Making a Baby

Oh no FTale!!! Don't gooooooo. :( I have no idea what the spam is, I've not had anything, but I understand if it's been such an issue, but I wish it wasn't so!

Lyo, I see that line easily!!! Yes it is faint, but you're only 12dpo!!! That IS early, even if it feels like it should be clearer, remember eggs often don't even implant till 10-12 DPO too so it is totally legitimately a faint BFP that'll darken yet! And AF isn't even missed yet. Fx fx fx!!!!!

Afm, temp dropped again as expected, whew! Now to try and bd again to try catch this damn egg this time!!!
I can see the line clearly Lyo! Hopefully they progress soon!

Hopefully you catch the eggy flyingduster!
FTale you will be missed xx

Flying duster that's great as gives you even more of a chance to get bd in!

So me I had a lighter test today and I'm cramping. I'm really not feeling positive about it at all. Gut feeling it's a chemical. My first pregnancy was a mc at 10 weeks and lines were always faint too.
Awww Lyo I'm sorry it's lighter. :(

We didn't get a bd in last night, but my temp has dropped more so O still not here yet. Also haven't had the copious EWCM I normally get nor a favourable cervix, so o definitely not here yet. Gonna try again tonight. O not actually due for another few days.
Do you feel like ovulation is any closer today flying duster? You are definitely prepared for it this month anyway!

How are you Jalanis?

Disney how are you?

Everyone all set for Christmas? It's so close now. I have a few family presents time get but all santa stuff sorted. My oldest will be 5 christmas day too. Can't quite believe it!

Afm couldn't resist testing today again and it was back to bfn. But I was fully expecting it. Cramping all day yesterday and this morning. Just looking forward to getting af and hope I get it today as at least then it would be gone for christmas day. I don't feel too bad about it as I knew from the start that it wasn't right. Lines way too light.
Hey all just popping in to say hi and I haven't forgot about u. This month has been crazy with work and the holidays
Hi bby!!! Wow 13 weeks now, woop!! How are you doing??

Lyo, fx AF comes along any moment now and you can move on to a new cycle!!!

And I'm confident I didn't O yesterday cos cm was fairly nonexistent and cp wasn't anything favourable. My temp is up from yesterday but still within the normal pre-o range. So I'm basically waiting on the cm to ramp up and cp to turn favourable and then my temp will spike. But I'm getting a little stressed we haven't bd again yet, so now it's been four days since bd, so if I go fertile today and O today/tomorrow it's borderline too long ago to still be anything there, so now the pressure is on to bd tonight or miss out, again. I was just sooooo damn exhausted last night I went to bed at 9 and fell right to sleep. I'm still exhausted today, but we gotta bd tonight, or I'm gonna be upset. :(
Hey ladies!

Lyo im doing about you?

Afm i went to my OB appt and it was a follow up sono which i knew i wasnt pregnant but i guess to verify it. My cyst is less than 2cm so nothing to worry about and he told us to wait ttc for 3 months. He prescribed me folic acid. I asked him what about the progesterone results and he said whatever showed isnt valid since im not pregnant. He usually prescribes progesterone in an early pregnancy if theres only very little spotting and a viable pregnancy of course. I will still be here lurking through you ladies..hopefully my ttc time will be around february and on. Im going to start exercising and a good diet too.
Ahh well I hope you can catch a lovely sticky egg in a few months Jalanis. Xxx

And boom, masses of EWCM now. It always impresses me, like I had a wee wipe of it the other day but when it actually shows up for me there is NO doubting it, it's sooo much and sooooo egg white, it's just absolutely no doubting it. So the pressure is on to bd tonight cos O will be today or tomorrow, and four days ago is juuuuust a tad too long ago for me to be happy. Tonight will be perfect timing if we can make it happen, so I'm gonna pull out all the stops and make sure it does!!!
Sorry I've been quiet, DS caught some bug so was up most of the night with him, af is tapering off slowly, taking longer because of the longer cycle grr. Not able to get on as much with my parents here... out all day, exhausted by the time we get home (probably why DS picked up a bug, he's been worn out). I'll try to catch up tonight, sad to see ftale move over to another site, you'll be missed!
:happydance:Thank you Disney:flower:!! Ad Block Plus:happydance:

I'm back on and nothing seems to be going on.

Jalanis: FX your new routine does the trick. I'm glad your appt went ok. a 2mm cyst could be the start of an egg or just a simple cyst that will resolve. Hope you are feeling better cycle wise though.

Flyingduster: Goodness!! I hope you pounced on that man! EWCM is a sign that I will be looking out for each month as I am not temping. That and my cervix position. I think I have O pain tons then the next day it opens up and lets folks in :haha: I may have totally be off on my bding. Either way, you got all the signs that you need to be getting busy. I think these days matter more than 4 days before though. FX!!

