Making a Baby

I'm am so excited to be in the tww hope this is my month oily u r a day behind me in cycle

Im on cd 16 4dpo and im really hopin this cycle works !..good luck to u and Oilymamma

Disney sorry to hear you are out but hopefully af wud get dun with fast and you can get bak in the tww..

Jalanis fx stil for ur bfp...

Lyso welcome to waitin to ovulate 101..wish you luck...

FTALE WHATS UP WITH YA! where are you at in ur cycle?

Ty Taylor I actually think I am ovulating later this month because my opks today got really dark not quite positive though so we will see. I was basing that off of my ticker.
I'm am so excited to be in the tww hope this is my month oily u r a day behind me in cycle

Im on cd 16 4dpo and im really hopin this cycle works !..good luck to u and Oilymamma

Disney sorry to hear you are out but hopefully af wud get dun with fast and you can get bak in the tww..

Jalanis fx stil for ur bfp...

Lyso welcome to waitin to ovulate 101..wish you luck...

FTALE WHATS UP WITH YA! where are you at in ur cycle?

Thanks! But im more than likely out so just waiting for AF to show to start over again...hopefully next cycle will be the lucky cycle for all of us
On the upside DH is up for bd'ing earlier to try to sway for a girl, silver linings and all that.

Where is mkaykeys? She should be up there with jalanis soon to test

I have hope for you still jalanis!

I'm shocked my cycle was so short, not sure what cut my lp short by 2-3 days...
Hi everyone, I'm finally home again. Had a wonderful time with my friend and her lil doggies which my daughter romped around with nonstop. :D

I had a short but but it was light, medium and heavy for the the three days it lasted. Now I'm just doing the occasional spotting. Still drinking lots of water to stay off infections. And feel weak mostly but my friend gave me a good mealplan to follow that helped her drop in weight and get more energy. Not a fad diet just how to eat real food in portions.

I got caught up with everyone's post. I had to catch myself because I had the crabby bfn/af look on it. I was so praying for bfps. I know you are testing tomorrow COCO No pressure at all...:coffee: How you have lasted so long without testing is beyond me.

I think after all of the anxiety this past cycle a bit of us are ready for a relaxing cycle this go around. It IS going to happen. Our babies are getting in line. And as much as we want them here now there's not rushing perfection. :blush:

I decided I'm going to have fun with it. I hope everyone can else do the same. :happydance:

I foreone cannot wait to have a frozen caramel latte..again. I had one yesterday end and I'm going to have another this week. :haha:

For those of you who are in you tww. We are praying for you and sending you enough :dust: to make a rainbow. (Taylor, I love your optimism. Your post are like pep rallies)

It's October!!! I thought it would be fun if we posted some of our Fall or Halloween craft work. Carved pumpkins, front door decorations...anything. We WILL be up to more than bding, peeing on sticks, and Lets have some pics to show our future beans what we were up to during the making of 'baby'.

I have after vacation laundry and dishes to do. :nope: I just don't want to do them but apparently its like my job or some thing...hahaha

Hi everyone, I'm finally home again. Had a wonderful time with my friend and her lil doggies which my daughter romped around with nonstop. :D

I had a short but but it was light, medium and heavy for the the three days it lasted. Now I'm just doing the occasional spotting. Still drinking lots of water to stay off infections. And feel weak mostly but my friend gave me a good mealplan to follow that helped her drop in weight and get more energy. Not a fad diet just how to eat real food in portions.

I got caught up with everyone's post. I had to catch myself because I had the crabby bfn/af look on it. I was so praying for bfps. I know you are testing tomorrow COCO No pressure at all...:coffee: How you have lasted so long without testing is beyond me.

