Making a Baby

Thanks ladies. It was pretty awful. Ur we're starting to move on now. It's not as bad as needing to inseminate. He's happy to DTD at the weekends but anything during the week is pretty much off the cards because he works really long hours Monday to Friday. I mean he will if I nag him but I would rather not nag him lol. He really wants a baby too but he's just so laid back n thinks it'll happen at the right time.

How r u all feeling? X
FTale, opks can go positive when you're pregnant too! How's your temp today?
FTale, opks can go positive when you're pregnant too! How's your temp today?

Yes they defo can ftale! I done an OPK 2 days before AF was due when I fell pregnant with my daughter and it was the most positive OPK I have ever seen! It was way more pos than my preg tests. Good luck :D x
Tess: I'm in pain due to my right ovary aching and silly IBS.

Yes, the weekdays are iffy. I usually cringe if it lands on a Monday or Wednesday which it does too often. Any thing different for you right now? When will you test?

Disney: I wish! But my temp is not much higher. And hpt is negative. So opk turning positive makes since for AF moving in. How are you feeling?
Oh, new faces, hiiiii guys! I've skimmed the last few pages just to make sure nothing huge was missed, but haven't read properly. So I can't really reply to everyone personally, but I'll start coming back more again, I just needed a wee break for the past few days. :)

AF now is on its final legs, my temps are really low so far too, which is nice. Not so up and down!!

Yes, Lyo, my cycle has been shorter the last two since the mc. Previously I Od on cd 18-19, but the last two cycles it's been cd 15-16, so it'll be interesting to see what happens this month.
Tess: I'm in pain due to my right ovary aching and silly IBS.

Yes, the weekdays are iffy. I usually cringe if it lands on a Monday or Wednesday which it does too often. Any thing different for you right now? When will you test?

Disney: I wish! But my temp is not much higher. And hpt is negative. So opk turning positive makes since for AF moving in. How are you feeling?

Nope nothing different for me. My boobs got sore this morning which usually happens at 6DPO so I'm thinking AF will prob show up as I don't feel any different to any other cycle. I'm going to test on Tuesday.

Well the positive OPK still sounds good to me! When is ur AF due? X
Tess: I'm in pain due to my right ovary aching and silly IBS.

Yes, the weekdays are iffy. I usually cringe if it lands on a Monday or Wednesday which it does too often. Any thing different for you right now? When will you test?

Disney: I wish! But my temp is not much higher. And hpt is negative. So opk turning positive makes since for AF moving in. How are you feeling?

Nope nothing different for me. My boobs got sore this morning which usually happens at 6DPO so I'm thinking AF will prob show up as I don't feel any different to any other cycle. I'm going to test on Tuesday.

Well the positive OPK still sounds good to me! When is ur AF due? X

I will start on Tuesday. I will Always use opk to monitor lh peaking and get excited if it gets darker/positive before 12 dpo. 😀

Well I heard if your BBS stay tender through a missed af you could be preggy. Heck some ppl get preggy with no symptoms till 6weeks.
Flying duster: Welcome back. Glad Af is almost gone. Hope O doesn't sneak up on ya this cycle. Fx!!
Oooooh Ftale it's nearly Sunday evening! Anything yet?? I'm sure Dh gets into it too when it's in the final quarter, the crunch time, right before the whistle blows.... So did u test? Did u test?? :test:

Not really any signs of O for me yet. Mild signs are peeking over the horizon though so I'm watching and waiting over the next few days. I'm not even sure if I'm in my fertile window yet! Sux coz we both really want to DTD but we don't usually have a high sex drive so I want to make it count! Never thought I'd be so keen on a mans :spermy:

Well tess it seems you have your mans best interests at heart. And you know, it may well happen with Bd on weekends. We only need one spermy!

