Making a Baby

Lyo, BD all the days! sick or not ;)

Ftale, just a bit of paperwork... proof I haven't left the USA for more than 6 months at a time (longest out of the country was 3 weeks so no issues there). proof hubby and I have a legit marriage, I think DS is enough proof, he's a mini daddy haha. then I have to interview and take the citizenship test during the interview, the amount of questions I get asked depends on the interviewer and my correct or incorrect answers. we figured studying would take my mind off obsessing over ttc... now I have to figure out who our senator, representatives, who does what in the gov, American history etc. Good thing is that they have a cheat sheet of the 100 possible questions and half the answer is the president LOL

Had to test, feeling so dizzy. I'm 10dpo so figured some thing show. My temp went back up a little this morning. My symptoms are dizzness, nausea and hunger. And the lines are a purplish color irl. I fill so weird saying this but I am preggy. Light lines or not...OMG.

I will test again in the morning. I'm so scared. I've been watching my cheapo opk sticks show color and Finally today one showed good color but not positive of course. I figured that would be a sign AF was going to start but instead I got positives on wondfos and on another cheapy but when it dried it turned bfn...what?? :cry:

Woohoo! I see something, see I thought yesterdays had some sort of line :happydance:
Disney: I was hoping marriage was all you needed. But you can do it!! Thank you for viewing my tests.

I appreciate it.:hugs: After seeing lines, I realize I've been looking in the wrong place. Still in disbelief because I thought I was out. I've been praying for a miracle. Trying not to sound all cocky because I know these things can give awful evaps.

I have not told my husband yet. He won't believe it unless they are dark lines.

OK gonna try and relax a bit.
Jalanis sorry babe I hadn't realised. Having a break away for a while may help set you back on track mentally too - more positive vibes, more chance!! Looking forward to seeing you going strong in a couple months :)
Thanks JoJazie :)

But I woke up this morning with my mouth open and my temp smack down to coverline. I feel absolutely fine. Not even hot. It must be the progesterone suppositories making me feel off in the evenings.

Either way I'll test again to see what it says. I am so glad I didn't say anything to my husband...Lol. He kept asking how I felt yesterday too.:dohh:

I've accepted it is not it going to be my month but after staring sis HARD at those tests yesterday, I need a lil break anyway.

How are you feeling?
Oooh Ftale I see something on both and thats on my phone. My cheapies had an almost not there lime last month when frer had obvious line. Can you get an frer?? So excited for you!!!
Just saw your last update. With your mouth open if you dont normally sleep with mouth open that can have an affect on the temp I would have thought?
Disney I really wish I had bd all the days. Dh was just too sick last night. But I am annoyed I didnt take him up on offer night before as that was most likely night before I ovulated. Cm was totaly infertile last night going to bed which means it is prob 40 to 48 hours from last bd to ovulation. Not ideal could have been much better timing AND we are trying for a boy so again not ideal but look I guess there is still a chance althiugh somewhat reduced.

This really is an utterly crap week. Bug is hanging around. Kids still have diarrhea.uurggh I want to feel normal again.
Hi ladies,

Can I squeeze in on the conversation? Don't have time to read all the comments unfortunately but could be doing with some TTC buddies!

So where is everyone on their cycle? I'm 5DPO today and waiting to test at 9DPO. That's when I got BFP with DD x
Ftale, why is you DH asking how you feel? Does he realise something is off or is he eager for aBFP and asking anyway? I'm looking forward to seeing how you go the next day. I'm waiting to O. I thought my fertile period would start this weekend but I'm not getting the signs. So we BD last night out of pure love (corny I know), no chance of catching any engines yet. I usually O about a week after FF thinks I might, so I may be waiting another week.

Tess - only 4 more days! I bet you're getting excited ... And of course you can join - welcome!
Ftale, why is you DH asking how you feel? Does he realise something is off or is he eager for aBFP and asking anyway? I'm looking forward to seeing how you go the next day. I'm waiting to O. I thought my fertile period would start this weekend but I'm not getting the signs. So we BD last night out of pure love (corny I know), no chance of catching any engines yet. I usually O about a week after FF thinks I might, so I may be waiting another week.

Tess - only 4 more days! I bet you're getting excited ... And of course you can join - welcome!

