Good Morning Ladies

Welcome Coco Tutu

I love these group of ladies. I'm sure you will to as you ttc#2
Kitty: I'm so sorry. bfns suck rocks. FX AF doesn't show but if it does we'll be here for you.
Lyo: Right? I still can't get over why FRER hasn't pulled the new test. The bfps I've seen seem so splotchy but supposedly they are still the most sensitive?? I wish I could get a true insider view of what really goes on in that pee stick factory of theirs
Jalanis: I keep checking my chart from when I got pregnant with DD but its like I was a totally different machine back then. My temps aren't even the same. Being older has for sure changed alot of things. I remember I used an instead cup to conceive her and that thing hurt. My husband and I spoke of using Diva cup maybe to keep from getting UTIs but I'm burnt out on 'stuff'
Mkaykes: Hi. are going to be lurking??? Ok, well, if you feel the need to unlurk please do. We will be happy to explore the tww with I can appreciate wanting to lay low and not let yourself go as much.

As for my cramps, I'm with you on them not being norm and have taken advice to head back to the doc today to see if UTI is the culprit still.
BayBlonde: Rats. I'm sorry! I was really hoping you'd slap a bfp on us. Well, please don't let it get you down. I think alot of us are starting to take a more relaxed approached with our new cycles. I know I plan to. I'm way to stressed out. Also, you mentioned drinking coffee, and I gave that up right away. And if you are a big soda drinker that too. Its not good for your lining. I know it tastes soooo good and gets your through the day but see if you can find an alternative drink or healthy food to put in its place. I think some one mentioned light caffeinated drink but if you like coffee as much as me...

could easily over do it. Sending you positive and strength.
Flyingduster: Ah, man!! I really hope you catch the egg tonight! I'm sorry he is having trouble finishing (have been there). But please stick around. That's why this group is called 'June Baby MAYBE'. Heck, its only where we are starting, I'd be happy with a healthy baby of any month. Its having wonderful women like you to keep me sane along the journey that counts. FX that you get that eggy!!
Disney: OH MY GOSH!! I have no reason to be peeing on anything BUT Drum roll please. I was a bad bad girl 7dpo. Yes, I danced with the bfn. Um,hmm. Like what the lolly pops was I thinking? I immediately regretted my actions so much till I almost threw it away without looking at it. It was a discounted curved frer (let the shame commence). Honestly, I don't even know where the line should show up and I've googled it and still don't get it.

Not today though, I almost just peed at the entry way to the bathroom..LOL..kidding but I did not want to see mr. ugly.
Ok, well, my temp rose a bit. Yet, history shows the next two days will slowly drop if not pregnant. But it ain't over unless the

bullies her way in on Wednesday I think. I will officially start testing in the morning though 9dpo. I will post all pee sticks no matter what.

for our future bfps...we got dibs on ya!!