Lucky thread

Yeah he did say that I am gorgeous etc and he's always getting mad at me when I say I feel fat or ugly, it's just so hard to take compliments. Maybe I should learn to pay more attention to the nice things he says about me rather than focus on what he's said about someone else lol.

They say sperm can live up to 5 days so I deffo think you should be fine up to Thursday, plus if you don't O til Thursday and he's back Friday just grab him as soon as you can coz eggs can survive for 12-48 hours can't they? Definitely a good chance of catching that egg this month Sath!!
Bailey hope you and df have made up.

Neg opk today and temp rise though still bit ewcm so looks like im in 2ww now.
Mrs d hope your havin a lovely time now not long till you test x
Bailey how you feeling today hun? Such a horrible thing to have done so I hope hes making up for it hun xxxxxxxxxx

Sath like Bailey said they can live for 5 days andthat is def true after what happened to me in June hun - I think your covered especially if you got a temp rise today!

Cupcake!! have you decided if your gonna pull a sicky tomorrow?? Not long now chick! I bet your so excited!!

Well we managed to dtd last night - i am so proud of DF I told him that hot baths can effect the swimmers and he had a bath just before his sample on Sat and he mentioned it to the boys in work (lol they share everything) and they told him that HGV drivers put frozen peas down there just before they dtd as apparently that sets the swimmers off quicker!? no idea if thats true lol! but after we dtd I done a headstand and he was holding me legs up and when I was lying in bed with my legs against the headboard i went to move and he told me to stay there for a few more minutes to give them the best chance lol hes also asked if i have poas to see if im ov lol so far we have dtd cd8,12 & 14 so im ready to ov now so come on little eggy!! Float down my tube!! haha xxx
Aw cath thats true love isnt it, him holding your legs up for you so the spermies can get a better chance of meeting the egg lol!! Bless him I think its lovely that he's so into it and wants to know everything!

Sath fingers crossed you have Ov'd now and those spermies are fertilising that egg as we speak!!! let us know how your temo goes the next few days!!

Well I am not really speaking to df. I am, but I'm not if you get me. He's said sorry but I am sick of always hearing sorry and then I am expected to just forgive and forget. It's about time he made something up to me after all the things he has done wrong in the past. Do you know, when we went on our first holiday together, just before we moved in together we were both supposed to save money for spending over there (it was self catering so we needed at least £300 each for 11 nights). Well I saved up £500 to be on the safe side, and he saved NONE!! He gambled it all on the fruit machines and spent it on fags and booze. But I forgave him and we enjoyed our hols and I had to use my wages I was paid whilst I was over there too. This is just an example of how thoughtless and useless he can be and how I just let him say sorry and get on with it. Well not this time!!
So today he is going to his mates on his break to play xbox which I said was ok the other day. So you would think seen as I have told him I am not happy and sorry wont do, that he might get out of bed a bit earlier today so I can get a shower and get dressed before he goes to work. And so he can spend some time with his daughter seen as he will be out all day and evening. But did he?? Nooooooooo. He got up at 9.10am when I yelled up at him (he goes to work at 9.45am) and I had been up since 5am!!
I've had a 2 hour nap on the sofa with Emilia in her chair asleep but he doesnt know that lol!

Sorry for the rambling I just feel like a bit of a mug at the mo. It's my own fault for always forgiving him, but I usually get to a point where I think life's too short to hold a grudge, I love him and if anything were to happen to him I wouldnt want my last words to him to be ones of anger. But this time I'm not letting it go lol, he cant get away with calling someone else fit and making me feel so insignificant and even more insecure than I already did.

Ok I'll stop now lol!!!

Cupcake what time is your MW appt today?
Bailey I seriously think you need to shake the life out of him and tell him to wise up!! getting up at that time - like you said he will be out all day - so he wont see much of Emilia!! Arghhhh id kill him!! What he did was sooo bloody disrespectful!! Any woman who hasnt long had a baby doesnt feel like Kate Moss and to see that would just knock them down even more!! If DF done that I would pack him off to his mothers for a few days but I dont think she would take him in if she knew what he done! You would think know though hun that he would use his iniciative and buy you something nice on break instead of playing on the stupid Xbox!! xxx
I keep giving him the benefit of the doubt coz he is younger than me and he's never been in a serious relationship like this before, he's had long relationships but never lived with anyone else before so I keep thinking he's all new to this whereas I have done it 3 times now. But its getting to the point where theres no excuse now. I'm hoping that his mate who he is with today can give him some tips, he's the same age and has been with his wife for 6 years and they have a 1 year old. Maybe he can help him to understand how he's being a douche coz he honestly doesnt see what he does wrong until I explain it lol!!