Disney: I hope you have had a fine time with your mom and dad. If nothing, they made AF time woosh by. It seems we will both be in O time around New Years Eve, if you ovulate earlier that is. Not saying you need to!! Just I hope you don't have a really long cycle like last time. I thought it was crazy how you actually did O so super late and you could see your temp climb. Well, I can say I won't be doing Wondfo LH anymore HAHAHAH...Stick to generic Target brand. I understand those way better!! Sending you restful vibes!!

Lyo: :hugs: Did you test again? Anymore cramping? I hope AF starts sooner than later if it is really over. Hard to say with everything just now happening. Keep us posted as you can :hugs:

I am feeling good. I'm on Cd4 and have been spotting since Cd3. Very short cycle. I'm thinking my lining was very thin too. I had horrible lower back cramping with O which was not normal last cycle. And to top it off when I started spotting my cervix hurt so bad. I had to lay down. Husband brought me extra strength tylenol and I downed like 3 melatonin (5mg each no shame) junk knocked me out. Hadn't hurt like that since I was a girl. But I'm feeling way better now cept for severe IBS which I haven't had to deal with in a while. :shrug:

Anyway,this cycle we want to try and aid our bodies in getting our reproductive organs healthy. I'm not taking Soy for a bit.

Every day:20 minutes of vigorous walking (treadmil)
Everyday:prenatal vitamins, Men vitamins for him, 1200mg Fish Oil ,anti-oxidants

Before Ovulation: CD9- CD12 pineapple core

After Ovulation: 2 -3 Brazillian nuts Until 10dpo (everyday for him...hehe)
After Ovulation: 3DPO L-Arginine 500mg until new cycle starts (help with blood flow for both of us ie uterus, erection..low libido issue).

It takes 3 months for anything we do to affect his sperm but for me it should take pretty quickly. And according to his sperm analysisis which we did get back, his stuff is really normal and the report said if we aren't pregnant by summer its probably ME. And that I would have to look into IUI or IVF but a female factor would be of great suspect.:blush:

And no temping. I have not touched my thermometer since last cycle. I also changed my temps on those high days discarding one and sure enough I got AF on CD15 like usual. I'm already feeling relaxed even though I have a regime that requires I pay a bit more We don't have bd planned or anything. I want to see how I feel on all this new stuff. And if we bd great! If not, ...well, then we just don't. I would like a month of no stressing.

Ok, its freezing, I'm jumping back in bed.:hugs:

Edit: forgot to post this site for you ladies about Alkaline foods. Good read, advice
Here is a bit more about Antioxidants of which I don't get enough of

Wild blueberries are the winner overall. Just one cup has 13,427 total antioxidants - vitamins A & C, plus flavonoids (a type of antioxidant) like querticin and anthocyanidin. That's about 10 times the USDA's recommendation, in just one cup! Cultivated blueberries have 9,019 per cup and are equally vitamin-rich. Buying tip: Peak season starts in mid-May, so blueberries are less expensive during the summer.

Cranberries are the tart crown jewels of turkey feasts. They're also antioxidant powerhouses (8,983). To get cranberries after the holiday scene has passed, creative cooks sneak dried cranberries into risottos, salads, salsas, and trail mixes.

Blackberries (7,701), raspberries (6,058), strawberries (5,938), black plums (4,873), sweet cherries (4,873), and red grapes (2,016) are also brimming with vitamins A and C and flavonoids like catechin, epicatechin, quercetin, and anthocyanidin. Tossed into a green salad, these berries add extra color, flavor, and texture. They're also very edible by the handful, with morning cereal, mixed into yogurt, spooned over waffles or pancakes, and sprinkled over ice cream.

All-American apples are also vitamin- and antioxidant-rich treats. The classic Red Delicious (5,900), Granny Smith (5,381), Gala (3,903), and many other varieties are available nearly year-round. Applesauce, juice, and jellies are also tasty apple sources, but beware of added sugar (check the label). Here's a tip: Mix some chopped apple into a tuna salad for a sandwich.

Finally, orange-colored fruits are good sources of antioxidants as well. One naval orange has 2,540; the juice has about half that. Bite into a luscious ripe mango, and you'll get 1,653. A peach has 1,826, tangerines, 1,361, and pineapple, 1,229 ..."
FTale!!! You're baaaaaaack!!!!! Yaaaay. You know you are the heart and spine of this wee group and it was gonna dwindle without your input too I reckon. Lol. Woohoo for adblocker!

Your plan sounds perfection, relaxed but with a definite plan forwards. I hope it does everything you need and you get a perfect sticky BFP this cycle or next. No more waiting and worrying and then worrying about YOUR potential issues!! Xxx

As for those antioxidants, it's summer here and we have an abundance of berries and currents growing in our yard now. I'm harvesting a cup of raspberries and strawberries daily, and a kilo of gooseberries a day too. And the currents are coming along too. Lol.