I think after all of the anxiety this past cycle a bit of us are ready for a relaxing cycle this go around. It IS going to happen. Our babies are getting in line. And as much as we want them here now there's not rushing perfection. :blush:

I decided I'm going to have fun with it. I hope everyone can else do the same. :happydance:

I foreone cannot wait to have a frozen caramel latte..again. I had one yesterday end and I'm going to have another this week. :haha:

For those of you who are in you tww. We are praying for you and sending you enough :dust: to make a rainbow. (Taylor, I love your optimism. Your post are like pep rallies)

It's October!!! I thought it would be fun if we posted some of our Fall or Halloween craft work. Carved pumpkins, front door decorations...anything. We WILL be up to more than bding, peeing on sticks, and Lets have some pics to show our future beans what we were up to during the making of 'baby'.

I have after vacation laundry and dishes to do. :nope: I just don't want to do them but apparently its like my job or some thing...hahaha


Lol i guess i have too mucb energy! Thats probably y..also Halloween isnt a big thing in my country so i wont b doin no decorations or anything like that sadly ...ill jus b stalkin you guys decorative ideas an admiring from 18000 miles away lol
Did i mention im wanting to buy everything i see for a baby girl ? Lord im turnin crazy lol ...but everything is so cute n little n i jus want to have it ...dh says he can tell our daughter will b spoilt rotten n we will have to sell the house :blush::haha::happydance: i said i dont mind as long as i have her lol
We're sorting out DS's Halloween costume, he wants to be wreck it ralph... he got a hand me down pair of overalls so I dyed them brown/maroon and got him an orange shirt, just got to get him a medal to complete the look and not get his hair cut even though he's going to really need it by Halloween lol. We're doing a charity walk at Disneyland on the 30th so have to be up at 4am :o I might let him wear his costume minus the mouse in his hair because I'm not dealing with that at stupid o'clock in the morning lol. The walk is for Children's Hospital Orange County (CHOC), we have a team for one of our close friends, she lost her teenage daughter to septic shock and pneumonia in 2012, she was like a little sister to me so we're fundraising like crazy over here

I'll still be using opks and temping, will have a few cheeky drinkies tonight then go back to giving everything up to ttc. FX for some Halloween bfps for those who'll be in the tww then, hopefully this will be our month
Hi everyone, I'm finally home again. Had a wonderful time with my friend and her lil doggies which my daughter romped around with nonstop. :D

I had a short but but it was light, medium and heavy for the the three days it lasted. Now I'm just doing the occasional spotting. Still drinking lots of water to stay off infections. And feel weak mostly but my friend gave me a good mealplan to follow that helped her drop in weight and get more energy. Not a fad diet just how to eat real food in portions.

I got caught up with everyone's post. I had to catch myself because I had the crabby bfn/af look on it. I was so praying for bfps. I know you are testing tomorrow COCO No pressure at all...:coffee: How you have lasted so long without testing is beyond me.

I think after all of the anxiety this past cycle a bit of us are ready for a relaxing cycle this go around. It IS going to happen. Our babies are getting in line. And as much as we want them here now there's not rushing perfection. :blush:

I decided I'm going to have fun with it. I hope everyone can else do the same. :happydance:

I foreone cannot wait to have a frozen caramel latte..again. I had one yesterday end and I'm going to have another this week. :haha:

For those of you who are in you tww. We are praying for you and sending you enough :dust: to make a rainbow. (Taylor, I love your optimism. Your post are like pep rallies)

It's October!!! I thought it would be fun if we posted some of our Fall or Halloween craft work. Carved pumpkins, front door decorations...anything. We WILL be up to more than bding, peeing on sticks, and Lets have some pics to show our future beans what we were up to during the making of 'baby'.

