bfp: now! Is there a switch somewhere on those pee sticks? hee.
Sorry to those that af got, congrats to those bfps! I'm waiting for ov now!!
Alright Celtic - we gotta turn our early tests into :bfp: now! Is there a switch somewhere on those pee sticks? hee.

When do you plan testing again:flower: Im going to wait
as long as I can till thursday for deffo as thats when AF due I think!
Did you feel that earthquake last night TTCinLA? Your two lower temps on CD 14 & 15 have got me holding on to hope - hopefully my temps will stay up and when I'm ready to test again it won't be another BFN ; P

Honestly no, normally if it's a 6 or 7 it's pretty hard to miss. You hear it before you feel it. Any glassware starts rattling and then you feel the jolt. Between the fires, mudslides, and now earthquakes, I'm thinking LA is a pretty stressful place to live and not very conducive for TTC.

I'm thinking your temps are still good. Do you have this constant pressure in your uterus like you're going to get your AF any second and/or puffy, veiny nipples?
Congratulations for the BFPs. Hope the rest of us can join you soon. x
Nixilix - hope you get lots of BDing in before and during ov : ) I watched a show on Sunday that said the quality of the BDing counts for ttc, so I hope your hubby is ready to work - hee.

Celtic - I'm just like you, trying to hold out for a few more days. If my temp is nice and high I'll test that morning. If it goes much lower I'm pretty sure AF will show...

TTCinLA - I have a friend in lala land that slept right through it! My uterus area is definitely "enlarged", pretty much like bloating but it feels like there is more too it than just water retention. My (.)(.) (as TryFor refers to them : ) seem a little full but not sore or veiny.

I thought I was done for this am because I had a headache and felt really scatter brained just like I usually do before AF arrives, but that seems to have passed...

My fortune cookie with my Chinese lunch today reads "the rainbow's treasure will soon belong to you" - how did the chinese cookie people know what my ticker is?! haha!
Nixilix - hope you get lots of BDing in before and during ov : ) I watched a show on Sunday that said the quality of the BDing counts for ttc, so I hope your hubby is ready to work - hee.

Celtic - I'm just like you, trying to hold out for a few more days. If my temp is nice and high I'll test that morning. If it goes much lower I'm pretty sure AF will show...

TTCinLA - I have a friend in lala land that slept right through it! My uterus area is definitely "enlarged", pretty much like bloating but it feels like there is more too it than just water retention. My (.)(.) (as TryFor refers to them : ) seem a little full but not sore or veiny.

I thought I was done for this am because I had a headache and felt really scatter brained just like I usually do before AF arrives, but that seems to have passed...

My fortune cookie with my Chinese lunch today reads "the rainbow's treasure will soon belong to you" - how did the chinese cookie people know what my ticker is?! haha!

Hahahaha you are too funny!!! :haha: You can make them apart (.)(.) or together (.Y.) LMAO!!! I am feeling sick still thanks to the spring season approaching. I was a bad girl and took benedryl last night so I can sleep AND breathe and I think because of me taking antihistamines the past few days, MAYBE :shrug: thats why my CM dried up! I've been drinking alot of water lately and my CM is getting back to what it normally is. I still just don't feel 'it' this month! :shrug: I have been going to the gym at least 4 days a week, using the wii fit a few days a week, walking around my developement with dd and carrying baby emma (the baby I watch) in the snuggly. I just need to learn how to eat better and stick to it. Is there a dietary supplement out there that works without making you jittery???

CD28 10DPO and nothing still just sick!!! I want to test but I already know its negative, why waste the money! Grrr! lol

Jaimie, are you feeling good and positive?...
Jaimie2Eyes how are you feeling today, Im very crampy dont know what to think see what the rest of the day brings. :shrug::flower:

tryforbaby2 I hate that urge to test its a killer, so im waiting till thursday if AF has not shown her ugly face before that.

:happydance:Happy Paddy Day :happydance:
Morning ladies,

I got my BFP!!!!