I was chatting to his mate a coule of days ago and he said "he needs to learn the key is honesty, I am currently bidding on a game on ebay, my wife looked on ebay and saw it and asked if there was anything I wanted to tell her. So I told her, and she said thank you for telling the truth, and that was the end of it"......if only df could learn that too lol!!
Oh Bailey your DF is sooooo frustrating!!!!! I honestly dont know how you put up with him. What time does he work til at night? Lazing in bed every morning while you get up with the baby is just not fair. And that story about the holiday made me so mad!!!! If i was in this situation, i would sit him down and tell him all the things that are making you feel unappreciated at the moment, and together write up some action points or agreements on what he can do to make things better to meet your expectations of him. Such as getting up by 7:30 or something so you can get a shower and do some stuff to help you around the house. The X box with his mate thing is really irritating to, you'd think they'd have grown out of bloody computer games by now wouldnt you.

I think you are like me and put up with a load of crap to keep the peace. My hubby is 3 years younger than me and i think becuase of that we make allowances for them that we shouldnt do!

We had a row on the way home from antenatal class last we were walking out the hospital he was on the phone to his brother arranging to go fishing on Sunday for pretty much the whole day, without even checking with me that theres nothing i need him to do with me that day, considering we are 4 weeks away from D day. And then when were driving home he gets a text from his mate asking what hes up to tonight. I went mad at this point becuase that would have meant he'd be out tonight, at footy tomorrow and he has a work thing Friday evening, then football from 10-1 on Sat and then fishing most of Sunday. I know we dont need to live in each others pockets but given that im 4 weeks away from giving birth and have been quite down and anxious you'd think that he'd want to support me a bit more wouldnt you? Instead i get 'well ive been in the last 2 weekends, if im not allowed to go out tomorrow night ill go out Friday night instead', its like he just cant stay in, or hes doing me a massive favour staying in with me cos im too tired and pregnant to want to do much. Hes said that once the baby is here hell cut down his activities and stuff but it just bugs me that people are trying to get him to do stuff all the time when im heavily pregnant and need him around and he cant say no! Aaaarrrghgghhh! So we came home and i went and ate my snack in the bedroom and he never even came to see if i was ok or to talk.

So bailey your not the only one living with an inconsiderate man at the moment. I rarely moan about him but i was really cross last night, i just hate sitting at home alone all the time while hes out. Well be having words tonight.

Cath im so glad your DF is so on board with the TTC thing! Did you say you had a + opk? I hope you get that eggy this month chick.

Sath you in the TWW now? Keep us posted on symptoms!

Bailey MW is at 3:30! Feeling a bit nervous about finding out if LBCC is still huge.

Mrs D has gone quiet since i said she was a chatterbug!
I remember having the same sort of argument with df towards the end too! It's unfair of him to think he can swan off and just leave you at home. Makes you feel unimportant doesn't it especially when they say once the baby is here I will cut down, great so your heavily pregnant wife isn't important enough for you to cut down now!
I'm in an "I hate men" mood today lol!
I would deffo have words with your dh tonight. What if you go into early labour? He may we be at the end of a phone but I'm sure you'd feel a hell of a lot better if he was with you so you weren't alone. That's my view anyway. He needs to be at home looking after you.

As for my df, there's no way he'd get up at 7.30 lol but I would at least settle for 8.30 coz he works til 10.30 at night. It's worse because he takes so long having a shower an getting dressed and then is ready just in time for him to leave for work meaning I have to have a 60 second shower and throw my clothes on whilst she's asleep. And let's not forget I then have to rush all the housework whilst she's either asleep or in a good enough mood to entertain herself.

Probably doesn't help that I had a dream about my ex husband last night and he was a complete w****r so it made me even more anti-men this morning lol!!!

Aw I'm sure lbcc (or Zach) isn't too big Hun. Did you say he's deffo head down now? How has your bp been?

Cath have you POAS yet?

Sath how's your day going?