I have after vacation laundry and dishes to do. :nope: I just don't want to do them but apparently its like my job or some thing...hahaha


Lol i guess i have too mucb energy! Thats probably y..also Halloween isnt a big thing in my country so i wont b doin no decorations or anything like that sadly ...ill jus b stalkin you guys decorative ideas an admiring from 18000 miles away lol
Did i mention im wanting to buy everything i see for a baby girl ? Lord im turnin crazy lol ...but everything is so cute n little n i jus want to have it ...dh says he can tell our daughter will b spoilt rotten n we will have to sell the house :blush::haha::happydance: i said i dont mind as long as i have her lol

Baby girls... :) I actually just bought lil outfits and dreamed of baby being in them. I didn't know if it would be a boy or a girl. I just knew I could not wait to hold'em. And yes, all of our babies on here are going to be spoiled...heheh
Disneylovers i wish i had hope myself but i really doubt it...i think i would of had some squinters or faints by now..

Ready to see all of ya'll ladies your halloween diys crafts...mYbe ill get some ideas from you all too lol
We're sorting out DS's Halloween costume, he wants to be wreck it ralph... he got a hand me down pair of overalls so I dyed them brown/maroon and got him an orange shirt, just got to get him a medal to complete the look and not get his hair cut even though he's going to really need it by Halloween lol. We're doing a charity walk at Disneyland on the 30th so have to be up at 4am :o I might let him wear his costume minus the mouse in his hair because I'm not dealing with that at stupid o'clock in the morning lol. The walk is for Children's Hospital Orange County (CHOC), we have a team for one of our close friends, she lost her teenage daughter to septic shock and pneumonia in 2012, she was like a little sister to me so we're fundraising like crazy over here

I'll still be using opks and temping, will have a few cheeky drinkies tonight then go back to giving everything up to ttc. FX for some Halloween bfps for those who'll be in the tww then, hopefully this will be our month

I love Wreck it Ralph!!! I bet he is adorable in his lil costume. My dd wants to be lil red robin hood But this time in a more racey costume not like her cute 2 year old one. Luckily the costume is itchy so she probably won't have it on long as we hang out with family for halloween. I am so sorry about your friends daughter. Pain unimaginable. Great that you are walking for this cause. Its worth the 4am wake up. :hugs: You said 'drinkie' mmmm...I know what I'd have but I dare not say it because I'll end up getting some and regretting it. My ibs is so bad everything acidic or dairy runs through me but not before beating up my intestines. So, I totally feel for your DS, it is not fun. Food is like the enemy most times.
Disneylovers i wish i had hope myself but i really doubt it...i think i would of had some squinters or faints by now..

Ready to see all of ya'll ladies your halloween diys crafts...mYbe ill get some ideas from you all too lol

Right before AF started for me this cycle I kept reading how others got bfps on like dpo14 or 15 and I was so hoping that would be the case for me. I mean, why not? It is possible. So, don't pack it in just yet!! :)
I'm am so excited to be in the tww hope this is my month oily u r a day behind me in cycle

Im on cd 16 4dpo and im really hopin this cycle works !..good luck to u and Oilymamma

Disney sorry to hear you are out but hopefully af wud get dun with fast and you can get bak in the tww..

Jalanis fx stil for ur bfp...

Lyso welcome to waitin to ovulate 101..wish you luck...

FTALE WHATS UP WITH YA! where are you at in ur cycle?

Ty Taylor I actually think I am ovulating later this month because my opks today got really dark not quite positive though so we will see. I was basing that off of my ticker.

Did you want me to just keep you in the Tww or did you want to hang out in Waiting to O? FF and opk sticks drove me batty last cycle. I'm just sticking to bbt and that's it. I noticed my temp drops to 97.2 and I start getting ewcm. That's enough of a warning for me. :haha:
I need to read on that to have at least a little bit of hope still..

I lik3 going to the countdownpregnancy page to vote on hpt tests but it makes me say to myself like "why isnt my test there positive" etc etc. But i feel.nothing but happiness to those that get their bfps..everyone has their own timing for right timing so that puts my mind at ease.
Hi everyone, I'm finally home again. Had a wonderful time with my friend and her lil doggies which my daughter romped around with nonstop. :D

I had a short but but it was light, medium and heavy for the the three days it lasted. Now I'm just doing the occasional spotting. Still drinking lots of water to stay off infections. And feel weak mostly but my friend gave me a good mealplan to follow that helped her drop in weight and get more energy. Not a fad diet just how to eat real food in portions.