Thanks Jo! I'm not really excited tbh. Just nervous!! The longer the TTC goes on and I'm still not pregnant I just start to dread the waiting period. I pretty much just assume I'm out every month because I'm so used to seeing BFNs then getting AF. I'll see how it goes though.

Fingers crossed u O soon! I have irregular long'ish cycles so waiting to O is always so frustrating x
Jojazie: Normally I'm shoving tests in his face or some where in the corner sucking my thumb and rocking. :haha: He even joked at me saying' So, what did you do all day? Eat ice cream, cry and punch yourself in the ovaries?' Now, that may sound mean but that was actually me the other day (minus the ice cream) at 8dpo when I for SOME reason thought I should get a positive :dohh: I love him. He is so confident that when I look the other way and stop obsessing that it will happen. How the hell do you look the other way and not at a peestick? God give me strength just to not check my hoohaa for cm twenty times a day.

I need some hard cider but its too early.

I'm sorry the fertile period hasn't started but lovemaking sounds good to me :blush: Hey, its for the good of the team!! Gotta keep things interesting outside of making the bean.

Lyo: The ******* test did give me positives but the old style FRER I used this morning said "Nope." And my temperature matches the negativeness of it. I did another wondfo but it isn't as obvious as the others. I'll do another in the pm just for kicks. I'm out.

Really? I'm so sorry poo on all the sickness in your home. I pray it gets better. Sounds like you all need some antioxidants in your bodies. Help fight the seasons's germies flowing around. Keep at it with bd whenever he can muster some thing. Hey, even if he is willing to 'donate', its just as good a bd getting the guys where they need to go. :hugs:

Tess: :happydance:Welcome:happydance: Just have a look at the first page and you can see where everyone is in there cycles. You've been added as well. I'm with you on getting use to seeing bfns. I don't even know how to react to a true positive anymore. I had some convincing evaps (what I'm calling them) yesterday and teared up with joy and my eyes burned from crying. I couldn't even cry with joy because I've wasted all my tears on being burned with bfns. So today I'm numb and cooking up a storm in my house (what I do when feeling happy or sad).

You are still mighty early and no doubt starting to symptom check as tomorrow is the first day of possible implantation. Did you guys do anything special this cycle? How long have you been ttc?

Disneylovers: How are you doing over there? Are you all getting a cold front with snow too? We are in Georgia though I hope it comes with no ice. I live on a hill and we will be stuck up here for the whole weekend...:growlmad: Any symptoms to obsess about? hehehe...I never quit do I?

Flyingduster: :hugs:
FTale I hate some of the cheapies, wondfos gave me evaps and indents that so looked like positives, I won't touch wondfos again!
We're getting rain and that's it
Jojazie: Normally I'm shoving tests in his face or some where in the corner sucking my thumb and rocking. :haha: He even joked at me saying' So, what did you do all day? Eat ice cream, cry and punch yourself in the ovaries?' Now, that may sound mean but that was actually me the other day (minus the ice cream) at 8dpo when I for SOME reason thought I should get a positive :dohh: I love him. He is so confident that when I look the other way and stop obsessing that it will happen. How the hell do you look the other way and not at a peestick? God give me strength just to not check my hoohaa for cm twenty times a day.

I need some hard cider but its too early.

I'm sorry the fertile period hasn't started but lovemaking sounds good to me :blush: Hey, its for the good of the team!! Gotta keep things interesting outside of making the bean.

Lyo: The ******* test did give me positives but the old style FRER I used this morning said "Nope." And my temperature matches the negativeness of it. I did another wondfo but it isn't as obvious as the others. I'll do another in the pm just for kicks. I'm out.

Really? I'm so sorry poo on all the sickness in your home. I pray it gets better. Sounds like you all need some antioxidants in your bodies. Help fight the seasons's germies flowing around. Keep at it with bd whenever he can muster some thing. Hey, even if he is willing to 'donate', its just as good a bd getting the guys where they need to go. :hugs:

Tess: :happydance:Welcome:happydance: Just have a look at the first page and you can see where everyone is in there cycles. You've been added as well. I'm with you on getting use to seeing bfns. I don't even know how to react to a true positive anymore. I had some convincing evaps (what I'm calling them) yesterday and teared up with joy and my eyes burned from crying. I couldn't even cry with joy because I've wasted all my tears on being burned with bfns. So today I'm numb and cooking up a storm in my house (what I do when feeling happy or sad).

