Taylor: hahaha...I guess both sides of the fence take forever. I think I've only ever used the smiley face thing once. But I get too hung up on reading the lines when I should leave it alone. Here's to getting that solid smile like TODAY already.
Disney: Oh, my goodness. I don't know how I missed that boas pic. I kept wondering why I was being asked to show my gruesome stick pic. Mine looked nothing like yours (all clean like..haha). You must be a pro. And wondfo likes your blood...goodness, woman!! I've seen tests online go positive but that's stinkin no blinking needed. See, I'd have puncture wounds everywhere if I could make tests do that...haha. You have to be out of your mind curious. I know I am. What dpo are you on now?
Jalanis: How are you posting your tests? I can never get them to zoom in. I'm a pic stick pic addict and it is driving me crazy not being able to see your pics that well ( breathing really hard...thinks me have some issues)..
Kitty:Sorry the

is here. I really am. Don't give up hope.
Well as we are fast approaching the end of September many of us are moving into early July due dates. But I won't ever forget June

and I plan to keep this thread's title the same. The lot of us will have due dates all over the calendar I'm sure but we'll always have 'June' as the beginning of such awesome ttc friendships.
As for you ladies still waiting on that June baby, you are being stalked

For me, I am for sure moving on to a new cycle as soon as tomorrow hits. My bbt is what is really sealing the deal for me. Otherwise, I always believe I have to power to will a bfn positive...haha Yet, the constant bbt drop and loss of all progesterone effects has me certain that this cycle is over.
Despite all of that, I'm just so happy I'm not going this alone. It is has been amazing having you all here to chat with about ttc and I hope soon we will all get to gab about about bfps, pregnancies or however else you go about bringing that new bundle of joy into your life. I'm glad you are here.