Lucky thread

Whoo hoo on your luteal phase sath but what a bugger on the spotting and temp drop :(

I feel far less pregnant at the mo coz I've hardly had any sick feeling, yay for second tri :)
Hey ladies!

Espero I hope you O soon, I dunno how you are keeping up with all this bding lol!

Sath yay for the longer lp that's awesome! When did you get spotting? Maybe it's implantation? You never know!

Mrs d I remember saying the same in 2nd tri, almost didn't feel pregnant at all! Glad the ms is lessening!
U been poorly Bailey. Hope your feeling better.

Had bit of spotting this afternoon nothing now. Was getting a bit excited thinking it might be my month.
No not been unwell Sath, I think mrs d is referring to me being a stress head lol! I'm calmer today, had a much nicer more relaxing day. I think I tend to get more stressed when Emilia is going through little regression and developmental spurts, but once we then acclimatise to her new skills and routine we are ok. Although daytime naps are still had work lol!

Oh god I meant to tell you (and ask advice!) I woke up last night at about 11pm to an almighty noise, a scuttling noise from either above or to the side of me and then I heard.......squeaking!!!! Argh! Must be rats coz they were so noisey I swear they were wearing steel toe capped boots! Been up to the attic and can't see any sign, no droppings etc, there's no droppings around the house, so my guess is they are in the walls or crawl space eeeek! We have told the landlady and she's coming round tomorrow, and we move in less than a week anyway but honestly they were so noisy they kept me awake and I'm sure they woke Emilia too coz she was unsettled last night!

Don't give up hope yet Sath, lots of women have spotting when AF is due but are actually pregnant. For me my AF has always started full flow so I always take spotting as a good sign of pregnancy. How does your AF normally start?
Aw soz Bailey glad to hear you had an easier day today. As for the squeak i would say mice. They can sound really loud for such tiny things. Bet you are so glad to be moving now!!

If my temp hadn't gone down this am I would so think I was pregnant. Normally i dont spot but did the other month. Guess tomorrow we'll see.
Are you still using the progesterone cream (I have got that right haven't i? It was progesterone cream that you think lengthened your lp last month wasn't it?? Sorry if I've got confused!).

Well with the squeaking I thought mice too, but oh my gosh the noise!! If we lived in Australia I would have said it was a couple if large possums coz they were that loud! Althoughy landlady suggested possibly squirrels coz we do have squirrels that live in the trees at the end of our garden, maybe the shift in the weather has driven them indoors??
It was from you fb post, I thought you were ill??
We have mice each year as we are surrounded by fields and when it gets cold they come into the roof and they are noisy but yours could be rats or squirrels??? Glad your landlady is investigating :)
Ahhh I see mrs d, with me I'm such a whinge bag you could have been referring to so many things lol! Yeah my back has been super painful the last couple of days and I thought instead of just moaning perhaps I should take the super strength cocodamol that the doctor prescribed me for it! Problem is that I took it on an empty stomach so it made me woozy (which was nice lol) but also nauseous! Much better now though thank you!

Are mice really that loud then mrs d? They actually woke me up it was that loud, but then again I am a light sleeper!

When will you be telling friends and colleagues about your little duckling mrs d? I honestly can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl! A boy would bring back the balance to the thread for sure! My df asked what i would prefer for number two yesterday, I think it would be nice to have a boy so we have one of each but then I'd love to have a sister for Emilia so wouldn't mind if it was a girl (you know this non-existent baby that we haven't even started trying for yet haha! I'm so gonna give up preventing before Christmas aren't I?).
I reckon mice Im not sure squirrels squeak certainly the one i rescued didnt that was almost a growl. Colder tonight. Ive not used the cream this month but on different herbs and added vit d to my many list of supplements!

Mrs d i cant believe 2nd tri already. Have you told any friends yet? First bump christmas how exciting.
Yeah true it was definately quite a high pitched squeak so perhaps not squirrels (somehow they seemed like the better option I don't know why lol!).

