Oh Bailey your DF is sooooo frustrating!!!!! I honestly dont know how you put up with him. What time does he work til at night? Lazing in bed every morning while you get up with the baby is just not fair. And that story about the holiday made me so mad!!!! If i was in this situation, i would sit him down and tell him all the things that are making you feel unappreciated at the moment, and together write up some action points or agreements on what he can do to make things better to meet your expectations of him. Such as getting up by 7:30 or something so you can get a shower and do some stuff to help you around the house. The X box with his mate thing is really irritating to, you'd think they'd have grown out of bloody computer games by now wouldnt you.
I think you are like me and put up with a load of crap to keep the peace. My hubby is 3 years younger than me and i think becuase of that we make allowances for them that we shouldnt do!
We had a row on the way home from antenatal class last night....as we were walking out the hospital he was on the phone to his brother arranging to go fishing on Sunday for pretty much the whole day, without even checking with me that theres nothing i need him to do with me that day, considering we are 4 weeks away from D day. And then when were driving home he gets a text from his mate asking what hes up to tonight. I went mad at this point becuase that would have meant he'd be out tonight, at footy tomorrow and he has a work thing Friday evening, then football from 10-1 on Sat and then fishing most of Sunday. I know we dont need to live in each others pockets but given that im 4 weeks away from giving birth and have been quite down and anxious you'd think that he'd want to support me a bit more wouldnt you? Instead i get 'well ive been in the last 2 weekends, if im not allowed to go out tomorrow night ill go out Friday night instead', its like he just cant stay in, or hes doing me a massive favour staying in with me cos im too tired and pregnant to want to do much. Hes said that once the baby is here hell cut down his activities and stuff but it just bugs me that people are trying to get him to do stuff all the time when im heavily pregnant and need him around and he cant say no! Aaaarrrghgghhh! So we came home and i went and ate my snack in the bedroom and he never even came to see if i was ok or to talk.
So bailey your not the only one living with an inconsiderate man at the moment. I rarely moan about him but i was really cross last night, i just hate sitting at home alone all the time while hes out. Well be having words tonight.
Cath im so glad your DF is so on board with the TTC thing! Did you say you had a + opk? I hope you get that eggy this month chick.
Sath you in the TWW now? Keep us posted on symptoms!
Bailey MW is at 3:30! Feeling a bit nervous about finding out if LBCC is still huge.
Mrs D has gone quiet since i said she was a chatterbug!