Jalanis: One more day. I'm megga curious about what is going on with your body. The cramping during/after intercourse is cause for a lil bit of concern but kind of to be expected with all you have been through.

Please make sure you bring up all your concerns with your doctor. Don't hold back. Wishing you a well appt.
Disney: 'new born smell and snuggles'

Oh, my gosh, you are making it hard to go on break if I don't get preggers this cycle. And trying to keep Aiden away from Christmas tree??? I remember those days. That's when I switched to plastic Christmas bulbs..lol. Awwww...your Sunday sounds like it was a good one indeed. And GIRL...I'm with you. I aint testing. I'm too scared. My temp situation is so strange. I'm like
Plus I feel AF aches this morning. Feels like its trying to start.

So, nope, no testing for me. I need another day or two.
Missyogi: Sorry you are cramping too. Its so hard to know if they are good cramps or bad cramps.

FX that they are the good kind.
Lyo: Tests!! I'm jelly. I don't have many tests to use at this point. The green handled ones I've never used. I usually order mine off amazon prime. So if I can't get them right away I won't even bother
You are SO going to be weeing on them today. I would

. which is why I don't have many tests left today

How do you feel about this cycle? If I remember, you caught your peak just in time? Oh, and my temps were still up today. Holding steady. I did noticed at one point when I woke up with my mouth opened it was back down to 97.90 but jumped right back to 98.34 two hours later when I woke for good. Mouth opened or not I'm just not use to recovery of temp. And from what I've read my progesterone suppositories don't effect my body temp and it fell right nicely with them too. I just don't know.
Gypsy: Sorry you were feeling yuck to your stomach. Did food or something fizzy to drink help? As for my temp,

I don't know what to think about temps. I hope its preggers. I won't get excited till I get a bfp though.