I got caught up with everyone's post. I had to catch myself because I had the crabby bfn/af look on it. I was so praying for bfps. I know you are testing tomorrow COCO No pressure at all...:coffee: How you have lasted so long without testing is beyond me.

I think after all of the anxiety this past cycle a bit of us are ready for a relaxing cycle this go around. It IS going to happen. Our babies are getting in line. And as much as we want them here now there's not rushing perfection. :blush:

I decided I'm going to have fun with it. I hope everyone can else do the same. :happydance:

I foreone cannot wait to have a frozen caramel latte..again. I had one yesterday end and I'm going to have another this week. :haha:

For those of you who are in you tww. We are praying for you and sending you enough :dust: to make a rainbow. (Taylor, I love your optimism. Your post are like pep rallies)

It's October!!! I thought it would be fun if we posted some of our Fall or Halloween craft work. Carved pumpkins, front door decorations...anything. We WILL be up to more than bding, peeing on sticks, and Lets have some pics to show our future beans what we were up to during the making of 'baby'.

I have after vacation laundry and dishes to do. :nope: I just don't want to do them but apparently its like my job or some thing...hahaha


The most decorating we do is gather the old hay from the bales and fill our garden boxes and throw some leaves and fake pumpkins on top lol. Im lucky if i even get that done. October is like a second christmas season for us. Lots of birthdays and thanksgiving and all that fun stuff so i always miss fall decor and catch up in time for christmas. Right now my kitchen table is full of crocheted items im gifting at christmas time. Lol. Mitts. Scarves and hats are the theme lol!!
FTale, I'm thinking rum and pineapple lol

Opks can be frustrating, I like backing them up with the digital clearblue ones, saved my sanity, if I went by just bbt and cm I'm worried I'd miss o because I get a lot of creamy mixed with watery cm. but bbt is needed to confirm o so will keep up with all lol.

I took a test this am, more faint lines then af showed so I think the tests I had love blood lol, see if said the boas was a false positive ;)

Here's DS's costume so far, I haven't played with his hair yet... DH thinks he needs to wear closed shoes so I'm trying to figure out which ones he'll wear instead of the flip flops I had picked out. Looking for a fix it Felix toy for him to carry with him instead of the hammer he wants lol


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FTale, I'm thinking rum and pineapple lol

Opks can be frustrating, I like backing them up with the digital clearblue ones, saved my sanity, if I went by just bbt and cm I'm worried I'd miss o because I get a lot of creamy mixed with watery cm. but bbt is needed to confirm o so will keep up with all lol.

I took a test this am, more faint lines then af showed so I think the tests I had love blood lol, see if said the boas was a false positive ;)

Here's DS's costume so far, I haven't played with his hair yet... DH thinks he needs to wear closed shoes so I'm trying to figure out which ones he'll wear instead of the flip flops I had picked out. Looking for a fix it Felix toy for him to carry with him instead of the hammer he wants lol

Haha soo cute :winkwink: try his hair with hair spray and a blow dryer that should work to have exact same hair lol

Look how clearly the indent/evap test. Either bad batch or bad tests.
The middle one looks like mine have when dry, so frustrating! What's the expiration on them? Mine are March 2017 so should be well within the time-frame of them being good to use
Expiration til 2018 can you believe that! And the evil indent evaps i have
Hey guys! I haven't caught up, but I've been away all weekend at a breastfeeding conference so I'm home again now!!
I've been SO emotional yesterday and today that I reckon AF is just around the corner as predicted. Excited to get another go at another month, bring on AF!
Wow i guess thats all our ladies havin to start over ...fx for nex cycle

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