Ftale hi ho the :witch: is gone, which old :witch:? The wicked :witch: yay! Back in play hey? Good to c u :hugs:
Hugs FTale, your temp snuck back up a tad that's good isn't it? My temp dips close to coverline before af hits but hovers above the coverline until cd3 it seems... But never rises like yours has, fx for late implantation!

Afm I'm tired as usual a few days after O, DH sorted DS's breakfast and left me to sleep in till 10am, by 4pm I was wiped out, late lunch didn't help energy levels but I made the best roast potatoes instead of taking a nap, omgosh the best tasting (bag of small waxy potatoes, halved then tossed in sunflower oil, rosemary, thyme, grated fresh garlic, s&p to taste. Roasted for 25 mins, flip them then 20 mins more... so delicious!) We made mini steaks and veggies to go with but I could have just loaded up on those yummy carbs lol.

Oh ok, back to ttc talk ;) cm went back to non fertile on Wednesday night/ Thursday morning so I'm feeling better about our timing this cycle. No stupidly long stint of ridiculously fertile cm like last cycle either. I still think the 10 days between the mini LH surge abs my actual surge last month matured and fried my eggs by the time I actually ovulated, just glad it seems to be a one off
Hey flying duster! Glad to hear AF is on its way out. New cycle, new chance :) good luck to u!

Thanks Jo. Yeh I know it only takes 1 so you never know! And this month our weekend BD was 1 day before O so could get lucky. I'm just worried bout the quality of DH's sperm as he isn't regularly renewing them if you know what I mean lol. I would never say that to him though I think he would freak haha.

Ftale your chart is looking good to me. Will u be testing today? Best of luck to you :)

Disney your potatoes sound yummy haha! You've made me hungry for dinner now n it's only 9am here. Sounds like you timed BD great this month. I hate it when I get fertile signs for ages and just keep waiting to O. So frustrating.

I have a charting question for u all! I'm 7DPO today. I'm not working today so I wasn't up at my usual 6.30am. I went to bed last night at 10.30 and then got up at 5 for the loo. I took my temp while I was up n it was 97.58 (down to my coverline). I went back to bed and then got up again at 7.30 and took my temp again which this time was 97.9. Which temp do you think I should use for my chart today? Thanks :) x
P.s I would show my chart in my signature like you ladies have but I don't know how to haha!! X
Disney thats great timing. We are about the sane although I think I might be 3dpo and not 4 but thats purely going on cm as it was bavk to non fertile thursday night. My timing wasnt as good though as we didnt get the day before ovulation so Im just not feeling hopeful.

Ftale A temp rise today must be a good sign right? Are you testing today?

Flying duster good luck on this new cycle.

Tess I personally would go with second temp as if you took the first one while up it wouldnt be accurate.
Disney thats great timing. We are about the sane although I think I might be 3dpo and not 4 but thats purely going on cm as it was bavk to non fertile thursday night. My timing wasnt as good though as we didnt get the day before ovulation so Im just not feeling hopeful.

Ftale A temp rise today must be a good sign right? Are you testing today?

Flying duster good luck on this new cycle.

Tess I personally would go with second temp as if you took the first one while up it wouldnt be accurate.

Ok cool I'll go with second temp. I was gonna go with the first one coz I thought getting up initially for the toilet might have caused the temp a couple of hours later to be higher but I'm not an expert at temping so I'm glad I asked. Thanks!

I got preg first time BDing 2 days before O so fingers crossed you are still in with a chance this cycle.

I caved this morning and took a test. Don't know why coz I'm only 7DPO so I knew it would be neg! I took an OPK too which was almost pos though. Defo gonna hold off now till Tues to test again x
P.s I would show my chart in my signature like you ladies have but I don't know how to haha!! X

Go to your chart, find the "share" button underneath it and copy and paste the BB code for chart thumbnail ;)

AFM, DS slept like a newborn last night, was in his room every 30-45 mins so brought him in with me at 4am, he's all out of sorts and I only just fot 3hrs of solid sleep before temping. so exhausted!!
Slowly catchingu a it, its looking good for you all!! Fx for a wave of BFPs soon!!!

