Thank you Disney

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I'm back on and nothing seems to be going on.
Jalanis: FX your new routine does the trick. I'm glad your appt went ok. a 2mm cyst could be the start of an egg or just a simple cyst that will resolve. Hope you are feeling better cycle wise though.
Flyingduster: Goodness!! I hope you pounced on that man! EWCM is a sign that I will be looking out for each month as I am not temping. That and my cervix position. I think I have O pain tons then the next day it opens up and lets folks in

I may have totally be off on my bding. Either way, you got all the signs that you need to be getting busy. I think these days matter more than 4 days before though. FX!!
Disney: I hope you have had a fine time with your mom and dad. If nothing, they made AF time woosh by. It seems we will both be in O time around New Years Eve, if you ovulate earlier that is. Not saying you need to!! Just I hope you don't have a really long cycle like last time. I thought it was crazy how you actually did O so super late and you could see your temp climb. Well, I can say I won't be doing Wondfo LH anymore HAHAHAH...Stick to generic Target brand. I understand those way better!! Sending you restful vibes!!

Did you test again? Anymore cramping? I hope AF starts sooner than later if it is really over. Hard to say with everything just now happening. Keep us posted as you can
I am feeling good. I'm on Cd4 and have been spotting since Cd3. Very short cycle. I'm thinking my lining was very thin too. I had horrible lower back cramping with O which was not normal last cycle. And to top it off when I started spotting my cervix hurt so bad. I had to lay down. Husband brought me extra strength tylenol and I downed like 3 melatonin (5mg each no shame) junk knocked me out. Hadn't hurt like that since I was a girl. But I'm feeling way better now cept for severe IBS which I haven't had to deal with in a while.
Anyway,this cycle we want to try and aid our bodies in getting our reproductive organs healthy. I'm
not taking Soy for a bit.
Every day:20 minutes of vigorous walking (treadmil)

renatal vitamins, Men vitamins for him, 1200mg Fish Oil ,anti-oxidants
Before Ovulation: CD9- CD12 pineapple core
After Ovulation: 2 -3 Brazillian nuts Until 10dpo (everyday for him...hehe)
After Ovulation: 3DPO L-Arginine 500mg until new cycle starts (help with blood flow for both of us ie uterus, erection..low libido issue).
It takes 3 months for anything we do to affect his sperm but for me it should take pretty quickly. And according to his sperm analysisis which we did get back, his stuff is really normal and the report said if we aren't pregnant by summer its probably
ME. And that I would have to look into IUI or IVF but a female factor would be of great suspect.
And no temping. I have not touched my thermometer since last cycle. I also changed my temps on those high days discarding one and sure enough I got AF on CD15 like usual. I'm already feeling relaxed even though I have a regime that requires I pay a bit more attention...lol. We don't have bd planned or anything. I want to see how I feel on all this new stuff. And if we bd great! If not, ...well, then we just don't. I would like a month of no stressing.
Ok, its freezing, I'm jumping back in bed.
Edit: forgot to post this site for you ladies about Alkaline foods. Good read, advice