Making a Baby

We must be in different time I felt like I woke up to a posting bananza..haha.. LOVE IT!!

Disney and Oily: I wish I could find some thing at home to do to help with income but I'm so hesitant with everything. I want am a writer and an artist but I procrastinate like I invented the word.

I'd love to see some of your works. I have an idea for a book line. My husband and I joked about it because of one of my daughter's habits. She is so forgetful. I will see what I can do to get some thing small together before the month is out.

Meanwhile, I did go and get some FRER Opks (SO EXPENSIVE never again) this morning. My husband is probably going to give me the look of death for using our 'emergency card' for opk sticks. But hey, I needed baby wipes too. :blush:

It is NOT positive but darker than I would have thought at Cd6 (click to see bigger pic)

But I am still spotting so I don't know what is going on. My temp was 97.58 last two days and only 97.33 this morning. I feel my right ovary pinching a bit but I have not had the horrible ovulation pains, so the opk is right at being negative.

It is too early to be going loco over anything. I need to go clean some thing to get my mind off of my body for a spell. :laundry:

Lol. I cleaned like crazy yesterday and doing more yardwork/farmwork today to keep my mind sane.

My little business was accidental. I found a product i fell in love with, a product that changed my life in such an amazing way that i could not help but tell everyone. And because i told people i now make a residual income and dont have to work if i dont want to. I love getting paid while being a sahm.
Do you mind if I join in?
Cycle 2 of ttc my 4th. Had planned not to bother with ovulation testing this month but bought some today.

I have mostly 27 days cycles and ovulate on cd 14. But they range from 26 to 28. On cd 9 today and going to start testing tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone this month.

WELCOME!! wishing you luck!
I have never used an OPK. Or did any kind of ovulation prediction.
With our son i went by calendar. Calculated ovulation from last day of af.. got pregnant first cycle ttc.
This time we decided to ttc in july so august was cycle 1 and this is cycle 2. I cant say we are really trying all that hard as something always comes up and we end up dtd 1 or 2x a this time it was 1dpo and last month was on the last day of ovulation only.
Not too hopeful about this month having any luck. But next cycle will be busy and we will actually be trying so alot of dtd. Lol
No hot bath or ice cream but I did have some home made mashed potatoes. Close enough.

I haven't Ovulated yet but I got a feeling its going to happen earlier than CD12.
Come Friday night :sex: till Tuesday (he knows I'll be after him) :bunny:

I'll change my ticker as soon as I do ovulate though.
LOL...u get him girl... well here's what happened to me..Remember I said I'll be using the cheapies and when they darken up I'll be switching to the Clearblue digitals...after reviewing the cheapies I realized that all looked the same after they dried I decided it was time to pop out the digital as I'm on CD 13 n the test lines are barely I took a cheapies this morning n to no surprise negative took the digital with same urine sample n a big smiley face popped up...str8 pass flashing so I missed the high n went straight to peak... thoughts?

Oh, my!! Get on with it then, Taylor!! Just do it!! You haven't missed anything unless you do nothing..hahah. Those rotten cheapies thought, man. How is your cm? I'll be using Preseed as my cm is always hostile. know I've been running hubby around since CD 7 til I think he Secretly Loves It..I can't help saying that lol ...I'm going to take another 1 as I have other monitors and the smiley is still on the one I tested with yesterday ..
As for Cm's ewcm and creamy mixed almost my entire cycle...them it's more sticky and creamy rite b4 AF..sorry if I gross we grown here right lol
P.s you girls probably already read my signature and know in nowhere near 35 lol Im 23 ����but I love it here, love that everyone is active n I love u gals already...
Fingers crossed Happy O Testing...
GLAD to everyone Babydust
Also I can donate some smiley face test lol As hubby wud say 'I have them by the case' lol don't think I'll be using all expecially if I get pregnant this cycle..So if you have a PO box and comfortable with the idea let me know
Oilymamma..I can't find anything to keep me busy I need an activity. Lol
Flyingduster ...I can send you some of the cheapies also if you like ...I know how it goes ...nothing cheap in barbados either girl ...that's where I live ...
Thanks for the welcome ladies.
Oily mamma I don't know why I'm even using opks. I know when I ovulate but it's like a compulsion I need to know when it's happening!

Wow taylork you are so young. So many babies ahead of you 😀.

I'm just gone 34 ano hoping I won't be trying too long this time. But cycle 2 and I'm already losing patience which isn't good.
Hope your appointment goes well bbygurl719!

That sounds like a lot of work oilymamma, I still haven't gotten back to doing my art from home since having DS because he's a ball of energy all day long, Barely get housework done... and then I can't use any of the sealants when ttc in case I do get pregnant (I paint custom vinyl figures), we don't have anywhere outside to store them so would have to bring them inside but the fumes are strong and linger... we would have to wear aspirators all day long ha!

I want to get back to sculpting my own little bits and bobs someday... after babies though
When u say vinyl figures do u mean reborns?..