You are still mighty early and no doubt starting to symptom check as tomorrow is the first day of possible implantation. Did you guys do anything special this cycle? How long have you been ttc?

Disneylovers: How are you doing over there? Are you all getting a cold front with snow too? We are in Georgia though I hope it comes with no ice. I live on a hill and we will be stuck up here for the whole weekend...:growlmad: Any symptoms to obsess about? hehehe...I never quit do I?

Flyingduster: :hugs:

Oh yes I've just noticed that! That's a great way to keep track of where everyone is :) I see there have been a lot of BFPs on this thread eeekkk!! How exciting. Congrats to everyone :D

I also see there are a few on you in the TWW with me! Fingers crossed for everyone. Are you at the testing stage of early on in TWW? I'm going to hold off testing till Tuesday. DH and I only managed to BD once this cycle due to him working LOADS leading up to Christmas but the 1 time we did was 1 day before O so I suppose there's still a chance :)

Disneylovers I have never used those brands but thanks for the heads up, I won't now! I forget where on the test to even look for the second line lol. I've seen that many BFNs that's I never expect them to be positive when I do them x
Tess - maybe you need to get some time away from the boards so that you don't keep focusing on it? Would that help? You can always just give yourself a time limit on the boards and an activity afterwards so that you can pull away from the thinking so you can get a good break when you're away? Will you go to the doc to see if there's something you can do?

Ftale - your DH sounds so funny and lovely! :wedding: And you know he's probably right you know? You'll glimpse at a peestick, get distracted, realise you've dropped the ball and hey presto -


You'll start getting those hints at the back of your mind ... :test:,
get a :bfp: run and tell DH :mail:, find out its :oneofeach: and before you know it,

you'll be :crib::iron::shower::hangwashing::laundry::dishes:

and LoViNg it :dance:

Or possibly just :wine:
Lyo, I had only one not have a line of some sort, they dried with indents or it would fade, it was a pretty deceptive line, used to trust wondfos religiously but their opks were too sensitive too, I won't buy them again either. The ACCUmed had a few indents in the first set they sent but the replacements have all been better
Tess - maybe you need to get some time away from the boards so that you don't keep focusing on it? Would that help? You can always just give yourself a time limit on the boards and an activity afterwards so that you can pull away from the thinking so you can get a good break when you're away? Will you go to the doc to see if there's something you can do?

Ftale - your DH sounds so funny and lovely! :wedding: And you know he's probably right you know? You'll glimpse at a peestick, get distracted, realise you've dropped the ball and hey presto -


You'll start getting those hints at the back of your mind ... :test:,
get a :bfp: run and tell DH :mail:, find out its :oneofeach: and before you know it,

you'll be :crib::iron::shower::hangwashing::laundry::dishes:

and LoViNg it :dance:

Or possibly just :wine:

I actually only just joined the boards about a week ago to give me some people to talk to who were going through the same thing as me so I don't think I need time away already lol. I've been to doc about my irregular cycles but they have done tests and said everything looks normal and think the irregularities could be down to stress etc because i recently got married then had a very sudden/shocking death in the family. I'm not worried that it won't happen because it took us 6 month to get pregnant with DD. Our problem is that we don't DTD enough and I've told DH this but he is really laid back and just says 'it'll happen when it happens' which is really no comfort to me what so ever x
Oh tess I'm so sorry to hear about the death in your family, I'm sure you are still grieving :( You sound ready for the pregnancy but I'm sure your body knows you best and will pick the healthiest time for you to get pregnant. As for your DH, I've seen people talking about insemination so that he doesn't have to be so involved, is that something you could look into? Big hugs gal
JoJazie: HAHAHAHAH....Hilarious!! You are right though. It's how everything else seems to happen...When it's time and least expected.

Any signs of O coming?

I'm just waiting on AF with a positive opk so it might happen on Sunday evening.

Tess: :hugs: I'm sorry. I hope having others to talk with helps relieve some of the stress you are going through. My dh isn't big on doing the deed either but will do so if I am persistent and he isn't too busy with work. But he does want a baby ironically...Lol. I'm sure yours does too.:hugs:

Well we are warming up after playing in our ice snow. Going make something warm to eat then watch. TV...Lol. HUGS EOE!!

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