Hi all,
This is my very first post, so I'm hoping you guys will be able to give me a little bit of advice as you all seem to be a bit more experienced.
So this is our first time actively TTC, have an 18 month old daughter, who wasn't planned and I was on BC at the time so didn't find out I was pregnant until almost 8 weeks so wasn't aware of any symptoms from early pregnancy.
This time around we're actively trying, and this is our first month. I have a 28 day cycle which tends to run like clock work. First day of this cycle was 9th September so I'm currently day 24. Not sure of when I ovulated but assuming it is around the 14th day we had lots of BD time between 12th and 17th.
For the past maybe 5 days I've been having some crazy symptoms and I'm not sure if this is AF coming (due Friday) or early pregnancy symptoms. Was having the wildest most lucid dreams for the past few days, I never really remember my dreams but have woken up and been like woah

I have literally been so tired constantly and this was the only symptom I had from my first pregnancy that I know of. Not sure if this tiredness is a pregnancy symptom or just over-worked. Along with this I've been really nauseous, I smoke regularly and haven't smoked since Friday as even the thought of it is making me feel ill. For the past 3 days I've been having lotion like CM, and today I've had quite moderate cramping. My boobs also seem really funny, my nipple are quite tender and my boobs look almost shiny and silvery...sorry TMI
I took a FRER test Saturday which was negative, and probably too early, then took CB test this morning also negative?? Is that me out for this month or is there still hope?? I'm driving myself absolutely insane because I genuinely feel like I am pregnant, but not sure if that's because I want it or if its real symptoms.
Somebody please put me out of my misery xx