Flyingduster: I'm sorry your temp dropped. I can see you point in 'knowing' what's going to happen rather waiting and wondering. Still sad but we are here for you and we aim to make some babies.

I can see your test now. My web app on my phone wouldn't open it. It is super dark!! O time mama!! Get some more bd in now that Hubby is seems to be rounding about well.
I do not envy you!!

I got to skip the terrible two tantrums with my lil one mostly. She just didn't tantrum out on me UNTIL it was time for bed. Oh my goodness. She would scream to the top of her lungs and it sounded like I was trying to kill her. Very embarrassing when we lived in an apt for a quick bit. She wanted you to sleep with her until she went to sleep but she couldn't get comfortable enough for you to sleep with her. She would kick and grab and push you off the bed...

But cry when you gave up and tried to leave.
Lyo: YAY for a healthy house. I can only imagine the amount of tissues you all went through. Your cm sounds like you are gearing up for O. I'd just keep getting some bd time and I'm sure you will get an abundance of ewcm in. Where are you in your cycle? Today is the most fertile day for women around the world?? That is so interesting!! I never thought o look it up. That would be so cool if you guys got preggy this month regardless of time/day
JoJazie: you made September in Australia sound so cakey!! I want in on that Its the total opposite here during that time. Just entering fall and getting chilly. I know its your first time but it happens when it happens. You could very well get your wish on the first try!!
Jalanis: You up to any new workout routines? Any signs of AF coming today? I was suppose to start walking like yesterday but please...I decided grocery shopping was enough walking...heheh
Okay ladies. I'm at a moment in my cycle where my temps are going to start dropping do to my peak having been met. And since I thought I was going to die yesterday from chest pain..I think that was my peak

Now to see if a baby decided to make a home in my tummy. It totally drops around 10dpo but starts crawling down on 8dpo. I'm so scared to even look in the morning.
Oh, and I got the chest pain down with warm fluids and heat packs on my chest. Worked like a dream. Feeling much better in that respect.
Well I'm feeling snackish. Going to have a late snack then get some shut eye. Tomorrow is a work day and I'm so looking forward to the distraction.