AF has left now, temp was beautifully low, I'm feeling ok. I can't help it though, I've felt really positive leading up to O the past few months, only to then have my hopes dashed by unexpected O, no bd, or ineffective looking temps after O. So while I sorta feel hopeful for this cycle, I'm also bracing myself for something new to go wrong. Sigh.
Flyingduster, that's been our issues too! Not enough quality/effective bd or not timed well because ovulation was all over the place. DH is wondering if he's got sperm issues if nothing happens soon, of course our insurance doesn't cover testing for him :( not sure what we'd do once we roll around to the year mark of ttc if nothing happens. I hope it doesn't come to that for any of us though!

My temps are whacky, the past few cycles have had a nice steady rise after O, a slight dip followed by a mirror image rise before af dip, none of that this cycle, hoping that room temps has something to do with it and having been sick for so long with that bug!
Disneylovers oh no sounds like you've had a rough night! Is your DS coming down with something? Fingers crossed your temps calm down a bit too and stop being so confusing.

Flyingduster I can completely relate to that too. Not enough BDing for us but we're just gonna need to pick it up a notch! I also feel really positive up until O and even if we do time BD well I still immediately start to think of reasons why we haven't caught the egg. I think I do it so that if my AF comes I can convince myself there's a valid reason why other than that we were just unlucky yet again. Best of luck to u this cycle :D

Do any of you check cervical position? I used to when trying for DD but haven't done it this time n I've totally forgot what I should be looking for lol. I checked this morning (8DPO) and it is high/soft. any ideas what I should be hoping for? I could google it but I trust you ladies more than google to give me a proper answer haha x
Ooh Disney I'm with you. My 2 yr old fell asleep at 5pm yesterday evening. She woke at 2 in morning full of beans until 5! Urrgghhh. Then other 2 back to preschool today so all hectic this morning. Hope your ds settles down tonight and you can catch up on sleep.

Flying duster you don't use opks do you. Would you think they might help to know ov is happening so you don't get caught out again?

Tess I check mine around ovulation time and it is very obvious when its high soft and open. As for what to look for as a positive sign in 2ww I think it is for it to be high and closed. But honestly Im not entirely sure.I think cervical position is a difficult one to check as mine changes at differeng points throughout the day. I only find it useful when I am ovulating.

So I either 4 or 5 dpo and as usual not a sign of anything. Not testing early as dont want to go through what happened last month with the chemical ever again so I will be waiting as hard as that will be!

Ftale how are you doing?
Ooh Disney I'm with you. My 2 yr old fell asleep at 5pm yesterday evening. She woke at 2 in morning full of beans until 5! Urrgghhh. Then other 2 back to preschool today so all hectic this morning. Hope your ds settles down tonight and you can catch up on sleep.

Flying duster you don't use opks do you. Would you think they might help to know ov is happening so you don't get caught out again?

Tess I check mine around ovulation time and it is very obvious when its high soft and open. As for what to look for as a positive sign in 2ww I think it is for it to be high and closed. But honestly Im not entirely sure.I think cervical position is a difficult one to check as mine changes at differeng points throughout the day. I only find it useful when I am ovulating.

So I either 4 or 5 dpo and as usual not a sign of anything. Not testing early as dont want to go through what happened last month with the chemical ever again so I will be waiting as hard as that will be!

Ftale how are you doing?

Oh well thanks anyway! I'll just wait and see. I'm going to test tomorrow morning with FMU. I'll be DPO but my LP is only 11 days so it's 2 days before AF. Not feeling hopeful though as I'm getting all the usual signs that AF is on its way eg. Sore boobs, little twinges in stomach etc. When I was preg with DD I felt absolutely nothing strangely! That's why I thought I was preg coz I didn't feel like AF was coming. So feeling nothing might not be such a bad thing :) x

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