Ah I thought you had used it (I get very easily confused lol!) are you still getting accupuncture too?

Mrs d I think we need a bump pic!
Man, I am really not liking the new look of BnB! I couldn't find my CP for agggeeess! And these ginormous ads which block your whole screen, I can't seem to avoid rolling over them on accident anymore! BLEGH!

How is everyone this dreary morning?

AFM, this morning was fun! I thought Madison was going to do 2 nights of decent sleeping in a row (which means 2 wake ups, but still, absolutely an improvement) but after her 3am feed she woke up at 4:30 ( i think her hand was trapped from rolling on her tummy) and then I spent about 20 mins putting her back down only for her to be up and full of beans at 5:15 before I even had fallen back to sleep.

I pulled her into my bed and was side lying feeding her when she pulled off (rather than drifting to sleep like I'd hoped) making what we call her "pterodactyl noises" and laughing. She makes this really high screech that she thinks is HILARIOUS (and it really is, just not so early in the morning when I'd been up since 4:30 and multiple times in the night) and she was just completely wired and ready to play. NOT looking forward to the clock changes this weekend if it would mean doing all of this even an hour earlier! haha

But I'm not going to complain too much, she only woke briefly twice and slept until 6:45 in her bed the night beffore, so I'm going to just keep my chin up and hope this will start slowly becoming the norm again.... Until the 6 or 8 month sleep regressions hit! :rofl:

Yeah, i didn't like the new bnb look either...i was confused thinking it was crashing on me or something. I found where to fix it though and changed it back. I didn't like all the white.
Lol I agree squirrels would be my preferred choice!! Mice can get in the tinest hole and now the weather has turned prob come in for a warm winter in your house. Yep have accu once a month now. Have you heard of false widow spider apparently most venomous in uk and theres lots in my town yuck!!
Glad you are feeling better. You are never going to wait until after Christmas haha at least you'd have emilias hand me downs if it was another girl :) save you a bit of money :)

Yes mice are noisy but we haven't heard them squeak??

I've told a couple of friends but mainly just family. Not sure about telling work??

I haven't taken a bump pic for weeks, I had good intentions. I'll do one just for you ;)

I can't wait to have a proper bump, I just look like I've been eating too much chocolate at the moment haha

Herbs and vits scare me, I think that's why this time I only took folic acid but I'm glad they have had such a positive outcome for you sath. Are you doing more dog walking this weekend?
Hi ttc how are you, have you been up to much?

Sath no not those horrible spiders, cath is the one who gets loads of really big ones in her house yuck. Have you had any?
Yeah I keep hearing about that spider.....wouldn't have a clue if we have any round near us!
Glad to hear the accu is still going well then. I keep meaning to go for my back but can't afford it right now (and I'll probably always think we can't afford it, money doesn't get spent on me in this household lol).

Hmmm mice didn't squeak in your house mrs d? Eurgh it's sounding more like its rats by the minute!
Yay do a bump pic mrs d!!! I bet you look amazing, I know when I was 2nd tri I was proudly wearing right tops to emphasise the bump haha!
Yeah I reckon we will be NTNP from now (although we rarely dtd anyways seen as I'm in bed before df gets home and then I get up way earlier, like passing ships lol!). Yeah I've saved all her newborn clothes so you can guarantee it will actually be a boy so we can't re-use them lol!

Right I'm off to bed, hopefully whatever animal it is it doesn't keep me up tonight!

Night ladies!
Bailey love your new avatar Emelia looks so cute what a big girl sitting up.

Espero hope ov shows up soon well done with the bd'ng hope you catch that egg.

Mrs d honeymoon 2nd tri so good to hear your ms is going.

Temp drop this morning teeny bit of spotting so expect af to show but how fab is my luteal phase this month at least!

Yay for longer LP this month Sath! :-)
:rofl: ntnp from now......I knew it :)

Night night bailey, I hope the critter stay quiet tonight xx

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