Lucky thread

I know!! A peach already :)
The weather has been much the same here sath, not really the best day for the agents to come around but we have 2 viewings lined up already so ingests crossed. Yup we've found a house we want o buy but it's going to be a lot of work

I'm glad you had a lovely weekend, I think I would have come home with one of those dogs if it had been me haha
Well done on your levels increasing :) I was just looking on tinternet and it said the 'normal' range was between 1 and 10 so now you are comfortably in the middle yay. What a bugger still no results on oh
Aw Sath that's great Hun! So the acupuncture was worth it after all! Hope you get your oh's results back soon!

Mrs d two viewings already booked wow! That's great!

I've been majorly hormonal today and no idea why! So weird! Been to our new house though to measure up where things can go and can't wait to move in now! It seems like there's nothing I can do at the mo then it's just gonna be a systems go from Monday.

Hows everyone else's day been?
Aw pregnancy hormones still with you :( I bet you can't wait to move :)

Our house looks messy already! It had better sell soon, I can't cope with the tidying haha
Wow that sounds like a busy day ttc, hope the pricing up was successful!

Well it's been quiet on here today!

I started off having a good day, enjoyed work, had a good morning with Emilia before I went etc. Then it all went to pot when I dared to try having an hours nap this afternoon whilst df was home. First of all I couldn't get to sleep coz all I could think about was money and moving, then his brother came over (from MILs) and I could hear them talking and couldn't sleep, my fault I'm such a light sleeper lol! But then it went all nice and quiet and I was just drifting off when a herd of elephants came up my stairs (my nephews and nieces) because they wanted to see me (very lovely but I was in my pjs in bed and df knew that!!). So after they went I had a little mention to df not to do that again coz it wasn't very fair he should have just said they couldn't come over coz I was too tired or something. Anyways I asked him if he'd filled Emilia's flask for her feeds - no, sterilised her bottles - no, changed her nappy - no, put her down for a nap - no, given her tea - no. So whilst I had been upstairs attempting to rest he had done nothing and not even put her down for a nap coz his "family wanted to see her". Oh well let's just mess up her routine then shall we then she'll be all cranky from 4.30pm, refuse her tea, cry at everything and be a nightmare to put to sleep!!! But obviously he doesn't cares about that coz that's MY problem as he was back at work wasn't he?? Arse!!

Then my mum phones me for a chat, was trying to have a whinge about it to her and MIL walks in with some cushions for us, again very nice of her but I was trying to talk to my mum and she just stood there for ages making faces at Emilia. I don't mind that she came over (although I will be so glad when we don't have these unannounced visits anymore!) and I'm grateful for all she does and all the random stuff she brings us but I was trying to talk to my mum and felt like I couldn't and that I should hang up or summat!
I can't wait to move house!!!

It was! Went to 3 different places....Kroger, Walmart and Costco and Costco was the winner by a long shot and had everything we needed so i was super excited. shouldn't even have to go through a specialty pharamacy so we should be good to go.

Sounds like the move will be just what you need girl! Hang in there! :hugs:
Aw bailey :hugs: I hope you get to have a relaxing evening xx

I think I need a no visiting on a Sunday rule too. I love just veging in my tracksuit bottoms with no make up on and hair not done on a Sunday (after the rest of the week in suits with hair and make up on) but every week we get visitors, which is lovely but id rather look a bit more presentable

Well my house has never been so clean and decluttered, it's all ready for the estate agents in the morning. Please wish me a speedy sale so that we can get this house we've seen (we've been on the look for about 5 years and its the first thing we've found we like)

I'll be glad to go to work tomorrow for a rest haha

I will triple cross everything for you that you get this house!!!
Youre a peach mrs d!! Yay!

I hope you didnt do too much this weekend mrs d, you are a 2nd tri pregnant lady afterall, I hope your dh isnt forgetting that lol!
I agree Sundays should be relaxing vegging days. But df's brother only ever visits MIL on a sunday with the kids so thats why they come over or get us to go over there. I usually dont mind but today I had already gone to bed. I'm really getting strung out with all this moving stuff and its constantly on my mind what we need to do and money etc so I dont think I'm sleeping properly when I do get chance!

Fingers crossed for a quick sale mrs d!!

No he wasnt playing on xbox cupcake, he was with his brother and had taken Emilia over to MILs to see them all, but he just forgot about any sort of routine for Emilia and the fact that she hadnt had a nap since 1.45pm. I had assumed he was putting her for a nap when I went for my nap!

And to top off my day my bloody iPhone has been restored to factory settings by the stupid iOS update arghhhh!!

Oh and I forgot to tell you all what I did on Friday.....I was about to pull out of our road onto the main road and there were too mant cars coming and I had pulled out a little too far (our road is on an incline up to the main road so you have to go up enough to see whats coming) so I rolled back slightly, not realising the car behind was directly behind me and I bumped her!!! It was only a light touch so no damage, but she was effing and jeffing at me through my rearview, so when I saw she then turned onto the main road same way as me, she turned her headlights on then off again so I thought she was flashing me to pull over. So I did down another road and she just zoomed straight past (thankfully!). Anyways I was reversing and df was whinging at me for being careful etc, and I managed to bump another car that was parked!!! Such an idiot!! But df got out and there was no damage (literally was just a touch anyway not really a bump). I couldnt believe it, I hate driving with passengers lol!!

