Hi ladies, very chatty in here today! I've been off on my volunteer work, loving it now!
Mrs d I'm the same with keeping tidy, our house always looks a mess lol! MIL said it will be better once we are in the new house coz we have a sperate dining room and can put Emilia's toys and stuff in there out of the way......errr I don't think so MIL! I'm not going back and forth with all her stuff all the time just so my front room looks tidier, I have a child deal with it MIL lol! Bet her house wasn't immaculate when she had three young boys running around lol!
Yay for finding ducklings hb!! I reckon we are all gonna be surprised now and it will be a girl lol!
Sath oooh so AF is late is she?? Exciting! And you know what they say about those "AF" cramps, everyone gets them just before a BFP too, I know I did! First time I was pregnant I was convinced for 3 days that I had AF pains and she would arrive the following day but she never did!
Tawn oh dear 4.30am, that's so tough Hun. It's when you see those wide eyes and the grin at that time and you just think noooo please go back to sleep lol! Emilia seems to be adamant that her get up time is 5-5.30 these days. But I can live with that, just not looking forward to the clocks going back like you, will be such a pain coz I know she just won't go back to sleep and then I'm going to have to try and keep her awake an hour longer!
Aw I bet you all can't wait to get back stateside with all your family. Must be exciting for Ollie moving to America, and it will be worth the massive expense in the end.
Cupcake sorry you had such a rubbish day Hun. What a nightmare! Have you ever tried putting Zach in his Moses basket or bouncer chair and taking him in the bathroom with you whilst you have a shower? Or was it just coz the tesco order hadn't come that you couldn't have a shower? I've never used a carrier with Emilia but I wish I had! She's quite a heavy baby though so I don't know if my back could take it! Everyone's always telling me that she's big lol! I've no idea if she is or not but I do call her my little chunky monkey lol!
Cheryl how have you been finding the sensory classes? For us they are just completely the wrong time for us. It's at 9.45am and usually Emilia has a nap between 10 and 11 so if we go to the class she just ends up super cranky and it doesn't lead to an enjoyable experience for either of us lol! I'm thinking of taking her to the local library though as they do a free session called story time for babies at 1pm I think which is a much better time! How's Leo doing with weaning? I'm doing a mix of finger foods and purées for Emilia at the moment. She had sweet potato and tuna tonight and loved it! Although she's still not swallowing very much of it lol!
Espero any sign of O yet Hun? How's your day been?