hey girls i thot i was on cd 14 after my mc 2 wks ago but tonght ive had cramping tummy bloaded and spotting is this my af b4 even ovulating??xx
Poppy, I get my opk and preg from eBay shop called fertilityPlan. I can't find the link but you might be able to search eBay for the shop. I get the one step opk and preg tests. The opk work really well. The preg tests have faint smudge evaps but as long as you get used to them they are ok! Cheap and fast delivery too! Hope this helps?
By the way I am 4dpo today and feel totally depressed. My head is a mess. Don't know how I'll cope if no bfn as trying agian is only thing that eased the grief.
hey girls i thot i was on cd 14 after my mc 2 wks ago but tonght ive had cramping tummy bloaded and spotting is this my af b4 even ovulating??xx
Who knows Cheryl I thought I was going to start af yesterday but didn't and atoll feel bloated a bit crampy and a bit tired!! I don't know what to think I just wish somehimg would happen soon.. opk getting darker but joying that close to positive and now I'm worried about a cyst or somehimg??
hey girls i thot i was on cd 14 after my mc 2 wks ago but tonght ive had cramping tummy bloaded and spotting is this my af b4 even ovulating??xx
Who knows Cheryl I thought I was going to start af yesterday but didn't and atoll feel bloated a bit crampy and a bit tired!! I don't know what to think I just wish somehimg would happen soon.. opk getting darker but joying that close to positive and now I'm worried about a cyst or somehimg??
aw i kno being a woman is a total nightmare trying to hav a baby is so hard and when i did sex education at school they make u think youll become pregnant looking at a man.... i just wish it was easier than thisa stress...
First of all, I'm so sorry for everyone's losses. I'm also in a similar boat as all of you. I had a miscarriage March 1, 2012 at a little over 5 weeks but decided to get right back into trying again. I have been extremely depressed since my miscarriage and haven't really had a chance to talk to anyone about it. I really feel for my precious baby that I lost. He/she would have been due on my son's 3rd birthday. I hope we never have to go through such an experience ever again!
Hubby and I started ttc again on March 6th until March 12th and then on March 20th. I'm not sure why but I have been having pregnancy symptoms since March 8/9. Sorry if what follows is TMI-lol! I had spotting with a lot of creamy CM on March 15, 16, and 17 which I initially thought was my period but then the spotting stopped. I have been having CM until today and have been feeling very wet for like over a week. I have been having nausea, sore breasts and nipples, and total exhaustion since March 9th. In addition, more recently I am having sensitivity to smells, darkening of areolas, and an increase in appetite where I am hungry like a half hour after I eat. I have had two negative HPTs on March 21 and 22. Has anyone else had any symptoms like these either after a miscarriage or during ovulation? My HCG levels were very low almost zero at the beginning of March. I am hoping I ovulated really early after my miscarriage. Hubby is away until easter so this is all I've got to go on!!
PS. I love the optimism in this thread!! I can't wait for the BFP's to start rolling in Good luck everyone!!
First of all, I'm so sorry for everyone's losses. I'm also in a similar boat as all of you. I had a miscarriage March 1, 2012 at a little over 5 weeks but decided to get right back into trying again. I have been extremely depressed since my miscarriage and haven't really had a chance to talk to anyone about it. I really feel for my precious baby that I lost. He/she would have been due on my son's 3rd birthday. I hope we never have to go through such an experience ever again!
Hubby and I started ttc again on March 6th until March 12th and then on March 20th. I'm not sure why but I have been having pregnancy symptoms since March 8/9. Sorry if what follows is TMI-lol! I had spotting with a lot of creamy CM on March 15, 16, and 17 which I initially thought was my period but then the spotting stopped. I have been having CM until today and have been feeling very wet for like over a week. I have been having nausea, sore breasts and nipples, and total exhaustion since March 9th. In addition, more recently I am having sensitivity to smells, darkening of areolas, and an increase in appetite where I am hungry like a half hour after I eat. I have had two negative HPTs on March 21 and 22. Has anyone else had any symptoms like these either after a miscarriage or during ovulation? My HCG levels were very low almost zero at the beginning of March. I am hoping I ovulated really early after my miscarriage. Hubby is away until easter so this is all I've got to go on!!
PS. I love the optimism in this thread!! I can't wait for the BFP's to start rolling in Good luck everyone!!
I feel your pain - miscarried around the 10th of March or so (around 4-5 weeks) and we jumped right into trying again. This week has been crazy for me with sypmtoms as well, but I have been trying to find reasonable explainations for them all
I've been tired, moody, emotional, skin breakouts, etc so I've just attributed them to weird things your body does after a miscarriage and tried to think positive about the situation. The weirdest one of all has been my CM. It has been pouring out of me all week (gross I know!!) I've never had that happen before which makes me think it must be the hormones in super drive after a miscarriage (they say that happens), so I'm hoping it will help my quest to be pregnant again soon I got my almost positive OPK today, so it will probably be positive tomorrow, so that means I will ovulate right on schedule with no weird cycle for my body.
I miscarried due to extremly low progesterone levels (0.3). It usually needs to be above 15 to sustain a pregnancy. I have begged and pleaded with my dr. to let me do the 21 day progesterone test and they finally agreed! Yay! They said I have to have positive proof of a positive OPK (um, like take a picture I guess?) and then I can come in 7 days after that. I have a short LP (10 days) so I'm hoping they will see I have a progesterone problem and put me on supplements. I have already started vitamin B complex which helps lengthen a LP and increase progesterone naturally, so we'll see.
Good luck ladies! I too feel like this thread is lucky! I'm excited to see what the next 2-3 weeks holds for all of us and our *sticky* beans!!
Welcome ladies sorry for your losses I feel like losing a baby is hard enough...our bodies could at least not throw us onto a roller coaster!! I have had a few pregnancy like symptoms myself although I am 100% positive I am not pregnant since today is the day I got my positive opk wooohooo I'm so excited and don't really know why...I guess I was feeling scared that it wasn't going to happen. But it did and a little early at that I started my mc spotting one the 10th of march but only began to bleed the next day so I was counting cd1 as the 11th either was its a day or two early. I had major o symptoms since Tuesday or Wednesday I actually thought my period was coming!!! I'm actually feeling a bit irrationally happy about my opk don't itsjust been so crazy hard and maybe I feel like this is finally coming to an end and things will at least be normal if not now I have something to hope for!! Sorry ladies I'm babbling!!
anyway I sincerely wish all you lovely ladies peace of mind and the stickiest of babydust!! I cant wait for these bfps to start rolling on in!!!!