Lyo: Cycle buddies it is

I use to spot the first day but now its just like BAM here's your period. Fine then
Disney: Oh, fun. My daughter loves to go see the 'fishies'..haha. I'm sure the cable guy is use to lil ones but you sneaking peeks at sticks

I'm happy you didn't toss it up over your DS. Good grief. Can you imagine him being afraid of diaper changing time? 'No, mommy, I will do it myself' you poor thing. I hope you puke like crazy if it means bfp. heehheeh.. I never got sick at all with my DD. Well, just once but it didn't count because the ship I was on was speeding and I just kept yaking up my food. Not pretty. FX for a bfp
Mkaykes: 9dpo testing is when they say you can start testing but beware that it might give you a bfn. I feel if you can hold off til 11dpo you are less likely to see a bfn if you are pretty sure on O date, otherwise, wait for your missed AF (pffft....said no poas addict ever) FX bfp
Taylor: Me too but my horrible ovualtion and nonstop ewcm should have clued me in on my body not Oing right. I didn't feel the pain go into my uterus area, it just kind of blew up into my belly. It was so swollen. And with the UTIs and yeast infections...geez...

I hope this cycle is the one that brings our bfps rolling in.
Olilymama: FX for a bfp. I keep thinking about how fun it'd be to be having a double birthday
Well, its the last day of antibiotics for me. I hope they didn't do too much damage. I'll be taking Azo and eating plain yogurt for the rest of the week along with plenty of water.
I plan on traveling to see my best friend this weekend so won't be online after Thursday till Monday. I will try and stalk y'all by phone as I know as soon as I go away some one is going to scream bfp...hahah