Sorry I am really rambling today arent I??

Mrs d what time are the estate agents round tomorrow, will you be at home or at work? Whats your new house like?

Cupcake how is Zach today?

Oh girl, that's crazy. I've totally done that before too and i ALSO hate driving with passengers. They make me nervous. I tell everyone i dry great when i'm alone but they don't believe me. He, he... :haha:
Ttc that's great news that you have sourced your meds, whoo hoo :)
Man, I am really not liking the new look of BnB! I couldn't find my CP for agggeeess! And these ginormous ads which block your whole screen, I can't seem to avoid rolling over them on accident anymore! BLEGH!

How is everyone this dreary morning?

AFM, this morning was fun! I thought Madison was going to do 2 nights of decent sleeping in a row (which means 2 wake ups, but still, absolutely an improvement) but after her 3am feed she woke up at 4:30 ( i think her hand was trapped from rolling on her tummy) and then I spent about 20 mins putting her back down only for her to be up and full of beans at 5:15 before I even had fallen back to sleep.

I pulled her into my bed and was side lying feeding her when she pulled off (rather than drifting to sleep like I'd hoped) making what we call her "pterodactyl noises" and laughing. She makes this really high screech that she thinks is HILARIOUS (and it really is, just not so early in the morning when I'd been up since 4:30 and multiple times in the night) and she was just completely wired and ready to play. NOT looking forward to the clock changes this weekend if it would mean doing all of this even an hour earlier! haha

But I'm not going to complain too much, she only woke briefly twice and slept until 6:45 in her bed the night beffore, so I'm going to just keep my chin up and hope this will start slowly becoming the norm again.... Until the 6 or 8 month sleep regressions hit! :rofl:
New look bnb????? That hasn't reached me yet

Aw tawn I can't believe how upbeat you are with hardly any sleep. I'm glad you are getting slightly more now xx

How is everyone today?

Afm finally I can find my little bugger on the Doppler phew what a relief, I didn't realise this anterior placenta was going to be such a pain
YAY for finding duckling on the doppler! Try and pace yourself, it is SUPER addicting! :winkwink:

I didn't realize your placenta was anterior MrsD, is it fully in the front or just partially? Mine was anterior as well but raised a bit towards the top, so it was easier to feel and find hb on doppler because it was all so low down to start.

Have you started your job at the new estate agents yet? How have your friends and family responded to your big news!!!??
I had an anterior placenta to, on the left but luckily always found hb over on the right as baby tends to hang out in the opposite side to the placenta, where there's more room. Do you know where yours is? I was told at antenatal I was more likely to have a back to back baby if it was on the left as maybe has further to turn in an anti clockwise direction, they were right! Yey for finding him anyway!
I know, now that I've found him I'm keen to hear it again haha
It's right in front unfortunately :(
We haven't told friends yet only family and they are all excited, I'm just wishing the weeks away now haha
I haven't moved jobs as I didn't think it was fair on the new company as I couldn't give a return date. Our own house is on the market now and we've found a bit of a project that we want to buy :)

Have you started your countdown until you move yet? So exciting :)
I love that you are consistently calling duckling "him" I think we would all be in for a shock if it was a girl! Would you mind at all or are you not fussed either way?

And yes, I am definitely counting down the days (aka months) till we move back. Now that the wheels have started turning all I can think about is getting home! Unfortunately for me, even after 4 years, the UK still doesn't feel like "home" and funnily enough Steve feels the same way. We are so excited! It is a lot of drama and money though, thousands of pounds for visas, thousands of pounds for flights, thousands upon thousands of pounds to ship even just a few bits over. Madness! It will all be worth it in the long run though. I really think all of us, including both the kiddos, will be happier there surrounded by the love of a large family (and for Ollie a little space from the heartless actions of his bio mum)
So excited for you to be around your family Tawn, their support will make life so mych easier for you!!!
I agree tawn, everyone will be so much happier especially ollie. I bet your family can't wait either. You're right it will be worth all that money :)

I know I will be in for a shock if its a girl. I always wanted a girl but I'm convinced its a boy so either way ill be happy now :)

Cupcake has your delivery turned up yet?
Hello ladies hope u are all doin well. X

Mrs d a peach yeah :happydance: are u going to find out the sex?xx

Bailey how are u? Emilia is such a cutie... Her pics on Facebook are gorgeous. Xx

Cupcake Zach sounds like he's doing well is tht him on gaviscon now?x

Sath sounds like u had fun at the weekend. Xx

Today is sensory day this is his last week at the wee class move up to the big one next tues :)
What a disastrous morning, Tesco delivery was two hours late, still haven't been able to shower, Zach won't go to sleep unless I'm holding him, still not done the hoovering I've been trying to do since last Friday, and now my boobs are leaking everywhere cos I haven't had time to express. I've just ordered a new sling from eBay otherwise I will never ever get anything done ever again �� x

I hate this new BNB.

Cheryl no Zach not on Gaviscon yet still just trying to work through it.

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