I have been suffering with a tummy bug really bad since sunday night so I have not posted till now. Woke up Monday with no signs of AF so tested and got a really good positive line. Tested again yesterday and it was much weaker, started to get worried that I had lost the bean and my hcg levels were dropping, luckily it was stronger again this morning. I have only tested with ICs as don't really see the point of spending money on a proper test now. Feeling so nervous and worried now, can't really seem to take it all in.

Good luck to those still waiting to test and I am really sorry to those who are out this month, try and keep some PMA, I know it's hard but keep your chin up!!
Morning ladies,

I got my BFP!!!!

I have been suffering with a tummy bug really bad since sunday night so I have not posted till now. Woke up Monday with no signs of AF so tested and got a really good positive line. Tested again yesterday and it was much weaker, started to get worried that I had lost the bean and my hcg levels were dropping, luckily it was stronger again this morning. I have only tested with ICs as don't really see the point of spending money on a proper test now. Feeling so nervous and worried now, can't really seem to take it all in.

Good luck to those still waiting to test and I am really sorry to those who are out this month, try and keep some PMA, I know it's hard but keep your chin up!!

Huge congrats :happydance: hope you have a happy and healthy Nine months:dust:
Good morning ladies! I've been MIA a bit.. DH has been in the hospital since Saturday morning.He had surgery last night to have a kidney stone removed and a stent put in for the remaining fragments .. Lots of pain :(
So my temp rose yesterday.. but then towwards the late hours of the evening I started getting classic AF symptoms.. sore lower back and cramps.
Stayed at the hospital last night and did not have my thermometer.. Woke up to what felt like AF had started and got real upset.. then went to the bathroom and nope.
I still have some cramps though, so not ruling AF out yet. Apparently AF is actually due tomorrow for me, so it's likely that I am out this month.

If I take a 3 hour nap later, and temp, would that be ok? Obviously it wont be the same time as normal, but at least I'd get a temp, right?

& Congrats to the BFPS!
Hi girls congrats to all the :bfp:s!!!

Don't know whether you guys know but AF got me bang on time on 13 March (saturday) ugh! I'm on CD5 now so counting down the days to ov.

I've decided not to temp this month or got at it like rabbits like we did last cycle, just focus on the few days round ovulation then have sex 2-3 times a week every other time in the month!

I was distraught over the weekend cos of those lines on my IC's and the FRER so I didnt post before but back on it now! If I'm honest, and I know I'm only on cycle 3 ttc, I don't think I will get pregnant for a while so I dont want to spend too much of my energy so focussed on all the things you shouldnt do while ttc and the temping etc.

I have however started taking evening primrose oil until ovulation as I read that helps to increase CM and I never usually have much of it anyway.

will use opk's to make sure I'm ov'ing and conceive plus but that's about it!

Sorry to those AF got and here's to this cycle! xx
Fingers crossed for those and myself still waiting for AF to pass us by and we get our BFP!

Congrats to the BFP's already!

Ness, I am doing pretty much what you are doing. We BD every other day around O to keep count up, I take a prenatal vitamin, he occassionall takes his men's vitamin, my CM is good I just drink water. I don't change too much while TTC anymore. It got depressing for me to stop having drinks, etc etc to only end up with a bfn. :( I am just a hell of alot more relaxed the past few cycles. Trust me, it helps when AF does come to be relaxed but only a little upset. Let's pray to the Lord above that this cycle is our cycle. Well I'll be starting my next cycle Saturday anyway!

CD29 11DPO and I still have my sinus infection, some af cramps, boobs are getting a tiny bit achey and my CM is watery and CP is high and soft. Same story every month! Lmao, well beside the sinus infection anyway!

Off to the :shower: and off to the gym, then housework and grocery store. I feel like grilling tonight, what should I make?

Enjoy your morning/afternoon ladies!!!
hoping my ICs are invalid. lol. Did a Fact Plus HPT with 2ndMorningUrine and there is either an evap line, or a faint positive.I't blue, but i really mean Faint. Nothing to get excited over right now. Now really kicking myself for not temping today. :(
Will see how the days goes, and if no AF may buy another test on the way home from visiting with DH..

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