Good evening,
TaylorK: So sad to hear you didn't get a BFP, I was rooting for you! I felt for sure you and I would be the first to spoil the rest with pictures on here of our tests.
OilyMamma: Finally, someone else with a strong caffeine addiction. I could give it up if I were to get a BFP, but since I'm not and in the past I wasn't that serious or aware of how it affects your PH balance, I would have my early morning cup and call it good. Starbucks has a strong hold on me. My two favorite things to have are a carmel macchiato with an extra pump of vanilla and the store bought frappacinos in mocha. Lately I've been having a Frap a day and that is it. We've been doing some celebrating at work recently, so food and junk has been coming in and out of the office like the world is about to end. I've indulged in a coke or two here and there, but I really don't drink soda if I can help it. My biggest comfort food is In N Out Burger. God forbid I get a food aversion to that, because I know where each location is within a 15 mile radius of my house. LOL.
FTale: Thank you for being such a kind sweetheart to me during such an emotional time. It is hard, but it gets better. I am finishing up with aunt flo and hope to be back in action soon. I know DH is chomping at the bit to get started because this morning he rubbed my back and we all of a sudden had a surprise visitor lol. He is a very loving man, I'm glad he is mine.

I hope you get a BFP too ma'am, although it sounds like the witch will come pay you a visit too.
Disneylovers: Thanks for the tip. I do drink cranberry juice regularly and I luckily have not had any infections since going off of the pill over 2 years ago. I found I had more problems on that silly thing than off…funny how that happens.
I love this group of ladies so much, despite our geographical differences and walks of life, I feel like I can call you friends with all we've been through together on here. If some of us don't get BFPs this month, we must adjust the title. I don't want to move! LOL. I want to also throw this out there that if any of us do, we should still stay in touch either through messages on our profiles or a separate thread.
Have a good weekend everyone, be safe and make love not war!