No, vinylmations, pop vinyls etc. Tbh I kind of fell out of love with painting them, I love sculpting little animals still though
Hi ladies, been knocked out with a yucky bug DS picked up from somewhere :( finally feeling a bit more human as AF leaves for hopefully a long time lol. Start opk testing this weekend! Here's hoping this bug stays away from hubby... although hubby mentioned that I had just got over a bad head cold the week before I got pregnant with DS, he says it's a sign lol

Hope you're all doing well

Its that time of year. I hope you are feeling better and that it stays far far away from you guys while you ttc. Is your DS feeling any better? I kid you not its like they give it to us and its much worse than what they originally had and then they are just

I'm thinking about doing opks this weekend though I hadn't planned on it. I'm just spotting longer than usual so I might.

He's still got a nasty cough, started with throwing up on Saturday night and progressed to a full blown head cold the next morning. I caught it from him on Monday after he spent the 3 nights in our bed, well he traded with hubby (spare bed is in DS room)... three nights of him sleeping on my chest pretty much so every cough and sneeze had direct hits to my face lol. He's got a bit of a poorly kidney so picks up all the bugs and whenever AF is around in seem to catch more from him than when it's just him sick and no AF, weird!

I've been able to take Tylenol severe head cold stuff so mine has shifted faster and we're at about the same stage, tickly cough and sneezing but no more mucous. Hubby didn't laugh at me saying the only mucous I wanted to see was EWCM hahaha!

At least it's well before O and the bed invader is back to his own room at night again. Now to blitz rooms and strip the beds tomorrow and hopefully be past this by the weekend.
Thanks for the welcome ladies.
Oily mamma I don't know why I'm even using opks. I know when I ovulate but it's like a compulsion I need to know when it's happening!

Wow taylork you are so young. So many babies ahead of you ��.

I'm just gone 34 ano hoping I won't be trying too long this time. But cycle 2 and I'm already losing patience which isn't good.
HAHA I KNOW RITEEE!.. I only want 1 baby tho hopefully and I need it nowwwww!!!
Disneylovers im glad to hear you and ur baby are feeling better :hugs::hugs:
"Hubby didn't laugh at me saying the only mucous I wanted to see was EWCM hahaha!"

Oh, my gosh, that had me laughing. I can just picture him looking not impressed..hahahah. My husband thinks I'm bonkers and mostly laughs at me in general with all the ewcm , opks, and tests. He just doesn't get it. Yet, he doesn't question me as long as I am not doing anything too crazy, (yet.. :winkwink: )

TaylorK: So wonderful of you to offer up your opks. I think some time ago when I was on tww I think they had a trading section for that. Not sure about this site as its my first time on here.

I'm so tired. I want to do more personals but today was long and hot. I just got my little to bed late again. She had her evening of gymnastics. So proud of her for trying. Anyway, that meant late bath, homework, dinner...woooo. I could eat my pillow. And I think I shall.

Will catch you all in the morning. Keep posting, I like reading your posts like the morning paper :haha: :hugs:
"Hubby didn't laugh at me saying the only mucous I wanted to see was EWCM hahaha!"

Oh, my gosh, that had me laughing. I can just picture him looking not impressed..hahahah. My husband thinks I'm bonkers and mostly laughs at me in general with all the ewcm , opks, and tests. He just doesn't get it. Yet, he doesn't question me as long as I am not doing anything too crazy, (yet.. :winkwink: )

TaylorK: So wonderful of you to offer up your opks. I think some time ago when I was on tww I think they had a trading section for that. Not sure about this site as its my first time on here.

I'm so tired. I want to do more personals but today was long and hot. I just got my little to bed late again. She had her evening of gymnastics. So proud of her for trying. Anyway, that meant late bath, homework, dinner...woooo. I could eat my pillow. And I think I shall.

Will catch you all in the morning. Keep posting, I like reading your posts like the morning paper :haha: :hugs:
I'm guessing were the only ones in the same time zone lol
But u do get ur well deserved rest n we will catch up definitely
So where is everyone from on that note? The mobile site doesn't show info on the side of posts like the desktop site does.

Me, I'm from the UK but moved to California in June 2008, married to hubby 2 months later (we'd known each other since 2005).

FTALE, hubby is more on the just tell me when, I don't need to know details, just that I need to get better
So where is everyone from on that note? The mobile site doesn't show info on the side of posts like the desktop site does.

Me, I'm from the UK but moved to California in June 2008, married to hubby 2 months later (we'd known each other since 2005).