Disney, hiiiiii! Missed you! Boo AF is dragging her feet,Mobutu yay you've been occupied and busy. Fx all goes well for you over Christmas and you get a perfect O and bd in for next months BFP!

Lyo, has AF hit yet??? Thinking of you too.

How are some of our others doing???

Afm, I'm feeling good. We didn't manage an actual bd last night, but we tried allllll sorts of things, positions and stuff, and while we had fun and he got close a lot, he just wasn't able to switch of his brain and anxiety enou to finish inside me. But he too was refusing to give up and he doesn't want another month to go by missed, so in the end a cup and syringe did the trick to get the goods where they gotta be. Lmao!!! No glamorous, but hey, better than nothing!

And my temp is up this morning, I know it's not up by much on the graph, but I always have a slow rise from O, it takes a few days to properly climb, but it is already higher this morning than ANY pre-O temp I've ever had so I'm confident O was yesterday. I suspect FF will put crosshairs on the lower temp of the day before, but I know for sure in myself that I didn't O then, so even if it does I'm still saying O was yesterday and soooooo I'm now 1dpo. And in with a shot!!!! Even the bd we did four days earlier has an influence too, cos they say the sperm definitely still survive for five days, so with both that one and the home insemination last night, we finally have a shot!!!

AF will be due on 4th, I'd LIKE to think I won't test early, but future me will probably be unable to resist. Lol. I don't have lots of tests, only three cheapies, one frer, and two hospital ones that aren't at all sensitive. So really, I wanna wait as long as possible and not waste any on obvious BFNs
Yes 13 weeks already. Can't believe it. Doing pretty good over here
Have you shared your news yet bby, or are you waiting for Christmas?? How do your older kids feel? And have you had a scan yet???
FTale I'm really hapay you're back. Everyone is this group is great but you created it and as flyingduster said the backbone and I do think it would dwindle without you x
Your plan sounds amazing! It sounds like you are feeling relaxed and positive which is fantastic. Also thanks for all the info on the food. I love blueberries but I hardly ever get to eat any as when I buy them they are eaten up within seconds by the kids! They are expensive too.
Flying duster sounds like you are covered and fair play to you both for not giving up!! I'm impressed. That's dedication! I so hope it pays off. It's nice being 1dpo as pressure is off. It's like an exam you do all you have to do and then once it's over its like well I gave it my best shot. Not any more I can do now!!

Urrghh me and my situation. So I'm 15dpo. 11dpo started getting the positives. 12dpo on frer 13dpo lighter positives and yesterday negative and major cramps. I haven't started bleeding yet.I got a really almost not there pos on cheapies today which hashould confused me as thought hcg gone already. Maybe small bit still left stopping the bleeding. Should I typically get af on time with a chemical. Just want it to start now.
bbygurl: :hugs: Awww...13wks, where has the time gone???

Flyingduster: Thank you. :flower:Girl, that's been us for the last two cycles. cup and syringe, after a circus act..or some nights just give him the cup and say "I'll see you in 10" LOL You seem to have your's well timed though. We will be stalking you!!! OH and I am so jelly of your fruits. Drool. I wish I could have access to some yummy fresh fruits. Mine are frozen then I blend them with almond milk an ice. The stuff in our produce areas always seem on the not fresh side or just super expensive.

Lyo: Thank you as well. I felt so lost not being on here. How are you feeling? And bbs soreness? Tired? Hot? I'm very curious as to what's up. FRER are supposedly super positive but getting positives on cheapies still no matter how light is enough to drive you :wacko:. Do you have an Opk to wee on? Totally get you on the eaten up super fast or too expensive. Blueberries go the quickest. I can count on one hand how many times I've bothered to by them.

Disney: :hugs:

AFM my bbs ache today out of no where around the nips and behind them. I'm really hot too. I so hope my body isnt trying to go into early menopause. I think my right ovary is aching too but it could just be IBS. My appendix is semi covered with diverticulitis and can get painful if stressed. Other than that, I'm feeling really good.
This is cheapie test I did today. Can anyone see it. I also just this minute checked frer from yesterday and has the tiniest nearly invisible line now that I didn't see yesterday. So confused.


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Lyo: I saw it before I even zoomed in. Its there. Lets see what it does. So strange. Thank you for sharing. I would go for a beta just to give you peace of mind. I know you want to see if AF will show first. In my experience the witch always shows as I'm heading out to by pee sticks. :dohh: :hugs:
Flying duster I already told everyone was to excited to not and the ms was a big give away. Yes I had a dating us at 8 weeks and just had another on the 14th. I go back for my anatomy us on the 25th or January.

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