I completely understand. I went to the doc the day of my bfp, she confirmed the next day with my prog at 24 and my hcg at 37.5, told me to come back the next week. Went back in the following week, started cramping that day and spotting that night. The next morning I was full flow and didn't need the doc to call me back and tell me my hcg dropped to 4. She checked my blood the day I called her asking about getting a pos OPK on CD 7 and she told me that my hcg was 0, so it's possible I am ovulating early! Now I am 4 dpo and cramping...sigh
Yay for the 2ww's! I'm still waiting! CD 21... NO O, and its offically late. I still have hope that I will O. My OPK is negative, but a tad of EWCM says its on its way here soon. Getting the BD down, and almost glad it wasn't today. As DH and I got off our game and didn't BD, despite trying to do so for two days.
COME ON 's! Sticky Bean wishes for all on this thread!
I completely understand. I went to the doc the day of my bfp, she confirmed the next day with my prog at 24 and my hcg at 37.5, told me to come back the next week. Went back in the following week, started cramping that day and spotting that night. The next morning I was full flow and didn't need the doc to call me back and tell me my hcg dropped to 4. She checked my blood the day I called her asking about getting a pos OPK on CD 7 and she told me that my hcg was 0, so it's possible I am ovulating early! Now I am 4 dpo and cramping...sigh
Ok question ladies?? I do not temp so when should I count my Fpo, the day I got my first positive opk? I got that on Friday so am I on 4 dpo? If so all I got going on is cramping and sore boons and nips. Both of those are normal for me anyway well at least the boobs!
I am a poas addict as well I'm holding out till Saturday to test and that'll possibly be to early!! Bit brnsgr I know where you are coming from Bc I also feel like the pain would have been less had I not found out so early I would have known something was up Bc I'm trying to conceive but a normal person may not have even known I was only 5 days late
Anyway ladies I'm hoping you all get to o and have the stickiest babydust beans ever.. like maybe you'll carry for an extra week lol
that is such great news, Poppy! tons of sticky your way!
so, it seems my body is playing a cruel, cruel trick on me again. it seems that the bleeding is gone again. i just don't know what is going on
does everyone have 20 days of no spotting/bleeding before af? if so i am in so much trouble. it has been 45 days since i found out i was mc-ing, since i started bleeding. i have had a total of 4 days of no bleeding/spotting. then i had spotting for 9 days. now, this morning it really seems like af is here, heavier (much heavier than spotting, but still not full force for af) brownish-red. if i have to wait for this to stop and then have 20 days without anything i think i am in trouble. i will never go back to normal.
i had a scan on the 14th of march to make sure everything had passed from my medical management on march 1st. it showed everything had passed and that my lining looked good. but, it showed that there was still some fluid in my cervix. i kind of assumed that the spotting i just had was that fluid?? i don't know.
i am going to make an appt with a new dr. the dr i was going to does not have a good reputation for being helpful during pregnancy. wish i had've known before. but, i worked with his wife and my husband still does so it is hard to change dr's. especially in such a small town - we only have 2 dr's here. hopefully i will get more help from the new dr.
I has a positive opk this morning!
I'm in the 2 week wait yaaaaaay