FTALE, hubby is more on the just tell me when, I don't need to know details, just that I need to get better
I'm from barbados..I've known OH since I was 16 I'm 23 now married 2 yrs trying for about 8 months never had a BFP Ever Ever ever
So do you ovulate good on your own? Did you take bc ? I was on depo for two months and those treatments lasted well over a year. I did not like it. Was so happy to get my cycle and my body back....eeek.
Yep well I seem to anyway!! I had depo shots when with my ex but stopped them when we split and never did any more with my now-husband. I'll never go back on depo though either!
With my first, we were TTC for four months, I was temping for the last two I think, and then got pregnant.
I then didn't have any cycle at all until I had O signs two weeks after my son turned two, but it never became AF and sure enough, I had a BFP! So then I had my second baby, and I've again had no cycle at all this whole time, until three weeks after my youngest turned two when I had O symptoms again, and sure enough 12 days later AF arrived! So! It does appear I O perfectly fine, and I was able to spot it by symptoms with no OPKs.

Flyingduster ...I can send you some of the cheapies also if you like ...I know how it goes ...nothing cheap in barbados either girl ...that's where I live ...
Taylor, that is so kind!!! But shipping to me is a killer, so it's ok!!

So where is everyone from on that note? The mobile site doesn't show info on the side of posts like the desktop site does.
I am from New Zealand! I'm used to being in the opposite time zone to most forum users online. Lol. I've lived here my whole life and adore it.

AFM, my flow has eased right off now so AF is on her way OUT! Woot. Once she is gone I will temp vaginally, cos oral temping is so erratic and I already have broken sleep to make it erratic as it is so need it to be as set as I can get it. Haha!!
Hiya Ladies☺️.. Please may I join in?? .. Me And OH aren't actively trying, kinda NTNP. I already have a Little boy who is 2 years old and we have spoken about having another for quite some time now. According to my ticker, I'm due to ovulate tomorrow but I feel I've already ovulated .. Who knows, we DTD on the 5th, 7th and last night so here's hoping. I doubt I will end up pregnant on this cycle as it took 1 and a half year to catch with my son. Baby dust to you all
Hiya Ladies☺️.. Please may I join in?? .. Me And OH aren't actively trying, kinda NTNP. I already have a Little boy who is 2 years old and we have spoken about having another for quite some time now. According to my ticker, I'm due to ovulate tomorrow but I feel I've already ovulated .. Who knows, we DTD on the 5th, 7th and last night so here's hoping. I doubt I will end up pregnant on this cycle as it took 1 and a half year to catch with my son. Baby dust to you all
Hey hun sure you can
So do you ovulate good on your own? Did you take bc ? I was on depo for two months and those treatments lasted well over a year. I did not like it. Was so happy to get my cycle and my body back....eeek.
Yep well I seem to anyway!! I had depo shots when with my ex but stopped them when we split and never did any more with my now-husband. I'll never go back on depo though either!
With my first, we were TTC for four months, I was temping for the last two I think, and then got pregnant.
I then didn't have any cycle at all until I had O signs two weeks after my son turned two, but it never became AF and sure enough, I had a BFP! So then I had my second baby, and I've again had no cycle at all this whole time, until three weeks after my youngest turned two when I had O symptoms again, and sure enough 12 days later AF arrived! So! It does appear I O perfectly fine, and I was able to spot it by symptoms with no OPKs.

Flyingduster ...I can send you some of the cheapies also if you like ...I know how it goes ...nothing cheap in barbados either girl ...that's where I live ...
Taylor, that is so kind!!! But shipping to me is a killer, so it's ok!!

So where is everyone from on that note? The mobile site doesn't show info on the side of posts like the desktop site does.
I am from New Zealand! I'm used to being in the opposite time zone to most forum users online. Lol. I've lived here my whole life and adore it.

AFM, my flow has eased right off now so AF is on her way OUT! Woot. Once she is gone I will temp vaginally, cos oral temping is so erratic and I already have broken sleep to make it erratic as it is so need it to be as set as I can get it. Haha!!
If you're sure... money isn't generally an issue...
Also I had a peak on CD 13 n an empty circle on CD 14 so I barely caught my peak
Welcome Buttons

Sorry all the site us giving me unwanted downloads to my computer when using chrome and to my cell. Ie is too slow. I may be missing for a bit till I get my devices clean and a new browser set up.

Hold down the Fort for me :)
Welcome Buttons

Sorry all the site us giving me unwanted downloads to my computer when using chrome and to my cell. Ie is too slow. I may be missing for a bit till I get my devices clean and a new browser set up.

Hold down the Fort for me :)
Oh shucks...we will :hugs::hugs:
Welcome Buttons!

Hope you get things sorted FTale, tech issues can be so annoying!

AFM, I was feeling so much better last night only to be woken at the crack of dawn by DS poking my face and coughing up a storm, why these coughs have to linger so long I don't know but waking up before the sun is not my idea of a good start to the day hahaha, I think I may have a temper tantrum worse than my 2yr old if any more stupid stuff happens today - there's construction going on for new apartments across the street, they are allowed to start at 7am, so they do... 5 weeks of this and I am over it! I want quiet lol! DS used to sleep in till 8am at least, they have one tired and cranky mumma after them, they get here at 6.30 and clank stuff around before they start work (days like this I wished I liked coffee, oh wait I gave up caffeinated drinks already) :P

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