Making a Baby

Lyo have you tested again?

Ftale i definitely see it! I dislike new frers.

Kitty thats so sweet! !

Disney heres to willpower! :thumbup:

Thank you. I'll keep testing until bfp or :witch:

I mostly feel normal now. Except for the non stop peeing. I can't get concentrated samples for peeing so much. :dohh:
on closer inspection of your test I can see what you mean about partial line but there definitely does seem to be colour to it. the fact that your husband can see it too is a great sign!!

sorry if I seemed negative. I'm still bitter over my experience 😁.
are you going to test again later?
I'm 9dpo I believe and its ok if its bfn. I'm just posting. The picture didn't capture the color at all. The color should be over the whole line not just part. Eh, FRER, even when its positive you need another test to confirm it theses days..LOL.

How's everyone else doing? I'm putting off loads of laundry, cleaning, and grocery shopping. :wacko:

yeah not exactly a great advertisement for frer is it! if you see pink in real life that's very promising though. I thought I saw some pink on my first but definitely none on second. looking back I'm not sure if there was actually pink it was too hard to tell cos line was even lighter than yours.

And from what I looked up online, there are some darn good false positives with WHOLE lines..:nope: Feel like its just best to do a beta if you are checking early. FX its not to late for either of us
on closer inspection of your test I can see what you mean about partial line but there definitely does seem to be colour to it. the fact that your husband can see it too is a great sign!!

sorry if I seemed negative. I'm still bitter over my experience ��.
are you going to test again later?

OH NO..I didn't sense any negativity at all. :hugs:

I'm just glad I got to see for myself what so many others have been complaining about. I dont have another FRER original but I have the curved and some clear blue easy rapid tests. oh, and some clinical guard. Wednesday would be the start of my cycle though.

My temps have not dropped either. Just need to get a proper nights sleep in. Will test again in the morning.
Ftale I totally see the line as well! Fingers and toes crossed for you!
Kitty your husband makes the best gifts ever :D

Disneylovers it seems we are cycle twins. I will also try to hold off till the first days of October to test and my little one is also 2 years (and 3 months)! On one hand I think we should have started trying sooner to give her a sibling, on the other hand I really enjoy the fact that I get to invest all my energy in her during the "terrible twos", as it is a trying but also super magical and exciting age :)

How is everyone dealing with their TWW? Luckily I started (again) Dutch lessons so I am busy studying (I am a Greek living in the Netherlands) and I have a few clients as well (I do creative writing coaching). I do those things when my little one is at the Dutch equivalent of kindergarten (3 mornings a week, 3 hours each) and then plan short trips at the beach or the forests close to our city, when she doesn't have school. Reading books helps keep me distracted as well. STILL, after 5 dpo I am a crazy person :D
Nothing much going on with me I'm just stalking the thread for now..but I'm still here ☺☺
Aw guys, you are all such a lovely bunch, I'm totally keen to stay.

Ftale, dont make a new thread! Some of the massive threads go for years and they're awesome with hundreds or thousands of pages. You can edit the title of the thread if you want, but don't make a new one cos we will all loose the awesomeness we already have here.

And well I have a teeny sliver of chance now! Lol. Last night we managed to sorta bd... Well we bd, but we're both tired and stopped again, but hubby still wanted to finish so he worked on finishing himself and right as he peaked we managed to mostly angle him in me, not as deep as proper bd really, but definitely in the right direction.... Hahahaha! But considering I'm pretty sure I Od early the previous day (so like a full day and a half earlier) plus not great bd, I have really low expectations!! But at the same time, I'm not as totally out as I thought I was....

My temp is climbing from the massive dip it did which I assume was O, so I expect it to go up again tomorrow and FF to put crosshairs in on that day, SO that makes me 2DPO now I reckon. Nice to be done trying to be honest. It was stressing me that we were trying without success....

Next weekend I am off with DD for her first flight! We are going to a breastfeeding (LLL) conference; all expenses paid, one kid, weekend away!!!! Sooooooo excited. And it'll cover the worst of the last days of the TWW too cos AF will be due only a day or so after I'm home! i won't temp while I'm away, so I'll hopefully just be happy to wait and see, but I do expect AF will come.
Coco, we'll have to keep reminding each other not to test early lol

Hopefully your lines get darker FTale and lyo.

