Baileybubs, of course you can join. We may not be in this group for the best of reasons, but we all understand each other and know the feeling of a loss and can talk here

I've heard some say it's dating and other says the lining may not be the best, but I think the lining issue is more if you had a D&C.
Wiggler, I can't see the photos because I'm at work and I guess the site you posted the pics is blocked here, but i trust in you and everyone elses eyes, so i say
AFM, I'm having a bad couple of days. Since the m/c I haven't gone in to the gift shop at the hospital where I work (since I always go in to look at the baby stuff even before I had my BFP). I thought I was strong enough to go in, but I left in tears

. And later when I got home from work, I hit my car's bumper on a post next to my parking spot in the garage at my apartment, and it got all scratched. I started to cry again cuz I felt like a failure at everything, I can't park, i can't carry a baby, I cant do anything right! Today I just feel like if I don't get a BFP this cycle I'm never gonna get it

Anyway, back to work i go ...