Cupcake, go home! Use the backache as an excuse and then enjoy the rest of,your day! Can't believe you are getting so close! Can't wait to see Zach, I love that name and hope it ends up being LBCC's name!
Bailey, you have every right to be pissedoff and DF needs to grow up and act like the man he is. He may be younger but he is a grown man and a father, he needs to act like it. I hope somehow you can get him to change, I'm so sorry you feel like you are in it alone. I have the support of my DH, we are in a routine where I do most baby stuff but he helps cook dinner when he gets off work and I am tending to a clingy Mama wanting baby. I definitely don't feel alone in it and already it can be terribly hard, this being a Mom thing!
Cath, so glad you got the testing done and that DF is being so,supportive, holding you up by your ankles, heehee! Also glad that they will refer you for any further testing, hopefully you won't need it!

How are you feeling with boot camp? More power to you girl, I can't even imagine! How is wedding planning going?
Sath, fingers crossed this TWW, I have a feeling someone is gonna get a BFP this month, just not,sure who! How are you doing? How is your garden?
MrsD, we miss you! I hope you are having a good vacation and enjoying yourself. Your sailing away your first TWW! It is sooo good to have you back in the game!
Cheryl, I hope you and Leo are doing ok.
Emily and I are doing well, just busy. I stalk but rarely take time to post anymore.