Afm, my stupid tummy strikes again, took a nap with DS and *tmi* woke to horrible constipation with cramps now it's the runs because the cramps go like contractions and won't stop for a while. I feel out now, I think that may have been what was giving me the acid indigestion. Other than being tired and sore bbs, I don't have any other symptoms. And these cramps hurt! Can't take anything other than Tylenol for pain on the slim chance it's pregnancy related. I'm sure I'll be back on the fence once the yucky feeling has gone, but at the moment I am not feeling it :(

Sorry pic is sideways...newest test is right one..are those the so.called evaps? I i see it in person then i dont..and i can clearly see it in the pic.
Im out ladies, dh has decided he doesn't want to ttc right now :cry:
Good luck and :dust: to all of you
Aww SP, I'm sorry, that has got to be hard when you were all geared up for it. You're an amazing mamma to be able to respect each other and come to a decision, I hope you will be back when you are BOTH in the game. Xxxx!!!
Jalanis, I don't see any lines on them sorry. I thought I did for the top one, but when I zoomed in I realised its a hair. Hahah! I think if it's so faint, there is no surety it's real yet, cos yes it could be evaps. Hopefully in another day or two it'll be clear though!!
Jalanis, I don't see any lines on them sorry. I thought I did for the top one, but when I zoomed in I realised its a hair. Hahah! I think if it's so faint, there is no surety it's real yet, cos yes it could be evaps. Hopefully in another day or two it'll be clear though!!

The bottom is the recent one lol i can see vff but maybe its an evap underneath that lent hair you saw lol :haha:
Oh Still Praying, I am sorry to hear that :( But it is important that you are both on the same page, so hopefully in a while you will join us again :)
Im out ladies, dh has decided he doesn't want to ttc right now :cry:
Good luck and :dust: to all of you

StillPraying: :cry: I am very sorry. Remember that you've got friends here for support no matter if you are trying or not. :cry: :hugs:

Taylor: FX you catch the eggy.

Flyingduster: I won't change a thing. I rather like the title especially. :hugs:

Disney: Meh, who's to say? I read how so many women saw the tummy troubles as the first sign their bodies were preparing for pregnancy. I do hope you are feeling ok though.

Jalanis: My monitor won't let me see very much detail on this pic. I can't even zoom in without distorting it. Grrrr... FX what you see irl gets plenty dark. What dpo are you on?

Coco:You are one busy mama. Ok, so I have to ask, do they have an IKEA store there? I've seen the Netherlands on tv. It seems so picturesque.
I like your distractions :winkwink: . Escpecially the book reading which I keep telling myself I'm going to do but then I face plant into my pillow instead :haha: I know you and Disney are holding out on the testing so I won't ask when you will...heheh

AFM another BFN with the curved FRER. I expected it. I have a feeling I'm only 9dpo but it can go either way I guess. I started having bad O pains in both ovaries late cd 13 and major pains at 3am cd 14 but I'm not so sure I got the swimmers in there at the right time though. I'm also out of FRERs so just a clearblue which is only sensitive to 25miu. It looks like I'll be waiting it out with no more testing. I might need these bad boys for another cycle.

Also, I'm scarfing down plain yogurt and organic cranberry juice. I can't stand to take anymore antibiotics so doing things the natural way. I've had my urine smell like rotten eggs and fruit loops the past two days but now it smells like nothing. :) I will keep this up for 3 days at least. And will be adding exercise to my routine again. Apparently stress is most likely the culprit.

And while I may not be pregnant according to pee sticks my nips are still sore giving me a reason to hope. But if the :witch: shows then they need to cut it out. Seriously, the junk hurts :haha:

Sending out tons of hugs and :dust:
Stillpraying, hugs! I hope that when hubby and you are on the same page for ttc, that you get a nice sticky baby! Sometimes a break is needed. Make sure you keep us updated!

Jalanis, I dint see anything but you're still early testing aren't you? Not out until the af witch shows her ugly head

FTale, I hope so, I feel better this morning and am wondering if it's something I ate, probably the rice I had on Wed, that stuff whilst delicious with Chinese food, well my tummy gets stuffed up lol. At least my temp hasn't dipped yet, so fence sitting in shall do until a big drop
FTale - some calendars say 4dpo some 5dpo but im testing early because when i had the OPks near O day they were negative so im testing early in case i Ovulated early.

Disneylovers- yea i think its an evap. Cause i can see it then i cant..but ill keep testing.
Main thing is color when it comes to evaps in my experience, my evaps were always Grey or had a blue look to them in photos, the earliest I can test is the 28th at 9dpo but I'm really trying to hold out till af is due


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I agree Disneylovers try to hold on as much as you can. My cycles should be normal as i think but the OPks threw me way off which im not sure when i Ovulated.

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