Mrs d hope you are having a good time in France, and getting to do some more exciting stuff!

Amy hope you and Emily are well, and still lurking lol!

Cheryl how's Leo doing with the weaning?
Urgh to the sucking up text. I'd have replied with 'if you weren't out playing kids games with your mates and were here you'd know we were fine thanks', or something equally sarky!

I'm gonna have to have it out with him tonight, it's really bugging me that we didnt talk about it anymore last night cos he was busy ordering himself some food and eating while I had cereal and fruit. Just want him to not want to be out all the time. Yeah I know I'm boring at the moment but I'm knackered all the time, and he never used to mind as we were both homebodies. Dunno if the realisation that he's about to be a father and not ba able to please himself all the time is just dawning on him, and he's scared he'll never be allowed out again!

They're a nightmare aren't they bailey :(
I've just ignored him lol!

Yeah it's not much to ask of him considering you also can't go out because you are carrying his child lol!

They are a nightmare aren't they? Can't live with them, can't live without them lol! It's a good job we love them!
Awww ladies it sounds like both of your oh's are being dicks at the moment!! Put them in their place girls!! Show them whos boss!!

No Cupcake I have no OPKs at home and tbh im enjoying just temping - i werent gona temp but I need something to let me know when Ov has happened. xxx
Did you say you think you have Ov'd yet then cath?

Well my df is deffo getting put in his place right now, I just got him to come and get the lovefilm DVDs to post on his way to his mates house. He got here and asked if we were alright, I said no coz she's really cranky and keeps crying today. Then he said "see you later" and I said "for the millionth time no you won't, see you tomorrow" coz he knows that by the time he gets home from work I will have gone to bed.

I'm not holding it against him that he's gone to his friends coz he did ask last week about it and double checked it was ok for him to go but that was before he upset me and then with him not even being arsed to get up early so that I could at least have half an hour to myself today that's why I'm annoyed.

He also got paid about £30 last night for going in on his day off, he came in and gave me £10.....errrr I don't think so mate!
well i had ov pains last night and ewcm but I wont know until maybe Friday when my chart his risen for a few days? I love temping!

Oh hun seriously!!?!?! I would have battered him lol! how old is he? DF bought a playstation last year and i went a bit mad lol I told him to grow up and that its a waste of money as hes not a video game type person hes too outdoorsy so one day I came home from work and him and his brother were lying on the living room floor food everywhere the house was a mess and I literally went NUTS!! turned the electric off. hasnt bothered with it since!

DF should be waking up early to play with Emilia on his own accord hun! He knows hes gonna be out all day so you would think he would wanna spend some time both with her and with you and make the most of the precious time you do have with each other. You might have ok'd iot for him to go and play with his friend but seriously often do you get to go and spend some time with friends?! he should be giving you more than £10! he should be using his head and giving you most of his pay to save for a house/wedding/Emilia etc?

You must have the patience of a saint hun! xxx
He's 25 cath, almost 26 but he's one of those that was a little later in "growing up" coz he was the baby of the family. Which is no excuse I know, but he's immature in that way coz he's never lived on his own or anything.

I don't think I have much patience lol, which is why we end up arguing coz I can't let things go. He's just making his own bed right now though because the longer I am left in a mood with him the worse it's gonna be lol!

I've never tried temping Hun, I'd be useless and would forget and get out of bed lol! Have you felt much O pains?
Did he move in with any of his ex gfs at all or only you? Plus men do mature later than women!!!

Oh this cycle hun I have forgot to temp loads of times cause i went on a lil rampage about ttc didnt i lol! woops!! nope only yesterday hun - nothing major just slight pains, quite worried about my HSG cause if the tube is blocked their going to removed it... i know its pointless being there if its blocked but its the thought of having 1 tube left and having another ectopic xxx
No I'm the first person he's lived with too. He's so mature in some senses but in others he's so immature!

Aw try not to worry Hun, I know that's easier said than done, but even if they do remove your tube, that's if it is actually blocked, then the chances of you having another ectopic in the other tube have got to be sooooo so tiny!
Cath do you know when your bag will be? I bet you caught the egg already so won't need it!!

Just got back from MW, baby back on average line, phew!!
I am relieved, although he's lying on my right side which means that I'm more likely to have a longer or back to back labour. Humph.

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