Im out ladies, dh has decided he doesn't want to ttc right now

Good luck and

to all of you

I am very sorry. Remember that you've got friends here for support no matter if you are trying or not.
Taylor: FX you catch the eggy.
Flyingduster: I won't change a thing. I rather like the title especially.
Disney: Meh, who's to say? I read how so many women saw the tummy troubles as the first sign their bodies were preparing for pregnancy. I do hope you are feeling ok though.
Jalanis: My monitor won't let me see very much detail on this pic. I can't even zoom in without distorting it. Grrrr... FX what you see irl gets plenty dark. What dpo are you on?
Coco:You are one busy mama. Ok, so I have to ask, do they have an IKEA store there? I've seen the Netherlands on tv. It seems so picturesque.
I like your distractions

. Escpecially the book reading which I keep telling myself I'm going to do but then I face plant into my pillow instead

I know you and Disney are holding out on the testing so I won't ask when you will...heheh
AFM another BFN with the curved FRER. I expected it. I have a feeling I'm only 9dpo but it can go either way I guess. I started having bad O pains in both ovaries late cd 13 and major pains at 3am cd 14 but I'm not so sure I got the swimmers in there at the right time though. I'm also out of FRERs so just a clearblue which is only sensitive to 25miu. It looks like I'll be waiting it out with no more testing. I might need these bad boys for another cycle.
Also, I'm scarfing down plain yogurt and organic cranberry juice. I can't stand to take anymore antibiotics so doing things the natural way. I've had my urine smell like rotten eggs and fruit loops the past two days but now it smells like nothing.

I will keep this up for 3 days at least. And will be adding exercise to my routine again. Apparently stress is most likely the culprit.
And while I may not be pregnant according to pee sticks my nips are still sore giving me a reason to hope. But if the

shows then they need to cut it out. Seriously, the junk hurts
Sending out tons of hugs and